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  1. #1
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    Default Ongoing diary. Test subjects: NPA, APC, and SOE

    Ok, here\'s the lowdown. I\'m a newbie and by nature, an extremely skeptical person, especially with [bad word] like this which is expensive and seems to have very little consistancy to it in terms of results.
    I happened by this website by chance and read through the forums and I have to say, all of this is extemely fascinating to me. I am also a very curious person.
    So, I figure, what the hell? I\'ll drop 100 bones on some of the most talked about stuff and give it a shot. If it\'s total bullshit, i should be able to use the moneyback guarentee and live and learn.

    I\'m going to keep an online diary of my accounts with this little experiment here and add stuff whenever I feel there is something significant to share with everyone. I\'m going to try to be as objective as
    possible as well, and for the purposes of this test, assume that this stuff generally can work. I\'ll keep in mind to try to rule out anything that can be considered a placebo effect as well to keep this on track.

    About me: I\'m a straight male, 22 years old, just a fraction of an inch under 6feet tall, about 150lbs, skinny-to-medium build, brown hair/eyes, nicely kept goatee. On a scale of 1 to 10, in terms of looks, I\'d say i\'m a 7 or 8; definitely better looking than average, but I\'m no Colin Farrel/Brad Pitt type.
    I can be very shy, but then very confident and outgoing when I\'m in a situation that I feel comfortable in (SOE looks like it could seriously be my buddy!! [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif[/img]). My best assest usually is that I\'m extremely intelligent and make for good conversation, and in general most people who meet me or know me consider me to be the \'cool\' type.
    Unfortunately, this often leads to situations where I have like a million friends that are girls, but can\'t quite close the deal to make them girlfriends (or at least fuckbuddies for Christ\'s sake!). That, and I\'m like hellbent on trying to win back my ex-girlfriend (i know, i know, but love is love. She just smells so damn good and is a perfect 10 to me sexually). I\'m \'just friends\' with her currently and have
    been for a little over a year now, but we have gone back to each other on and off before. Since then I\'ve been stuck in this \'just friends\' rut with women and so if this pheramone [bad word] is for real, heyyyyy!!

    How I spent my $100: First I bought the roll-on bottle of SOE. This set me back about $50. My rationale for that purchase being that I can oftentimes be described as a \'lone-wolf\' type. Smiling doesn\'t always
    come naturally to me and I can be somewhat shy sometimes, unfortunately especially when I\'m in a setting that it is expected that you\'re trying to pick up women such as a club (ironic since i\'m a DJ/Producer
    and therefore spend a lot of my time in club or a bar). Then I spent another $50 to purchase the Dynamic Duo combo with the NPA, APC, and roll-on bottle. I plan to make the 3:7 JB#1 mix with this. My first approach
    will be 5\" of the JB#1 in roll-on form applied 1\" to each side of my neck, 1\" to each wrist, and 1/2\" behind each ear. I\'m also applying 10\" of roll-on SOE (3\" each side of neck, 1\" behind each ear, 1\" on each wrist.). I will
    not be applying any cover cologn unless it proves warrented later on. I do use Old Spice Red Zone Sports Scented deoderant though.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Ongoing diary. Test subjects: NPA, APC, and SOE

    Hey, welcome to the forums!

    If you really want to rule out all placebo effects I would start observing how women are around you in very fine details, because much of the happenings with people when you are on pheromones (usually in the beginning) are very subtle put sharp, its best to know now or you will get a subtle hit on pheros and wonder hmmm would I have gotten this reaction before pheromones?

    If I were you I would use each product seperatly to see how it effects me and others, then I would mix, of course there are no rules you have free will to do what you want, the APC I hear smells pretty good and is oil based and will last a good while, and protect those from the concious smell of -none.

    Thanks - and I hope to hear your hit stories soon [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Ongoing diary. Test subjects: NPA, APC, and SOE

    Day one.

