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    Default Using Pheromones for Attraction & Bonding -Article

    Found this on-line recently... thought it made some interesting points. I\'m not sure though how accurate it actually may be or if perhaps assumptions were presented as fact. So take it as most information detailed on this medium... skeptically with a grain of salt so to speak. However, for those who are more typically in the know, please feel free correct any or all errors. Thanks [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

    Using Pheromones for Attraction and Bonding

    The purest union that can exist between a man and a woman is that created by the sense of smell and sanctioned by the brain\'s normal assimilation of the animate molecules emitted by the secretions produced by two bodies in contact and sympathy, and in their subsequent evaporation. --Auguste Galopin in \"The Perfume of Women and the Sense of Smell in Love\"

    Make Them Look at Your Face!

    When you wear clothes, your body heats the air around it. This causes the air to rise toward your highest opening in your clothes. As the heated air rises, it picks up the pheromones secreted from your skin, and, as this air emerges around your neck, it causes people to look at you more directly and notice your face.

    However, human pheromone levels peak at around age 18, then slowly decline throughout our lives. This is why we are always aware of teen-agers in a room. By age 40, your pheromone signals no longer excite others when you enter a room as they did when you were 18. We all tend to think that the physical beauty of young people is the source of their attractiveness; however, smells activate the emotions. Thus, the declining interest of others as we age may be more due to pheromone declines than physical changes in our bodies.

    So, to make people look at you (and not the lovable teen-agers), you should enhance your natural pheromones signals with supplemental pheromone signals - just as supplements of anti-oxidants keep you healthy and ward off diseases.

    Pheromone scientists have said that mammals think through their noses. Virtually all organisms, from yeast to insects to humans, produce volatile smelly pheromones that act as sexual magnets and send other messages such as dominance or fear. Pheromones are substances secreted by one animal that causessome behavioral response in a second animal. Pheromone is from the Greek words pherein, which means to bring or to transfer, and hormon, which means to excite. Most studied pheromones are volatile smells but other are transferred by direct skin-to-skin contact. Pheromones are primarily present in the skin and the glands of skin, in saliva, urine, and vaginal liquids. (Cohn 1994)

    Some pheromones are oil-like chemical odors that can be put into perfumes and oils. However, other pheromones are proteins which must be transferred by physical skin to skin contact or by kissing. (Singer 1991) Kissing is nearly universal in human culture and may be an unconscious method of transferring protein pheromones.

    However, in recent years the definition of pheromones has been expanded to include both attractive or repulsive pheromones which play a major part in attraction between persons. While you may be attracted by the pheromones of one person, those of another person may repel you. (Nicoli and Nicoli 1995)

    After the final no there comes a yes. And on that yes the future world depends. --Wallace Stevens

    Why Mothers Kiss Babies - Pheromone ID Swapping

    While the effects of pheromones on humans are less obvious than in other mammals, they still strongly affect our behavior. Many pheromones are air borne particles that pass through air after evaporation by the heat of the body. Some pheromones are heavy proteins that cannot be passed through the air by evaporation. These are passed by physical contact such as by kissing or skin-to-skin contact. Kissing occurs in all human cultures and is a way of passing identification pheromones. When a mother kisses her baby, this increases the mother-baby bonding.

    Pheromones act in two ways. The first is \"signal pheromones\" that cause others to become aware of your presence and cause immediate changes in behavior by activating certain areas of the brain. The second class is \"priming pheromones\" which trigger increases in GnRH production and which often require kissing or skin-to-skin contact. This, in turn, increases production of many hormones that affect development, metabolism, and mating behavior. Often, fertile women have difficulty becoming pregnant. In married couples, it takes, on average, six months of sexual intercourse to produce the first pregnancy. One theory is that the woman\'s body is slowly adjusting to her husband\'s pheromones before becoming receptive to pregnancy.

    Pheromones activate pre-coded genetic programs. They increase production of GnRH (Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone) that starts the pulses and cycles of sex hormones which govern sexual development. GnRH also affects activity in the brain that affects sexual development and behavior.

    Pheromones Attraction More Powerful Than Physical Strength in Animals

    In goats, sheep, and pigs, male dominance in competition for females is determined by the strength of the male\'s pheromone - and not physical strength or beauty. The animals with the strongest pheromones have more confident threat displays without giving signals of fear. This reduces the incidence of actual physical combat for females - especially among deer and moose. The pheromones of the male with the strongest pheromone causes a psychological castration of other males which helps remove them from competition. In pigs, the pheromone androstenone triggers the female\'s receptivity to the male.

    This type of pheromone dominance may also apply to humans since many researchers think human pheromone responses are very similar to pigs (Hard on our ego but probably true.) Truffles, which are a fungus that grows underground near oak trees in France and Italy, are highly valued as human aphrodisiacs. Pigs also are passionately attracted to truffles and are used to locate them.

    So if you are a man, your pheromone smell may affect females more strongly than your good looks, money, or wit.

    Why Women Call Men Pigs

    Women often call men pigs (or vertical pigs). On the other hand, men very rarely use this term when talking about women. Since the domestication of wild pigs 7,000 years ago, women have intuitively known that many male human hormones are very similar to those of pigs.

    The key pheromone in pigs is androstenone, which gives the characteristic odor to urine from boars (male pig) and some of the odor to human male urine also. Female pigs are extremely aware of the smell of androstenone as are human female to male smells. Pig breeders spray androstenone from aerosol cans on the backs of female pigs to determine whether the female is ready for breeding - if the sow arches her back, she is sexually receptive.

