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  1. #1
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default WAGG implementation for the new megamix!

    OK ALL!

    I\'ve got my mad scientist hat back on (I know, its been a while!) Back to my pheromones agenda! [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

    As I mentioned earlier, I was going to try and implement WAGG into a megamix similar to WKM#1. Anyway, after some research and brain-storming, I have come up with the following ratios:

    1 WAGG : 2 PI : 1 NPA
    1 WAGG : 1 PI : 2 NPA
    2 WAGG : 1 PI : 1 NPA

    Opinions or suggestions anyone? I\'m giving more emphasis to the first one: 1 WAGG : 2 PI : 1 NPA. Seeing it how only 25% of the mixture is WAGG, I see strong potential for another great mix here. I\'m sure a lot of guys would wear a dominant anone mix if the adverse affects of it in general and during a woman\'s monthly phase ceased to exist. Well, if WAGG works like A1 minus the depression side-effect, this mix could be the solution to the problem. I for one LOVE anone - it makes me feel great about myself. But it does have it\'s negative effects - which I am hoping to eliminate or at least mitigate through this mix ratio.

    Anyway, if you have something better than me and if you would like to share, fill me in! [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] Otherwise, I\'m gonna mix this ratio up and do a full-blown field test with it and start reporting back to this thread like I did with WKM#1. Let me know. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

    - Krish

  2. #2
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    Default Re: WAGG implementation for the new megamix!

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    OK ALL!

    I\'ve got my mad scientist hat back on (I know, its been a while!) Back to my pheromones agenda! [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

    As I mentioned earlier, I was going to try and implement WAGG into a megamix similar to WKM#1. Anyway, after some research and brain-storming, I have come up with the following ratios:

    1 WAGG : 2 PI : 1 NPA
    1 WAGG : 1 PI : 2 NPA
    2 WAGG : 1 PI : 1 NPA

    Opinions or suggestions anyone? I\'m giving more emphasis to the first one: 1 WAGG : 2 PI : 1 NPA. Seeing it how only 25% of the mixture is WAGG, I see strong potential for another great mix here. I\'m sure a lot of guys would wear a dominant anone mix if the adverse affects of it in general and during a woman\'s monthly phase ceased to exist. Well, if WAGG works like A1 minus the depression side-effect, this mix could be the solution to the problem. I for one LOVE anone - it makes me feel great about myself. But it does have it\'s negative effects - which I am hoping to eliminate or at least mitigate through this mix ratio.

    Anyway, if you have something better than me and if you would like to share, fill me in! [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] Otherwise, I\'m gonna mix this ratio up and do a full-blown field test with it and start reporting back to this thread like I did with WKM#1. Let me know. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

    - Krish

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    Well, if I\'m not mistaken, the best rate for you of the WKM mix was 6 SoE : 3 NPA : 1 PI... so, perhaps you would get better results if you used the rate 1 WAGG : 2 NPA : 1 PI. What do ya think? The scent would be the problem I guess... you should have to cover that.

  3. #3
    Phero Dude DZorro's Avatar
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    Default Re: WAGG implementation for the new megamix!

    I tried these already a couple of times
    1 WAGG : 2 PI : 1 NPA
    1 WAGG : 1 PI : 2 NPA
    They are great mixes indeed. But i had to discontinued the use of it at work, because my boss who is about 50 was coming on to me too much. But i did keep using these mixes in disco\'s and bar\'s they make girls hang on too you alot too. I also notices when i was using
    1 WAGG : 2 PI : 1 NPA
    Some girls where following me around too.
    But alot of my my male friends where avoiding me like they where affraid of me or something.


  4. #4
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    Default Re: WAGG implementation for the new megamix!

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    I tried these already a couple of times
    1 WAGG : 2 PI : 1 NPA
    1 WAGG : 1 PI : 2 NPA
    They are great mixes indeed. But i had to discontinued the use of it at work, because my boss who is about 50 was coming on to me too much. But i did keep using these mixes in disco\'s and bar\'s they make girls hang on too you alot too. I also notices when i was using
    1 WAGG : 2 PI : 1 NPA
    Some girls where following me around too.
    But alot of my my male friends where avoiding me like they where affraid of me or something.


