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  1. #1
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    Default I\'m almost giggling like a school girl over here!

    Oh d*mn.

    Ok, first of all. I have done two things. I have stopped eating during the day (Warrior Diet (by Ori Heflemeker) and I have stopped using deodorant.

    Actually, I wasn\'t using deodorant before, but rather Axe. Than I read that thing on where it said that the mones come from when bacteria on the skin interact with the sweat. So, even though the alcohol will \"preserve\" the mones, it won\'t let them make to begin with!

    And plus, bacteria\'s not all bad. I mean, look at how cheese is made.

    Anyway, not eating during the day gives the body a chance to clean itself out. And it\'s the natural way humans (predators) eat.

    Anyway, the firs thing is that my skin smells like cologne. I have NOTHING ON. But yet it smells like cologne. This is ESPECIALLY TRUE around the hands. This may be dude to a lac k of fat on the hands, etc (naturally where you\'re going to have less.)

    Now as for the RESULTS!

    Yeah baby!

    Ha ha ha!

    Ok, first of all, the animals. My sister has this dog. He\'s cute and everything until he sh*ts on the floor. But, when I go outside ot eat, and my brother and sister play kickball. Dog never used to do this, but he\'ll just come up by me, and like lay against me, or go uner my legs, inbetween my legs....I\'ll be yelling at the dog, pusshing him, hitting him, \"get the f*** away from me, damn.\" But the dog keeps like on me (This is when I don\'t have food, and I used to eat out there before. I\'m sure it hasn\'t to do with food.)

    Now, results with humans, yeah, they\'re the best!
    Just today, I\'m kind of talking standing out waiting for the bus to go home with a group of people or so, and some girl that was by me, I\'m standing there with my arms folded and she takes both her hands and just starts squeezing (not really hard like that) but squeezing my arm and look at me.

    If you would like to know what I do workout wise...It\'s 100 pushups a day, usually split out in 25 rep sets.

    Anyway. I foudn that interesitng. But, the other day. I\'m doing the same thing, jsut standing there with some people, and some other girl starts like poking me in the stomach and [bad word]. I\'m like, huh? what do you want?

    Again, not just limited to fe-males. Other day, I\'m in class, doing the same thing, standing around with some people, and some dude keeps on f** poking me, and touching me and [bad word], I\'m like dude, what are doing.

    Also, I\'ll be walking by, and girls givef me direct eye contact (liek before thoguh with synthetic none.) But I\'ll be walking just to class. Girls, with thier boyfriends even, will look back at me, and than just keep looking back at me the whole time. Ha ha.

    I play softball int he class...Everyone gets out, I barely hit it...But when they throw it to first bass (somehow) the picutre (male) overthrows and/or the 1st baseman (girl) can\'t catch it. lol Only me though.

    I have suspected that the pheromones (synthetic) say, I\'m none over here...I\'m none. Whereas your own signature is like, I\'m ME. You want ME.

    Not just that, but I notice that even guysa round me get hit on more by girls than when I\'m not around.

    But, the eating once a day, that\'s an importnat thing to cleaning out the body. And no deodorant, not even Axe, damn.

    And, I don\'t need it.

    Whcih, when I use deodorant, I smell worse. I think that the boyd can ADAPT to cortizol (which is tated...One of the important reasons for eating infrequent, you can adapt to cortizol (stress). But asside form teh eating. I think that when you smell bad, or are stressed out, after a while the body will adapt, and correct it. Whereas, when you use deodorants al lthe time, or kill the bacteria, the body NEVER adapts, and in fact realeases more of that bad smell, to the point where the deodrant won\'t cover it up.

    Anyway, intresting observations.

    This is by far the best reults. Not hte most intense though, but the best I have liked yet!

  2. #2
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    Default Re: I\'m almost giggling like a school girl over here!

    What do you eat?, you should be taking a multivitamin (with meals) if your going to eat that little.