    Nipple Pheromone - Why Men are Attracted to Large Breasted Women

    Newborn infants follow the breast odors emanating from their mother\'s nipple/areola region. These odors exert a pheromone effect that guides the infant to nurse at their nipples. (Winberg and Porter 1998, Porter and Weinberg 1999) Within minutes after birth, the mother\'s breast odors cause a head turning of the baby for the nipple and helps guide the baby to successful sucking for milk. Newborns soon learn to recognize their own mother\'s unique odor signature which build- mother-infant attachment.

    Nipple pheromones also may explain a lot of behavior in young men. The irrational obsession of men with women\'s breasts has long been a puzzle. It may be that this is a natural bonding pheromone that men require for their emotional stability and helps tie them to women.

    This is the reason that men are instinctively attracted to large breasted women.

    1,500 human genes for smell

    Interpersonal attractive pheromones are the air-borne pheromones which often have a distinct smell. Smells and our response to them are extremely important to proper body functioning. A very significant part of the human genome - about 5.0% or about 1,500 genes of our 30,000 human genes - is used to code the receptors of smell. Two anatomically distinct organs respond to smell, the olfactory system located in the upper part of the nasal cavity, and the vomero-nasal organ or VMO in the nasal septum.

    Even though human interactions are more complex than other warm-blooded animals, odors and pheromones still influence attraction and bonding. The wiring of the brain in humans and other animals sends signals from smells directly from the nose to the limbic area of the brain where our deeply felt emotions reside.

    When we smell another\'s body, it is that body that we are breathing in through our mouth and nose, that we possess instantly, as it were in its most secret substance, its own nature. Once inhaled, the smell is the fusion of the other\'s body and my own. --Jean-Paul Sartre

    Insufficient pheromones - Inadequate emotions

    A lack of smell limits emotional attachment. Approximately 1.3% of persons are born with a total lack of smell or Anosmia. And most of us lack the ability to smell certain fragrances. A study found 5 to 8% of students at Oxford University could not smell freesia, a very fragrant flower.

    Persons with Anosmia often complain about a lack of libido. While they may marry, behavior that is emotionally distant remains a problem. Some researchers have noted that the decline in sex drive with aging coincides with the decline in smell.

    One answer to reduction in the ability of smelling as we get older is to increase our pheromone signal with essential oils and pheromones.

    Pheromones act even if you cannot smell them

    While many pheromones have distinct smells, one may be influenced by a small amount of a pheromone which is not enough to create a conscious odor. Male dogs can respond to pheromones from a female dog at distances up to three miles and at concentrations that the dogs are unlikely to consciously smell.

    Women often like to wear unwashed T-shirts previously worn by men. In the Middle Ages, a man would wipe his brow after dancing and present it to his lady as a love token. The reason for this behavior may not have even been consciously realized but it meant that the lady would have her man\'s smell with them. In Shakespeare\'s Merchant of Venice, Othello goes into a rage over one of his missing handkerchief. The wives of Welsh miners working on night shifts would put their man\'s nightshirts in their pillows where they could smell them.

    Humans also respond to pheromone levels that are too low to smell. Sobel and colleagues (Stanford University) found that an air-borne fragrant pheromone (oestra- 1,3,5(10),16-tetraen-3yl acetate) would activate brain centers even when present at concentrations below a threshold of conscious detection. Sobel used Magnetic Resonance techniques to prove that exposure to pheromones (at undetectable levels) activate brain centers. Even when the experimental subjects could not smell the chemical, their brain centers that respond to the pheromone, were activated. (Sobel et al 1999). Other studies of brain EEG patterns of behavioral evidence have also come to the same conclusion: that we can be strongly affected by pheromones that we are not even conscious of smelling.

    Smells Directly Affect the Emotional Center of Your Brain

    Smells activate nerves in the vomero-nasal organ or VMO in the nasal septum that act directly on the brain\'s emotional control areas. All other senses such as sight, touch, sound, and temperature are transferred through a series of nerve connections that change and moderate the effects so that the brain does not over-react to new stimuli.

    However, the nerves that respond to smell are wired directly into the brain and the stimuli are sent pure and unmodified to the limbic center of the brain. There are three general areas of the brain, the first and most basic is the brain stem which controls basic functions such as breathing and heartbeat. The next higher area is the limbic system in the central area of the brain. The limbic system is where emotional responses are concentrated. When various areas of the limbic system are activated, a person feels intense emotions. Some limbic areas cause feelings of peace, contentment, attraction while other areas causes feeling of anger, rage, hostility, loneliness and so on. The conscious brain is the topmost and outer area of our brain. This is where we spend our time thinking but the conscious mind is not where our emotions are developed. Why we love someone is more how they smell to the limbic system than what we consciously think of them.

    In rats, surgical ablation of the vomero-nasal organ or VMO in the nasal septum produces dramatic impairments of mating, dominance status, and gender recognition.

    I will be arriving in Paris tomorrow evening. Don\'t wash! --Napoleon - Message to Josephine

    Washing, Cultures and the Decline of Bonding

    Numerous scientists have observed that as cultures advance to higher levels of bathing, interpersonal bonding seems to decline. They suggest that the washing removes skin pheromones and weakens the interpersonal bonding in families and between couples.

    In the Roman Republic, family ties were very strong. However, as it evolved into the wealthy Roman Empire with its adequate water supplies and free municipal baths, personal bonds became weaker, divorce became common, and social disorganization increased. With the rise of Christianity, with its dislike of nudity and bathing, family ties began to strengthen again. It is said that few people bathed for the next 1,500 years in Western Europe.