    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    And which of the 3 gave you the best results?

  5. #5
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    Default Re: WAGG implementation for the new megamix!

    DZorrow, how much of these mixes did you applie to get the results you describe (I\'m especially interested in how much I\'d need for a disco/club). And like tobe askd, which was best.
    I\'ve got all the ingredients so am thinking of mixing up a batch

  6. #6
    Phero Dude DZorro's Avatar
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    Default Re: WAGG implementation for the new megamix!

    The best for me was
    1 WAGG : 1 PI : 2 NPA
    Because the hits where really sexually oriented.
    Whenever i use this mix, i noticed all conversation changed really quick. Like when you here people talking and all of a sudden they started talking about sex. It\'s great when whering in the train or busses, since these are places where people sits really close too you too. And afcorse in bars or disco\'s too since it\'s really crowded places.

    I ussually where these mixes on my clothes, since i\'m one of those people that sweats really quick. And mones on my skin isn\'t really that effective on my skin, since the smells of the mones fades really quick.


  7. #7
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: WAGG implementation for the new megamix!

    Ok but what if you get really lucky and get to take one of the babes home and you have to take your cloths off? Then what? :-) I\'d suggest distributing the mones on both, your cloths and skin if skin doesen\'t work at its best for you.

    - Krish

  8. #8
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: WAGG implementation for the new megamix!

    You bring up an interesting point. I think you may be right about the 1 WAGG : 1 PI : 2 NPA ratio if you have sexual hits in mind. I will experiment with it now that you bring it up. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] Afterwards, I will switch from 1 PI to 2 PI and 1 NPA. I\'d just like to see the major difference between the two. I also noticed that the amount of application is going to be significantly lower, thus conserving the amount of money one needs to spend on the ingredients.

    - Krish

  9. #9
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: WAGG implementation for the new megamix!

    Whoa, cool, I\'m a Phero Pharaoh now!

    - Krish

  10. #10
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: WAGG implementation for the new megamix!

    I\'m really glad to hear that someone has already tried this and had major success with it! Have you ever used the original WKM#1 before? If so, in your opinion, how would you compare the results you got from the original, compared to the new version with WAGG in it?

    - Krish

  11. #11
    Phero Dude DZorro's Avatar
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    Default Re: WAGG implementation for the new megamix!

    I\'m really glad to hear that someone has already tried this and had major success with it! Have you ever used the original WKM#1 before? If so, in your opinion, how would you compare the results you got from the original, compared to the new version with WAGG in it?

    - Krish

    Well as far as your mix WKM#1 the new mix really opens girls up more. I guess WAGG has an major effect on them. And it\'s like they really want to tell you everything.
    I guess that\'s what experianced with the two.
    It\'s like they really open up to me, without me having to do anything, but listen to what they say.


  12. #12
    Phero Dude DZorro's Avatar
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    Default Re: WAGG implementation for the new megamix!

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    1 WAGG : 1 PI : 2 NPA
    - Krish

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    You could add some SOE to the mix too i noticed when adding SOE the girls where really opening up to me, and where really talking alot, you have to be carfull though some where really talking your ear off [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crazy.gif[/img] But in overall the added SOE would make everone talk more.


  13. #13
    Phero Pro
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    Default Re: WAGG implementation for the new megamix!

    Krtel didn\'t have a good day when he used WAGG and SoE at the same time...

  14. #14
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: WAGG implementation for the new megamix!

    This has been done, and discarded.

    Krish said it made him seem too submissive.

  15. #15
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: WAGG implementation for the new megamix!

    Yeah, I tried it and had a really bad day. I guess it might vary from person-to-person, but as far as I know, it\'s not for me or anyone who seems to need anone. It might be just what the doctor ordered for someone who needs all the \"friendly aura\" they can get. Anyway, the testing of SoE and WAGG is not on the agenda nor will it ever be, at least I won\'t be doing the testing for it.