    NPA and APC havn\'t arrived yet, so I\'m just messing with SOE today. I rolled on 3 inches to each side of my neck,
    one inch to each wrist, and 1 inch behind each ear. I don\'t know if this is a -nol OD or what, but I was sniffling a little bit
    as I left the house. I must have wreaked of the stuff for the first hour or so, but it definitely wasn\'t a bad smell, just a little strong
    if it\'s on you. It\'s kind of got this wierd mixture of ammonia and sassafrass type smell to it. Pleasent, but can be a little sharp.

    I went to go see \"Head Of State\" with Chris Rock in it and havn\'t really noticed any reactions while at the theatre, but then there really
    isn\'t much reason to expect to notice much there. You sit in a seat in a dark room, you leave. Ok.

    After that, I left to head over to Outback Steakhouse for dinner. Here\'s where I think i started to notice stuff. It was affecting ME!

    I felt more confident and outgoing. Just generally relaxed. Talking to the hostess at the door, or anyone else for that matter, came easily, smoothly, and generally just seemed
    kind of more effortless. If I had to equivocate this sensation to people, it would be something like this:

    You kind of feel like you\'re everyone\'s boss (the speaker) and you\'re telling your employees(whoever you\'re speaking with) what they need to do. As if you\'ve known them for a while and you
    have absolutely no need to feel even a trace of apprehension when you\'re speaking to them. I hope this makes sense.

    Also, I feel like my behaviour was more assertive than usual. When I walked into the resteraunt, I was told there was about an hour and 10 minute wait to be seated (typical Outback Steakhouse on a Saturday evening).
    You are (for those have been) as you may know allowed to just grab any seat or booth in the vincinity of the bar, first come first serve. So if you see an open table/bar stool, or one about to be open, you just snag that and you\'ve just saved an hour of your time =)
    Normally I\'m somewhat hesitant about hunting down and claiming a spot in the bar, but this time (i don\'t know if it\'s the -mones or what) I just spotted a table opening up, and then walked right up and claimed it as if I do it all the time (believe me, i usually don\'t).

    My waiter:

    Some dude. Damn. Figures, but oh well, let\'s see what\'s up here anyway. Now I don\'t know this guy. I don\'t know if this was just an extremely friendly guy or just a very good waiter or what, but this dude was treating me like a motherf*ckin king! The kind of way you\'re treated when someone has
    some sort of reason to respect for you. Again, it was kind of that feeling like I was his personal boss or something.

    One might think though that since he was my waiter, this should not be anything out of the ordinary, right? Not neccessarily. I mean usually your server is friendly, but you always kind of get that lingering vibe that it\'s just because they have to be or because they\'re gunning for a fat tip. This just seemed strangely different, i dunno. I am aware of the possible placebo effect here, and yet I don\'t think I can come to a clear decision as to rather this was a placebo effect or a hit. I think that with more expreiences it will be more clear to me, so I guess you should just take from this what you will for the moment.

    Until next time.. Peace

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Ongoing diary. Test subjects: NPA, APC, and SOE

    And one last thing for today...

    Holy sh*t! It just now occured to me how much I\'ve just typed in the last hour.

    I\'ve put less work into some of my final exams than this. Damned chatty SOE... [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]


  5. #5
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    Default Re: Ongoing diary. Test subjects: NPA, APC, and SOE

    Hahahha good post man!,

    SOE when you are wearing it has that effect on people were it makes them take every word you say as more important, you may notice people lean into you more, or seem to be anticipating something \"great\" that you will say next. Along with this people take what you say more to heart and it seems like they enjoy your words more then you. I was off SOE (now I stocked up not too long ago) and let me tell you it can\'t be undervalued at all, its so much easier talking to whoever, I don\'t care who you are when I am wearing SOE I will call you out on anything you do or just say things to you as I knew you, this totally goes against who I am by the way.

    With the waiter its like you gave him a thousand dollar tip or that\'s how it seems to feel, or you payed his way through college or something. I guess the -nol and a bit of -rone put things into perspective possibly subconciously such as what\'s the big deal if I cut in and get a table hey I\'m hungry or why not talk to this girl what\'s the worst that could happen?

