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Thread: Switch 'em up

  1. #31
    Phero Dude xxxPantero's Avatar
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    Default Re: Switch \'em up

    wow guys, thanks for all your input. i feel loved.

    few things i\'d like to reply:

    1) i\'m always hearing \"do what makes you feel good inside, not to please others\". what if what one of the things that make me feel good inside is looking nice to others? people are always saying \"be yourself\", but they fail to realize that THAT IS \"ME\".

    2) about the hairdresser... i\'ve never had my hair styled. only cut, left to me to do whatever. but i\'d like a professional\'s opinion. a lot of these movie stars are average-looking, but after their hair is styled (and made-up for women/some men) they look beautiful.

    3) i\'m confident and funny enough to where i can pick up a girl here and there, but as i stated before, it\'s never \"good enough\". the 20-somethings and above at my job enjoy my company, and i\'m still not satisfied. like i said, THAT IS \"ME\"

    4) i\'m iffy on the armpit hair thing. i like the \"animalism\" that some hair suggests (on me, not on women [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] ), but i don\'t really mind as long as it\'s not distracting, pubic hair can be sexy, in fact i prefer that look over bald ones, since i\'m reminded too much of pre-pubescent girls, although that might change when i\'m a dirty old man. trimmed is nice... and i\'m rambling)

    5) facial hair... losing the goatee for a 5\'0-clock shadow, trying that out, if it works, great, if not, oh well. when i shave completely i look 16. when i don\'t shave at all, i look like a scruffy mexican

    6) the eyes... thank you FTR. i didn\'t know that. it wasn\'t intentional. if only i had that more often.
    7) thanks people who say i\'m cute. thanks to those who also give me suggestions. if you are both, i love ya!
    8) i pluck the center of my brows
    9) right now i have my hair short, close to my head, people tell me they prefer it longer. i\'m neutral, so i\'ll go with whatever looks nicer.
    10) armpit hair, i\'m thinking i should treat it like my pubes... trimmed, but not bare, but not buckwheat either. rule of thumb, if the hair starts to be visible while my arms are down (peeking out the sides), then i\'ll trim, until then, i\'m leaving a little of the animal in me. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]

    thanks everybody!

    right now i look scruffy, since i have decided that this is a \"transitional\" period for me. and when i do care, i\'ll fix myself up. i can be getting to my goal slowly, as long as i know i\'m getting there.

    i think of myself as a character in a role-playing game:
    you can always increase the levels of health, strength, wealth, etc. and add new skills and build upon the character you were given. that\'s basically what i\'m doing.
    although some of my improvements are superficial - looks, social skills(dancing, bartending, etc.), wealth, tone of voice - there are more improvements that are totally worthwhile and not superficial - memory, better thinking, ability to control dreams(lucid dreaming), being friendlier, getting to the point in conversations etc.

    i am essentially a good person, who just wants to be better.

    thanks for reading

  2. #32
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    cute? From his features he looks pretty manly, though as said he may be short but that\'s not really coming into the picture. It\'s a good and a bad thing for him he can play the pretty boy roles and women love it. He can try to be different and play the weird crazy f$\'d up guy like in Fight Club and people still remark on his good looks.

    I can see what you mean FTR afterall I can imagine someone putting a wig on him and having him pass as a decent women.

  3. #33

    Default Re: Switch \'em up

    If your thing is self improvement, then self improve, right. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

    Have you ever gone to a men\'s clothing store that has good help and just asked a salesperson to pick stuff out for you? I know these are not your style, but for example, Briches and Jos A Banks has incredibly good salesmen who can put together shirts, ties, jackets in combinations you would never think of in colors that you\'d never think of, in looks that are FLATTERING. Re your idea of \"role play\" character, one Satuday just go to the mall and hit a bunch of stores and have the salesmen dress you in what they think would look good, and check yourself out.

    That can be very interesting. Might give you some ideas to play with.

    You should give your hair a month or two to grow before going to a stylist, so they will have something to work with.

    You\'re starting to talk about money, now, you know ... clothes and hair etc etc.

  4. #34
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    Default Re: Switch \'em up

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    Ok, are you people all BLIND or what??

