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    King of the coupons!
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    YUP...ALL CAPS! [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smirk.gif[/img] ME LIKE READING HIT STORIES...YOU? [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif[/img] SOME OLD, & LOTS NEW. THESE ARE O N L Y THE THINGS THAT CAUGHT \"\"MY\"\" EYE, SO IF YOU HAVE A MIX THAT\'S NOT POSTED HERE, IT\'S PROBABLY BECAUSE IT COST THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS (THANKS BRUCE, FOR ACCEPTING MY FOOD STAMPS [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]), I MISSED IT, OR THERE WERE NO SIMILAR STORIES...SOWWY. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/blush.gif[/img] YOU KNOW THE DRILL....DON\'T ASK ME SCHITT ABOUT THE HITS, MIXES, IDEAS, STORIES OF OTHERS, AND DON\'T PM ME HATE MAIL!!! [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mad.gif[/img] [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif[/img] [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mad.gif[/img] IF YOU\'RE PISSED BECAUSE YOUR NAMES IS/IS NOT SOMEWHERE ON THIS LIST....SUE ME! [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif[/img] [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img] [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif[/img] THANK YOU, AND GOOD NIGHT! [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif[/img]

    AE: 3 drops - on my wrists, behind the ears, and the bridge of the nose. I had to go back to the bar where I had hooked up the night before, because I had left something. So I\'m walking down the sidewalk and I see 2 ladies in their mid 30\'s walking and talking about 50 ft. in front of me. I get about 30 ft away (they\'re down wind) and the taller one star is sniffing intently, like she smelled something and was driven to find the source. I don\'t think she was consciously aware of her behavior and next the shorter one begins, as well. They begin to slow there pace, heads turning in all directions. Once within 10 ft. of them, they stopped walking. Within 5 ft., they turn around and the shorter girl froze. Within 3 ft., her eyes dilated and became glazed over, her jaw dropped and I swear she began to twitch. She was totally tweekin\'. I smiled, nodded and when I turned around to look over my shoulder the short one was still dazed and her friend went from staring at her to staring at me. Later at the gas station. I get in line and this stunning blonde girl (way too young) nearly snaps her neck as she looks over at me, looks away really quickly and then again back at me. The same thing as on the street a few minutes before this, dialated pupils, glazed over look, jaw dropped and some major hair play. She caught herself, regained her composure and left. I went to the Chefs\' market (a weekly \"block party\") and noticed reactions left and right. Got a DIHL from a hot Asian woman (9.5-10) and had 3 Asian gals following me around at the outlet mall the other day. I have noticed that women tend to hover around you at a pretty consistent distance, although some (shy one\'s?) may hang back a bit more. Granted I have noticed more women really checking me out (8\'s, 9\'s and 10\'s) than DIHL, but I was still amazed at how consistently I would encounter these women who were dazed and confused. Some hot women that I know who are always friendly but really wouldn\'t give me the time of day are now being very friendly and flirtatious, including this one bartender whom I thought was lesbian, but am now suspecting may actually be bi. I have one friend who can\'t do enough for me, it\'s almost a little annoying. A word of warning: I have received blatant sexual hits from a couple of my friends\' girlfriends, and in front of their boyfriends. The heaviest sexual hits came after I received my PCC: 2\" into the pubes and 1\" behind my earlobes. This is some powerful stuff, so be careful. Trust me, I\'m flattered that a 21 yr. old hottie can\'t get enough of me. (SAGACIOUS1420 - 38)

    AE:NPA: Try 2 drops of NPA with 4 drops of AE as cover, this is the perfect DIHL getter and makes girls REALLY horny. Stand around her for a few minutes to build up the effect. Everything goes on the front of my neck. (PHANTOM)

    AE:NPA: Last night I applied 4 drops of AE (spread out very well), 2 small dabs NPA on neck, and a dab of NPA/w on the back of my neck. Grabbed tons of attention. Waitress that I like was excited to see me. She kept touching my hair multiple times (5-6 times). She came and sat next (very close) to me for about 25 mins talking with me. She was blushing. Friends g/f sorta kept following me around where ever I went. Two other girls kept looking at me, but one of them was really into me smiling etc. Four other girls that arrived there, that I sorta knew were VERY exited on seeing me, were a little touchy feely with me, and kept wanting to hug me. And two other girls that I didn\'t know, kept trying to talk with me! Great Night! By the way, all the girls were Asian. This was all done at a drinking cafe. I am happy! (SKYY)

    AE:NPA or TE: In my opinion...3 drops AE with 1 dab NPA (or 4 dabs TE) is the closest you could possibly get to THE ULTIMATE MIX at this time! (TBird)

    AE:NPA/m:SOE: SOE - Put half of what I used in my hair and rubbed it around, I then used the rest on my arms and back of neck. NPA - Put on both eyebrows, behind ears, on earlobes, a bit on the face, and the back of the neck/arms. AE - I put one drop on my hairline, another in my hair, and one on my face. (TallMacky)

