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  1. #1

    Default Positive effects on the user

    Hi all I am new to the forum! I have been reading the posts for the past six weeks and am very impressed by some of the advice handed out. I have been using mones for about a month or so with mediocre results, although with a lot of potential if I find what works for me.

    Anyway what I am interested in knowing is what is the real difference in positive user effects between the Estratetraenol (in Realm/m), Copulins (in PCC and EW), and La Croy Secret Ingredients (in NPA/w). I have been using SOE and the -nol and slight -rone combination has given me an edge in talking to girls - I am much more talkative and disinhibited from using SOE especially under my nose. It feels like a slight drunk feeling but SOE makes me tired.

    Oscar did write:
    \"Using PI/w or EW (at LOW concentrations) lowered my inhibitions nicely and gave me what I thought was a real edge in flirting. But using a higher concentration of EW, at around PCC\'s concentration of .025% made me lewd, lascivious, even lecherous to the degree that it was quite counterproductive as regards flirting. No amount of A-Nol has ever come close to producing these effects for me, and I\'ve really poured the Nol on at times.\" Has anyone had similar effects with Copulins and how would you rate the alterations in behavior to those of Realm/m, -Nol, or NPA/w?

    Whitehall wrote:
    \"Don\'t expect it [Realm] to cure your deep, dark depression and excessive misery but it might just clear up that \"rainy November of the soul.\" Is Realm simply a mood enhancer or does it have an effect (as big as Copulins or -nol) of making you less inhibited, more talkative, etc?

    I know Krtel was also impressed by the improvements in mood that Copulins gave him when he combined them in his WKM#1 mix.

    I believe that mones can be very useful for shy guys/girls (like me) for bringing out a more extroverted side and being able to take the opportunities that mones provide when they come by. In the future, perhaps ideal applications will be on the pulse points on the neck and wrists, on the back of the ears and as well as a separate application under the nose for positive user effects.

    Anyway what are your thoughts phero gurus (sorry for the long posts)? One last question: is it safe to put pheros in your nose for more effective user effects and so as to block out any negative effects of NPA, for example, on other parts of the body?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Positive effects on the user

    My theory is that copulins raise serotonin. Same feeling wearing EW and taking 5-htp or tryptophan... lazy and slow but happy. And yeah, lecherous as well.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Positive effects on the user

    Thanks for the reply, Shoe.

    I really like the user effects of -nol (talkativeness, sociability) but don\'t like the occasional silliness and tiredness that comes with its use. How would you guys rate the effects of Realm/m, Copulins, or NPA/w? Do any of them make you particularly sociable in a certain way or do they just make you happy and lazy like Shoe said of Copulins?

  4. #4
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Positive effects on the user

    Welcome to the Forum!

    I havn\'t used Realm, but i have messed around with cops and NPA/w for a while.

    Copulins in higher doses made me (and everyone else in my class at school) act really...well silly. The day was one big laugh.

    I like the effects of raising my own T levels, which can be done easily with Zinc supplimentation (30mg per day).

    NPA/w didnt affect me much, i cant really recall any difference in behavoir.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Positive effects on the user

    Thanks for the reply Captain! I admire your knowledge and experience wih mones.

    I think I will have to try the other products myself and see what they do to me. I believe that using the effects of -nol/-rone may be underutilised on this forum. SOE on my top lip is the quickest and most effective sociability boost that I have ever tried. And being in the mood to pick up is just as imporant as girls actually hitting on you - its up to the guy to do the work in the end.

  6. #6
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Positive effects on the user

    -rone is speculated to have a calming affect, and well, most of what you are getting with with SOE is the -nol affect.

    Good luck Visionary!

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