    Look at his EYES, my god. He\'s got the serious f*ck me eyes.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    I\'m with FTR on this one - I would NOT toss you out of my bed sweetheart. Personally, I don\'t go for the pretty boys (what most people would call drop-dead handsome). I like a little bad boy tossed in just for good measure. Can be attitude, career, martial arts, he-man stuff. Bad-boy doesn\'t have to be hell\'s angels looks, either. Honey, you have eyes that say \"Come here baby, let me ease your troubled soul\" I\'d say, just from this pix alone, that your eyes are your feature to play up. And, yeah, get rid of the little tuft on your chin. This makes you look young, aka inexperienced. (Not saying you are, just that it makes you LOOK like it) But you ain\'t got nothing to worry look FINE! One tip (maybe this is just me) but like some of the guys who like a woman in tight jeans...well, I don\'t know of anything more sexy than a WELL-WORN tightly clinging pair of blue jeans on a man. A pair that cups his jewels in just the right fashion. Only a thought here.

  5. #35
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Switch \'em up

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    I can imagine someone putting a wig on him and having him pass as a decent women.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    Well geez, Tallmacky, let\'s not give the guy a complex! [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]

  6. #36

    Default Re: Switch \'em up

    I think TM was talking about Brad Pitt.

  7. #37

    Default Re: Switch \'em up

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    Ok, are you people all BLIND or what??

    Look at his EYES, my god. He\'s got the serious f*ck me eyes.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    I\'m with FTR on this one - I would NOT toss you out of my bed sweetheart. Personally, I don\'t go for the pretty boys (what most people would call drop-dead handsome). I like a little bad boy tossed in just for good measure. Can be attitude, career, martial arts, he-man stuff. Bad-boy doesn\'t have to be hell\'s angels looks, either. Honey, you have eyes that say \"Come here baby, let me ease your troubled soul\" I\'d say, just from this pix alone, that your eyes are your feature to play up. And, yeah, get rid of the little tuft on your chin. This makes you look young, aka inexperienced. (Not saying you are, just that it makes you LOOK like it) But you ain\'t got nothing to worry look FINE! One tip (maybe this is just me) but like some of the guys who like a woman in tight jeans...well, I don\'t know of anything more sexy than a WELL-WORN tightly clinging pair of blue jeans on a man. A pair that cups his jewels in just the right fashion. Only a thought here.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    Jeans worn low, that fit right in the crotch/ass. Woo - hoooooo.

  8. #38
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    Default Re: Switch \'em up

    Pantero, I\'d just add to trim up on your sideburns about 1/2-3/4 of an inch on each side. I\'d also get a close, close cut on your hair; it looks bushy and very full. One accessory you might try would be to wear a beanie (a la Enrique iglesias or Eminem) that would 1.) cover up and pin back your \"cute\" ears and 2.) bring the attention to your eyes. As far as the unibrow (if you indeed even have one) don\'t sweat it, look at Liam Gallagher from Oasis and Colin Farrell. Big brows look tough.

    Just my thoughts. Anyone agree?

  9. #39
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    Default Re: Switch \'em up

    yea those tight blue jeans will get out all the farmer\'s daughters. just be careful of mutated genes.

  10. #40
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    Default Re: Switch \'em up

    Look into Diesel jeans. They\'re damn expensive but worth it for one, even two pairs. They hug the butt and accentuate the package better. There\'s so many styles, but definitely worth trying on a good 30 minutes worth once you find your style.

    As for the coworkers, one thing to get them to see you in a different, more mature/handsome light: Pick out a nice, thin wire-frame pair of specs. Trust me, women love them for some reason and imagine throwing them off in the heat of passion.

    That said, you\'re all set dude. Keep up the working out and trim the excess armpit hair.

