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  1. #1
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    Default Newbie, need help!

    Hello everyone. I have a situation similar to that posted by JW182 a few days ago and I wanted to get some reaction, thoughts, advice, etc. I too recently discovered love-scent and this forum, which I think is great.

    My situation is I work with this very wonderful woman. We have known each other for 4 yrs and we have grown to be \"best friends.\" There has been some good sexual tension between us in the past (we kissed a couple of times, long ago). We both love and care about each other deeply, but I would like to move to the next level. I am thinking that the problem is is that the physical sparks just are not there for her like they might have been in the past. Because we are so close, I feel like if the physical attraction was stronger, things would develope further between us. I have read opinions that pheros do and don\'t help with people you already know, and I think if they do I can expect it to take some time. The good thing is we are around each other a lot. The bad thing is, she is interested in another man.

    I have been using AE for the last 3 days. Expect to get NPA any day now. So far AE has not produced anything really noticeable, but I am being patient. I don\'t expect it to work overnight.

    Any tips for what to do, suggestions, comments, would be appreciated. Criticism readily accepted as well.

    Thank you all!

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Newbie, need help!

    she is probably used to your natural phermone signautre, she knows it so well, and therefore willnot react as strongly to a spike in none, nol, rone. i\'d still hit her up with a ton of phermones and be less conserative then 3 drops. i would use npa. She already knows that you are nice, etc, so to me using NOL is pointless, and maybe makes u seem to nice or girl. i\'d go npa or te, and if you have a rone source, without nol, that too

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Newbie, need help!

    Well, u may notice the AE working especially with women u don\'t know. Wht don\'u try NPA or TE, well covered?

  4. #4
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Newbie, need help!

    I agree ! 1 drop NPA standalone , covered with something NEW and good smelling. She will think its the new cologne that drives her crazy hehe. Just make sure its a good expensive cologne (VERRRY male) ad one she hasn\'t smelled before.

    Incase 1 drop turns out being too much (= negative Reaction) just use 1 or 2 dabs out of the bottle !
    IF NPA won\'t change her mind , nothing will [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]

    + don\'t think it can\'t happen overnight...I\'ve read many many posts here that it actually can and does !!!!

    Oh and incase it doesn\'t work out with her ...NO BIG DEAL ! Either you could play her/test her act like u don\'t give a damn about her , so she actually remembers to VALUE you , and not just take u for the granted nice guy u are. DOn\'t be a looser but don\'t be a total a$$hole either.

    + Incase all of this fails , slamm your head hard against the wall for wasting so much time on her and missing out chances with millions of other women around !!!
    Don\'t forget , now u are heavily armed with pheros , with a license to \"bed\" each and everybody.

    Then again , incase she is THE ONE and only for u , don\'t listen to me .... I\'m just presenting few possiblities u might not have thought of yourself...

    Enjoy !

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Newbie, need help!

    My friends, I guess this is not a mones problem. The last thing that you want to listen from a woman is the word friend. When she calls you that, it is game over. Just do like a famous hollywood director, just say \"Next on line, please!\" [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]

  6. #6
    Phero Pro jose's Avatar
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    Default Re: Newbie, need help!

    She already sees you as a friend, you had your chance a long time ago(the nice guy syndrome strikes again). She knows you inside and out all your insecurities and her attraction to you has changed. That\'s not to say that Pheromones won\'t work in your situation but you have another strike against you, she\'s interested in another man. I say keep trying for another month if no visible signs or actions, then I think you will just have to look for someone else.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Newbie, need help!

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    She already sees you as a friend, you had your chance a long time ago(the nice guy syndrome strikes again). She knows you inside and out all your insecurities and her attraction to you has changed. That\'s not to say that Pheromones won\'t work in your situation but you have another strike against you, she\'s interested in another man. I say keep trying for another month if no visible signs or actions, then I think you will just have to look for someone else.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    I think you are probably right Jose. Although, our relationship is sort of wierd. If she thinks I am going anywhere near another woman it really makes her jealous. I mean she would never admit to being jealous of course. but she gets downright pissed to the point of not speaking to me. This leads me to think something is there. Also, eventhough we are good friends, there is still some playful flirting. But T-Bird is right, when I act like I don\'t care as much, that is when the flirting picks up ya know?

    Anyway, npa did not come today should be here tomorrow. Any suggestions for good new cologn to cover? I currently use AF/Woods, Bobby Jones, or Hugo Boss.

    Thanks everyone who has responded so far!

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Newbie, need help!

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    she is probably used to your natural phermone signautre, she knows it so well, and therefore willnot react as strongly to a spike in none, nol, rone. i\'d still hit her up with a ton of phermones and be less conserative then 3 drops. i would use npa. She already knows that you are nice, etc, so to me using NOL is pointless, and maybe makes u seem to nice or girl. i\'d go npa or te, and if you have a rone source, without nol, that too

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    Any tips on application of npa when it gets here??