    In school multiply people at a time were calling my name all at once and just scrapping to ask me weird questions just to talk to me, it was very odd and I hope to use it more often now.

    wait until you try your NPA heheh.

  6. #6
    Phero Pro
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    Default Re: Ongoing diary. Test subjects: NPA, APC, and


    Welcome to the forum fellow SOE user! SOE is a great product. In fact I just ordered three more bottles of the stuff. It makes up a large part of my mixes plus I use it on it\'s own a lot. I personally think a lot of people on this forum underestimate the power of this phero product.

    I\'ve also found SOE to be a wonderful tool when going out to eat. I remeber a while ago a buddy and I when down to a place called \"The Old Spaghetti Factory\" for dinner after a movie. I was telling him about pheros and how they worked. I told him I was wearing some right now and he said, \"Yeah right like that\'s gonna . . . .\"

    At that moment the waitress had come back with our drinks and put down his coke and my cherry lemonade with four cherries in it.


    \"See what I told you.\" [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smirk.gif[/img]

    \"No way dude! OMG. Four cherries?! [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif[/img] In your lemonade? This is . . . .\"

    She wasn\'t done yet. Scarcely ten minutes later, before I was less than 3/4 through, she plunks down a second cherry lemonade (two cherries) in front of me. I was a very busy nite, but my friend called her back to chat and with just a hint of hesitation came back and chatted with us for a good 15 min.

    My friend and I (same one) went to Hooters a few weeks later. I came out with an interesting souvineer (a receipt with a very flirty message from our waitress). She even called my friend\'s number later that night. Unfortunately he wasn\'t there to pick up, she didn\'t call back later, and she never left a call back # [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif[/img] .

    There are a few things that you need to watch out for when wearing SOE. Beta males. They will be extremely friendly, talk you\'re ear off, and keep you from the dance floor [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif[/img] . Kids. I\'ve seen kids go absolutely nuts when I\'m wearing this stuff around them.

    Anyhow good luck and happy hunting! [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif[/img]

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Ongoing diary. Test subjects: NPA, APC, and

    DAY TWO:

    Woah, f*cked up day so far.. Today was my first test with both SOE and JB#1. I applied 1\" roll on JB1 on each side of my neck, each wrist, and then a spot of it behind each ear.
    Then I applied 2 or 3 inches of SOE on each side of my neck, an inch on each wrist, and an inch behind each ear.

    I was picking up my parents and my sister from the train station (they were coming back from New York where my sister goes to NYU and my parents visited her at before bringing her home). I\'m living
    with my parents right now as well since I finished classes a couple weeks ago.

    My mother was doing some crazy wierd sh*t, man. When I picked everyone up, everything seemed relatively normal, and then I dropped off my father and my sister at Best Buy and my mother and I
    headed accross the street to the mall to go eat in the foodcourt (ahhhhh, Boardwalk Fries are the shizznit ;-). After we were done eating, we headed back to Best Buy to pick my dad and sis up.
    Now the parking lot at Best Buy is extremely confined and crowded and I generally hate to park there.

    Here\'s where it started getting wierd. My mom all of a sudden became this like mega b*tch or something. Like really pissy and aggressive because I wasn\'t trying to park and she wanted to park for no apparent
    rational reason. She was practically yelling at me while I was on my cell phone to my dad asking them to come out front of the store so I can swing by and pick them up. So I picked them up, my mom sulked for a couple minutes and that was that.
    The rest of the car ride back to our house, my mother was ridiculously chatty. Going on and on about all kinds of uninteresting stuff.

    When we got home is where things began to get somewhat disturbing to me. Since my parents were in NYC for the last few days, I was home alone during that time. Didn\'t really make a mess of anything and I always clean up after myself. But when my mother
    opened up the refridgerator she started complaining of smelling something rank which she eventually attributed to leftovers I had from Outback the previous night (some cheese fries, and some Kookabura wings). Now this isn\'t like anything new. I eat at Outback on average
    every other week or so and I usually bring home the exact same leftovers and just leave it in the little styrofoam container they put leftovers in. If anybody objects to the smell of the leftovers (by the way, I love that smell :-) I just take it out the fridge in the kitchen and relocate it
    to the fridge in the garage. Now, nobody except for my father and I ever go into the garage fridge except to grab a beer or something, so this situation should be defused right then and there.