  11. #41
    Phero Dude xxxPantero's Avatar
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    Default Re: Switch \'em up


    \"I can imagine someone putting a wig on him and having him pass as a decent women.\"

    when i wear a wig, i look like a skinny version of my mom. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

    anyway, let me make an example. look at edward norton.

    picture him in
    \"keeping the faith\"
    \"fight club\"
    \"american history x\"

    the same features, but the hair changes so much, that he pulls off:
    \"wussy boy good guy\"
    \"regular joe with some issues\"
    \"scary mofo badass\"

    hair can affect the look of the face. the frame can affect the look of the picture. once the frame (hair), picture (face), room (clothes, body), and lighting (personality) match up, you will have a beautiful set (me [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img])
    right now i think i\'m \"average joe\".. i\'d like to be either \"scary mofo badass\" for a little bit of fun, or \"good lawdy girl! look at him!\" hehehehehe for a different type of fun.

    i feel it\'s relative that i should mention i had seriously considered acting as a career. i still might, when they start giving some good roles to middle easterns - i don\'t ever want to play the token punjabi in a movie or play. so i wonder what

    what i dont\' like about my hair... u can\'t see it in the pics, but it sticks up in the back top, and makes me look like i have a big head. now, i\'ve had my head shaved (and blond...picture a brown eminem...long story) and so i KNOW i don\'t have a weird lookin head, but sometimes it sticks up and makes me self-conscious. the majority of my gel goes to mat down that area, but i want to find a stylist that can figure out how to work with that.

    as far as the jeans...
    i\'m super picky about clothes. i am worse than the female stereotype. i will try on every pants in the store in order to find one. maybe.
    i\'m lucky enough to have a perky butt (so i\'ve heard)
    i wear boxers, though, not briefs... how do i get the jeans to cup my crotch? i think i should bulk up first (slightly), so the jeans will naturally cup my crotch. i like the \"boot cut\" jeans... slightly tight on the thighs, loose on the calves. either straight leg, or unnoticeably flared.

    and yes, i do know this will cost a lot. but, i am taking it one step at a time. first the hair. then the ears. then the clothes, etc. i hate spending money... even when i have saved it for a specific purpose, i don\'t like spending it. unless of course, it\'s not my money. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]

    thanks girls and guys...
    keep those suggestions rolling in!!!

  12. #42
    Phero Dude xxxPantero's Avatar
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    Default Re: Switch \'em up



    I know I\'m not as sexy as I\'d like to be, although I\'m not bad, but I had to name this one...

    THE UGLY DUCKLING. Seriously, when you see this pic, you will know why I have issues and doubts about my looks. I once thought I looked normal, average. This was what I looked like:

    AAAAAAAAH!! Scary, wasn\'t it? Okay, at least it was a big jump in two years. Whiffy, don\'t ever mention glasses again! [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

    Okay guys, off to the gym to hopefully work on that body of mine.

    Oh, and gentlemen... make sure to work out your legs so you don\'t have the hulk\'s torso, and carrot top\'s legs! [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img] Just a reminder.

  13. #43
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    Default Re: Switch \'em up

    Hmmm, well maybe not those kind of glasses. Try small, small rectangular specs.

    What about a cowboy hat? Ever worn one of those??

    Hehehe, sorry.

  14. #44
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    Default Re: Switch \'em up

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />

    Trust me, women love them for some reason and imagine throwing them off in the heat of passion.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    Hahah that sounds funny.

    Do you want tips to make you overall a more sexually attractive guy. I mean the little tid bits like buy these jeans and do this and that does that really make you more attractive, maybe to the girl on the street looking at you but most people will want to take this girl home and ride her for awhile ya know. I can tell what\'s real and what\'s not when it comes to true beauty to a women. I can tell an ugly girl who just has money to accessories as hell and appear to be average.

    Then again women are much much different eh. Maybe the little tid bits are more appreciate well, they are.

  15. #45
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    He said he wanted to be seen in a different light. He\'s already working on his build and personality and mones, these are just superficial additions so others will see him a different light. They won\'t change who he is.

    In effect, I answered his question. It\'s all about appearances right now.

  16. #46
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    Default Re: Switch \'em up

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    THE UGLY DUCKLING. Seriously, when you see this pic, you will know why I have issues and doubts about my looks. I once thought I looked normal, average. This was what I

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    I just saw that picture, for some reason in the picture you look as if you have Downs Syndrome. Where\'s the pic at I know its BK, local or where you guys all driving somewhere.

  17. #47
    Phero Dude xxxPantero's Avatar
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    Default Re: Switch \'em up

    LOL down syndrome

    thank god i don\'t

    yeah it\'s a BK. i think it\'s in ohio, south carolina, georgia, one of these places. i remember there was a lot of hills. confusing for someone from miami.