    In North Africa and the Middle East, where Islam prevailed after the collapse of classical Roman culture, a somewhat different scenario occurred. Musk, a strong pheromone obtained from the male musk deer, was a special favorite of the Prophet Mohammed. The El Ktab, a classic Islamic text, describes musk as \"the noblest of perfumes and that which provokes men and women to venery.\" Islamic culture always emphasized the use of perfumes and pheromones. (Kohl and Franceour 1995).

    \"The Lonely Crowd\" - Cleanliness Can Produce Loneliness

    In the United States, California led the way on personal cleanliness. By the 1940\'s, many Californians bathed or showered daily and washed away their personal pheromones, while most of the USA stuck to weekly bathing. However, California soon led the USA in divorce rates and family breakdown. Likewise in Europe, Scandinavia led the way in personal cleanliness in the 20th century and soon experienced family breakdown and chronic cultural complaints of interpersonal coldness and a lack of bonding. Immense social programs, prosperous economies, and a basic friendliness of people both in California and Scandinavia have not solved these problems.

    While many social historians would disagree that a lack of pheromones could cause family breakdown, there are other precedents where chemical changes may have altered history. The poor leadership of the upper classes in the Roman Empire may have been influenced by chronic lead poisoning. Wealthy people use lead cooking pots and the bones of wealthy ancient Romans often have lead concentrations 100 times the normal level which causes brain dysfunction.

    Low Pheromones Reduce Your Attractiveness

    Human pheromone levels peak at around age 20 then slowly decline through our life. By age 40, your pheromone signals no longer excite others when you enter a room as they did when you were 18. We all tend to think that the physical beauty of young people is the source of their attractiveness - however, smells activate the emotions. Thus, the declining interest of others as we age may be more due to pheromone declines than physical changes in our bodies.

    Thus, to increase your pheromone signature as you move beyond puberty, you need supplemental pheromones - just as supplements of anti-oxidants reduce degenerative diseases.

    Expensive Perfumes Do Not Work

    Studies by Alan Hirsch and Jason Gruss (Smell and Taste Treatment Research Foundation, Chicago, Illinois and University of Michigan) found that expensive perfumes are much less effective than many essential oils and common foods. They studied the effects of many different scents on sexual arousal of males and females by comparing their blood flow in sexual-aroused tissues while wearing scented masks and while wearing non-odorized, blank masks. Expensive perfumes increased blood flow by only 3%. In contrast the combined odor of lavender and pumpkin produced a 40% increase and many other scents worked better than perfumes.

    While these results are for men, the researchers reported that women also responded poorly to expensive perfumes.

    While these scientists tested lavender which has a reputation as a mild attractant, they unfortunately did not test many other pheromones with reputations as bonding smells such as Ylang Ylang, Asian Oud and others.

    Hirsch postulates that scents may act by on the brain (1) by reducing anxiety, which inhibits natural sexual desire, or (2) increasing alertness and awareness, making the subjects more aware of sexual cues in the environment around them, or (3) by acting directly to the septal nuclei, a portion of the brain that induces sexual arousal.

    Effect of Perfumes and Scents on Blood Flow in Male Sexual Tissue


    Effect of Perfumes and Scents on Blood Flow in Male Sexual Tissue

    Item Tested: / Median % Penile Blood Flow:

    Lavender and pumpkin pie = 40.0
    Pumpkin pie and doughnut = 20.0
    Orange = 19.5
    Black licorice and cola = 13.0
    Black licorice = 13.0
    Lily of the valley = 11.0
    Vanilla = 9.0
    Pumpkin pie = 8.5
    Lavender = 8.0
    Musk = 7.5
    Peppermint = 6.0
    Cheese Pizza = 5.0
    Roasting Meat = 5.0
    Rose = 4.0
    Strawberry = 3.5
    Oriental spices = 3.5
    Expensive Perfumes -averaged = 3.0
    Chocolate = 2.8

    Women - Effect of Perfumes and Scents on Enhancement of Vaginal Blood Flow

    Item Tested: / Median % Vaginal Blood Flow:

    Cucumber and Good & Plenty™
    (Licorice candy) = 13%
    Baby Powder = 13%
    Lavender and Pumpkin Pie = 11%
    Charcoal Barbecued Meat = Inhibited - Anti-arousal
    Cherries = Inhibited - Anti-arousal
    Expensive Men\'s Colognes = Inhibited - Anti-arousal

    Why Perfumes Fail

    The key to using oils as pheromones is to put them into contact with large areas of your body. Then the heat of your body biochemically alters the odors and blends them into your overall pheromone signature.

    Your personal pheromone \"odor signature\" is a complex mixture of pheromones, body oils and fatty acids, sweat, and hormones such as androsterone secreted onto the skin from your apocrine glands. In addition, the 40 million skin cells that you shed each day add to your pheromone signature.

    Perfumes that are dabbed on a small area - such as the wrist - do not effectively mix into your overall pheromone signature. Thus, they exist as a separate smell and do little to change your total pheromone signature. Furthermore, the mixing of many different scents in perfumes produces a confusing pheromone signal.

    Human Pheromones Increase Attraction But Also Aggression

    A possible drawback to using human pheromones is that they may also trigger aggression. On the other hand, traditional plant pheromones all seem to have soothing properties, encourage calmness, and have been also used for meditation and religious ceremonies.

    In humans and other mammals, sexual attraction can also trigger aggression. Androstenone, a pheromone in pigs, triggers both sexual attraction and aggression in boars. Human men produce the same chemical in their armpits.

