Hello. I am finally glad to be a part of these message boards. I am an 18 year old high school graduate. I have known about Pheromones for quite a long time, but I havn\'t seriously thought about using them untill recently. I must say I am more than somewhat of a skeptic. I decided to buy a bottle of TE to see if it\'s really worth my time. Something that has a lot of positive publicity along with a small price tag. I have just recieved that order today. I took a whiff in the bottle and I couldn\'t smell a ding dang thing but the alcohol. I put few sprays on some fabric and I still couldn\'t smell anything, even after it dried. I wore it to a social event and noticed absolutely nothing out of the ordinary. I would consider myself to be fairly good looking. I am physically active with sports and stuff, yet the ladies just don\'t seem to give me as much \"attention\" as I would prefer. So I am just looking for an expert opinion here. Did I buy the right stuff? Why can\'t I smell anything if there are indeed pheromones in this? I am not prepared to give up on pheromones yet, but I was also thinking I need something oil based or perhaps just something stronger. Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks