I\'ve got a couple of questions for you ladies regarding birth control and girls/women taking them.

1. If a girl is on the pill, how concerned should I be with using a condom when I\'m w/ her? I enjoy the comfort of knowing I\'m strapped, but if she\'s on the pill (and taking them correctly); should I really have anything to worry about?

2. This one\'s regarding what happens if she doesn\'t take it for a day or two... I.E. She is on it regularly, but forgets or doesn\'t take it for a day or two...or doesn\'t take it on time. How long should we wait to have sex before we know it will be effective? I mean, if she\'s been taking it for weeks/months, but doesn\'t take it like today and maybe tomorrow, how bad is this going to screw things up?

Any other general info regarding this would be helpful, or any websites you gals have I can check out would be greatly appreciated.

Love always,