    AE:NPA/w:WAGG: I went out with a bunch of the folk for drinks after work, and decided to wear 4 DABS of WAGG, 4 DABS of NPA/w, and 2 DABS of AE. This combo worked about as well as I\'ve ever experienced with combos like JB#1, but for me personally, in some ways even better. There were three ladies in the group. The blonde was hitting on me all evening, and I think the mones got to her, as she began relating the most personal sexual stories you could imagine, and gave very descriptive accounts of all her piercings, including the one on her clit hood. She was like this all evening, and then sometime during the evening, she whispers \"you are beautiful\" to me. There\'s was this uptight b!tch, still acting her usual b!tchy self, is asking one of the guys if I\'m single, as she wants to ask me out. When she saw I\'d heard she was mortified, and starts backtracking, saying she didn\'t mean me, she meant someone else. The guys are all laughing, and when I asked them what\'s up? They said, \"someone was trying to hookup with you.\" I found this pretty interesting indeed, again I work with her so, no way. What was really interesting to me, is that I had women at the bar, this gorgeous blonde and her gorgeous friend were both directly checking me out all the evening! Maybe the attention from the ladies in the group had them curious about me, and it seemed every time I went to get a drink, another lady was trying to start a conversation. It\'s strange how when the mones are right, it can work magic, and the funniest thing was how all the guys were treating me as the alpha, and they are pretty dominant guys themselves. IMO NPA/w was the key to this as it seemed to add something that I can\'t quite put my finger on, but every time I wear it with WAGG it seems it just adds that little spark that pushes them. (PROTEUS - 31)

    AE:TE: AE 3 drops + 6 dabs TE ...first put on the AE on your neck , then directly over the point where u applied AE,apply TE. Then (if needed) cover with a good smelling cologne or even better, a good smelling AXE. (Tbird)

    AE:TE: I personally place about 2-3 drops of TE and another 3-4 drops of AE(old) as a good mix. TE on the sides of the neck, AE on the wrists and behind each ear. It\'s worked pretty good so far.

    ANDRO 4.2: Hits were from a single spray (rarely 2 sprays) to upper chest, or to back of the head, covered with a good cologne like CW, Romance, Hugo, etc - can\'t remember now. One hit I recall was sitting next to a casual acquaintance - she is married and late twenties. After about 15 min she began to openly flirt by touching on my arm, and compliments me. When I didn\'t respond (she\'s married! off limits) she intensified things to the point of hanging continuously on my arm and making blatant suggestions. Her husband showed up and she continued touching me - he noticed and I shot him a helpless look like \'it\'s not my fault bud\'. I saw her a few weeks later and she apologized and said she didn\'t know what came over her. Another hit I remember was sitting at a bar - after a while young women began to stand behind me holding their drinks - eventually there were five of them. They giggled, brushed up against me - one of them was thrusting her butt against my leg repeatedly and staring me in the eye - another went DIHL whenever I glanced at her. After about an hour of this I introduced myself to the shyest of the bunch and arranged a coffee date for the next day. Nothing came of that but it was fun. I get similar reactions from NPA/TE, and early on I combined A4.2 with NPA and got some really wild scenes going in bars where women were in abundance. (IRISH)

    ANDRO 4.2:TE: My \'old reliable\' hit-getter is a spray of Andro 4.2 and a spray of TE (or maybe 2 light sprays of TE for some situations). This is about the first thing I ever tried, and it made me a believer in mones. Man! the Andro 4.2 is even good on its own, but with TE (or a dab or two of NPA) it is just killer. I had to practically beat a married woman off of me the first time I tried this, and her husband was right there watching! 1 spray TE to throat/collar, 1 spray Andro 4.2 to back of head, and a couple of sprays of your favorite cologne. (IRISH)

    APC/SOE/NPA/AE/m [7:5:3:3] 10\" total, from the roll-on bottle: FIRST HAPPENING: Great scent, needed no cover, but did anyway. In line to pay, 7th person. Very cute girl, 5th person. Almost her turn to pay...she bails from the line and starts to wander near by (about 5-10\') aimlessly looking a stuff (right in front of the condoms), just to look at stuff and then gets back in line right behind me. She didn\'t have anything new to buy, though. Probably my imagination, but I could swear that she was trying to get close to get a bigger whiff. Don\'t know for sure, just saw her leaning toward me out of the corner of my eye. I pay and go outside to the pump. She leaves and hangs out on the street corner. Didn\'t look like she was waiting for anyone in particular. Seems very antsy. I go back inside to pick up some bottled H2O and she\'s still sitting there. I get in my car and pull out onto the street and she finally starts to walk down the sidewalk. SECOND HAPPENING: Grocery store: There is this really beautiful girl (mid 20s) who has worked there at least as long as I\'ve lived here, and I suspect even longer. She can be friendly to the regulars in a very \"professional\" way, but has never said one word to me in well over 4 years. She really keeps her guard up, it seems, and I have been \"invisible\" up until recently. I go to the store (been there before w/ just AE/m or AE/m w/ PCC and got great responses, but *she* had never been there at these times). I walk up to a check out line and she is about 5\' away. She and every other girl at the \"check out line\" simultaneously turns and look right at me (freaky). Her eyes get wide w/ this \"OMG who is this guy\" kinda look (and me so invisible all these years). She flashes me a huge smile...a REAL smile. Whoa! I stop in 2 or 3 days later to pick up a few things to BBQ and she goes out of her way to approach me. She\'s like \"hey, how ya doing,\" like I\'m some long lost friend that she hasn\'t seen in years. She was smiling so wide, I was afraid that she might break her face, and she seems, all of the sudden, flirtatious. Where the hell did that come from? Don\'t get me wrong...I don\'t mind. (SAGACIOUS1420)

    Captain Kiplin’s doings:

    1. 2:1 SOE:AE: A relatively light mix, great for general social environments, but not to be underestimated as a sexual mix! Highly recommended, but lacks the punch of the secret ingredients.

    2. 5:3:2 SOE:AE:NPA variations: 6:4:2: In simple terms, the “animal” version of #1. Great for sexual encounters, while still maintaining some of #1’s usefulness in general social environments.

    3. 4:2:2 SOE:AE:TE variations: 3:1:2 (TE version of #2): Easier and safer to use than #2, you can apply more and spread it out.

    4. 5:4 APC:RM (thanks for the idea abductor): Mostly a scent experiment, does smell good.