    Not this time. My mother was obsessed with me wrapping the box with a bunch of plastic wrap to keep the smell from \"stinking\" up the fridge that she never goes into, from the leftovers which will no doubt be gone by the end of the night anyhow.
    The second that I showed any objection to wasting the effort and plastic wrap to do this, she went absolutely ballistic. Like crazy as hell, ballistic. No other way to say it. Now my mother is never usually like this. She\'s usually fairly calm, cool, and rational. It seemed highly unordinary.

    If i didn\'t know any better I would just say that she was overtired from traveling, but I\'m thinking that this may have also possible been a massive -None OD causing this.

    I tried to be as descript as possible on this posting so that you all might be able to analyze this and offer me any thoughts on this.

  8. #8
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Ongoing diary. Test subjects: NPA, APC, and

    Great posts PF3000!!! Please keep posting your diary - wish there were more posts like this. I\'m guilty of not posting much testing accounts, but after you\'ve used pheros for this long the hits and misses have become run-of-the-mill and oftentimes I feel not worth posting. But very interesting to read your observations.

    What you had to say about SOE is so familiar - it has so many positives and I feel is really underestimated by those in pursuit of \"sexual hits\". The effects you noticed on yourself are similar to what I experience with SOE - just much more confidence, feeling at ease in all situations and this translates to being able to meet and interact with everyone very easily. And folks around just seem to like you instantly, talk about anything and everything with you and I\'ve become so used to the attention I get from waitresses, waiters, bartenders, my co-workers etc. - but my friends (who I\'ve never told I wear pheros) all say they can\'t figure out how I seem to \"mesmerize\" folks [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img] and I\'ve gained this rep. of being \"the man\" [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif[/img]

    As for the -none testing you did, welcome to the world of OD land [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img] - nuff said [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Ongoing diary. Test subjects: NPA, APC, and

    Your mom may be somewhat dominating with her opinions and such, and this spills over many people when they are around -none interpret you as being some know it all reckloose, they will find anything to quinch their desire to \"put you in your place\". Often its the dumbest $hit they\'re mad about too.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Ongoing diary. Test subjects: NPA, APC, and

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    Your mom may be somewhat dominating with her opinions and such, and this spills over many people when they are around -none interpret you as being some know it all reckloose, they will find anything to quinch their desire to \"put you in your place\". Often its the dumbest $hit they\'re mad about too.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    That seems like exactly what the situation was. It all adds up with my mother\'s personality type. She\'s a strong person but a soar loser and of course \"she\'s always right\". So was this simply a reaction that could be expected in certain people even if you are not ODing, or was this strictly an OD type reaction. I mean realatively speaking, I really don\'t think that I put that much on, but hey I honestly don\'t know. Not enough experience to base it on yet :-|

  11. #11
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    Default Re: Ongoing diary. Test subjects: NPA, APC, and

    I was getting a lot of flack from my family on mother\'s day when wearing none.

  12. #12
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    Default Re: Ongoing diary. Test subjects: NPA, APC, and

    Well, you don\'t need to OD to get the effects of -none on others, I mean I don\'t have to OD to get that girls attention, so there is a high possibility that the -none that you applied did effect the situation. You can always do fun before and after tests with her.