  18. #48
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    Default Re: Switch \'em up

    Ah, ok... That makes more sense. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif[/img] [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]

  19. #49

    Default Re: Switch \'em up

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    Hmmm, well maybe not those kind of glasses. Try small, small rectangular specs.

    What about a cowboy hat? Ever worn one of those??

    Hehehe, sorry.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    That\'s funny - I was just thinking about that, too, about the glasses.

    Glasses are as significant as hair cuts. You have to really shop carefully for glasses and be willing to throw down serious cash for designer frames if that\'s what looks good. I end up spending $200-$300 just on frames sometimes, but it\'s worth it. If they\'re the right frames for your face, they\'ll enhance your image.

  20. #50
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    Default Re: Switch \'em up



  21. #51

    Default Re: Switch \'em up

    They don\'t make contacts for my prescription. It would be nice, tho - that\'s a good option, if you can.

  22. #52
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    Default Re: Switch \'em up

    There\'sa VERY GOOD salon. I go to.

    It\'s a BIT EXPENSIVE.

    It\'s called OUTER LIMITS off 441.

    I use wax in my hair, etc.

    I have probably added a number and a half to my face just from hair cut.


    If your ears are big, cover them wtih long heair.

    Long doesn\'t mean longer than what you have either...Long means COMPLETELY COVER THEM...
    Like Kelso on that 70\'s show or something.

    Now, dude, shave armpits?

    I don\'t know.

    I\'ve shaved the legs, armpits...

    Some girls that it was cool, I don\'t know...It doens\'t really matter. IT\'s better for mones if you don\'t shave them. And becing a man, you can do that. In fact, having little arm pit hair can be detrimental to that image.

    Nice pic of the girlfriend orgasming...I think I\'m going to keep that one, he he.



    I have a long, thin nose. My face is not perfect.

    Hair cut...

    Work out.

    Eat right (warrior diet)

    I don\'t really know what to tell you man, I don\'t really get girls....

    But your girlfriend\'s hot.

    Why do you care? You got the girl..What else do you want?

    It\'s all...

    The more you sacrifice, the more you get.

    Basically, if you want to better yourself, you sacrifice more.

    These could be things like.

    Eating, sleeping, wokring out hard, studying, etc. (No sleeping...Military, teach you to run off less sleep, etc...)

    Soem famous guy that says stuff said that to better yourself, do what\'s hard.

    Do that.

    If it\'s hard to ask a girl out, do it.

    If it\'s hard to work out, not sleep, not eat, have sex more than once a day, do it...


  23. #53
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    Default Re: Switch \'em up

    After take a careful look to you pictures, I conlude the best for you is this: use big hair, with that your ears will look smaller. Throw away your glasses; instead buy some good contacts or like somebody here suggest spend a good money on a good frames. And finally, let your chin grow up; you have that thug looks and you look older.
    If you all that, I think that you will accomplish your goals about looks and you will get rid of this \"Teletubbies look\" that you have on the last picture (the one that you are with your buddies). [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]

  24. #54
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Switch \'em up

    Incase u care for my opinion :

    -Your girl is hot , keep her , don\'t f--k around if u could loose her doing that ! (atleast keep her untill u find something better [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] )

    -Best feauture on you : Your eyes ! Never use glasses again.

    - Want even hotter babes ? (older,more experienced , not the young gal your boinking right now) work on your body. As someone suggested , you need a fullbody workout - hit the gym dammit. Eat more , so you bulk up - then tone down again through workout , leaving u with something u could actually call chest/shoulders/arms...

    -hair ain\'t too bad the way it is....stil definetly go for a haircut that can be easily changed into lots of different styles...don\'t ever go back to the very short look !

    - f****ng trimm those pits....disgusting [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img] , don\'t mean to insult u , it\'s just pure horror for me...DOn\'t shave of , just trimm a bit , that will look MUCH better.

    -Keep the sleezy , cheezy , don juan , i\'ma put killa-antz in you pants look on your face...chic magnet !

    Thats it ! Maybe one last (funny) thing :

    Everybody on this thread (me included) has suggested suff that (more or less) :

    a) u already know by yourself
    b) u are certainly fully aware of
    c) u are currently workin to improve , because of a) + b) [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

    wich combined means : You are doing everything right ! There is nothing to worry about !
    You look alright !
    YOu got friends !
    You got a girl !
    YOu can get other girls aswell !

