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  1. #1
    Banned User
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    Default The downside of penis enlargement exercises !!!!


    I decided to start a new thread because I felt it good that this information not get lost within the the current thread gathering so much interest on the enlargement of the penis. I ran across this site last night and have been captivated by it for many hours. Dr. Lin is an interesting dude to say the least. He\'s kinda like that old Chinese Herbalist you always wanted to meet only he\'s riding high on steroids or something. I mean, WHAT A MIND: but is he using it for good or for evil?

    Here is the link to his site and below that the topic I felt would be of interest. Enjoy!


    Case Study - Advice: No muscle in the penis for you to exercises, not for penile enlargement but for brain disorder, severe penile deformation, premature ejaculation, penile shrinkage, urethral irritation, prostatitis, and no more sexual orgasm.

    Reader: 3/8/2002>
    E-mail 1: Dear Dr. Lin I came across pen? and and found it to be very convincing i did the jjelqs and stretches till i talked to some dude from georiga on the phone that asked his doc who in turn said the penis isnt a muscle u cant enlarge it so he stopped. I stopped also after doing 16 days worth of workouts. About a week after it i noticed right where u pee out of at the tip of yoru urethra it is bright red and i dont get random erections anymore.... i\'m very very worried i need help please dr. lin feel free to call if you want i\'d love to chat about this. What do i need to cure the dammages of jelqing and stretching. Ask for chris if you call, seeing my parents dont know about this... also i\'d like to order your products but i\'ll have to send you cash while i dont have a credit card yet. Please Dr. Lin help me i\'m already having suicidal thoughts and stuff, I havent seen a random erection in two days and the clock is running I appreciate any response you can!
    give me you truely do tell it how it is. Respond ASAp! sincerely
    E-mail-2: Dear Dr. Lin ,
    I wrote to you earlier tonight, i think i forgot to mention that the jelqing excersises from penilef? caused my urethra to turn bright red right at the tip of my penis where you pee out of. I\"m still \"impotent\" i dont even get erections while i only jelqed sixteen days, i\'m very very worried at this point, I started taking vitamin E pills i heard they decrease scar tissue, I\'d really like some of yoru creams you say i need to help me cure this problem is that all i need... please respond asap... also once u help me take care of this problem i\'d like to put some of these websites out of business while they are scaming everyone and their brother and laughing all the way tot he bank. Maybe you can help? How has no one sued them yet? To embarrased? Any response will be much appreciated thanks

    Dr. Lin: 3/9/2002>I have told our readers many many many,,,, many times
    that there is no \"muscle\" in the penis for you to exercise. The 3 penile cylinders can be considered to be formed by a lot of interchained blood balloons termed as spongy tissues. Penile erection results from the dilation of arteries that fills the balloons. The penis can be enhance in length and girth by inflating the tiny balloons in the hidden section of penis out of the body, where the natural erection does generally not power up the penis to an extreme. The extreme penis size occurs when you are about to come, but you should not let it come if you want to maximize your penis size. Hence, ejaculation control is the key for the penile ballooning method that enlarges the penis in natural way. If you can fully balloon your penis, it will generally pop 1-2 inches out of the body (some readers got extra 3 inches!), depending on your hGH/DHEA/testosterone (thus, the ultimate super hormone DHT in the hormone receptors of spongy tissues!) and neurochemicals (for acetylcholine/parasympathetic nervous functions)) levels in the nervous systems, the relaxant prostaglandin E-1 (PGE-1) in the tissues, and the stress hormone level in the bloodstream. In fact, the natural erection size also varies proportionally with the hGH/testosterone/ DHEA levels, the PGE-1 level, and the neurotransmitters acetylcholine, dopamine/serotonin levels, and inversely/proportionally with the stress hormone level in the bloodstream. Please read cases/case9499.htm for penile ballooning neuro-endocrine conditions and examples, and for the practices.
    If you break the delicate balloon structure of the spongy tissues or damage the neuro-arterial nervous endings by the so-called penile exercises, your penis will be either deformed or shrunk. The situation becomes worsen if the penile exercises causes over-stimulation of your urethral or prostate ducts, resulting in pseudo-prostatitis or over-ejaculation/over-masturbation which over-burns your brain\'s acetylcholine, dopamine and serotonin nervous systems. Over-discharge of the acetylcholine/parasympathetic, dopamine and serotonin nervous systems and over-production of the stress hormone adrenalin (epinephrine) for firing up the sympathetic nervous function will cause erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, prostate dysfunction, and immune disorder. As a result, you may experience more than penile deformation and shrinkage, the most serious problem - the brain disorder. I have outlined the associated problems in
    An extremely deficiency of serotonin in the brain will induce suicide tendency. So, you must take 5-HTP and MoodMax immediately to lighten up your brain and mood. You will get your erection back too.
    Generally, in severe cases, it requires ViaGrowth-IV, MoodMax, and 5- HTP to stabilize the brain\'s functions for young people. That is, why we put these products together as a new package called ViaPal-hGH-M (item 3- 014) during this weekend. As for penile deformation, gentle penile massage with VIP Cream can help soften the scar tissues as demonstrated by our customers -
    It will take a few month to see some improvement.
    Our main mission is to help people enjoy love and life - That is what \'In Love we trust\' means.
    We don\'t have a legal basis to police other websites. It is also a conflict of interest. Our job is \'helping people out.\'