    In mice, certain pheromones cause male mice to kill other male mice. The attacks depend largely on odor cues (male odors increase attacks, female cues decrease attack). In many mammals such as lions and bears, males will kill the offspring of a female so that they may mate with the female. Sex hormones stimulate production of urinary pheromones that increase the intensity of fighting in rodents. But the urine of castrated rats lacks the aggression-provoking pheromone. Conversely, the urine of female rats contains an aggression-inhibiting pheromone.

    For these reasons, it might be beneficial to stick to traditional plant pheromones.

    Plant Pheromones Can Be A Safer Alternative

    Plants use chemicals to attract bees and other pollinators to their flowers. Some plant pheromones have similar chemistry to animal pheromones. Musk is a strong pheromone from musk deer, musk ducks, musky moles, muskrats, musk ox and musk beetles. But similar pheromones exist in musk melons, musk hyacinths, musk cherries, musk thistle,musk rose, musk plums and musk wood.

    The truffles prized by French gourmets as aphrodisiacs are a fungi that has an odor nearly identical to androstenol, a sex attractant for pigs and very similar to chemicals that act as sex attractants in humans.

    Perfumes arose from plant oils with smells similar to animal pheromones. Plant oils with the strongest similarity to human sexual pheromones are from Jasmine, Ylang Ylang and Patchouli.

    After Bath or Shower

    While your skin is still damp,you can rub the oil on your skin to impart a silky smoothness to your skin. Then pat dry with a towel.

    In Your Bath

    Add to the bath water to soften and protect your skin as you bathe. The oil will float to the surface and adhere to your skin as you leave the bath.

    Using Oils For Attraction and Bonding

    For attraction of others, you should not always use an oil that you personally prefer. For example, Patchouli oil is loved by women but not men. It is felt to mimic sweat pheromones from men that attract women. So if you use Patchouli oil, you may increase your attractiveness to women but not to men. Ylang Ylang Oil, on the other hand, seems to have stronger effects on men.

    Some oils seems to enhance mutual attraction such as musk and sandalwood. Jasmine attracts women but most men also like jasmine.

    Testing Pheromones & Oils

    By using an appropriate version on your body - instead of a perfume - you can strongly modify your personal pheromone signature. To test the effects of a version, after you normally bath or shower and dry yourself, rub it on your torso - especially the chest and breast area. If you bathe at night, an oil mixture can be applied to your dry skin in the morning. The heat of your body will evaporate the scents and then blend the pheromones and scents into your body pheromone signature.

    Dress normally and go about your daily work and visits. Responsive people unconsciously notice you at about 3 to 5 feet. Watch for people who unexpectedly turn around and smile at you or extend conversations. (This is a little like trolling for salmon with different lures - it takes some time but you find the right lure.)

    Aromatic molecules travel through the air at about 100 miles per hour. So people will become aware of the your pheromones and scents - even if it is at an unconscious level.

    Try one thing one day - another the next. You will become aware of the pattern of people who are responding to you and can decide what scent works best for you.

    While general responses of people to essential oils and pheromones can be predicted, some humans may react differently. For attraction of, or bonding to, women, Jasmine and pheromones or Patchouli and pheromones are very good. Ylang Ylang is considered a strong aphrodisiac for men and might be a good attractant for men. Sandalwood is similar to Musk which is considered the universal attractant. But also keep the Jasmine for men since it is the traditional favorite of French women who know how to attract anything.

    Oils and Effects:

    Lavender - Calming/Relaxing/Soothing - effects on both sexes.

    Jasmine - Erotic/Aphrodisiac/Very pleasant smell, Said to increase arousal, attractiveness, seductiveness, appeal and allure - Strong effect on women/Moderate effect on men.

    Oud - Very Erotic - Strong effect on both sexes.

    Ylang Ylang - Erotic/Aphrodisiac, said to increase arousal, fascination and attachment - Moderately Strong effect on women/Strong effect on men.

    Sandalwood - Erotic/Musk-like, Scent is very similar but more pleasant to musks from animals which are traditional aphrodisiacs for both men and women - Moderate effect on women/Strong effect on men.

    Nutmeg - Energizing/Very Stimulating - Strong effects on both sexes.

    Patchouli - Mildly Erotic, a favorite erotic of women - Strong effect on women/Low effect on men.

    More About Pure Essential Oils

    The term oil in \"essential oils\" is not truly accurate but a traditional term. Essential oils are very volatile fragrances that easily evaporate and very different in character from oils such as olive oil or safflower oil. Essential oils are complex mixtures of plant produced chemicals - essential lavender oil has more than 50 plant chemicals.

    Pure essential oils are expensive and must be obtained from reputable sources. Adulteration of essential oils is very common since a product like rose oil yields just 0.2% essential oil. While the finest natural French lavender oils harvested in the Haute Provence up to 70 percent linalyl acetate, many lavender oils from France have higher levels of linalyl acetate but such oil is fortified with synthetic products and may have no traces of natural lavender. Sandalwood oil can be adulterated with diverse oils such as caster, palm and linseed.

    Essential oils are remarkably free of side effects - which is reflected by their long use by humans.

    Some persons may have allergies to oils such as Cinnamon Oil and Juniper Berry Oil.

    Skin health and essential oils.

    Surprisingly, many of the traditional mood altering essential oils also have been historically used for skin care.

    Patchouli has also been used as an anti-inflammatory and an aid for dry, cracked skin. The oil of Lavender has soothing effects on the skin and has been on wounds in ancient Greece and Rome and still is today. Sandalwood has been used for skin regeneration, and to treat acne, dry skin, rashes, chapped skin, eczema, itching and sensitive skin. Ylang Ylang has been used to treat eczema, acne, oily skin, and irritation associated with insect stings or bites.

