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  1. #1
    Pheromaniac Sexyredhead's Avatar
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    Default Problems with ability to smell affects -mones?

    I was reading the SkinBio articles that I think Druid posted a link to in another thread. There was a section on people who had trouble smelling, or who had no sense of smell at all. It mentioned that they tend to have a lower sex drive than people with no smelling problems. Yet, I keep reading that -mones have nothing to do with smelling. Perhaps those with a decreased sense of smell also have decreased sensitivity of the VNO? Would people with a reduced sense of smell need a higher dose of -mones to get a reaction?

    I know some of you out there have SO\'s that are really picky about scents, or that can\'t smell much of anything. Have you noticed that it takes a greater than usual (OD-range) amount of -mones to get a reaction from them? Or does it take the same for them as it would for others?

    This has got me wondering. Thanks for any responses.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Problems with ability to smell affects -mones?

    It\'s possible that whatever brain injury results in these people not being able to smell also hurts signaling from the VNO.

    Or that sexual response depends on both VNO and smell stimuli.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Problems with ability to smell affects -mones?

    I believe VNO and Smell are completely seperate, and that all you need is unscented pheromones for it to work. Although this is probably true, A good scent consciously tells the female/male where it\'s coming from in my opinion.

  4. #4
    Pheromaniac Sexyredhead's Avatar
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    Default Re: Problems with ability to smell affects -mones?

    Here are the parts in particular I was looking at that brought the question up:

    A lack of smell limits emotional attachment. Approximately 1.3% of persons are born with a total lack of smell or Anosmia. And most of us lack the ability to smell certain fragrances. A study found 5 to 8% of students at Oxford University could not smell freesia, a very fragrant flower.

    Persons with Anosmia often complain about a lack of libido. While they may marry, behavior that is emotionally distant remains a problem. Some researchers have noted that the decline in sex drive with aging coincides with the decline in smell.

    One answer to reduction in the ability of smelling as we get older is to increase our pheromone signal with essential oils and pheromones.

    Humans also respond to pheromone levels that are too low to smell. Sobel and colleagues (Stanford University) found that a air-borne fragrant pheromone (oestra- 1,3,5(10),16-tetraen-3yl acetate) would activate brain centers even when present at concentrations below a threshold of conscious detection. Sobel used Magnetic Resonance techniques to prove that exposure to pheromones (at undetectable levels) activate brain centers. Even when the experimental subjects could not smell the chemical, their brain centers that respond to the pheromone, were activated. (Sobel et al 1999). Other studies of brain EEG patterns of behavioral evidence have also come to the same conclusion: that we can be strongly affected by pheromones that we are not even conscious of smelling
    However, the nerves that respond to smell are wired directly into the brain and the stimuli are sent pure and unmodified to the limbic center of the brain. There are three general areas of the brain, the first and most basic is the brain stem which controls basic functions such as breathing and heartbeat. The next higher area is the limbic system in the central area of the brain. The limbic system is where emotional responses are concentrated. When various areas of the limbic system are activated, a person feels intense emotions. Some limbic areas cause feelings of peace, contentment, attraction while others areas causes feeling of anger, rage, hostility, loneliness and so on. The conscious brain is the topmost and outer area of our brain. This is where we spend our time thinking but the conscious mind is not where our emotions are developed. Why we love someone is more how they smell to the limbic system than what we consciously think.

    Does this help clarify my question? I\'m confused by what this says.

    BTW, the link is if you\'d like to read it all for yourself.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Problems with ability to smell affects -mones?

    SRH, it\'s saying that pheromones activate \"brain centers,\" but do we know which part of the brain they\'re referring to? The next part, about smell, speaks of smell being hardwired to the limbic system.

    I thought there was some connection to the hypothalamus as well, and that that connection is also crucial in linking smell with emotion/arousal, because it has to do with memory.

    This is a reach, but maybe the lack of perceived odor means that the substance does not register in the hypothalamus even though it does register in the limbic system, so there is nothing to tie the smell to an emotion that is consciously perceived. ? Sort of like when short term memory is destroyed, so that you can introduce yourself to the person and have a conversation, and the next day they don\'t know who you are. Your presence isn\'t making a mark. Maybe smell is like that is some way to a person who is otherwise imperceptibly impaired.

    Maybe information transmitted from the VNO is doing the same thing. It registers in the limbic system, but maybe it needs to go to other places that carry memory/store emotion and are cognitive, and if it does not, then we don\'t know it happened and we can\'t remember it to build associations with it.

  6. #6
    Pheromaniac Sexyredhead's Avatar
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    Default Re: Problems with ability to smell affects -mones?

    That makes sense.
    I dunno. I need to see if I can find some more on this.

    Thanks, FTR. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

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