    5. 3:1 AE:NPA variations: 4:1: This is one of my favorites. It combines the balance of AE with the sexual power of NPA. Good for clubbing, just be careful of OD.

    6. 3:2 AE:TE (TE version of #5): A milder version of #5, much safer to use, and better to use as an application (see below).
    7. 7:3:2:2 SOE:PI:NPAm:AE: This is a huge DIHL grabber, and my heavyweight mix. If I want some impact, I use this. Targets go kind of numb, and I’’ve had girls follow me around for ages, just as if that was the right thing to do.

    8. RM:NPA:TE 8:1:6 (bootleg version of JBX, a lot more dilute): The same type of reactions to JBX, but its much “friendlier,” less of an OD risk.

    APPLICATIONS: These are not mixes, they are guides for application. Its much easier than mixing up a batch of any of the above mixes, but will not in every case yield the same results.
    For application versions of the above mixes, I will use a numbered reference, so application 1 is a version of the mix labeled 1, 2, 3, etc.

    1a. 2 or 3 drops of AE. 1 each side of the neck, and if you want then 1 split between your chin and your throat. 4-5\" of SOE (I can\'t use much more than this, I don’’t like -nol OD\'s!) RUBBED IN, from near you ear, tracing a line below your jaw line. Using a dashed line works pretty well.

    2a. This one is pretty easy, 1 dab of NPA on each side of the neck, spread as much towards the throat area as possible. Then 3-2 drops of AE (as prescribes in #1), then 5”” of SOE.

    3a. 2 or 3 dabs of TE (I normally use 3, you can also push it to 4, but that’’s the limit I think) around the neck, 1 drop of AE on each side of the neck, and about 5” of SOE along the underside of the jaw line again.

    5a. Just use the ratios as drop/dab ratios. As long as the AE is applied somewhere close to the NPA.

    6a. 2 dabs of TE, 3 drops of AE. You can increase the TE, but don’’t put much more AE on.

    7a. Be careful with this one! This isn’’t exactly what the ratios prescribe, because you would OD. 1 dab PI (shaking it out onto a finger over the dropper cap, less than 1 drop) split between behind both ears. 2 dabs of NPA (I tend to use TE, 3 dabs, because its easier) 1 drop of AE covering each application of PI, spread down the neck. 5-6” of SOE.


    Put 3 dabs of APC into the palm of your hand, and then 2 sprays of TE into this. Rub this into your chest and arms.

    3 drops of AE in you palm, then a few drops of water. Rub this over your chest (you can also add a few drops of AE to the previous one). Instead of water you can use lotion or something similar, the idea is to dilute it and spread it out.

    The basic idea of these two is that it gives you a basic signature from which to work with. Good for strait after a shower, as it gives you a clean slate. I’’m also thinking that the ––rone will do some interesting conversions.

    CK Pit Trick: 1 dab PI (shaking it out onto a finger over the dropper cap, less than 1 drop), 1 dab NPA, 1 drop AE, to EACH of the stinky areas (both pits and crotch).
    This is just the basic pit trick taken further. My theory is that the ––rone in AE converts into some interesting compounds in these areas. And this concludes the mixes!

    CHEMISTRY SET: In this case, chaos theory as applied to nature suggests to me that these ratios don\'t have to be exact to work. Phi is very closely, but not exactly, expressed by the number series 3:5:8:13:22. I had already been experimenting, and was happy with the fact I got hits from the two yummiest women at the screening wearing phi with some other stuff. So out of curiosity I mixed 3 -rone to 5 -nol to 8 none, with 2 drops of real sandalwood, and gave it to her. I said, \"Smell This!\" She got an immediate DIHL, and said, \"Oh my God, it smells like sex!\" Then another DIHL, and, \"Maybe it\'s just me, but it really makes me feel... (then she paused for some reason, and I\'m thinking \" consecrating your body for me?!). She never finished her sentence. But she then gave me her phone number -- twice, as she forgot she did it the first time. As it turns out, this ratio, applied to the 3 pheros in the male rank ordering, also yields a formula that is in between AE and P10 on every pheromone, but slightly closer to AE. Stone probably never considered the phi ratio. They did, however, consider some ratios actually found inside some male bodies. The fibronacci formula happens to fall between them. So far it\'s working well. (DRSmellThis)

    AE CLONE: With the 4 none 3 nol 2 ron + 11 EoTH, how close is that to the potency of the real AE? Potency is exactly the same. You put 4 parts none in 20 parts total. That\'s 1/5 of what you started with. You started with 1.0 mg/ml, one fifth of that is 0.20 mg/ml, same as AE. It works out the same for the nol and the rone. Using it may be a bit different tho: AE is made up in a rather thick base. So a dab of your clone may be less than a dab of the real thing, just because it feels different. You\'ll have to experiment. I know the 11 drops was added for making a 20 drops batch, but would it still be the same if the 11 drops of EoTH wasn\'t added, as for using the 2 drops application, or would it be too strong of a product? It will be roughly twice as strong without the added EtOH. Too strong is an individual thing. 4 drops CS None 3 drops CS Nol 2 drops CS Rone + 11 drops of Vegetable Glycerine or EtOH = A 20 drop batch.