  2. #2
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Using Pheromones for Attraction & Bonding -Art

    Very good article for additional reading try James V kohl website (creator also of Scent of eros) at http://

  3. #3
    Phero Guru
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    Default Re: Using Pheromones for Attraction & Bonding -Art

    This article is truly informative and easily understood - thanks for the post!!! My girlfriend is going to be amazed as she wears petchouli oil all the time. I should be the one wearing it!!!! Again, thanks Io Sono!!!

  4. #4
    Phero Enthusiast nonscents's Avatar
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    Default How Smell A Vision Overtook Traditional Cinema

    In the early 60s virtually no movie houses were capable of generating odors. A few of the older readers may remember those ancient times. Then, when sense scientists discovered the primacy of chemical sensing in the mid-60s, Smell-A-Vision made its debut. Since all of our emotions are generated by smells, and since the primary function of cinema entertainment is to manipulate our emotions, Hollywood realized that sight and sound were insufficient to give the moviegoer the emotional experience they so craved. The first Smell-A-Vision theatres of the mid-60s were a phenomenal success. When the characters were in a forest, theatre diffusers emitted a woodsy smell. When there was a gun battle, they could smell the gunpowder. There was the smell of baking bread, coffee, horse poop, and, of course, that unforgettable classic: infant projectile vomit.

    The market quickly dicated its irrevocable laws to theatre owners everywhere: install Smell-A-Vision or shut your doors. Today, of course, it is inconceivable to view a movie that lacks chemical accompaniment. Further proof of the primacy of chemical sensing in explaining all human phenomena.

    Thought you all might be interested in this article I recently found on a reputable web site.


  5. #5
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: How Smell A Vision Overtook Traditional Cinema

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    Today, of course, it is inconceivable to view a movie that lacks chemical accompaniment.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">


    I\'ve never smelt a thing at any movie complex I\'ve been too. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif[/img]

  6. #6
    Phero Enthusiast nonscents's Avatar
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    Default Re: How Smell A Vision Overtook Traditional Cinema

    I guess it takes a while to reach the outback. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

  7. #7
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    Default Re: How Smell A Vision Overtook Traditional Cinema

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    Today, of course, it is inconceivable to view a movie that lacks chemical accompaniment.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">


    I\'ve never smelt a thing at any movie complex I\'ve been too. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif[/img]

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    At the moment most Cinema do not have the \"smell O vision\" thingy.

    I saw on Discovery channel a show showing the experimentation to bring this technology back. It will be implemented onto TV and computers.

    They are still working on a bigger range of smells and of course a more accurate one.

  8. #8
    Phero Enthusiast nonscents's Avatar
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    Default Re: Using Pheromones for Attraction & Bonding -Article

    Sorry, I couldn\'t resist taking the assumptions of the main article and carrying them to one of their logical conclusions.

    Let\'s look at the first article. If we are to believe the unsubstantiated broad conclusions it draws from rather narrow evidence, we will do the following.

    1. We won\'t take \'mones if we are in our 20s. The article claims that we\'re pumping out the \'mones at a high rate and we only need to supplement as those \'mones decline in our later years. This is the same argument we see again and again from those who are selling DHEA.

    2. We won\'t buy anything sold at According to this article, the evidence demonstrates that plant-based pheromones are the ones people should use. In fact, it just happens to be the case that the website where this article is found sells plant-based pheromones exclusively. Coincidence?

    3. If we want to maximize our success with the opposite sex we won\'t bath very often. Probably no more than once a week. Now we all know there are some rare individuals who smell sweet days after their last shower. But does anyone argue that this is true for large numbers of people?

    I have some personal experience with number 3. At my full-time job, new immigrants from a particular Asian country often come to work. They bathe very infrequently. Neither men nor women who have been \"Americanized\" can stand being within 25 feet of them. Some one has to tell them to start washing their pits and crotch with soap and warm water.

    There is no \"natural man.\" People are always in societies with cultures. Cultures influence our tastes, and desires, and behaviors. Chemical signals influence our behavior but they do not determine it. These signals are interpreted through many filters one of which being the rules we receive from our culture.

  9. #9
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Using Pheromones for Attraction & Bonding -Art

    I dont think some of these websites are aware of love-scent and all its information. Or its great products, what they dont know about cant hurt them, but it can help us no end.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Using Pheromones for Attraction & Bonding -Article

    DOH! I\'m feeling foolish now... but still laughing. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

    Hey NS, I\'m not sure what\'s more amusing, your witty, sometimes sarcastic sense of humor or the seriousness in which most SEEM to respond. You actually remind me of a good friend I\'ve know for a long time or it could just be the NY cynicism thing I\'m recognizing.

    Anyway, I never meant to mislead anyone on the forum. I came across the article on a personal homepage while searching for e-oils and some cologne info. It was listed with a group of others on the subject of scents and colognes. I wasn\'t aware it was originally from some commercial site that was also attempting to promote their products? &lt;Shrug&gt;

    I agree that anyone involved in selling products as well as researching the specifics of what their company manufactures, should be more in question since they may have a vested financial interest in their business. It\'s not impossible to be completely objective in most cases but it can become increasingly difficult as the desire for monetary gain and company growth become an important focal point. Aside for all that, lets face it, it\'s just to dam easy to take statistics and scientific results out of context. Unfortunately, people lie, especially when greed is involved. All you have to do is open up the book, “How to Lie With Statistics,” to learn how and find out how simple it has become.

