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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
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    Default none overdose or paranoia?

    I\'m not sure whether its none OD or paranoia. Anyway, on sat night, went out, put in 1 drop of AE, split behind both ears, with a dab of TE split on both wrists. Covered by AMen. Little dosage being the thought of residual mones. Had a reall good night, no obvious hits, but things like looking etc. However, 2nite, i decided to go for a bit more, 3 drops of AE in total and a dab of TE. Got to the club, I dunno, didn\'t have the same atmosphere as on sat night, I felt moody and unable to enjoy myself, and I felt like i was being laughed at, and didn\'t feel as happy and confident as i did on sat night.

    I feel now that when i put on TE, I feel all moody, not talkative, and just wanna be by myself. It must be TE, cos the night after sat night, I hadn\'t showered, but decided to put on another dab of TE on my wrists. I actually felt myself go all moody and serious, it just felt like a switch of mood, it was weird.

    Sometimes I have just the right amount, but when I overdo it, my mood changes and i feel all paranoid. I usually feel fine like the next day, and I also notice more looks etc the day after a night out with too much mones.

    Soz for the long post, but its only just beginning to strike me what has been causing me to have episodes of \'downness\' and paranoia, is this a common effect for too much none?

  2. #2
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: none overdose or paranoia?

    I get the same thing when I put on a lot of -none. I feel like being quiet, that everyone is pissing me off, and that I want to kill someone the second they say something to me. Lucially, I can pretty much destroy all of my friends when it comes to verbal abuse, so a couple of lines and they get the hint.

    Your dosage doesn\'t sound like an OD to me, but the -none will do that to you. Try like 2 dabs of the AE coupled w/ the TE and see how it works. Make sure you scrub yourself good in the shower, and use some Purell to get rid of the bacteria. You should be good after that to reapply.


  3. #3
    Banned User
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    Default Re: none overdose or paranoia?

    yes. enough none will put you in a bad mood. adding soe seems to help this, as it has the opp effect for most people.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: none overdose or paranoia?

    Cheers for responses, seemed like 1 drop of AE, and 1 dab of TE was about right, any more none, and I would feel like beating someone. I also read that bacteria on skin breaks down things like nol and rone into none, so u get more none. The thing is, I have had eczema, still get patches, and this comes with increased numbers of bacteria, mainly staphyloccocus me thinks, so would i get increased conversion, thus more none? On sat night, i put ae on my skin, 2nite, i put some on clothes and skin.

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