  3. #3
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: I\'m almost giggling like a school girl over he

    Very interesting, id like to back you up, similar situation where if i skip breakfast and eat only small snacks and then a big dinner, i get more intense female reactions.
    Good work though marg, if i have a girl and shes checking a guy out well i have once or twice stuck my hand over her eyes and said to her, im the sexy one - you want to check him out while youre with me and i can leave you right here, but dont come back to me again. This always gets a response where she apologizes profusly and stop doing it or they start bitching and winging and they get dumped very shortly thereafter. A way of seeing if you are just being used until something better comes along or if she is actually really into you medium to long term. Dont bullshit with women you get screwed over otherwise.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: I\'m almost giggling like a school girl over he

    Um, I\'ve smelled ppl who don\'t use deoderant and it\'s absolutely nasty. I wonder whether your satisfaction with your current smell --or lack there of-- is accomodation rather than actual smell. Kinda like when you wear a cologne. You get used to a smell, but other ppl might plead you to take it easy with the CK. There are alternatives to chemical deoderants, which respect body chemistry. I can\'t remember the details but i\'ll look into it.

    Concerning your eating habits. Humans aren\'t predators by nature, they\'re predators by choice. As such, our stomachs are entirely inadequate for eathing meat and cows milk, for example. Both are very challenging tasks for our stomachs. So, don\'t model your eating habits after a wolf. I\'ll look into this issue too (same source as the deoderant thang) but I believe the best practice is to eat small amounts a number of times during the day. Predators spend most of the day lounging around. You, I hope, are doing stuff all day, and you\'re probably starving mind and body from the juice it needs. If you\'re concerned about the purity of your \"bodily fluids\" eat healthier food.

    Finally, consider that essentially what you\'re doing, is a type of peacocking. Whether you\'re using synthetic or real mones, you\'re standing out, and making yourself noticed. BUT I\'d like for you to test your threshold for intimate situations, because I suspect that your stench might make these complicated. That is of course if you do smell bad. If you say you smell fine, then great.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: I\'m almost giggling like a school girl over he

  6. #6
    Phero Dude Xehupatl's Avatar
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    Default Re: I\'m almost giggling like a school girl over he

    The \"Warrior Diet\" book by Ori Hofmekler is a pretty good book, in my opinion. I haven\'t tried it yet, though.
    He basically teaches you to eat nothing during the day (undereating phase) and then for dinner eat as much and anything you want (overeating phase). If you\'ve got a busy lifestyle, I can imagine that that\'S something for you.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: I\'m almost giggling like a school girl over he

    This type of eating habit isn´t good for you at all I reckon. I don´t know of the writer, nor have I read this book but I did end up doing this sort of thing years ago during my time at uni and it was very unhealthy. Besides it´s better not to eat so much in the evening better to eat sensibly throughout the day. Another problem with eating much in the eve is that it isn´t good for your sleep. At least I´ve found this. When i eat a lot it makes me tired but then I got trouble going to sleep. I suppose if you´re gonna eat a lot at night, something like salad is best.

  8. #8
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: I\'m almost giggling like a school girl over here!

    damn good diet bro...I read about it before on T-Mag.I did a variation of this diet called the Animalbolics diet last summer before leaving to Cancun...It deals with some of the same principles as the Warrior diet does but is a bit worked extremely well at ripping me up...if you havent a search for it bro...

  9. #9
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default Re: I\'m almost giggling like a school girl over here!

  10. #10
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    Default Re: I\'m almost giggling like a school girl over here!

    T-mag kicks ass man!

    Basically, yeah, I\'ve lost so much fat it\'s not funny.

    And, as far as not eating enough. I have INREASED MY CALOREIS but I just eat it ALL at once, at night.

    Now, to whoever said humans aren\'t predators, but rather, by choice, that is WRONG! We are the TOP OF THE FOOD CHAIN! The reason why your stomach cannot digest things is merely because you have UNTRAINTED YOURSELF!

    When eating more frequently, people either adapt by the body burns ALL OF IT, making you skinny, but no muscle either. Or it stores all of it, making you muscle, but fat as hell.

    When you eat less infrequent, gh goes up, insulin sensitivity goes up, the body clears itself of toxins, and it has time to adapt. So that it will automatically adjust and adapt to ANYTHING you eat.

    This is how predators can eat very high fat, and meat, but no veggetables, etc. They give the body time to adapt to it.

    CJ , this other person, did you notice they were girls? I think girls tend to \"graze\"...

    Of cousre, everyone thinks that waht they are doing is rigth. It\'s called rationalization. It is one of the 4 thingzs that hapepn when someone is subejct to a stresor. One of htem is rationalizing it. The sun was in my eyes...Or, this is that, etc.