    I don\'t have the background, credentials, or the logged research time as some others on this board so forgive my raw opinions. Regardless of having said that, I do have some basic experience with the products Bruce sells through his company. And for the record Bruce is one of the most honest, reputable people I know in terms of selling on-line or anywhere else for that matter. Indeed, a rare trait these days.

    Although I do use pheromone enhanced products, I must admit I\'m not a big proponent of the idea that Pheromones are generally the main or foundational cause in the attracting and coupling of men and women. Nor do I believe that they are completely ineffective and useless in interpersonal relationships. I suppose I tend to lean toward the middle and take a more balanced approach, which is what I try to do in most circumstances. I\'m reminded, by the way, of the \'bending the stick\' analogy Nonscents had made on another one of his posts during an intriuing debate in DrSmellThis\'s \'Back to Theory\' thread. I\'ve always wondered... why do you suppose so many people seem to naturally fall to either one extreme or the other, rather than seeing something for what it ultimately is?

    Well, in all my dealings and experiences with phero usage over the last 2 years, I\'ve yet to encounter the wild reactions that some have posted about on this forum, either positively or in the less desired negative degrees. I\'ve used the chem set as well as a few of the other single and combination phero products sold here in an array of different mixes/combinations and situations all with minimal results. Please note: I\'m average looking (on scale about a 6-7), 165lb @ 5\'11,\" well built (keep in great shape), in my late 30\'s (most say I look 10 years younger), and have a very relaxed, easy going, down to earth personality, which I assumed would have made me the perfect candidate for those major type hits. Perhaps most of the guys posting are Colin Farrel or Brad Pitt look a likes? Hmmm... or maybe the Country and city you live has more of an influence in the reactions one receives? Dunno... but I do realize there can be/are a lot of variables that can effect the outcome when wearing pheros.

    However, I have seen certain responses, particularly in the way of complements, by family, women friends, an ex-girlfriend, and a few strange women have approached and commented in public places. It only happens though, when I take the time to rub and apply whatever scent I happen to be wearing along with the pheromones all over my neck, chest, arms and stomach while also spraying a small amount on my shirt and collar. This is what initially attracted me to the article I posted, since they mention doing this in order to have your own natural phero signature mix appropriately with the chemical synthetic pheros that you are applying. It\'s also what keeps me coming back to Love-Scent to purchase more pheromones and try different products. I don\'t use pheromones every day but I\'ve had enough positive encounters to rule out coincidence at this point.

  11. #11
    Phero Pro
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    This was a very interesting thread.

    lo-sono's last post was terrific. Bumping for the sake of the newbies.

  12. #12
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Default a steamming load of crap...


    "article" reminds me of something a high school student might throw together after trolling the internet for a

    couple hours. While there are a few bits of truth here and there, much information is suspect and/or taken out of

    context. I'd give the author a D-.

    "By age 40, your pheromone signals no longer excite others when

    you enter a room as they did when you were 18. We all tend to think that the physical beauty of young people is the

    source of their attractiveness; however, smells activate the emotions. Thus, the declining interest of others as we

    age may be more due to pheromone declines than physical changes in our bodies."
    I have to say this is

    a big steamming load of crap. First, attractiveness is perceived visually long before any pheromones can be

    detected. And attractiveness is not just a stunning physical appearance, but your body language, e.g., how you carry

    yourself, eye contact, the words you speak, etc. Second, pheromones are scentless. Body odors are another matter and

    many teens don't practice the best hygiene, e.g., I've met many doggie breath young men.

    I must say I have

    not found most 18 year old males or females strongly attractive, even if I hang within pheromone sniffing range. Nor

    have I noticed many others going ape over teenagers as they enter the room. On the other hand, there are many

    stunning 40 years olds that command the attention of every person in sight, and they're long past their


    "Nipple Pheromone - Why Men are Attracted to Large Breasted Women"
    While there

    certainly is some truth to this "theory" the conclusion is fundamentally flawed. Breast size perference is personal

    and, to some extent, cultural. I prefer small and perky breasts and find large tits a turnoff. But, yeah, American

    men tend to be more obsessed with large breasts than men from other parts of the world.

    "This type of

    pheromone dominance may also apply to humans since many researchers think human pheromone responses are very similar

    to pigs (Hard on our ego but probably true.)
    Human powers of reasoning often cause us to go against

    nature. Certainly pheromones influence our behavior. Nevertheless, social status, power and wealth play a greater

    role in drawing women to men. In other words, a thick wallet beats 3 drops of PI any day of the week.
    Last edited by Gegogi; 03-06-2005 at 02:06 AM.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  13. #13
    Full Member wood elf's Avatar
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    Good analysis and summation.

    "By age 40, your pheromone signals no

    longer excite others when you enter a room as they did when you were 18. We all tend to think that the physical

    beauty of young people is the source of their attractiveness; however, smells activate the emotions. Thus, the

    declining interest of others as we age may be more due to pheromone declines than physical changes in our bodies."

    What a load of silliness. Where did he get such nonsense? It may be reduced in some because they have not taken

    good care of their bodies but a healthy man at 40, 48 , or 55 can be very appealing in an animal sense.

    "Nipple Pheromone - Why Men are Attracted to Large Breasted Women"
    Oh, dear me! I should get implants then.

    Would my lover pay more attention to them? He seems so fond of them now.

    Women with large breasts do not have

    more glands or pores to emit more pheromones. Larger breasts mean that the skin has stretched more and there are

    fewer pores close together. We all started out with the same amount of skin.

    "Nevertheless, social status, power

    and wealth play a greater role in drawing women to men. In other words, a thick wallet beats 3 drops of PI any day

    of the week."