  2. #2
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: The downside of penis enlargement exercises !!!!

    The storys are obviously made up. Each and every story serves only one purpose : PROMOTE the doc\'s products , such as moodmax,vip cream and so on... I read lots of the cases on his site , and almost each and every storys ends with \"buy docs yaddyadda potion!\"

    If you are worried about DOWNSIDES , visit some free penis enlargment forums - You will see that thousands of men practice PE with alot of success and its only like 0,1% of these report PE injurys as bad as deformations. (+ mostly it was 100% their own fault , they either overdid it or started with too little knowledge and the wrong techniqes)

    The worst downsides u will experience if you do everything right are : red spots (wich are gone after a day or two)
    -feeling of soreness
    -little loss of feeling (can be good , helps u to last longer)

    All of these effects are not permanent and vanish compeltely when u take a few days of PE.

    Last but not least , never trust sites or bogus doctors with profit intentions, bullshit storys and no real user forums to back their storys up !!!

  3. #3
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: The downside of penis enlargement exercises !!!!

    This Dr Lin stuff is bullshit, plain and simple. Well a lot of it, the story most likely made up, whoever was dumb enough to think that your penis was a muscle? And how would jelqing be working out a penis muscle? BS

    Actualy, there is a very important muscle, the PC muscle, which can be worked.

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    Over-discharge of the acetylcholine/parasympathetic, dopamine and serotonin nervous systems and over-production of the stress hormone adrenalin (epinephrine) for firing up the sympathetic nervous function will cause erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, prostate dysfunction, and immune disorder.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    Adrenalin isnt a stress hormone, thats cortisol. This is just some twat spouting scientific words to convince people, its a common sales technique (just look at womens shampoo adverts, \'nuff said).

  4. #4
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: The downside of penis enlargement exercises !!!!

    Dr Lin is total BS

  5. #5
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    Default Re: The downside of penis enlargement exercises !!!!

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    This Dr Lin stuff is bullshit, plain and simple. Well a lot of it, the story most likely made up, whoever was dumb enough to think that your penis was a muscle? And how would jelqing be working out a penis muscle? BS

    Actualy, there is a very important muscle, the PC muscle, which can be worked.

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    Over-discharge of the acetylcholine/parasympathetic, dopamine and serotonin nervous systems and over-production of the stress hormone adrenalin (epinephrine) for firing up the sympathetic nervous function will cause erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, prostate dysfunction, and immune disorder.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    Adrenalin isnt a stress hormone, thats cortisol. This is just some twat spouting scientific words to convince people, its a common sales technique (just look at womens shampoo adverts, \'nuff said).

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    Actually, adrenaline is one of the \"stress hormones\", no doubt about that...

  6. #6
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: The downside of penis enlargement exercises !!!!


    Can you explain please

  7. #7
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    Default Re: The downside of penis enlargement exercises !!!!

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />

    Can you explain please

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    Thats why some anti-depressants (effexor, remeron, reboxetine ect...) are aimed at the reuptake of norepinphrine (noradrenalin).

  8. #8
    Phero Pro
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    Default Re: The downside of penis enlargement exercises !!!!

    adrenline is a stress (catabolic) hormone.

    but this lin guy is full of [censored]. according to him jelqing (and even ejucalting too often) causes irrrevisble damage to the penis. but he sells a lotion/potion/pill/magic penis fairy dust to fix. yeah right.

    and look at the guys site layout. it is horrible. and I don\'t know how anyone can get anything meaningful out that site. I mean the \"changrish\" is fcking horrible.

  9. #9
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    Penis enlargement works. I have

    done it myself, PE that is. You dont have to buy bullshit pills or any of that stuff.

