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Thread: none build up?

  1. #1
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    Default none build up?

    I\'ve been trying to find a pheromone combo that will be safe to wear at work ie cause no negative reactions.
    I stumbled on 1 single drop of AE spread on neck and behind ears, and 1 drop of WAGG on my shirt collar.
    This seemd to give great rections with no negative responces, but now the results seem to be diminishing. Any of you seasond pheromone gurus know if a dose as low as this could be causing a build up of none. I am already useing antibacterial soap on application areas.

    Any other ideas why the effects are diminishing?

  2. #2
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    Default Re: none build up?

    Natural human adaptation. The initial response is always going to be the strongest it creates your presences as a really attractive mate. It is not purposeful for someone to be like this around you all the time (sparatic, shy, extremely turned on). The mind has to calm down the effects and make it more \"diminshed\" it\'s like a 13 year old boy with a huge crush......not a very effective partner eh? The phero\'s in most of the cases are still working and the effects are still there.

  3. #3
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: none build up?

    Interesting post.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: none build up?

    Thanks tallmacky I hadent considered that idea. When I revers the senario it makes a lot of sence to me: ie if i turnd up to work and a girl was way more attractive than i\'d ever noticed her being, I\'d react extremly positivly. But I couldent carry on acting the same way all week, let alone all month. Good thinking

  5. #5
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    Default Re: none build up?

    No problem Dionex, The main thing we sometimes forget is that it is almost purely another form of attraction, sometimes I go off and wonder what happen why is this not working must be this or that usually it\'s the other person making their adjustment, which could be a wide range of things.

    Good luck!

  6. #6
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    Default Re: none build up?

    For example, a handsome guy doesn\'t get compliments every day. But if someone that could not be considered a handsome guy suddenly starts working out in the gym and makes some changes that make him a more good-looking guy, probably he will get lots of compliments for some time. But then it calms down again. Women won\'t make the same compliments day after day...

    So, if you start using mones and you get lots of compliments, perhaps some time later you won\'t get as much compliments as before, although you continue to be seen as an atractive guy.

    Of course this can only apply to ppl you know and see regularly...

  7. #7
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    Default Re: none build up?

    You can maybe do a change up every now and then?

    What I mean is, vary your mone usage to throw people off in regards to your mone signature. For instance, add a dab or two of PI\\m or NPA\\m for a couple days, then go back to your usual application. Then maybe add more -NOL for a couple days, and go back, etc.

    I wonder if the compliments would come back during each change up.

  8. #8
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    Nice post ToBeOrNotToBe. It was a lot easier to read than mine I bet. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] Yeah, on a regular basis and maybe you have not seen this \"girl\" for years and she suddenly sees the \"new\" you. In many cases it works out for the better. Women know how to be much more subtle and easing due to the fact that they are the ones who are usually picked or chased after. A girl can sit and wait and you may not even know that she would accept you if you made a move. As I learned the hard way (drinking helps, lower inhibition [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]) it doesn\'t matter much if you don\'t initate a thing, you could be the top guy or the lowest women rarely ever go after a \"sexual conquest\" In the realm of phero\'s the girls may show huge signs or signs that you could not perceive at any one time, but things have to \"mentally\" cool off for the ladies. They always know when you are around but they have to still function and mother nature knows not to bet safely on the odds of landing this \"great guy\", but will try every method to. Ooops I am getting off on a tangent.

    Your pheromones are working great, you may be getting in the stage where the overall attention from the ladies may have gone down a bit, but the instinctual and stronger sexual advances by the ladies will increase (hopefully). [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]

    Disclaimer: What I said above is a generalization I know that let\'s not fight about that. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

  9. #9
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    Default Re: none build up?

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />

    Your pheromones are working great, you may be getting in the stage where the overall attention from the ladies may have gone down a bit, but the instinctual and stronger sexual advances by the ladies will increase (hopefully). [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    Ye things havent gone back to being exactly like they were before I started with mones by a long chork, they just arnt as good as when I first started with this combo, and I couldent work out why befor (hence me zooming in on the none build up as the obvious culprit) but this really makes sence.

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />

    A girl can sit and wait and you may not even know that she would accept you if you made a move.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">
    I know I\'m trying to drum the idea into my head which has only started to dawn on me recently, that wheras befor a girl might not show interest because she didnt like me, their is now a chance that she may not show interest for the exact oposit reason, ie she finds me very attractive which makes her shy (I\'ve been working on my whole image, toning up in the gym and dressing smarter as well as useing mones)

  10. #10
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    Default Re: none build up?

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    You can maybe do a change up every now and then?

    What I mean is, vary your mone usage to throw people off in regards to your mone signature. For instance, add a dab or two of PI\\m or NPA\\m for a couple days, then go back to your usual application. Then maybe add more -NOL for a couple days, and go back, etc.

    I wonder if the compliments would come back during each change up.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    Well my original aim was to find a safe product combo, but that experiment does sound interesting. I know girls are supposed to respond well if we keep them guessing as to what our mood/behaviour is going to be by varying how we act (that could be total (bad word) I just remember reading it somwhere). I wander if varying the pheromone signature would have the same effect

  11. #11
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    Default Re: none build up?

    dionex, I had but never noticed the same effect you are having when I was starting to use AE/M. The first day was incredible maybe even in OD range, as I kept using it everyday I noticed things were not so hot and heavy with the ladies. Shower or not 4 to 5 drops a day mostly on skin is going to build up and maybe the mixture and smell both concious and subconcious is not making it\'s mark anymore.

    Have you taken a few days off -mones completely? Maybe even 1 or 2 days with showers and no -mones at all? The mixture of more than one product helps also to keep things as complex as is possible as of now. A combination of AE/NPA/SOE seems to work it\'s way nicely.

    Some more information here.

    First Cycle of Pheromone Use

    1. Yourself before any pheromones - Your attractiveness has been rated and known by those around you and especially by yourself, as of now it\'s been based on your physical looks, social standing/societies views, and personality.

    2. Shock, after your first use you feel a bit different due to the pheromones effecting you along with a bit of a placebo effect. The opposite sex is a bit shocked and puzzled they are not yet sure what the think but they feel good around you better than usually any other person. The same sex is also puzzled.

    3. Acceptance girls around you have finally decided that yes this feeling is from you and it isn\'t just because of this or that it\'s you, girls around you will be increasingly flirtatious, even overly flirtatious the looks the stares the \"infatuation\" has all begun.

    4. Return but maintaining, all of the heavily increased attention is becoming a bit inpractical the girls are now adjusting and adapting to you being extremely attractive, they know it and they know they must calm down around you and get out of this \"drunken\" spell. They also become accustomed to your mones as you would be accustomed to a hot girl that you know as a friend. On their list you are hopefully at the top, approaching the girl, any activity with her is received more warmly.

    5. Whatever you make of it my friend! [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

    If anyone wants to add on to something I missed please do. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]

    Most women find it harder to resist a man with a stunning phero-signature than the guy who is picture perfect looking and/or money. The feelings that a woman gets from your -mones are much more deep seeded/unexplainable. To a woman who is thought of to work on a more intimate and higher level than a man is probably much more effecting in a positive manner.

  12. #12
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    Default Re: none build up?

    That cycle\'s a great description, really informative. Befor now I had been noticing the effects of pheromones in bars and clubs, on people I hadent met befor, rather than wearing them on a regular basis around people I know. Since I started doing the later I\'ve notice the effects described in that cycle, but had not been able to pinpoint the resons behind the changis untill now.

    Gees when I started useing these things I thaut the equation would simply be:

    mones = more attractive = sex

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