    It seems like you got both negative effects from both -mones from your mom, the aggression of -none and the overtly annoying chattiness of -nol.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Ongoing diary. Test subjects: NPA, APC, and

    How old is your mother? She could have been either pms-ing or she could be perimenopausal. Either way, she sounds slightly hormonal. The thing I noticed in both instances was that you argued with her before you complied with her requests. That\'s enough right there to set a mother off if she\'s hormonal (she\'s thinking, \"Can you ever just do what I tell you without making me insist?! grrrr) - just do what she tells you even if it doesn\'t make sense - it makes sense to her and she wants her refrigerators how she wants them ... if she was in the wrong part of her cycle for you to be wearing -none, then I suspect there\'s your answer. I think maybe you want to go -nol or SOE around your family and keep the -none for social interactions in which you want sexual hits from girls. -None around your mother does not strike me like a good idea at any time in her cycle, but for sure worse when your timing\'s bad. -None\'s probably not good for your family life if it\'s playing such a tune on your mom. That, and just humor her - if she wants to park, let her park - if she wants leftovers stored a certain way, just do it. Be obedient and supportive of her while she\'s supporting you - just be agreeable - do what you\'re told without resistance and you\'ll do better with her, \'mones or no \'mones. It\'s not forever.

  14. #14
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ongoing diary. Test subjects: NPA, APC, and

    Family, mothers in particular (remember she smelled you right after you were born), are very familar with your normal scent (and phero) signature. There was \"something wrong\" with you. This has been discussed previously in the forums.

  15. #15
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    Default Re: Ongoing diary. Test subjects: NPA, APC, and

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    Family, mothers in particular (remember she smelled you right after you were born), are very familar with your normal scent (and phero) signature. There was \"something wrong\" with you. This has been discussed previously in the forums.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    You know what, that might be a really good point. Never thought of that. I gotta find a way to put the -NONE stuff on after i leave the house.

    Anyway, as far as how day three went: Went out to eat and went roaming around the mall for an hour wearing the previous day\'s amount of JB#1 and SOE. Nada. Not a damn thing. Oh well, I guess you can\'t expect to see results everyday. I\'m starting to think that I\'m going to try straight up dabbing some NPA on and just covering it with the SOE. I havn\'t really noticed any bad smell with NPA at all really so I don\'t think i\'m putting enough on. To be honest, the NPA on its own actually smells alright to me, but I guess it\'s hard for me to tell what it smells like when it\'s been on me for a bit.

    I\'m not going to update this thread daily anymore. Just on days that I\'ve got something of signifigance to report.

  16. #16
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    Default Re: Ongoing diary. Test subjects: NPA, APC, and

    Entry 4:

    I\'m starting to wonder if this is total bull$hit and people are just trippin on the placebo effect here. I\'ve had a number of really ideal testing situations the past couple of days and really have noticed no significant, discernable results off of escalating levels of JB#1 + SOE. I\'m going to try cutting the SOE out of the picture completely for when I chill with my ex-girlfriend tomorrow, who I\'m trying to get back together with. I\'m thinking I\'ll just go straight up 3 dabs of NPA covered with anywhere between 5 and 7 dabs of APC as needed and see if I get any reaction good or bad.

    Now, I really wish I had a better idea of what was considered a \"dab\", especially concerning something so concentrated as NPA. This is just so I have a better reference to the mix levels other people have been describing. Is a dab simply just putting your fingertip over the top of the NPA bottle, tipping it over real quick and then applying the amount on your finger to your neck or wherever? I mean wouldn\'t that finger reak of NPA afterwards no matter how hard you washed it. I\'d hate to see what would happen if you had something in your eye or something...

    Anyway, what the f*ck is a dab? I\'m not used to dabbing things. Please, someone just give a straight up answer to this one.

  17. #17
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    Default Re: Ongoing diary. Test subjects: NPA, APC, and

    Phero\'s may work subtle at times but so does your subconcious all together you never have a total idea of what is going on and why you may feel this way.

    Do any of us have choice, or are we lead on by our subconcious to think we have choice, I bet our decisions are already for the most part ruled out, we are given the feeling of choice. Sorry about that off tangent Matrix like spewl.

    I remember a 9/10 girl last year I think one of my buddies says \"you must want jason\" started to laugh and said something like year right or sure, in a sarcastic way. Now she is staring at me more then I stare at myself and giving me big signs of come and get it, why the suddent change it was a bit less then a school year ago. Nothing much as changed.