    I did some jelqing and a

    bit of stretching, and it has made the base of my penis visibly thicker than the rest of my penis shaft, and added

    ~0,5 inches in length.

    Downside: Penis side hair, haha, at the base.

  10. #10
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Dr. Lin is not BS!

    He is a little bizarre, keeps a messy website, and speaks bad english, but his products are, in my opinion, some

    of the best in the world for sexual health. (to those I'd add some of the traditional formulations from Chinese

    medicine, and then you're totally covered) I have been using them for years with consistent good results. I am

    using several of them as we speak.

    He also has so many products and combos, you can tailor them to your

    individual needs.

    He gives discounts for regulars, and the service is top notch, reliable and speedy, comparable

    to that at Love-Scent.

    His scientific understanding of sexuality is as good or better than anyone I have come

    across. I still use these insights every day. I will never think about sexuality the same due to the perspective I

    learned from him.

    He personally answers emails, tailoring his responses to your condition. The anecdotes and

    responses are categorically NOT made up, as they are similar to a number of personal responses he wrote to me via

    email. He writes thousands of responses and posts them, like an active blogger would do.

    I heartily recommend

    giving the site a chance. He admits the design of his site is crap, but organizing it it a huge, overwhelming task

    with all those thousands of anecdotes. But hell, at least he is providing an extreme amount of information.


    insight on jelquing is dead on, IMHO. Jelquing is total crap. I severely damaged my penis once with that BS, and Dr.

    Lin's site helped me recover fully, over time. No other doctor or anything like that could have accomplished


    When you use his products, if you need them, you notice a difference within a week or so, and the

    improvement keeps coming.

    People who glance at his site and pronounce it shady do not know what they are talking


    This is, IMO, is the cutting edge in sexual health. Those of you with a critical intellectual mind should

    be able to figure that out for yourself when you finally understand his system of insights, which certainly takes a

    while. It is quite comprehensive, and all right there for you to study. It totally makes sense intellectually and

    scientifically, even though it is communicated quite sloppily. Trust me.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  11. #11
    Bad Motha Holmes's Avatar
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    I tried a few of Dr. Lin's

    formulae for awhile and did notice improvement. But his packages (no pun intended) are a little expensive. I guess

    you get what you pay for.

    His site is messy and the recurring punchline of "...for NO SEXUAL ORGASM!" is,

    quite honestly, fucking hilarious. But as far as I can tell, the man and his supplements are the real


    Doc, just curious, which products have you used?
    If a guy's a cocksucker in his life, when he dies, he don't become a saint. - Morris Levy, Hitmen

    Holmes' Theme Song

  12. #12
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    Jelqing is not crap, drsmellthis.

    You probably over did it. Do you think body-building or squats are crap if you over do, or do them wrong and hurt

    yourself ?

    The difference between PE and bodybuilding is that in the case of PE you cant have a personal

    instructor that can actually help you through the exercises, I mean heck, that would mean touching your penis

    , however, there's at least one huge forum with 100 000 members that offer tons of info on PE, and their combined

    experience. (shit, does this sound like a commercial ? Well it shouldnt, cause I've been banned there hahaha , but

    I have to say thats the best place for PE info)

  13. #13
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    No offense intended to anybody

    but I don't think I'd mess with it. Too much chance of harming a good friend that I have counted on for a long

    time. It may or may not work for others but unless I am very certain of the safety I am not going to risk injury to

    something as important as my old friend and accomplise.

    Nick, Without even visiting the forum you mention I

    would have to question the authenticity of the results, as much as I question the authenticity of many of the

    stories here. Remember that you often only have claims made by unknown memebers about their unknown members. Not

    very scientific or reliable.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  14. #14
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Sorry, but jelquing is crap


    A) There are safer methods of accomplishing the same or a similar thing -- Dr. Lin's "power up" method

    being an example of a thoroughly safe enlargement method and set of exercises. It is described thoroughly on the

    site, but you have to dig a while to find it, in multiple places.

    B) I've heard of many, many instances of penis

    damage, including myself. There are many stories of jelquing damage on the Lin site as well. If this were a

    procedure by doctors it would be banned by law for lack of safety, and too high of risk. The last thing I'm going

    to trust is the medical judgement of a bunch of teens and twenty somethings desperate to try anything so their

    penises can be bigger; not that I can't personally relate to that mentality.