    Anymore. More [bad word] today....

    No deodorant (was using axe before) and just not eating durin gthe day.

    Literally, I have NEVER HAD HITS like this with extravenous pheomrones.

    AGain, girls just looking back. Or, they will go one way, but I will go another, and they will follow the way I go.

    And than, today, I\'m getting my pic taken, and girl puts on that sweet voice girls can do ( I love that ) I\'m looking her in the eyes. Another girl, did that too. Got to love that.

    But, if you don\'t think I smell good without deodorant.

    Hey...Come over here and smell my da*n hand! I swear you\'ll think I have on cologne!

    Ahh...I\'m not evefn going to worry about these people. I will continue to do what gets me results.

    Oh yeah, it\'s not just to do with the ladies, but more interaction with dudes too, which is to be expected automatically with pheromones.

    The more you eat the less you can sleep? Ori SAYS plian out, you\'ll sleep better. This makes no sewsne. Insulin makes you tired, lol.

    What happens though dude...People will try it...NOt get anything, maybe worse results.

    The first 2 - 3 weeks you have to adapt. You have trained yourself to eat 3 4 5 6 meals a day. Tha\'ts not natural. You have to retrain your body.

    But one thing though....

    Eating so freaquent. Do you REALLY want to EAT THAT FREQUENT!?

    Are you hungry in the morning? When I used to eat breakfast, there wasn\'t ONE TIME that I was HUNGRY! Not only that. It activates a different energy system, and insulin. Meaning, eating breakfast, will make you sluggish.

    During the day, do you sometimes forget to eat?
    Again, are you not hurngy at breakfast?
    The body was desginged to go without eating and than eating.
    The body doesn\'t burn fat, but rather goes into the glucagon system. Unless you go without eatin gfor more than 24 hours. That wouldn\'t really be bad or good. You\'d just burn faT and than replace it.

    I\'ll give you more results though.

    Aside from my pores getting smaller, and hair that always used to be white/blond is now turning darker on my arms, hands, head, etc.

    Not to MENTION some girl tricked me into letting her right PEN15 on my arm...

    I went into the bathroom after class....Ran some woater over it, and than just wipped it a little bit (hardly at all) with my finger and it came off my arm. And she really got me good! No soap (we don\'t have any anyway, lol).

    Now if that\'s not good skin, and smaller pores I don\'t know WHAT IS!

    Anyway, I\'m reading this site right now.

    Either way. It\'s good stuff man.
    As far s the no deodoarnt. I haven\'t worn any of that etither. Axe is still better than anti-perspirant, but something without alcohol, or stuff that blocks pores that is good.

    Basically, I\'m signlaing, you want THIS not, I AM this. Becase every girl wants something different.

    I, however, and connvincing her it\'s ME SHE WANTS!

    But listen, beore any says I\'m wrong on anything...When that girl started squeezing my arm and looking at me lik ea dog looks up to his master I KNEW I WAS DOING SOMETHING RIGHT!!!

    Tee hee he he!! (Gigling like a school girl!!!)


  11. #11
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    Default Re: I\'m almost giggling like a school girl over he

    You have something called the glucagon system.

    Also, without food present, lactic acid in the body INCREASES! Guess what?

    The brain can USE IT!

    It actually makes you MORE ALERT! And without food you REMEMBER MORE! (One side effect I have noticed...)



    Incorrect you are.

    As far as predators laying around. Yes...It doens\'t matter. When you eat like that, if you work out a lot, or if you work out less, it doens\'t matter, the body adapts.

    If you run all day, the body will adapt by drestically lowering its metabolosm. If you just lay there it will drastically increase it.

    Like I said, basically, no matter the body time, giving your body that much time to adapt, it will make you int o the ideal, the one where you build muscle easily, and have little fat. Remember, cave man didn\'t want all that fat. He wanted to STORE ENERGY but not be WEIGHED DOWN! He can do this in the form of sugar, in the LIVER! Ie, caveman is lean and mean, and yet STILL will last longer than fat ass, that because of his weight, not only is burning 10x the calories, but also has NO STORED GLUCOSE, because he\'s used to getting it from FOOD!


  12. #12
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    Default Re: I\'m almost giggling like a school girl over here!

