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  1. #1
    Phero Pro
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    Default You meet a guy for the first time and...

    You get to talking to him. At some point during your conversation he says something that really embarrasses you & you blush, turn your head away & cover your mouth at the very least. Let\'s say you are talking about Father\'s Day & I ask you if you talked to your Dad today & your response is, \"actually him & my mum came in earlier today with my sister, it was the only way I could see him.\" My response was, \"Is your sister older or younger?\" You explain she\'s younger, you would like her.\" I respond, \"Why do you say that??\" And you reply, \"She\'s much prettier then me.\" Without hesitation, I look you straight in the eyes & I say, \"That\'s impossible.\" To which you blush, turn your head away & cover your mouth with your left hand yet remain speechless. My response to your behavior is, \"Excellent - I made you blush, sorry to embarrass you like that.\" with a big grin on my face as I walk away.

    My question is simple & I think there are two answers. If you recount that episode with two different kinds of guys I am assuming your non-verbal behavior would be different. I\'m guessing if it was someone you were physically & socially attracted to, it would not be out of the ordinary for you to react similarly. Conversely if the same \"script was read\" with someone whom you had already mentally \"tagged\" as unsuitable you would have been more confident & less easily embarrassed & perhaps let me go with a fake giggle & maybe a head nod.

    I know this seems overly analytical but that\'s who I am, I\'m just looking for some honest opinions. The truth of the matter is she is a \'substitute\' waitress that works maybe once every month or two that I have built incredible rapport with, but unfortunately she has a boyfriend. I am only making this post in order to better understand women.

  2. #2

    Default Re: You meet a guy for the first time and...

    Bivonic, there isn\'t any question in your post. We\'re left to infer. You\'ll get better answers if you ask a clear question. I think I know what you\'re talking about but I\'m not sure.

  3. #3
    Phero Pro
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    Default Re: You meet a guy for the first time and...

    Maybe it\'s my bad I\'ve been boozing for a little while, glad to see you up at 2AM EST on a Sunday night.

    Plain & simple, if a guy compliments you & gets you to be that embarrassed is it safe to assume you are caught off guard & attracted to him or can an unappealling gentleman get you to blush, turn your head away & cover your face when he tosses you a genuine compliment? It\'s my opinion that it\'s possible for that to be the case but if you were to show me your pearly white teeth that it\'s a sign of attraction & perhaps your using your hand to cover up your teeth is a signal of embarrassment, meaning you subconsicously realize by giving me a smile that wide & showing off so much of your teeth that you realize that is too strong of a signal (considering the fact you have a boyfriend) & you cannot change your physiology to hide the way you feel so you need to resort to consciously using your hand to cover up your true feelings?

  4. #4

    Default Re: You meet a guy for the first time and...

    Did you actually say \"Excellent..etc.\"?

  5. #5
    Phero Pro
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    Default Re: You meet a guy for the first time and...

    Something along those lines, I might not have started off with Excellent, but rather typed that for more effect, I think I just smiled back at her with a slight pointing motion & said, \"haheh, I got you to blush!\"

    I can be blunt, I started the evening off with my roommate at this Mexican bar outside, we had his dog Elmo sitting outside of the fence with us. These two incredibly hot girls sit down right next to us (one of them sat directly behind me, but he was facing them) it was real difficult to interact with them on a social level as we were sitting down at our own tables & not really in direct view of each other.

    The quarters were tight so at the least we could hear each other\'s conversations (one of them was talking about a guy & how she could not see herself dating him since she thought she was out of his league - in not so many words) - as intimidating as they where, I tried my darndest to counteract when I made/received a few phone calls with some buddies talking about women we met last night as well as these two hotties that walked past us that my buddy knew. Then after we paid our bill & got up to leave, I go to get my roommate\'s dog & the two of them were looking around at us as we are taking off & in the cutest voice, the brunette makes eyes with Elmo & makes a little waving gesture good bye as she says, \"goodbye cutie\" & then she says to me \'he must be a real babe magnet for you\' to which I replied, \"Well...(pause)\'s working pretty well right now [big grin].\" To which of course I get her to blush, cover her mouth as she\'s grinning from cheek to cheek as she turns her head away. Unfortunately I didn\'t close the deal since my roommate is not as smooth & he beleaguered the point & asked her, \" it working?\" To which he got no response.

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