    It's just too risky. I know I

    tried it, am not generally an idiot about how I approach health (um, you know, except in that case, where I was

    clearly a first class idiot), and yet sustained severe damage to the structure of my penis caused absolutely

    by those exercises. I'm very fortunate to have recovered, and it took at least a full year to year and a half of

    therapy through that site to recover where the structure was restored
    . I spent a buttload of money to get

    better. This is the stuff you won't hear about on the jelquing sites. To be honest, there is still one aspect of it

    I'm still trying to heal, even though the penis works fine in general now.

    C) It's not something that heals in

    a week or month, people. We're not talking about muscles healing, but rather a complex system of soft, delicate,

    spongy tissue. If you get scarring in there anywhere, do you think the spongy tissue will be restored easily?

    You're lucky if you ever heal. It's almost like expecting your knee to rebuild itself, since it's collagen

    based, like tendons and cartiledge. But it's even more comples and delicate. You just don't want to mess with it,

    unless you have a MD in urology. BTW, I'm pretty positive the medical establishment roundly condemns


    If you want to take an, IMO, unacceptable level of risk upon the future of your love and sex life. go

    ahead. It's your body. But there are safer, smarter ways.

    I won't keep my mouth shut about this one, however.

    The cost of embarrassment to myself is low compared to the prospective benefits of warning somebody.
    Last edited by DrSmellThis; 10-17-2008 at 09:19 PM.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  15. #15
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nick666 View Post
    Do you

    think body-building or squats are crap if you over do, or do them wrong and hurt yourself ?

    The difference

    between PE and bodybuilding is that in the case of PE you cant have a personal instructor that can actually help you

    through the exercises
    As Bel says, no offense. But this is the cliche, innapropriate metaphor in response,

    based on the cliche myth.

    The penis is not a muscle!

    We're not talking about muscle tissue at all here.

    We're talking about something many times more delicate than muscle, that doesn't contain the blood vessels and

    blood to repair itself like muscle does. You can't use the same thought methodology to approach it.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  16. #16
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Holmes View Post
    I tried a

    few of Dr. Lin's formulae for awhile and did notice improvement. But his packages (no pun intended) are a little

    expensive. I guess you get what you pay for.

    His site is messy and the recurring punchline of "...for NO SEXUAL

    ORGASM!" is, quite honestly, fucking hilarious. But as far as I can tell, the man and his supplements are the real


    Doc, just curious, which products have you used?
    I've tried most of the major formulations, and

    have modified what I use over the years. To begin I used viapal-P, I believe; one of the package deals with three or

    four products. The P formula worked great for me. I also used the VIP creme, a powerful product containing "certain

    hormonal ingredients which should remain nameless due to recent regulatory climate controversies", to help rebuild

    things at first. Now I mix and match things rather than going with the P.

    If I had to pick a favorite product, it

    would be Mood Max, but as part of an individually tailored package. Combining products is best, as is using the

    recomended 2-3x per day dosage, unless you are just in maintenance.

    Other than hormonal ingredients (which are

    also in one of their tablet formulations, ViaGrowth-4), the other thing to be aware of from that site is that some

    of the products contain a little yohimbe, which i really like to go extremely light on. Luckily yohimbe is a minor

    ingredient. Those are the only two caveats I know of.

    He also recommends fish and borage oil as part of his

    approach. Fish oil is cheap and helps your penis repair itself, and helps tissues stay "supple", if I understand

    correctly. So that is one of my favorites too, since it's cheap and good for lots of other things.


    right, the "for no sexual orgasm" tag is quite funny. What is scary, however; I think the pictures of the erect

    penis that are all over the site might be his.
    Last edited by DrSmellThis; 10-18-2008 at 05:11 AM.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  17. #17
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    Whoever said the penis is a

    muscle ? I used squats as an example of "body improvement exercise that can cause injury due to improper use "

  18. #18
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Jelquing advocates often use

    the example of muscle building as did you, and I just believe it to be an inappropriate metaphor in this case, for

    the reasons I mentioned.

    It's apples and oranges. The penis doesn't act like a muscle, where breaking down the

    muscle is good for it. Breaking down penis tissue is biologically closer to breaking down cartiledge in your knee,

    and resuts in scar tissue. Scarred sponge cannot fill with blood, and your poor dick will be limp, deformed, or

    otherwise damaged. It doesn't come back to health again without moving heaven and earth to try to make it happen

    over a long time, if then.

    Think about the risk of trying to follow the procedure and damaging your penis

    forever. Is it worth it to risk that; when such injury is pretty commonly reported; when you have no way of knowing

    the actual math around the risk levels?