    Your posts are always soooo entertaining! [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/shocked.gif[/img]

  13. #13
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    Default Re: I\'m almost giggling like a school girl over here!

    Well, you see, it amy appear to be funny to you....Because, what you learned is that the metabolism increases with exericise, and decreases. That\'s incorrect when there is no food in you. This is because the body uses adrenaline and lactate for energy. The more you exercise, the more lactci acid you release, and hence, the more energy you have.

    Ahh, explaining things to an overeducated likes of you is SO DIFFICULT!

    Albert Einstein failed school, just remember that. When learning of electricity, he was asked, how did you do it? He replied. I ignored an axiom.

    That is what you must do, in this case.


  14. #14
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    Default Re: I\'m almost giggling like a school girl over here!

    (now if I put this in parenthases Bart won\'t see what I write.
    Preditor or otherwise--the story is in the teeth, compare a lion\'s teeth with a cow\'s. We are \"omnivores\".
    As far as eating once a day verses 4-6 times a day, I prefer to go by what the PROFESSIONAL body builders and nutritionists say.)

    Oh! oops er hi Bart [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

  15. #15
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    Default Re: I\'m almost giggling like a school girl over here!

    Omniovers has nothing to do with \"prey\" v.s. \"predator\" rather carnivore v.s. whatever the other one is.


    Eating carbohydrates has nothing to do with it.

    Oh yeah, eating once a day, you\'ll never be huge like a bodybuilder. Although you\'ll gain muscle. But than again, bodybuilders are big because they inject things like growth homrone, testoerone, isulin, and by the way, if you look at a bodybuilder during the off season, I don\'t think you\'ll be taking any advice from him any time soon.

    By the way. As far as nutritional \"expert\"; this has merely to do with going to school and gettin ga degree. If you\'ve been taught something, it DOESN\'T mkae it right!

    Remember when they said 6-12 servings of bread a day!!! If that\'s right, why is 50% of the population OBESE!


    Ahh....Complete ignornace.

    I prefer to stay ripped/shredded/cut etc



  16. #16
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    Default Re: I\'m almost giggling like a school girl over here!

    \"...rather carnivore v.s. whatever the other one is.\"
    Carnivore, herbavore, omnivore.

  17. #17
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    Default Re: I\'m almost giggling like a school girl over here!

    Bart, I think your on to something good. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smirk.gif[/img]

  18. #18
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    Default Re: I\'m almost giggling like a school girl over here!

    What do I eat? Anytning by instinct. The body will adapt.

    I am, but I\'m not, on to something that is. I mean, I just read some stuff, and made sense of it. That\'s all. That\'s basically what Ori did too.

    Most of the reason why diets are advocated is because it seems right, or because it sells (meal replacements and more meals...hmm...). But there\'s always something new. BAsically, I just look at what gives you results.

    That article on the animalbolics is good, and the 2 articles on T-mag about the Warrior Diet is good.

    But basically, the whole posts are about the not deodorant and eating once a day, and working out (pushups are calisthenics, according to Greeks, exercises of beauty ( I could go on to why, but I won\'t, not right now anyway.)

    But, results are awesome.

    I will need to do some experimenting. Although, this big blue eyes don\'t hurt for that awesome eye contact, damn, and when they put on the womanly voice... lol They\'re just ASKING you to f** them. But oh my G** gour arm and look up at you. Ohh... if only there wer\'nt laws!!! Oh ho ho!!


  19. #19
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: I\'m almost giggling like a school girl over here!

    I couldn\'t do that.

    I\'m always hungry in the morning, have a big breakfast at around 8:30. Then at school i eat at 11am (so we can play football at lunch), and then i eat again at around 4pm when i get home. Then a big meal at around 8pm, and a sanck before i got to bed.

    I\'m not even slightly over-weight, and sometimes i feel i still dont eat enough. I could NEVER eat enough in one meal to last me the whole day [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/shocked.gif[/img]

  20. #20
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    Default Re: I\'m almost giggling like a school girl over he

    You are probably still growing (in length). It wouldn\'t be wise to eat only one meal then.

    Franki [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

  21. #21
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: I\'m almost giggling like a school girl over he

    I think your right franki, maybe this diet would work for some people, but not for me at the moment!

