A few weeks ago I had an experience that was both bizarre and discomfiting. At the time I chuckled to myself that if the experience had happened the same day I had applied pheromones, I\'d be raving about their awesome power. But since the experience was apparently unrelated to pheromones, it was just extremely strange.

Here\'s the background: On Sunday, July 13, 2003 at 10:25 am, I applied 3 drops WAGG, 3 drops A1, 2 sprays of civet (natural animal \'mone) and 1 spray of musk (natural animal \'mone). (Both civet and musk I got at some Italian site the URL of which I posted way back.)

Sunday was uneventful. Monday was uneventful. Tuesday was uneventful until 5:58 pm, at which time it became very eventful. I was rushing to a 6:00 pm dentist appointment (it\'s a long story, don\'t ask). I was standing at a very busy street corner in midtown Manhattan. I am waiting for the light to turn green. I am amidst a large crowd of pedestrians, waiting alongside me. These are normal conditions for this corner at this time of day.

My mind is totally fixated on getting to the building across the street in the next two minutes. I am wearing old blue jeans, dirty white sneakers, and a real old, rather tight, short-sleeved shirt. I am looking at the building across the street when I gradually become aware of the elderly woman in front of me. She is talking very quietly. This is a busy noisy streetcorner and I can barely hear her over the din of the traffic.

But there is a method to her madness. She is talking softly because she doesn\'t want anyone but me to hear. \"Want to come up to my apartment and play? It\'s just 3 blocks from here. We could have a good time.\"

I am rudely shaken from my concerns about the building across the street. I focus my eyes on this woman. Oh my god! She\'s old enough to be my mother. And since my grandmother, god bless her, is only 17 years older than my mother, this woman might be old enough to be my grandmother! She has the blond hair dye that white-haired elderly women like to use. She\'s in good shape. Like the vast majority of Manhattan women she is thin, and she is also rather tall. But her face! It\'s all wrinkled up! Is this a joke? What\'s going on here?

Needless to say, this was my first experience of this kind in my life. I\'m a 47-year-old guy being propositioned by someone\'s grandmother in the middle of a busy streetcorner in midtown Manhattan. I am basically dumbfounded. I just mutter, \"No, no!\" But granny\'s not taking no for an answer.

\"It\'s a real nice place. We\'ll have a real good time. C\'mon up. We\'ll be there in five minutes.\"

I feel like I owe her some kind of explanation beyond \"no\" or \"you disgust me.\"

\"Sorry, I\'ve got a dentist appointment right now.\"

It\'s the truth and I figure I\'ll let her off gently. But, oh no, what have I got myself into now?

\"Oh, getting work done on your teeth? That must be very expensive. If you need some money, I\'ll be glad to help. C\'mon up and I\'ll give it to you.\"

[img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/blush.gif[/img] [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/blush.gif[/img] This is too much. Now I\'m really feeling self-conscious. Do I look that badly off? Sometimes at work I help out doing blue-collar type stuff, so I dress down. But do I really look like I need a handout?

Granny\'s got me pretty shook up. Fortunately the light turns and I rush across 57th Street to my dentist\'s building. I tell my dentist about it and we both get a good laugh. I even told my wife and she asked, \"You sure she was really old?\"

I\'ve thought a lot about that incident. There never was any reason, before this thread, for me to take up valuable space on Bruce\'s server with this. After all, I thought, this was a once-in-a-lifetime experience which, however unusual, sad, or humorous it may be, has nothing to do with pheromones.

But now I wonder. Clearly Granny\'s modus operandi is to stake out busy midtown streetcorners and proposition hot young dudes, but, painful as it is for me to admit it, gorgeous studs like myself ( [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]) are a dime a dozen in the Big Apple. Why me, I keep asking, why, oh Lord, me? I\'ve worked in midtown for years in the past and nothing remotely akin to this has ever happened. Why now? Is it my receding hairline? [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]

Or, could it be . . . is it possible . . . just maybe . . . the \'mones I applied 55 hours and two showers earlier made me the most attractive bait for the seasoned, professional maneater.

I\'ve used WAGG and A1 together in various combos before and since with rather lackluster results. Don\'t get me wrong. I don\'t view Granny\'s attempt to pay me for sex as a particular experience the frequency of which I would like to increase. But, since it is so unusual for me, I still have to ask, could it have been the \'mones?

I\'ve never done that particular mix with the civet and musk again. I guess it\'s time to repeat it. Except now I will look for results long after the juice has been applied.