    I tell you what, if you have a thoroughly healthy penis, you should feel

    extremely thankful. The opposite experience is quite frightening, to think your dreams of a healthy love life are

    over forever.

    Again, I'd recommend Lin's "power up" method as absolutely safe with similar potential results.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  19. #19
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    I've heard that the ladies oft say,

    after the old saying, it's not the size of the tool but how you use it that counts. Plus I've seen more complaints

    about discomfort from a guy being "too big" over any complaint about things being too small (I *do* recall a comment

    by Mini-Me's gal pal that his really *is* too small....)

    Plus here is some "scientific proof" concerning

    that doo-dad....
    The opposite of love isn't hate.
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  20. #20
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    That's great! It isn't going

    to help my reputation as a professional to share it but what the hell!

    I agree with you and would rather spend

    my time and money learning more about using the tool than trying to make it bigger and risking injury. There are a

    efw women that want a super well hung man and I can't help them. Oh well! The majority would complain about too big

    of size or at least not go for seconds, thirds and so on if the male was too big.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  21. #21
    Bad Motha Holmes's Avatar
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    Doc - thanks. What is the "Power

    Up" method? I can't find an explanation on the site, only a photo of someone's (Dr. Lin's?) dong.

    I seem to

    have forgotten that he varies things up a little with the tagline. Sometimes it's "no more sexual orgasm,"

    which is even more comically severe. It has such a ring of morbid finality to it.
    If a guy's a cocksucker in his life, when he dies, he don't become a saint. - Morris Levy, Hitmen

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  22. #22
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    You have to dig a bit on the

    site before you'll find all the "power up" info, unfortunately. It's in a few places. There is a diagram or two

    also. But it's worth the time, IMHO.

    A lot of it involves massage and ejaculation control.

    I agree with you

    that there is an element of comic artistry to it all -- presumably unintentional.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  23. #23
    Journeyman Tester123's Avatar
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    DrSmellThis, that website is so

    confusing. I don't know where to start. Any recommendations?

    Last edited by Tester123; 12-08-2011 at 04:26 PM.

  24. #24
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    I know. The guy is totally


    You just have to spend time with it. Start on the home page, then follow a thread of "articles"

    where they lead. Isn't there a search too? The more you use it the better it gets, so fear not. Consider it an

    initiation rite.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  25. #25
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    I should also mention that you

    can just contact him with a personal question. If you phrase it carefully and succinctly you will get a good answer.

    You can sum up your situation and background, using the countless letters as examples.

    Another approach is to

    just study each product to see if they sound like a good fit.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  26. #26
    Journeyman Tester123's Avatar
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    Thanks. I have sent him an

    e-mail now. It looks like he had to leave out of the country on an emergency, but hopefully he'll reply before

    long. I will study the webpage and products in the meantime. Do you have his book (or CD-ROM)? I'm just wondering

    if that's a good place to start. I definitely need to improve my health in this area, as I have seen deterioration

    that I think is more than most would see by their mid-30s.
    Last edited by Tester123; 12-08-2011 at 04:26 PM.

  27. #27
    Journeyman Tester123's Avatar
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    BTW, I have also tried jelqing,

    and something about it seemed patently dangerous. It has not improved my situation down there, which has gotten

    really bad now.
    Last edited by Tester123; 12-08-2011 at 04:25 PM.

  28. #28
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tester123 View Post
    BTW, I

    have also tried jelqing, and something about it seemed patently dangerous. It has not improved my situation down

    there, which has gotten really bad now.
    I'd recommend avoiding jelquing.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  29. #29
    Journeyman Tester123's Avatar
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    Yeah, from what I've read and

    from my own internal feeling that it could be doing damage, I have no plans to continue. My focus now is on healing

    down there.
    Last edited by Tester123; 12-08-2011 at 04:25 PM.

  30. #30
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    After reading Doc's and others'

    comments here I've decided to give Dr Lin a try, and ordered some stuff. I like my current supplement program, but

    his stuff seems a bit more complete, in a holistic way. I particularly like his attention to mood. I'm not

    particularly interested in enlargement, but the physiological aspects of sexual and other health, although the

    "Power Up" techniques look interesting and worth trying. Another thing I like is that his program makes sense,

    particularly to a non-scientist who knows enough to be informed, but dangerous.

    I plan on stopping my

    current supplements for a week or so until the new stuff arrives. I'll let ya'll know how it turns out.


    with everyone... his website should be a lesson plan in web development courses, for obvious reasons. I'd rather

    be water-boarded than to willfully succumb to that again.

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