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  1. #1
    Phero Dude
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    Apr 2003
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    Default Anyone wanna trade my TE or APC for your...?

    I\'ve got an almost full bottle of TE Sandalwood and a virtually full bottle of APC. After getting the NPA, I don\'t need the TE anymore and never used, and it never seemed to work for me at all. There\'s about 5/6 of the TE bottle\'s just down to the very top of the label. I\'ve also got my bottle of APC w/ I got w/ my DD order. I don\'t really like the smell, and my cologne covers everything just as well as it does. I\'ve used MAYBE 8 dabs out of it. Make offers on them if you\'re interested, or if you have any WAGG/PI/SOE/PF you want to trade..I\'m looking for ANY of them. Reply or PM me and we can work something out so I don\'t have to send them back to Bruce and can help one of you guys out.


  2. #2
    Banned User
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    Default Re: Anyone wanna trade my TE or APC for your...?

    i\'d keep apc. 7:3 apc to npa works so much better then mixing npa with anything else for me.

  3. #3
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Anyone wanna trade my TE or APC for your...?

    I just really don\'t like the smell. I mean, it doesn\'t really smell \"bad\", but it clashes with what I wear. I put on some AE, a couple dabs of NPA, 1/3 of an SoE gel pack, and I don\'t need the APC. It smells almost too sweet for me though, and after smelling it for an hour or so I can\'t stand it. Maybe I need to give it some more time though. So many people love it, but it just doesn\'t do anything for me.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Anyone wanna trade my TE or APC for your...?

    have u tried straight apc and npa? because when i add soe or ae or whatever, the mix just doesn\'t draw nearly the same amount of attention.

  5. #5
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Anyone wanna trade my TE or APC for your...?

    I tried it like maybe 2-3 times (like 2 dabs APC, 1 NPA), but didn\'t really like it and didn\'t see anything. I then jumped over to my AE:NPA mix and have been using that ever since.

  6. #6
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Anyone wanna trade my TE or APC for your...?


    I tried a small JB1 mix last night, and still didn\'t get any results.

    TE and APC just really aren\'t working for me. I\'m looking for: SoE oil, SoE gel packs, PI/m, PI/f, WAGG, PF... anyone wanna trade/trade + $$$? I really don\'t want to have to send them back to Bruce if someone else is looking for something to try and something they have isn\'t working for them.


  7. #7
    Banned User
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    Default Re: Anyone wanna trade my TE or APC for your...?

    How much is the APC gonna cost?

    really TE sandalwood was the shiznit for me.

  8. #8
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Anyone wanna trade my TE or APC for your...?

    Make me an offer on it. I\'m really looking to trade, but if you want to buy it PM me and we can discuss it.

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