    SOE CLONE: With the 4 nol and 1 rone how much ETOH would you add to get an unscented bottle of SOE, or to get SOE\'s same effect? Someone said 5 drops of EoTH for ever drop of the mix, which would be 25 drops of EoTH, yes? BTW. The Et stands for ethyl, the OH says that it\'s an alcohol. Use an amount of alcohol that\'s equal to the total drops of mix. 4 drops of nol and one drop rone - five drops total. So add 5 drops alcohol to it. The nol concentration of real SOE is 0.4 mg/ml. Your clone is 0.8, you need to get to 0.4. You need to dilute it by half. Another way of saying it, you need to double the volume. You have made up 5 ml (4 nol, 1 rone), you need to add 5 ml more. It works out exactly the same for drops, but thinking in drops makes it more confusing. Math-wise, the units fall out, you end up with pure ratios. Would me using Vegetable Glycerine (Oscar\'s idea) make a difference as for a thick base? I\'ve done that. It does seem to help spread it. Or you could do the dilution with a skin lotion, which would also do the trick. (BASSMAN)

    SOE CLONE MIX: SOE (Unscented with the chemistry set): 1 drop CS Rone, 2 drops CS Nol, cover with Joop ... I\'m not even that crazy about Joop but women I had never seen before (women, as in more than one) followed me around the mall. This stuff is continuing to work for me. Women complimenting me and standing beside me...looks like it\'s a keeper. I don\'t think it really matters if you wear Joop or not, Joop isn\'t the classiest...I\'m just sticking with it for the time being because it\'s working. (Cuddles)

    JB#1: I rolled on JB#1 (7:3) a strip completely round my neck, a strip down each forearm, and a strip of SOE down each forearm. I had good success last night this mix, and it really gets the girls attention. Was I ODing? Probably, but I didn’t see any negative effects, just girls being sexually aggressive towards me. (Pico)

    JB#1: I put on 2 drops of JB#1 (one drop on each hand). When I started looking at cards I was only one in aisle. After a few minutes 4 women were in the aisle all looking at B-day cards. I started reaching for cards just a little to far for my reach, just to get my hand moving thru the air. A blonde (34), a little chubby, nice face, started to move closer. I kept pretending to look at cards at this point, watching her from the corner of my eye. We made eye contact, she gazed about 5 seconds. I said \"hi\" and \"its hard finding the right B-day card\". To make a long story short, she says out of the blue \"All I have on is this sun-dress and a pair of panties, and my panties are getting wet\".

    JB#1: I\'m pretty new to the forum and I\'ve heard a few stories about how people react to some of the products but I was really ready to try them on for myself. I have to say last night was a pretty weird night. Just so you know what I used, I\'ll tell you. I ordered the JB #1 and used a combination of 3:7:2 (NPA, APC, and I mixed some Chrome cologne in the batch that I made because the smell of it is incredible and has ALWAYS gotten compliments from people before). The application points I used were my neck, collar, wrists and one swipe at the fly of my pants. Went to a party and I knew nobody there but the guys I went with. We were kind of isolated, but after awhile I noticed a group of girls huddled by me just getting closer and closer. Finally one came over and she just started talking to me and had the biggest smile on her face. Then more of her friends came over and just started asking me all kinds of dumb questions. I wasn\'t really feeling the girls or the party so we left but one of the girls said she wanted a hug which was really weird because I didn\'t know her. Went to another party and that’s where things got pretty fun. There was one girl there who was kind of looking at me the whole time. Finally she came over and we just began talking and after awhile we ended up getting pretty close. When we\'d talk she\'d get really close to me and I could hear her kind of smelling me and then she started sucking on my neck where I applied the JB #1. It was weird. She started telling me how I had the smoothest skin she\'d ever seen and how I know how to talk to girls. Now of course I\'m going to say both of these are true but I\'ve never had a girl come out and say that before. Then she told me how she wanted to have sex with me then and there but she couldn\'t but said she was going to see me soon and I could do whatever I wanted with her and how she even has a friend who would love me and wants to have a 3some. I would like to think I just have that much sex appeal, but I don\'t know, lol. Never really had a problem meeting women but just heard a little buzz about the products and wanted to try them out. After last night I think I may keep trying them out. (Thanks too for all of the guys here who have provided info. Very helpful. (HOUSTONTEXAN)

    JB#1 + PCC: I first started with SOE them moved onto NPA then a bit of PCC then AE & finally ending up with JB#1 ingredients that I mixed to a 2:1 ratio (NPA being the 1). My experiences with the mones above can be categorized in general by the following: 1) SOE - Nice chatty little substance, but the effects upon me with serious or prolonged use led to lightheadedness & my slightly impaired judgement. Eventually, mixed it 1:1 with AE. 2) AE - Not a real pleasant stand alone smell to be honest. Gave me a more \"masculine feeling\" while wearing it (increased confidence, alpha male feeling etc.) but stank enough so that I had to mix it with my left over SOE 1:1. 3) SOE & AE 1:1 - Gave me the \"best of\" results with both SOE & AE products. This was my standard going out mix that I used for around 6 months. The only reason that I had to get off it is because of the lightheadedness & impaired judgement feelings. Moved onto JB#1. 4) PCC - This stuff IMHO, is the shiznit! In my experience, I\'m not too sure if this stuff reels in the babes, but I can say that it does make them less inhibited in. I have had some of the more \"freakier\" times with my SO wearing PCC and other phero\'s than when not. I luv this stuff! 5) JB#1 - I don\'t know why it took me so long to get around to trying this mix, but this formula is my new favorite. I mix it in a 2:1 ratio so I am getting around 33% NPA per dose. A bit more NPA than might be recommended but at my age, I\'ll gladly take it.

    6a) Went to a family reunion with various family members from all over the States in attendance a week ago. Everyone seemed to feel compelled to compliment my on my looks, asked if I lost weight, etc. I was probably wearing approx 8\" of JB#1 at the time. The thing that really perked my attention was the interest that I received from my cousin\'s fiance that I met for the first time, she was all over me, winking, rubbing my arm & shoulders etc. My SO other mentioned how proud of me she was after the party & how she was so glad that I was on her arm and not somebody else\'s. After 8 years of marriage, that kinda talk is rare but appreciated.