    - Krish

  16. #16
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: WAGG implementation for the new megamix!

    Ok, I\'ve been using the current mix for the past couple of days: 1 WAGG: 2 NPA: 1 PI. I haven\'t been using this mix long enough to learn everything about it, however, I have noticed some changes. Unfortunately, things have been very busy at work, so this is the only environment that I\'ve had a chance to test this new mix out on so far.

    Here are my observations:

    There is an elevated amount of respect from both, men and women - a lot more respect than I got with anything else. In conversations with women, I\'ve noticed that their comfort-level increases around me to a point that they tell me things that they normally wouldn\'t have. I didn\'t get many responses like this with an androstenol heavy mix. I haven\'t noticed any sexual hits, but take into consideration that 98% of the women at my work-site are married. Also the youngest woman there is roughly 29 and I\'m 17. I\'ve worn straight anone to work several times and then I wore this mix. Let me tell you, the results with just straight anone have never been anywhere near as good as this. That \"great guy\" vibe that WAGG projects really enhances things. Theoretically speaking, it is like a being a great guy that is an alpha-male without the negative results of complete anone.

    Hopefully I\'ll get to hang out with some girls in my age-group or slightly higher that are *single*. I do know that this mix has a powerful sexual vibe as someone else on this thread has already reported it. Anyway, I can\'t wait to see it with my own eyes. In the mean time, I will continue testing it at two dabs.

    - Krish

  17. #17
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    Default Re: WAGG implementation for the new megamix!

    Krish, it\'s always such a pleasure reading about your adventures. Is it NPA/w: PI/w you are now using in this mix?

  18. #18
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: WAGG implementation for the new megamix!

    Thanks! [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img] It is NPA/m and PI/m.

    - Krish

  19. #19
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: WAGG implementation for the new megamix!

    Way to go Krish...

    Did you notice anything lacking from not having -rone or-nol? I\'m wondeing if it would be as effective on a younger crowd, for example.

    On the other hand, don\'t be influenced by what I just said [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

  20. #20
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: WAGG implementation for the new megamix!

    I haven\'t noticed anything lacking so far. Then again, I haven\'t been using it long enough to accurately say so. I will keep this in mind and keep an eye open especially on the way younger women respond to this mix. Thanks.

    - Krish [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]

  21. #21
    Phero Dude DZorro's Avatar
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    Default Re: WAGG implementation for the new megamix!

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    I haven\'t noticed anything lacking so far. Then again, I haven\'t been using it long enough to accurately say so. I will keep this in mind and keep an eye open especially on the way younger women respond to this mix. Thanks.

    - Krish [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    Hey Krish how are things progressing with the mix ???
    So far i only been using the TE/m essential called Arouser.
    But when i finish testing arouser it\'s back to buisiness for me. I will be back using PI/m, NPA/m and WAGG. I really had great results with those.

    Today was an interesting day too. I still have about 2 weeks vacation. So i got lot\'s of free time here.
    I went in the train today, it was really great since there where alot of girls in the train today.
    TE/m Arouser is great as stand alone too.
    another of copple of days, and i will be back to the other mix.


  22. #22
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: WAGG implementation for the new megamix!

    I\'ve received hits - just haven\'t had time to write details for every single one. Along with a strong power aura, came the sexual hits. Since this is a androstenone-heavy mix, a lot of my hits have come from older women (I like it like that! lol...) I\'ve gotten hits at work, at the salon, stores, and public places from OLDER women. One woman actually stalked me at work (Asian - about 24 yrs. old).
    I went to a bookstore with a few women (about 27-28 years old.) and sex became the topic of what we were all talking about. I was shocked that they would hit on me! lol..... I\'ve been around a good amount of teen girls, but not as many as I would like to be around. There is this one 19 yr. old babe that when she is around me, by reading her body language, I can tell she gets hot, extremely hot. We\'ve started talking like never before - I\'ll have to see how this goes.

    So here is my theory about this particular mix: I think this is better for someone who is actually qualified to go after the older babes (I\'m way too young and I don\'t think it would be right for me to pursue women 10 years older than me.)