  22. #22
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: I\'m almost giggling like a school girl over he

    Damn interesting ! I N T E R E S T I N G !!!!!!!!!!!

    I\'m totally into\'m SOLD !

    However I wonder about one thing : This one meal system seems to be designed for a rather \"normal\" average joe. What if you train alot daily...very very intense athletic activity with weight lifting thrown in everynow and then.

    Is ONE meal only REALLY sufficient ??? The author of the Animabolics says u wouldn\'t loose muscle trying his diet.

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    Animalbolics FAQ:

    Q: How do you keep from loosing muscle mass while on this diet? And do you stay on it until you are happy with BF% or do you come of for one or two days a week or what? Is this a good diet to run with a cutting cycle.

    A: How do you keep from loosing muscle mass while on this diet? I\'ll let you answer this for yourself. All protein requirements are met as are carb requirements during the postworkout meals. As long as those are met, how are you going to lose muscle? (you can\'t and constant supply of insulin has NOTHING to do with maintaining muscle as AA\'s have their own transport system which ARE NOT affected by insulin. And do you stay on it until you are happy with BF% or do you come of for one or two days a week or what? Most people break diets on weekends, anyhow. Watch the alcohol as that seems to screw it up the most.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    Sounds good...however...No matter how much I eat , even if its all FAT (Pizza/Butter/cheese) Nothing of that ever stays on my body because of the neverending training. Others are fighting against their weight..I\'m trying to get more and more (Muscle-wise) Right now , I\'m at a point where I hardly have any fat on me (sixpack ripped as hell) but lots of worked out muscles (big guns = big biceps/triceps / lower+upper arm. Chest worked to the maximum point, any further and it would hinder my throwing abilities. Same thing with shoulders and back muscles)
    I\'m pretty done with my upperbody and don\'t want it to change into any direction.
    Different thing with legs my sport u can NEVER have to much leg muscles...power + jumping ability is crucial.
    So what I\'m trying to ask u think I could keep my upper body at the same level and still gain at my legs using this one meal diet (with extra protein thrown in directly after workouts )

    Marv , whats your opinion on this ? Others are also very welcome to add theirs. So far I\'ve been sticking to 5-6 meals a day...eating as much proteine/carbs/fat as possible also drinking as much water as possible. So far this has been successfull, however If I can improve even further and profit from the extra alertniss (VERRRRY important) better concentration better memmory better skin...WHY THE HELL NOT ?????

  23. #23
    King of the coupons!
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    Default Re: I\'m almost giggling like a school girl over he

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    Damn interesting ! I N T E R E S T I N G !!!!!!!!!!!

    I\'m totally into\'m SOLD !

    However I wonder about one thing : This one meal system seems to be designed for a rather \"normal\" average joe. What if you train alot daily...very very intense athletic activity with weight lifting thrown in everynow and then.

    Is ONE meal only REALLY sufficient ??? The author of the Animabolics says u wouldn\'t loose muscle trying his diet.

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    Animalbolics FAQ:

    Q: How do you keep from loosing muscle mass while on this diet? And do you stay on it until you are happy with BF% or do you come of for one or two days a week or what? Is this a good diet to run with a cutting cycle.

    A: How do you keep from loosing muscle mass while on this diet? I\'ll let you answer this for yourself. All protein requirements are met as are carb requirements during the postworkout meals. As long as those are met, how are you going to lose muscle? (you can\'t and constant supply of insulin has NOTHING to do with maintaining muscle as AA\'s have their own transport system which ARE NOT affected by insulin. And do you stay on it until you are happy with BF% or do you come of for one or two days a week or what? Most people break diets on weekends, anyhow. Watch the alcohol as that seems to screw it up the most.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    Sounds good...however...No matter how much I eat , even if its all FAT (Pizza/Butter/cheese) Nothing of that ever stays on my body because of the neverending training. Others are fighting against their weight..I\'m trying to get more and more (Muscle-wise) Right now , I\'m at a point where I hardly have any fat on me (sixpack ripped as hell) but lots of worked out muscles (big guns = big biceps/triceps / lower+upper arm. Chest worked to the maximum point, any further and it would hinder my throwing abilities. Same thing with shoulders and back muscles)
    I\'m pretty done with my upperbody and don\'t want it to change into any direction.
    Different thing with legs my sport u can NEVER have to much leg muscles...power + jumping ability is crucial.
    So what I\'m trying to ask u think I could keep my upper body at the same level and still gain at my legs using this one meal diet (with extra protein thrown in directly after workouts )

    Marv , whats your opinion on this ? Others are also very welcome to add theirs. So far I\'ve been sticking to 5-6 meals a day...eating as much proteine/carbs/fat as possible also drinking as much water as possible. So far this has been successfull, however If I can improve even further and profit from the extra alertniss (VERRRRY important) better concentration better memmory better skin...WHY THE HELL NOT ?????