    6b) I went to see my masseuse the other day wearing approx 9\" roll-on of JB#1 & approx 4\" of PCC. Around half way through my massage, I mentioned how good that I felt & wished that she could feel good as well. She said \"that\'s a good idea\" & laid down for a reciprical massage. Well without going into too much detail, the massage evolved into something significantly more than just a massage. Afterwards she said that \"I haven\'t done that in five years with a client, but I feel like we\'ve known each other for such a long time like our souls have known each other.\" B2C 35)

    NPA:APC: I went to the mall today with my friend, both of us put 2 dabs of NPA on neck and 5 dabs of APC on around neck and behind ears and on wrists. We didn\'t see many reactions at the beginning, but after around 45 minutes we noticed LOTS of girls around the ages of 18-25 turning heads in the food court. It got really creepy to a certain point because I would have five different girls staring at me at the same time! I even had a few guys look at me as if they wanted to start a fight or something. I guess their girlfriends were staring at me too. One of my other friends that was walking with us that wasn\'t wearing mones, noticed a lot girls staring at us.

    NPA:PPA: Okay everyone, I present to you a combo that is so effective that it should be outlawed... please allow me to introduce....NPA/PPA combo, \"PAN\" for short....passion and new phero additive...PAN is dangerous guys. Mix in standard 5:1 ratio mixed 5 parts PPA, 1 part NPA. This can be mixed either in roll on bottle or dabbed on. They’’re both alcohol based, and spray may be the way to disperse it. The new stuff, smells heavenly, and the 1.5% none per application seems to be just the right dose to get the girls without getting anyone turned off from too much none...its hard to OD on PPA. I apply it kind of heavy, like a dab on my finger every hour on my neck or face, but that’s just turning the bottle over quick on my finger. When you add the prepared for fireworks, which is why I called this concoction PAN. I have had hits that would blow you guys away, but remember, you got to do a dab on the face every hour as the alcohol stuff evaporates it seems..but it works magic, especially in bars. (Jamboot )

    NPA:PPA (PAN) & ANDRO 4.2: All I can say is if you don’’t try it, you\'ll be sorry...only thing that takes it from stealth attraction to out of this world orbit is one squirt of Andro 4.2. I have never, and I mean never, had this much attention from the ladies. You must follow my recipe to a T, and you can\'t leave anything out: Mix PPA with NPA in a 5 to 1 ratio PPA to NPA...then, \"1\" spray Andro 4.2 to the chest. You will never need any other combo again...but even without the Andro 4.2...PAN is [bad word] unbeatable. (Jamboot)

    P10: I\'ve had experiences with \"pelvic presentation.\" It really is very interesting and oddly gratifying. I\'d say I can recall at least three separate, unmistakable occurrences. In my case they were wearing pants, but if you\'d been there you\'d see that the pants didn\'t detract much from the effect. I\'m usually wearing P10 (Perfect 10) when it happens. There often seems to be a sequence leading up to the opening of her legs. First the girl becomes more talkative and animated. Then she plays with her hair, and turns her body toward me. After a little bit of really good eye contact and smiling, the knees come apart. She blinks less and sustains eye contact as she continues to talk to me. The most interesting part to me is how the girls seem totally unashamed or unselfconscious. Their legs are parted better than shoulder-width, and they kept that pose for many minutes. There was no leg-crossing or shifting around once they assumed the position. I threw caution to the wind and openly gazed at their crotches. Amazingly, this produced absolutely no leg-crossing or squirming, etc, and when I would finally look up and re-establish eye contact, they\'d just kept smiling and talking, apparently either not noticing that I was enjoying the view for several seconds at a time, or not caring. It happened only when I was wearing mones that were fresh enough to have an effect. Make no mistake, these women were not sluts, and I\'m not describing legs casually drifting apart for a few moments. This was very blatant behavior. (Gerund 44)

    SOE: Just before we left the condo that we\'re renting out, I put on about 20 drops of SOE total. After a 20 minute conversation with Irene, a grandmother on vacation visiting friends, I wandered into a nearby store in search of . . . now what was it that I...\"Oh my Gawd SwingerMD!\" Anyhow, Elianna is about 4\' 9,\" Chinese-Caucasian mix, and she kinda resembles actress Kristen Kurick, could possibly pass for a sister. How old are you?\" \"I\'m sixteen right now. I\'ll be seventeen in November.\" RED FLAG! \" you know how old I\'m?\" \"I\'d guess you\'re 20.\" I shake my head. \"22?\" \"Nope. I\'m 27.\"

    Did the age difference scare her off? Not one bit. \"But, you\'re too cute to be 27. I won\'t tell if you . . . .\" \"I\'m really sorry, but besides you being illegal, I have a girl friend. Her name is Akemi Stewart. I met her last year in California.\" \"So why isn\'t she here with you?\" \"She goes to school at Dartmouth on the East Coast . . . .\"

    Did this stop her? Not in the least. \"You know if she really loved and cared about you she would be here with you, like me. Hey why don\'t you come out to my place tonight? My brother\'s going to be out with his girlfriend and my parents are stuck in Taiwan, the SARs thing ya know. Oh, what\'s that cologne that you\'re wearing. It smells so good and, \"she gets on her toes and whispers in my ear, \"it\'s making me so horny. . . \"she then plants a kiss on my right cheek. Ten minutes and one very convenient distraction later I run into the Starbucks bathroom in the Old Lahina center. There I start to scrub all of my application points with soap and water and then with the Purrell gel that I had. (SwingerMD a.k.a. Chester the Malester 27 (Just joking Swinger [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]))

    SOE:NPA: First I squirted 2/3 of a pack on my wrist to spread it between my wrist and place it on my body in a waving motion from my neck down to my chest (I always do it this way). Next I dabbed the NPA on my finger and placed one at each side of the neck, one at the middle of my chest, right below the ribs and one spread between both wrists. (ANDY)

    SOE:NPA: Yesterday I put on 2/3 SOE gel and 3-4 dabs NPA spread over application points. You just can\'t imagine how it worked....3 solid hits, heavy kino, grinding, all numbers (all cell and home), and kiss (tongue) closed in the end. I could have taken at least one directly with me, but I didn\'t.