    If this can work wonders on older women, I do wonder what a little more WAGG, and a little less anone can do to the younger ones! [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] I will definately try this one soon!

    Anyway, thats my status for now.

  23. #23
    Phero Dude DZorro's Avatar
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    Default Re: WAGG implementation for the new megamix!

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    I\'ve received hits - just haven\'t had time to write details for every single one. Along with a strong power aura, came the sexual hits. Since this is a androstenone-heavy mix, a lot of my hits have come from older women (I like it like that! lol...) I\'ve gotten hits at work, at the salon, stores, and public places from OLDER women. One woman actually stalked me at work (Asian - about 24 yrs. old).
    I went to a bookstore with a few women (about 27-28 years old.) and sex became the topic of what we were all talking about. I was shocked that they would hit on me! lol..... I\'ve been around a good amount of teen girls, but not as many as I would like to be around. There is this one 19 yr. old babe that when she is around me, by reading her body language, I can tell she gets hot, extremely hot. We\'ve started talking like never before - I\'ll have to see how this goes.

    So here is my theory about this particular mix: I think this is better for someone who is actually qualified to go after the older babes (I\'m way too young and I don\'t think it would be right for me to pursue women 10 years older than me.)

    If this can work wonders on older women, I do wonder what a little more WAGG, and a little less anone can do to the younger ones! [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] I will definately try this one soon!

    Anyway, thats my status for now.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    Tommorow is the final day i test TE/m Arouser, then it\'s back to my other mix by saterday. I\'m going to great houseparty here in Amsterdam.


  24. #24
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    I´don´t know I lost my compass,you have to go and check my old profile
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    Default Re: WAGG implementation for the new megamix!

    Okay I haven´t been following this thread at all, in fact I´ve not read a single post here but this must be the longest thread in HISTORY of LS, if not the longest on a forum EVER !!!! [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif[/img] Where are those Guiness people [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif[/img] [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif[/img]

  25. #25
    Bad Motha Holmes's Avatar
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    Default Re: WAGG implementation for the new megamix!

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    Where are those Guiness people [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif[/img] [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif[/img]

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    Don\'t know, but I could use a pint meself. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif[/img]


  26. #26
    Phero Dude DZorro's Avatar
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    Default Re: WAGG implementation for the new megamix!

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    Okay I haven´t been following this thread at all, in fact I´ve not read a single post here but this must be the longest thread in HISTORY of LS, if not the longest on a forum EVER !!!! [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif[/img] Where are those Guiness people [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif[/img] [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif[/img]

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    yes, and it continues to grow to [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]


  27. #27
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    I´don´t know I lost my compass,you have to go and check my old profile
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    Default Re: WAGG implementation for the new megamix!

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    Don\'t know, but I could use a pint meself.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    Order one for me, I´m just saying a quick hello to the girls in the ladies´ [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

  28. #28
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: WAGG implementation for the new megamix!

    Yes, this is because hardcore experimentation is being performed! [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] It\'ll continue to grow as more and more people test and post their results.

  29. #29
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    Default Re: WAGG implementation for the new megamix!

    Some threads refuse to die and in this case, that\'s a good thing!

    So Krish, what is the current mix and what direction will you go in order to get hits closer to your age?



  30. #30
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: WAGG implementation for the new megamix!

    Well, the current mix is KRM#1 - 1 WAGG: 2 NPA: 1 PI.
    This mix works wonders on women who are receptive to androstenone. I haven\'t had a single negative response from a woman while wearing it. The secrets of NPA and WAGG really add value. Unfortunately, most of the younger girls that are around my age aren\'t as receptive to androstenone - which explains why the majority of hits are coming from women outside my age group. I love it though because I have always found the thought of an older woman very tempting. Too bad I can\'t act on the hits from them - it would be way too awkward for me.
    So, as an attempt to tailor this mix to work better on women in my age-group, I am going to increase the amount WAGG and overall volume of the mix. Here is the proposed ratio for KRM#2 - 3 WAGG:1 NPA:1 PI. Feedback, anyone? =)


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