    Here is the only place I will partially disagree with you. Every woman has a differnt set of

    priorities. I grew up with some wealth and know how pointless money or status can be. That is not what interested me

    in a man. To some women it does matter, just like to some men big breasts matter but it underestimates most women to

    make a generalization like that.

    W. Elf

  14. #14
    Phero Enthusiast Icehawk's Avatar
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    Larger breasts denote a larger

    surface area, and that is important when dispersal is taken into account. Also isnt it a positive sign as large

    breasts denote fertility? (as with wider hips?) As for the age thing.... Im not even gonna get into that as it

    touches onto the whole smell vs visual topic, but everyone here has accepted the fact that teenagers produce more

    mones, so take that any way you want.

  15. #15
    Full Member wood elf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Icehawk
    Larger breasts

    denote a larger surface area, and that is important when dispersal is taken into account. Also isnt it a positive

    sign as large breasts denote fertility? (as with wider hips?) As for the age thing.... Im not even gonna get into

    that as it touches onto the whole smell vs visual topic, but everyone here has accepted the fact that teenagers

    produce more mones, so take that any way you want.
    The size of breasts would be important to dispersal if

    you assumed that pheromones were isolated to the breast and free to circulate. They are not isolated and the breasts

    are usually confined to a bra which negates the dispersal issue altogether.

    It is probably true about breast

    size and hips. There are many fertility symbols in the museums all over Europe that depict women with massive

    breasts and hips. If that was a serious consideration in this country and era, men would not be so enamored with

    skinny women. It takes us to the topic you brought up of scent versus visual.

    I will grant that younger people

    produce more phermones but there is no valid research indicating threshold response levels so the whole topic is a

    waste of time. Until you can define a range of levels that will trigger a response in the human brain you cannot

    make an argument either way. Otherwise I can argue that the brain "clips" excessive responses due to overload which

    would invalidate the importance of higher pheromone levels.

  16. #16
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    "Here is the only place I

    will partially disagree with you. Every woman has a differnt set of priorities. I grew up with some wealth and know

    how pointless money or status can be. That is not what interested me in a man. To some women it does matter, just

    like to some men big breasts matter but it underestimates most women to make a generalization like

    Point well taken. Although my observation is power and social status are attractive to many

    women, especially if they're not in a position of power and high status. However, I agree there are plenty of

    exceptions due to individual tastes and values. And you appear to be wiser and more particular than most. On the

    other hand, many men feel threatened, even repelled, by women of power, high status and/or education. My point was

    attraction has more to do with lifesyle, personality and appearance than pheromones. I'm an avid 'mone user but I

    realize its limits and benefits. It just doesn't create attraction in the same sense as a moth drawn to flame.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  17. #17
    Full Member wood elf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gegogi
    Point well taken.

    Although my observation is power and social status are attractive to many women, especially if they're not in a

    position of power and high status. However, I agree there are plenty of exceptions due to individual tastes and

    values. And you appear to be wiser and more particular than most. On the other hand, many men feel threatened, even

    repelled, by women of power, high status and/or education. My point was attraction has more to do with lifesyle,

    personality and appearance than pheromones. I'm an avid 'mone user but I realize its limits and benefits. It just

    doesn't create attraction in the same sense as a moth drawn to flame.
    I do not disagree with you at all.

    There are enough women that will jump into bed in the hope of snaring a rich or powerful man to justify your point

    just like there are always a flock of men around the woman with the biggest boobs. There are also many more who

    watch this and shake their heads in dismay. I think you are completely right to believe that attraction has more to

    do with lifestyle, personality and appearance than pheromones.

    Icehawk, you brought up something that I think is

    important. You said that everybody on the forum has accepted the fact that older people produce fewer pheromones.

    Gegogi mentioned that he is not in the least attracted to young girls. Neither is Belgareth and I find most men even

    of my own age unattractive at all levels as do some of my friends. I searched for a time last night and could find

    no research demonstrating that older people produce fewer pheromones. The lack of evidence, if correct, makes it an

    assumption instead of a fact and it does not cover all the observable data. Let me offer an alternative suggestion.

    What if, instead of pheromone production decreasing or in conjunction with a moderate decrease, people's pheromone

    ratios changed as they aged. Less of some and more of others. At the same time, our bodies change so that we are

    attracted to the changing ratios? It might better address the available data than to assume that attraction to

    pheromones is something of a steady state while production declines.

    This is not an attempt to upset anybody's

    apple cart and I am not an expert in any of these fields but I am a fair researcher. It just strikes me that we are

    all making assumptions based on one data set without considering other available information.

  18. #18
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    There is evidence that DHEA and

    testosterone levels decrease in men with age. This theoretically affects pheromone levels - in some way.

    Information about pheromones: Pheromone Information Library

  19. #19
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Mostly DHEA decreases.

    Testosterone levels stay substantively high, though decreasing a little. I do suspect that other pheromones

    compensate, as wood elf speculates, and that a man's pheromones can be more attractive as he ages. I suspect that a

    man's pheromone profile becomes more complex, and that this is why more complicated perfumes smell better on older


    For men, I don't know that having the DHEA levels of a 20 year old is best, however. I usually take 20mg

    DHEA a day for reasons other than pheromones, but notice better "hits" when I don't take it at all. On the other

    hand, when I took only 5mg a day, which wouldn't take me all the way to the 20 year-old level; I noticed better

    hits than when taking none at all. So maybe I'm just slightly over the hill in that one respect.

    I also notice

    I get far better attention from women of all ages (especially younger ones, though) when I don't soap shower (hot

    water only -- when will you overly sanitary skeptics ever learn? ), suggesting my own natural pheromones work

    fine, thank you very much.