    = ANother Huge Confidence Boost !

    ~Peace I\'m out [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

  25. #55
    Phero Dude xxxPantero's Avatar
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    Default Thanks guys

    Guys, I just wanted to post a thank you to you all for helping me out. If Hallmark made the words, I\'d say them. I am so grateful to have such a wide variety of opinions.

    What I\'ve done, What I\'m doing!:

    1) Took the advice about the armpits. Combined the females\' (\"keep the armpit hair\") and the males\' (\"it\'s nasty, shave it off!\") advice here, and just bought a face trimmer and trimmed it down. Basically there\'s still hair, just not buckwheat. Used it on my pubes (with a longer setting) and that answers THAT question for me (and hopefully others as well). Gives a trimmed but masculine look. Maybe I\'ll PM the women on here later on with more explicit pictures for more \"intimate\" comments and suggestions. Any volunteers?

    2) Took the advice about the 5\'0 clock shadow vs. the goatee. Instead of shaving with a razor, I just used the face trimmer at the lowest setting, to give me an artificial 5\'0 clock shadow. Also shortened up the side-burns, too. Also plucked the middle of my eyebrows for stray hairs. Then I had to stop myself before I got too creative.

    3) Noted Diesel Jeans... Whiffy, any idea where I can find them? What places distribute these jeans? Any females know of some other sexy jeans out there? I got tired of baggy jeans a long time ago, but I always hated ankle biters. Need something that fits close, but not tight, and that still looks REALLY nice. Girls, please list your favorite brands of clothing for guys (and why! e.g. \"Diesel jeans because they fit close around the crotch without making you look less masculine\").

    4) Gonna do a consultation at Florida Center for Cosmetic Surgery to see about my ears.

    5) Working out, swimming/running, working on voice (The Sound of Your Voice by Carol Fleming), trying out \"Double Your Dating\" Advanced Series (the CD\'s),

    6) Getting (hopefully) a better job (in addition to the one I already have)

    7) Keeping up with school, friends, family, work, GF, and other things important to me to maintain balance in my life

    8) Dropping the other females for now, and just concentrating on the main GF right now (although she \"left\" me Thursday at 7:20, ran into her room, and made up with me at 7:25 - I have a love/hate relationship with the drama... But then again I guess we all do.)

    9) Taking ZMA as not just a workout supplement, but as a partial multi-vitamin

    10) Keep on searching for the right combination and application of pheromones that work for me! (Next: Trade AE for APC &amp; PCC, since AE isn\'t helping me much) Sometimes this seach is frustrating!

    11) Not being obssessive about working out or the things mentioned above. Staying practical, optimistic but realistic. And always attempting to have fun/enjoy what I am doing.

    THANK YOU ALL. I had needed everyone\'s previous (and future) comments here. Every single one. Some put my head in the clouds, others kept my feet on the ground. I\'m glad I discovered this forum.

    I will be putting up new pics every major change, for your comments and suggestions (\"go back to the way it was\", \"i like it, good move\", \"still not right\", \"i farted\", \"let\'s have monkey-love sex\", etc.)

    See ya!

    Thanks, and don\'t forget to POST!

  26. #56
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    Default Re: Thanks guys

    WHOA!!!! What a big resolution, xxx! [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]

  27. #57
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Thanks guys

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    3) Noted Diesel Jeans... Whiffy, any idea where I can find them? What places distribute these jeans? Any females know of some other sexy jeans out there? I got tired of baggy jeans a long time ago, but I always hated ankle biters. Need something that fits close, but not tight, and that still looks REALLY nice. Girls, please list your favorite brands of clothing for guys (and why! e.g. \"Diesel jeans because they fit close around the crotch without making you look less masculine\").

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    Ok, I\'m not a girl, but I\'m gonna post my favourite brand of jeans anyway [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif[/img]:
    Ice Jeans by Iceberg. Nice fabrics and design. According to my Mrs. this jeans fits perfectly (also around the crotch [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]). Even though it\'s designer jeans, it\'s a rewarding investment! [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]

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