    SOE:NPA: TONIGHT = GOOD! I used 1/2 SOE gel on my neck and behind my ears and 4 dabs of NPA on top of the SOE without a cover scent, and this girl was talking to me like crazy! Where ever I went, it was nuts! This girl kept walking in between my legs (I was sitting by a table with my legs spread), and she kept rubbing up against my crotch. These other girls were like \"hey my parents are out of town u guys should stop over later.\" They showed us where they lived and we went over (these girls were 18 and hot as hell!) There were three girls, but then one had to leave. Then at like 1 o\'clock, her mom called to say she was coming home early, so we had to leave. If I had stayed, there\'s no doubt that I would have gotten laid. The girl of the house had already told me that I could sleep with her, and during the course of the night, she was always looking at me. (Adam22 16)

    SOE:NPA: I found a way to get the most hits from SOE gel and NPA/m. Apply the gel the normal way as you would apply cologne (Wrists, and neck.) Then put 2 dabs of NPA/m on your jaw (base of your ears to chin.) I applied it that way last night, and I kept getting hits like crazy. I was at my best friend\'s house and you\'re with his livingroom girlfriend, he\'s in the bathroom taking a shower. Normally when I\'m with them I\'m using normal cologne, and she\'s all over him like stink on sh*t. Wearing the mix last night in the livingroom, when she would pass me, she would brush her legs against mine, run her ass against my shoulder (I was sitting on a couch.) She would lick her lips while looking at me, and use a deep seductive voice while talking to me.

    SOE:NPA: 3 dabs of NPA/m on my neck (one on each side of my neck pulse points, and 1 on my Adam\'s apple) with SOE gel on my neck over the spots where the NPA/m was applied, and on each wrist. One girl said \"Your cologne, just does something to me, it\'s really turning me on.\" another said \"I can\'t explain...I just have to be by you.\" Another one said \"When I walked past you before, something in my mind just clicked, it felt like I lost all of my self control, actually it felt like your body was a magnet that was dragging me towards you.\" Later on, after we were done dancing, she came up to me again, and said \"Let\'s get out of here, I need to be with you.\" (JaegerNYC Early 20s)

    SOE:PI: Had a date last night with a girl I\'d met a few times earlier, we both eventually found some free time. Anyway, I ended up staying at her place last night, and looks like I\'ll be staying there till Sunday, then she goes to Germany and I go to northern England. I used PI/m (1 drop) about 6\" SOE. (Dazza 25)

    SOE:RM: A group of us at work (6 of us, 4 guys and 2 women) went out to lunch on Tuesday. Before we left I put ½ SOE gel pack on the back of my hands and forearms and 1 dab of RM behind each ear. During Lunch, the one women sitting next to me was showing me lots of attention. She is married, 36, brunette, about 5\'5\", maybe 135 lbs. She kept looking into my eyes, and she kept touching my hand, shoulder, and leg all through the meal. Well, its time to go back to work and she asks if she can ride back with me. I say ok. As I get ready to start the car, she just kept looking into my eyes. I move myself closer to her and she grabs me and starts kissing me. We had a heavy petting make out session for about 10 minutes. Driving back to work she says that famous line \"I have never done anything like that before, I don’t know what came over me.\" (Track0714) in his 40\'s)

    SOE:TE: The caveat is that I ALWAYS wear small amounts. As far as SOE goes...the stuff works great alone. It also works well with 1part TE: 7 parts SOE (= DD-Lite). I disagree with all the guys that say it’’s some sort of a-sexual friendliness potion. I seduced a woman that was just a casual acquaintance, while she was at work. Yes, she was very friendly, but she was also incredibly turned on. I’ve used SOE as a sexual aid on several occasions and can testify that it really turns women on. The difference IMO is that Androstenone makes women more sexually aggressive whereas Androsterone makes them more sexually submissive. (A.K.A. 44)

    SOE:TE: All of these work very good for me, right now my favorite is: 9 dabs TE on neck...then covered with 1/3 SOE gel pack, and then covered with AXE Dimension (use AXE tsunami if u can) all of this resulting in a very good smelling mix that young girls/ young women/older women alike, can\'t resist. (TBird)

    SOE:TE: I wore 7 dabs of TE, and 4 inches of SOE. I was leaving class when out of the blue, I hear this voice saying, \"hey hold on.\" It was this hot woman (25-30) from my class. When she got close, I saw that she had the DIHL. I could tell she was digging my sense of humor. She got close and grabbed my arm, rubbing it against her breast. It was like she felt like she knew me, and wanted to be close to me. She made a couple of provocative comments to me. Im not sure if it was the my comment that caught her attention, but I passed her on my way out the door. She must have got a whiff of my mones on the way out, followed my trail, and ran after me. She was really into me that I had to tell her that I had to go meet someone. (Nate Dogg)