    Regarding women, I personally find that I get a stronger physical arousal effect from

    older women, compared to 21 year-olds, if I am being honest with myself. Here I am talking about the effect when

    kissing them and being close or intimate with them. (It is not technique, either).

    Of course, there are limits

    to this, and age does affect us all. But I suspect that if a partner is pheromonally attracted to me now, she will

    continue to be later, as we both age; assuming we stay healthy.
    Last edited by DrSmellThis; 03-07-2005 at 11:18 AM.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  20. #20
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    BTW, I recognize the original

    post as an old article from the web site, which sells youth enhancing skin products. It wasn't a very

    impressive article on pheromones, to say the least, even though they sell good skin lotions. Take it with a grain of

    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  21. #21
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrSmellThis
    Mostly DHEA

    decreases. Testosterone levels stay substantively high, though decreasing a little.

    I remember a

    post here (possibly by Whitehall) saying that testosterone levels decreased and estrogen levels increased in older


    Information about pheromones: Pheromone Information Library

  22. #22
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    Hi all, I'm new here and

    have a few questions.
    First, have there been any scientific studies that showed a positive relationship between

    real human copulins (NOT synthetic NOR animal-derived copulins) and human male sexual response/attraction? If tried

    to locate studies but haven't been able to find any. Thanks.

    My second question is about the controversial

    Athena 10:13 for women. It seems, from what I've read here and elsewhere, that the male version of Athena is pretty

    much ineffective. However, I've found some reviews of the female version of Athena that do indicate it is effective

    in sexually attracting men. Why would that be? Would DHEA, if indeed that's the key ingredient, be more effective

    for women?
    Also, on the Athena website it states that the Athena 10:13 contains a synthetic human pheromone. Would

    DHEA be defined as such?
    I'm leery that the patent on Athena 10:13 still hasn't been granted...and I'm left

    wondering why.
    Thanks again, everyone!

  23. #23
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    Oops, another newbie

    question, in regard to the plant pheromone article posted.
    While I realize that essence of pumpkin pie is not a

    plant pheromone, per se, although lavender may be, this study shows a postive relationship between the pumpkin

    pie/lavender fragrance and a male sexual arousal response. Therefore, whether it's a pheromone or not, this

    fragrance appears to create the desired end results for many women. Have any researchers debunked this study, or

    found it flawed? I would think that these scents would be well utilized as "cover scents" for pheromones, or even in

    place of pheromones in some instances. What matters most is the end result, not whether it's a pheromone or perfume

    My question is: have any studies on commercially available pheromones shown significantly better results in

    measurable sexual arousal (E.G. penile blood flow etc.), than Hirsch's food-scent study?
    I'm intrigued by the

    science of this topic, sorry to inundate with requests for study results!! Thanks again!

  24. #24
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CptKipling


    remember a post here (possibly by Whitehall) saying that testosterone levels decreased and estrogen levels increased

    in older men.
    Estrogen levels do increase.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  25. #25
    Full Member wood elf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CptKipling


    remember a post here (possibly by Whitehall) saying that testosterone levels decreased and estrogen levels increased

    in older men.
    I did find some information on estrogen increases and indicators that testosterone may

    decrease somewhat depending on several factors but nothing significant. There was nothing at all about pheromone

    decreasing. Theories are fine but so many have been wrong, clinical proofs are needed to check our assumptions.

    Without that we are mostly guessing.

  26. #26
    Enlightened One
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    We need some posts by James V Kohl

    with the real science based argument on this thread. Still its an introduction for newbies

  27. #27
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    I'm sorry everyone, I

    made a stupid error in the question of my previous post!!
    What I'm wondering is if there have been any scientific

    studies showing a significant positive relationship between synthetic copulins (such as those sold commercially)

    with human male sexual response or human male sexual attraction.
    Thanks for your replies and I apologize for my

    mistake...I posted before having enough coffee!
    <<First, have there been any scientific studies that showed

    a positive relationship between real human copulins (NOT synthetic NOR animal-derived copulins) and human male

    sexual response/attraction? >>

  28. #28
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    "What I'm wondering is if

    there have been any scientific studies showing a significant positive relationship between synthetic copulins (such

    as those sold commercially) with human male sexual response or human male sexual attraction."
    I doubt

    it. Personally I find the natural scents of a young woman extremely erotic. It actually makes me feel high. However

    I can also say EW by itself doesn't do a thing for me. However, that's just me. If you put EW on a healthy young

    woman it may prove to be an enhancement. I'd love to experience synthetic pheromones on a woman but have yet to

    have the honor. My last GF claimed she didn't need any as guys hit on her constantly...
    Last edited by Gegogi; 03-09-2005 at 12:56 AM.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  29. #29
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gegogi
    I doublt it.

    Personally I find the natural scents of a young woman extremely erotic. It actually makes me feel high. However I

    can also say EW by itself doesn't do a thing for me. However, that's just me. If you put EW on a healthy young

    woman it may prove to be an enhancement. I'd love to experience synthetic pheromones on a woman but have yet to

    have the honor. My last GF claimed she didn't need any as guys hit on her constantly...
    It doesn't make

    me feel high but the smell of a fresh, clean woman is about the most erotic scent I can imagine.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  30. #30
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth
    It doesn't

    make me feel high but the smell of a fresh, clean woman is about the most erotic scent I can

    ...clean, dirty, whatever! Just give me the scent of a woman (Maybe my new perfume will be called

    SOW. )! It is definitely a high to me.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

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