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    Gentleman schweigt und geniesst ! [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif[/img] [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img] [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img] [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif[/img]

  24. #24
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: I\'m almost giggling like a school girl over he

    If you do any strenuous excercise at all, only eating one meal a day will mean that:
    1 - you cannot perform as well
    2 - your muscles recover much more slowly
    3 - there will be a breakdown of muscle so you will lose muscle if you weight train, not gain it.

    be careful

  25. #25
    Phero Dude Xehupatl's Avatar
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    Default Re: I\'m almost giggling like a school girl over he

    The book \"Warrior Diet\" is not only about the diet, it\'s about working out and getting stronger, too.There\'S a big section with Hofmekler\'s \"Warrioir Workout\" in there. This is a big part of the whole diet. I wouldn\'t worry about that. I think (haven\'t read the book in a while) he recommends working out in the evening before your big meal, and consuming some kind of protein shake before and/or after the workout ... you\'d have to read it for yourself.
    But I\'m not qualified to say anything about that, because I\'ve never tried the diet or the workout! (what a lazy-ass I am!)

    Go to to get some information or buy the damn thing.
    While you\'Re there check out \"Natural Hormonal Enhancement\", which is a terribly great book, too, but teaches the .... ah I\'m looking for that word .. counterpart?? of the warrior diet. Many small meals per day etc.

    NAtural Hormonal Enhancement is crammed full with scientific sources so you may prefer that ... I don\'T know ... maybe I shuld get some more sleep.

  26. #26
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: I\'m almost giggling like a school girl over he

    thx + bump !

  27. #27
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    Default Re: I\'m almost giggling like a school girl over he

    I\'m quite sorry. I haven\'t been online for a while as I have not been home.

    Basically when you eat a meal, insulin stays in you for 7 hours. If you eat 6 hours later, the body will NEVER have time that it doens\'t have food in it.

    Insulin makes you more groggy/tired, and it makes you less aware. It also keeps away adrenaline. It also takes down cortizol.

    HOWEVER, the premesis is. Don\'t eat during the day. You will be less tired, more aware. The body, at first will produce cortizol when you first try it, etc, but than you will adapt, and your metabolism will adapt.

    Then, when you eat at night, the body repairs everything.

    On the CONTRARY! To however said that you will recover SLOWER! That\'s INCORRECT! in fact, the body will recover FASTER! Not just to exercise, but to ANYTHING. I\'ve been on the diet now, I get cut..IF I BLEED AT ALL, I\'ll heal like 2 times as fast. It\'s not just me, it\'s stated in The Warrior Diet book (although I have not read it, no $$ for it.)

    The body adapts.

    When eating where the body ALWAYS has insulin, it gets used to insulin. And it never gets a chance to adapt to stress, so when something stressful happens (Ie, you exercise, you\'re stressed. Soemthing happens at work, you don\'t know what to do! You\'ve NEVER BEEN EXPOSED TO IT!)

    Basically, the logic of eating and keeping insulin on ALL DAY LONG is that, NEVER experience stress = bigger muscles.

    HOWEVER, I believe and it\'s been proven. That if you DO SUBJECT yourself to stress, ie, not eating during the day, etc. the body will ADAPT! Than, when it\'s time for dinner, you will become STRONGER!

    How would you like to feel like you can do ANYTHING during the day?! How would you like to feel like you can deal with any amount of stress?! ONce your body adapts you will. Than, when you eat, your body absorbs LITERALLY! 2 times the protein, and insulin SENSITIVITY IS inreased, and the body heals itself FASTER!

    Cow or wolf?

    Predator or prey?

    And, oh yeah, let me let you in on something. IF you eat the SAME AMOUNT of food, it doens\'s matter WHEN you eat it. Unless, however you don\'t eat it for a while, you ADAPT, so that that same amount of food will = more to the body.


