
You have the right idea except it is not rebellion and shouldn\'t be handled that way. The best advice for this young man is to go to his school counselor and tell them the whole truth. That is what our government should be doing, protecting this young man and helping him to become productive. His mother refusing him health care and forcing him to lie about his mental state is nothing short of abuse! Our advising him to grin and bear it is hurting him and his mother and in the long run may destroy their relationship. He needs to take action now in his own best interests.


Parental authority in most cases is correct but when the parent is taking an action that is harming the child, the chld is under no obligation to obey. Do not fight with her, simply get the help you need and if it comes down to a fight, go to the legal system to get help. You have an unabridgable right to all forms of health care. It is the government\'s obligation to fight for your well being, let them do their job and protect you.