    A dab for me is when I open up the NPA bottle and I still have the dropper top on. I place my thumb on the opening and I turn it upside down for like 1 second and I can feel the amount it truly has. That is a dab for me. Do you need to be really precise? No, don\'t worry about it.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Ongoing diary. Test subjects: NPA, APC, and

    I wouldn\'t call dabbing 3 dabs of NPa and 7 dabs of APC the same thing as JB1! The dabs are not equal your getting way more APC then you need. When i got the butt presentaion and girl writing on my folder to come back to her house i only had on two dabs of JB1 out of a cologne sample vial. I also know that when you mi the products together you get a reaction between the two that has an affect. Since wearing pheromones i get girls who say id on\'t know why but since the moment i met you i wanted to f uck you! The kind of hits i have got could not be placebo effect! lol i even got a stalker one time it was cool because she was hot! I think your paying to much attention you must act naturally while wearing pheromones! Keep trying youd be crazy not to!

  19. #19
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    Default Re: Ongoing diary. Test subjects: NPA, APC, and

    hey pherofunk,

    you might want to consider taking the dropper top off the npa bottle as the diameter of it is exactly the same as that of the apc bottle (or near enough anyway [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]). This will essentially give you equal size \'dabs\'. Just cover the bottle top with thumb and invert.
    I\'ve not actually tried any of my npa or apc yet, but i\'ve just mixed up a small about of JB#1 in the spare roll top bottle i\'ve got. Didn\'t have an eye dropper so i just used a straw. Wasn\'t entirely acurate tho. Think it ended up being 4 drops npa to 3 dribbles of apc [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
    Do more experimenting if your still not satisfied then send the products back. That\'s what i\'m going to do [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

    How can i tell if i\'ve OD\'d on npa?

  20. #20
    Banned User EXIT63's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ongoing diary. Test subjects: NPA, APC, and

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    Think it ended up being 4 drops npa to 3 dribbles of apc

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    You may need to add a few more dribbles of APC. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

  21. #21
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    Default Re: Ongoing diary. Test subjects: NPA, APC, and

    I think we are both in the same situation. My JB 1 killed when I first started wearing mones. Then over time, as i added other stuff like SOE it didn\'t work as well. Also, I believe there was pheromone build up going on with what i was wearing., even though i try and to wear this stuff just like 3/4 times a week, i think that it worked in the beginning because my pheromone signature hadn\'t been tampered with.

    Recently i started really scrubing hard at my application points more then normal and used purell. At least i know the bacteria is off my application points. Guess what??? It worked like it orginally did. And i used 7 dabs of APC and 3 of npa, not premixed. I don\'t know what is better, nate dogg i guess thinks there is some synergy going on premixed and uses less.

  22. #22
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    Default Re: Ongoing diary. Test subjects: NPA, APC, and

    alright, cool. This is solid advice here. So again, chillin with my ex-girlfriend that I\'m trying to get back together with later tonight. I\'m going to clean really well over my typical application points and then do 3 dabs NPA, 7 dabs APC; no cover, no SOE.

    I\'ll let you all know how it goes tonight as soon as I get back =)

  23. #23
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Ongoing diary. Test subjects: NPA, APC, and

    Good work there pherofunk3000, SOE and NPA doesnt work for all guys, but the majority. MIX#1 is one that has worked even better for me than my original DD#1.


    10% CS ANone
    40% CS Anol
    10% CS Arone
    10% CS A1
    20% WAGG
    10% EW or PCC.

    * CS = Chem Set.

  24. #24
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    Default Re: Ongoing diary. Test subjects: NPA, APC, and

    You know what, not any real noticable results at all going on here with the -NONE based stuff in particular. I think I\'m noticing some fairly discernable results with SOE on its own though. Of course no sexual hits off of it, but it makes me feel good and it just sort of chills out and mellows your interactions with people. It makes you have a pretty good day. Plain and simple. If more people knew about SOE, a lot of pharmaceutical companies would be going out of business I\'d say. Still think the NPA sucks as of yet though. I dunno maybe haven\'t got the right levels yet or exposed it to the proper people yet.

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