    TE: I think it was Oscar who said this: So it should not be surprising that, in my recent Life on the Edge survey, the 25 respondents endorsed peak effectiveness at around 2-3 dabs, while the response dropped off in a steep manner after that. What that means, I suspect, is that 2-4 dabs provides enough \"mystery mones\" to have all our matching VNO neurons firing already, \"thank you very much?\" So, if you use more than 4 dabs of TE, you are basically messing it up for yourself. Again, this also explains why NPA/TE + AE mixes are so successful when the dosage is right...2 - 3 drops of AE + 1 dab NPA/or + 2 - 4 dabs TE is the killer combo! Lately I\'ve been running around with 6 -8 dabs TE, a half of a pack of SOE, and the results were excellent. However, when spending time with my girl, I used 3 dabs TE + just a bit SOE since she\'s in close range, and the results were even better. Pretty much resulting in animalistic sex that SHE initiates 99% of the time, each time. Another thing I noticed is that her pupils are always heavily dilated when she\'s around me. When you\'re around your girl, don\'t use more than 4 dabs TE, but when you\'re clubbing...MORE seems to work just as good. (TBird)

    TE: People say, \"Do not expect women to get horny in the moment they see you...This does not work like that.\" Trust me they do, with about 3-4 dabs you\'ll have to be around her for about 10 minutes for her to get horny. With 7-10 dabs it just takes about 1-2 minutes. Just try to hang around her for a while and you will start seeing signs of arousal (nipples erect, face flushed...ect) she will also start talking sexual talk, my best friend(female) always is open to her horniness when I wear TE. She tells me she\'s horny but doesn’t know why. Try to test the mone\'s on one of your girl/friends, tell her you want to watch a movie with her and make sure to sit a close proximity to her for she could inhale the mone\'s (a good smelling cologne usually helps). She will be all over you at the end of the night, I got laid just using 4 dabs of TE and the girl outright asked me if it was ok for her to give me a BJ. (Phantom)

    TE: 2-4 dabs for one on one dates, and up to 10 dabs for club-havoc/party/ school. If u plan to apply as much as 10 dabs, make sure u apply a good amount of SOE directly above the TE application area. This \"allows\" you to get away with more -none + covers the stinkiness of TE. (Tbird)

    WKM#1 (6SOE:1PIm:3NPAm): I became fascinated, and purchased PI/m, NPA/m and SOE oil. I\'m not really that smooth with the girls, and I\'ve only had two girlfriends (both long term relationships). 3-4 dabs of WKM#1 seems to be my optimum dosage (4 being on the verge of OD). I wore 4 dabs for about two weeks and I have to say that I have become real popular. A few days ago my first EX came up to me actually said HI and gave me a hug (she usually never talks to me, and is very mean). I actually think she is falling for me all over again. In two weeks we\'ve become good friends, and she shares all her secrets with me. I\'ve notice that she stares at me for minutes at a time (we\'re in the same class), she even gets in trouble with the teacher for not paying attention. My teachers are much nicer to me, and sometimes let me get away without doing homework sometimes. I had to start wearing cologne to cover the WKM#1 because a girl I know was sitting next to me and said I stink. I bought Axe Tsunami, and now girls cant stop sniffing me. I\'ve also tried using only 3 dabs, have gotten results, but not as good as using 4 dabs (I also tried 5 dabs, got no results at all, and sometimes got negative hits). This mix rules, thanks Kertel!! (Genome335 - 16)

    You think they were all speaking with forked tongues? Hmmmm [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif[/img]

    Got\'a hit story I can borrow? [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/blush.gif[/img] Whatever!!! [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crazy.gif[/img]

  2. #2
    Phero Pro
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    Hey Mobley!

    What about your hit stories? I didn\'t see you name after any of these. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]

  3. #3
    Phero Dude
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    Congratulations [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]
    We got a new sticky yikiy yikiy yikiy thread ! Moderators wake up and stick dat motherfunker. Great effort mobley ! I bet your fingers hurt from all dat \"strg + c\" \"strg + v\" copy-pastin madness !

  4. #4
    Enlightened One
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    And you know what MIX#1 isnt mentioned once. But good work mobley, i agree perhaps we need a page with links to the best threads ever.

  5. #5
    King of the coupons!
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    SwingerMD: 2 dabs of APC, 1 dab of NPA, EW, and a baseball bat. 1 dab of APC behind each ear, a dab of NPA on the throat, EW on my crotch, and the baseball bat at my side. I was at the club, standing baside the dance floor...chillin. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif[/img] This 8 annnnnd a half walks by, winks, smiles, and purrrrrs. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/shocked.gif[/img] As she passed, I checked out her toilet grippers. Pewwwwww! [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crazy.gif[/img] She was sporting a pancaker (rear end flatter than two day old opened beer), annnnnnnd she had toilet paper stuck to her shoe! Ewwwwww!! [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crazy.gif[/img] Then out of the blue comes this 10 and a half! [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img] Kind of muscular, well over six feet, and huge legs! [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif[/img] She detects the mones cause eyes were dilating, and she started smiling and foaming from the mouth, while looking at me. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif[/img] Someone behind me whispered in my ear, \"That\'s Joe the homo! He knocks men out that he likes, and have his way with them!\" [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/shocked.gif[/img] From my hip came my bat! [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mad.gif[/img] I hit\'em once! He was out, and so was I.....Outter there! [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crazy.gif[/img] By the was NPA/w. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smirk.gif[/img] (MOBLEYC57)

    TBird - T\'wasn\'t that bad. It was done over time. Just got to the point where I\'d thought I\'d share me thoughts. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]

    Watcher - These were all the things that I cut and pasted for myself. I, personally, couldn\'t afford your mix, so I didn\'t allow myself to dream the dream of trying it. Doc Smellthis had one of those million dollar mixes as well. There are others mixes that I didn\'t use too. I\'ve never heard anyone say anything about your mix, but you, and didn\'t post too many hit stories on your Mix 1, and I was waiting for\'em. I think Bassman said he tried it, and got the Teddy bear or lets be friends thingy. If I wanted a friend, I\'d buy a poodle. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img] Sorry, but \"believe you me,\" it wasn\'t personal. Nutin but luv fer ya Watcher, and you can bet your last Lincoln (penny) on that. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif[/img]

  6. #6
    Phero Pro
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    Nice [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/blush.gif[/img] I didn\'t expect to see a story from me [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/blush.gif[/img]

  7. #7
    King of the coupons!
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    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    Nice [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/blush.gif[/img] I didn\'t expect to see a story from me [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/blush.gif[/img]

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    With mones.......always expect the unexpected. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img] I liked your story. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif[/img]

  8. #8
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    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    And you know what MIX#1 isnt mentioned once. But good work mobley, i agree perhaps we need a page with links to the best threads ever.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    Newbie here, just surfing forum for awhile. Must admit, the \"hit stories\" are the funnest to read. This is a good idea. Thanks for your work here btw Mobley.