    Just some thoughts here.


  28. #28
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    Default Re: I\'m almost giggling like a school girl over he

    ok it looks like you\'ve got to the stage where nothing will convince you that what you are doing is foolish.
    go to any practising doctor and they will tell you your diet will do you no good in the long term.

    By the way, protein synthesis only happens in the 3 - 4 hours after protein is consumed. That is why sports ppl eat 6-7 meals a day - one to cut back on fat but more imporatantly, that they get their regular input of protein into the body.
    If you only eat one meal a day, out of the 24 hrs only 4 hrs will be of any use in rebuilding muscle. hence the reason why if you take this diet, dont do any strenuous sports - recovery time WILL be slower.

  29. #29
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    Default Re: I\'m almost giggling like a school girl over he

    i had a friend who went on a diet very opposite to yours. He ate like 10 meals a day, all well balanced like a portion of protein and fruits/vegetables and a little bit of starch. I saw his before and after photos and they were like two totally different people. I can tell you this guy went from chubby/flabby, to totally ripped and toned, as well as had a great attitude and tons of energy. He said he recommended his diet to anyone who wanted to get great results. This diet of course had it\'s own medical logic behind it as well as results to support them, as does yours.

    You seem to be very convinced of your diet\'s effectiveness, and that\'s good. seriously, there is little we understand about most things in the world and all the logic and explanation means nothing compared to real experimental results. However, in this case it is difficult to really know whether such a thing is working, and since yopu can\'t make everyone feel how you are feeling, they are going to doubt you. As for your logic, I think it\'s ridiculous to say that a primitive approach to nutrition is somehow superior to the modern take on nutrition that has developed from centuries of learning. That isn\'t to say the typical diet these days is better than the typical diet hundreds of years ago, but knowledge about nutrition has come a long way i\'m sure. You can bend and twist this knowledge to convince people of just about any kind of diet. There are SO MANY diets out there that people are selling and all of them have very solid grounding in medical science. I\'m not saying your diet is wrong, but i think if you are interested enough in it you should consult some texts on nutrition and human biology and such.....hang out at the library for a while and get the whole story rather than the parts someone else is giving you perhaps for their own benefit. Maybe you\'ve already done this, i don\'t know. But i think citing info from a neutral source will be more convincing to everyone here, if that\'s what you\'re going for. I think these people are somewhat concerned that you are doing something unhealthy and they may or may not be right. It is true that our body adapts very well, but we don\'t live a hunter/gatherer life anymore. If anyone watched any of survivor, or heard about it, those people ate almost nothing and they totally adapted to it. They toned down and their bodies became far more efficient. Does that mean they should continue to eat like that when they go back to civilization?

    I\'m sorry i\'m not trying to argue, i thnk it\'s really great to try new things and share your experiences so that otyhers can learn from them. Some of the things i said may have been said already, i haven\'t read the entire thread so i\'m sorry if that happened.

  30. #30
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    Default Re: I\'m almost giggling like a school girl over he

    Yes, that\'s true, you won\'t be absorbing protein all the itme, however, you\'ll be absorbing more of it in those 4 hours, get it?

    And, it\'s been shown that the body burns MORE FAT without food (insulin stops lipolysis)...That combined with increased protein efficiency = better muscle/fat ratio without lifting weights.

    And, this guy\'s friend. Yeah, that\'s true. That\'s how the slaves used to eat (Greek and Roman slaves)...However, your friend didn\'t eat 1 meal a day, I\'m sure, but rather ate 2 or 3. Or skipped some, and than another.

    I bleieve that eating once a day is BETTER than eating 10 times a day


    You HAVE TO STICK WITH ONE OS THE BODY ADAPTS! lol, Even the 10 times a day is 10 TIMES BETTER than doing 1 meal a day, and than 3 and than 1 and than snacking, lol, you MUST ADAPT. lol

    10 is BETTER THAN 3!


    After eating insulin stays active for 7 HOURS! 3-4 meals a day and insulin is ALWAYS HIGH! Eating 10 times a day will LET THE BODY ADAPT to eating so often! So, if your\'e going to eat 3, you MIGHT AS WELL eat 10, it\'s better. However I believe that once is best.


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