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  1. #1
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    Default First Few Days spend with NPA/m...


    Just wanted to share my first days that I have spend with using the NPA/m.

    About me, I am 21, tall and quite athletic so at the beginning I wondered whether NPA/m was the right choice.

    In those days I weared it I had a girl, 26, started crying when she sat down next to me. Is that normal with NPA?
    Also I get more hits from older women, to the point when it is actually funny.

    The hits from younger crowd (18-24) are much more subtle. Maybe I should get some SOE gel do you think?

    Anyway, that is all, hope to keep you posted to what happens in the next few days....


  2. #2
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: First Few Days spend with NPA/m...

    I would get AE, and dilute your NPA when you apply it unless your putting it on your crotch.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: First Few Days spend with NPA/m...

    Do you think it is right for someone to have AE and NPA on at the same time? Would I not OD on the -none though?

    The reason I ask, is that NPA contains -none and SOE -rone and -nol so theoretically those two should ideal to wear together

    Regards [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

  4. #4
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: First Few Days spend with NPA/m...

    It\'s all about the quantity, do some research.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: First Few Days spend with NPA/m...

    I actually spend a lot of time looking through the boards and it seems to me that NPA + SOE is a better mix than NPA + AE. Correct me if I am wrong.


  6. #6
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: First Few Days spend with NPA/m...

    I\'m glad you read up...

    SOE:NPA is a lot more widely used, but (TE/NPA):AE is very, very good, IMO better than SOE:NPA.

  7. #7
    Phero Guru Sagacious1420's Avatar
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    Default Re: First Few Days spend with NPA/m...

    AE/NPA/SOE work great together...I combine all three. CK\'s right about the amounts used being more important than the actual combo of products used. Perhaps take another look at some of CK\'s mixes...that should give you some good ideas.

  8. #8
    Phero Dude DZorro's Avatar
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    Default Re: First Few Days spend with NPA/m...

    Sagacious1420, how much AE/m do you use combined with NPA/m and SOE ???? and where do you usually use it ??? I did find the combo of AE/m, NPA/m and SOE effective too i always use 1 drup of AE/m behind each ear, 1 dab of NPA/m on my neck and cover it with SOE i then use my favoriet colgone to cover the smell. What i did noticed after wearing this combo that most of the conversation around me changed immidiatly into sex [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]


  9. #9
    Phero Guru Sagacious1420's Avatar
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    Default Re: First Few Days spend with NPA/m...

    Hey DZorro-

    Tried many combos in many various proportions . Sounds like I tend to use quite a bit more than you. For clubbing or any social occasion that I know certain girls will be attending, I typically use: (a) 2 dabs NPA:3 drops AE: 2-3 drops SOE or (b) 3:3:3. Oh yea, and about 3-4\" PCC, also. All (except PCC) are applied to forearms, sides/back of neck and spread around AMAP. Any excess goes to bridge of the nose, hair line in back, jaw line. PCC gets a circle around my bellybutton, a dab (w/ top on) on the nose and 2 on the back hair line.

    I get very good sexual hits w/ (a), but (b) is da bomb...I love it. One thing about (b) is that dudes (strangers) around you are gonna be paranoid. They will keep their distance, but are always watching you out of the corner of their eye...especially if they\'re w/ a date, gf or SO (this one applies to guys you do know, as well). I seem to be getting a lot of butt presentation w/ (b), also, and I mean accidental bend-overs in my direction.
    The other night I was out and this girl was sitting at the bar w/ her bf. I sat next to her, \'cause it was the only open stool, right. Next thing you know this girl is starting some sly kino w/ her shoulder, elbow, whatever she could get away w/ and kept tryig to bring me into their convo. Whenever she would touch me, I wouldn\'t move to see if she withdrew...she didn\'t, she would maintain contact for as long as she could get away w/ . I eventually got up and went to talk to some ppl (about 5\' away) and she starts repositioning herself on her bar stool w/ her back to me and inching her butt out more and more. I noticed this and was wondering if it was directed toward me or she was just arching her back to push out her boobs for the bf, so I moved to another area and she stopped. I stood there for awhile to see if she would resume..she didn\'t. After going to the restroom, I went back over to talk to the ppl who were standing by her and the whole thing started over again. It would seem that no matter how I tried to find evidence to the contrary, I finally couldn\'t refute the fact that she was directing this toward me. I do this a lot when I think I may be getting a hit from the pheros...even now, I still try to convince myself that it must be a coincidence, ya know. And yet usually it\'s not a coincidence. Anyway, I\'ve been getting a lot of butts workin\' it for me, since I started w/ (b) and it seem very consistant so far.

    Anyway, I agree that any combo of these three are good at starting some interesting sexual talk. Whether it\'s directed at me or not depends on the situation. But, ya gotta love it...even when it\'s a little side comment, like the one I got from this girl Willow (21/10) the other day...\"you must be really bad\" or naughty or something like that...and later she introduced me to her mom and was talking about what a polite gentleman I am...go figure. Her bf was like \"we gotta go\" after he caught her sitting on my lap...hehehehe. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/blush.gif[/img] Hey, it was her idea not mine. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif[/img] BTW, I\'ve only met her once before and she\'s never mentioned a bf. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smirk.gif[/img]

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