  9. #9
    King of the coupons!
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    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    And you know what MIX#1 isnt mentioned once. But good work mobley, i agree perhaps we need a page with links to the best threads ever.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    Newbie here, just surfing forum for awhile. Must admit, the \"hit stories\" are the funnest to read. This is a good idea. Thanks for your work here btw Mobley.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    Yup! The hit stories are the best thing going! [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img] You\'re so very welcomed Signor LatentOne. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

    Beans and franks!! Beans and franks!!! [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif[/img]

  10. #10
    King of the coupons!
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    Bumping for the hell

    of it! Anybody seen Franki?
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  11. #11
    Full Member culturalblonde's Avatar
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    [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smirk.gif[/img] <---- Why aren't the images showing? Anyone else have this


  12. #12
    Man of La Pancha
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    That's the smiley code for the

    old forum. They don't work on the new forum, therefore causing the html text to display instead.


  13. #13
    Full Member HK45Mark23's Avatar
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    Thanks Pancho, I

    wondered what was going on, why the smiles weren’t showing.


  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Hi everyone.

    I just

    accidentally bumped into love-scent pages earlier today and read about products and of course this forum. I ordered

    the starter kit and since it takes some time to arrive here I think I´ll do some research first. I´m going watch

    closely how certain girls I know act near me. When my stuff arrives I can see the differences in their behaviour

    much better. If TE is really -that- effective it is going to be really fun.

  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by MOBLEYC57
    Bumping for the hell of it! Anybody seen Franki?
    Franki was

    banned from the forum some time ago, but you may still run into him on the Anabolic Minds forum under the name of

    Fantasy, I believe ...

  16. #16
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    didnt see any positive

    results yet still testing .. i also believe SoE dosent work for me.i think i have too much of that kid scent on

    me (nol +rhone?) also i think i oD on SoE [i thought it was imposible? also note that i've put that much TE(even

    more) witout advese effects]

    need to try more ill keep posting...

  17. #17
    King of the coupons!
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    Bumped fer that fella fishing on

    the bottom ... BOTTOMFISH.

    Some AE ideas fer ya!
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  18. #18
    King of the coupons!
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    Moe stuff fer JasonLJS.

    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  19. #19
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    well tried TE again got

    mixed resuts maybe coincidence ...
    went shoping with the Gf of my brother(she nedded a lift) as we where looking

    for a agenda 2 girls stoped next (about 2 min intervals) to us,looking at furniture (in pieces)
    then at the counter

    the cashier was verry talkative
    used 2x2x2mm of TE & a bit of Gilette Aftershave

    any comments ?

  20. #20
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    was she looking at you directly in the

    eyes alot? probably a hit

  21. #21
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    not a inch :but i think

    i they got a glimps at me ... not shure ...

  22. #22
    King of the coupons!
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    Those were the days, yes?

    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  23. #23
    Phero Pro NaughtieGirl's Avatar
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    Default That was great!

    Quote Originally Posted by MOBLEYC57
    Those were the days, yes?
    WOW Signore M, what a great informative

    thread! Maybe you could do the same for us ladies? T'would be a much better use of your time compared to

    running around like a crazy man - swinging with tuna's and whips - trying to save one and all from the dark side!

  24. #24
    King of the coupons!
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    Quote Originally Posted by NaughtieGirl

    Signore M, what a great informative thread! Maybe you could do the same for us ladies?
    T'will take a lot more than your famous FishyKiss to get me to attempt such a task, FishyPoo. About

    2 million dollars more.

    Quote Originally Posted by NaughtieGirl
    T'would be a much better use of your time compared to

    running around like a crazy man - swinging with tuna's
    and whips - trying to save one and all from the dark

    Ladies, gents, and germs, another prime example of the kettle calling zee tea pot black.

    Pay attention! There's actually a lot more to her than the tuna diluted with EW smell.

    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  25. #25
    Full Member wood elf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MOBLEYC57
    T'will take a

    lot more than your famous FishyKiss to get me to attempt such a task, FishyPoo. About 2 million dollars more.

    You are a mercenary, Mr. Mobley? Another disappointment!

  26. #26
    King of the coupons!
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    Talking Proud of meeself!

    Quote Originally Posted by wood

    You are a mercenary, Mr. Mobley? Another disappointment!
    I loooove it when I'm the cause of

    UNITY of the vertically challenged!

    It's great when the little one's stick together. Let

    this be a lesson for the rest of the world!


    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  27. #27
    Full Member wood elf's Avatar
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    Ah, poor Mr. Mobley. It was just

    a question. Does your defensiveness suggest that I may have found a soft spot?

  28. #28
    King of the coupons!
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    Ho there!
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  29. #29
    Phero Pro
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    what a strange post...


    whatever happened to jambat ?

  30. #30
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Him and Watcher are off on

    another pheromone induced adventure...probably.

    Information about pheromones: Pheromone Information Library

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