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  1. #1
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    Default Producing phermones

    What causes some peoples body\'s to produce more mones does it have to do with how much they excersice or just genetics?

  2. #2
    Banned User
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    Default Re: Producing phermones

    possibly good genetics IE they are good looking, which usually means genetic wise, they are above average.

  3. #3
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Producing phermones

    Good genetics to a point, but what is 100% more important is the following.

    High testostrone levels = higher androgen production in sweat (androgens = pheromones)
    Ways to increase testostrone and diet assistance in increasing quality of diet.
    Men = I would recommened horny goatweed and tribulus supplements and zinc iron magnesium Vita C and plenty of protein powder. Its all about raising ones sex drive = higher pheromone production and get some exercise hit the weights and sweat a bit. Get fit - why women pay attention to fit men via increased phero production and the look/attraction part. Unless youre real fat and like a big fat itilian bastard and sweat like anything ( attract more women).
    Horny goatweed gives what i call \"hot dick effect\" where it feels really hot and if you have sex women go \"wow\".
    Oh of course one can take DHEA (internal from of dehydroANDROSTERONE) which puts the LHA hormones back into the body and pumps up pheromone production also, and plenty of protein offers assistance - the atkins diet is the best one out there.
    Pheromones indicate types of immune system.
    Women at that time of the month - fertile periods look for dissimilar immune systems.
    When they havent got their periods they look for similar which means at period time they are 2.5 more times likley to cheat and men are 5 more times likley to get romantic to keep the female attention and ensure she doesnt cheat. ALso during a womens period she looks for musculine types which are higher ANone producing higher testostrone producing types (A MANS MAN)- a genetic donor and when she hasnt got her period she looks for a lower test male with feminine features (a sappy romantic male who is a purse holder and walkover and genuine loser, but one who will support her, even if they arent his children.

    Of course women on the pill throw the whole thing out via differeing hormone levels and they get a case of attention whore syndrome and/or lust syndrome. Do a forum search for further info on my theory.

  4. #4
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Producing phermones

    The quality of your pheros also seems to be proportionate to how much you work out (related to T levels again), so if you work out more (and increase muslce mass), then your natural sig. improves.

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