
As I apply my SOE with the roller I observe that I get a shiny line with the stuff where applied that

lasts for the longest time before it's completely dried up/absorbed by the skin.

So here's the deal, I read on

this forum ages ago that when you rub, you should try to try and cover as much skin as possible for best results.

And now I'm reading the review by peter on APC at the LS website, and he says:

let it dry,

dont rub! i know it sounds like a pain, but let it dry naturally
Does it make a difference how

you apply phero's?

I do prefer the drop method, and if I were to use my SOE with a dropper,

does anyone know just about how much one inch would compare with drop amounts?

I've had two

serious hits w/PI and SOE lately. 2drops of PI+10inches SOE is DA BOMB! This combiation has given me

unbelievable results beyond my imagination! I'm having trouble keeping my cool, because I'm not used to that kind

of strong attention! Still being used to attention, but this is way huge stuff

Also, I must add that I've

forgotten to wear cover scent at most occasions.
Does this matter as long as no-one backs away, or say that

you stink?

Phew, lots of questions, but any help would be highly appreciated!