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Newbie, need help!

    You have your own answer. Flirt with other wmen. Don\'t be so attentive to her. Keep more distance from her. Make her work to see you. Try to realize that you are the prize.

    Al and Jose are correct in their advice. You may have a chance but I wouldn\'t bet on it.

    Oneitis, kills more guys than anything. Also you really shoudn\'t get too involved with someone you work with. It 99%
    of the time creates major problems.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Newbie, need help!

    Don\'t spent your pheromones with this chick!!! It is time to move on... [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smirk.gif[/img]

  11. #11
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    I agree with Tounge. Start distancing yourself from her. Have her come to you. Her jealously \'hints\' that she may have deeper feelings for you. Now you have to work on carefully drawing those feelings out.

    The various phero\'s that are available can help you do this, but which one? Each of them are very usefull in different situations. -None is great for increasing sexual desire, but use too much and it can lead to sexual tension or it you happen to have any on when she\'s PMSing . . . you may not be able to run away fast enough. -Nol\'s great to get her to open up relax/flirt, but you gotta be agressive when wearing this stuff. A1 and perhaps WAGG are good counters for PMS. You\'re just gonna have to experiment (start low and work up concentration slowly) to what works and what does not. I\'ve had gotten some very strong sexual hits from wearing only SOE. I\'ve had some ladies react badly to RM only to be all over me when I wear PI/m the next day and vice verca.

  12. #12
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: Newbie, need help!

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    You have your own answer. Flirt with other wmen. Don\'t be so attentive to her. Keep more distance from her. Make her work to see you. Try to realize that you are the prize.

    Al and Jose are correct in their advice. You may have a chance but I wouldn\'t bet on it.

    Oneitis, kills more guys than anything. Also you really shoudn\'t get too involved with someone you work with. It 99%
    of the time creates major problems.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">
    Good advice. Some contemplations:

    What are you getting out of this, really? What is she doing for you? Does she deserve your attention?

    Be realistic with yourself first. Is she really the \"one\"? If she was, there would be no effort required on your part. In any case, let go of all effort.

    Be confident, as if you know something.

    Have fun around her, but not because she\'s around.

    Basically be the dominant, in control one at all times where she is concerned. Struggle to succeed at this. Her feelings, about anything you say or do, need not matter. She is not buttering your bread or anything else. Ignore her swings in both directions. Always \"keep an eye on the road ahead\" when you are around her. Don\'t ever try to be nice, per se.

    Yes. You are a prize.

    Don\'t respond to her jealousy in the slightest, and don\'t care about it. Don\'t change anything in your behavior. Who does she think she is, your owner?

    Get in touch with your inner azzhole (search on Tom Lykus for more here). Don\'t censor yourself or make your energy smaller in any way around her. Take delight in the first time she disapproves.

    You make all the rules from now on! She will follow them if she wants to approach you. Up to this point she\'s been making them; so it\'s your turn. From now on, you\'re \"Daddy.\" Let her torture herself trying to win your approval for a change.

    Don\'t be a \"Turtle Face\"! You have to rent the excellent but graphic and disturbing BDSM movie, \"Tokyo Decadence\" to find out what this means. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img] FTR, Whitehall, Elana and the rest of y\'all too -- it\'s a hoot from either gender perspective; currently my favorite porn movie...

  13. #13
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    Default Re: Newbie, need help!

    Thanks Dr.Smellthis--Good advice I think. Hard to put into practice though. Problem is I really really dig this woman and she knows it. But I will try. Today, if it comes, I will try two dabs npa covered by cologn....see if that helps any.

    Thanks all!

  14. #14
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    Default Re: Newbie, need help!

    I have ordered npa. Doe anyone think pi would work well in this situation??

  15. #15
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    Default Re: Newbie, need help!

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />

    I agree with Tounge. Start distancing yourself from her. Have her come to you. Her jealously \'hints\' that she may have deeper feelings for you. Now you have to work on carefully drawing those feelings out.

    The various phero\'s that are available can help you do this, but which one? Each of them are very usefull in different situations. -None is great for increasing sexual desire, but use too much and it can lead to sexual tension or it you happen to have any on when she\'s PMSing . . . you may not be able to run away fast enough. -Nol\'s great to get her to open up relax/flirt, but you gotta be agressive when wearing this stuff. A1 and perhaps WAGG are good counters for PMS. You\'re just gonna have to experiment (start low and work up concentration slowly) to what works and what does not. I\'ve had gotten some very strong sexual hits from wearing only SOE. I\'ve had some ladies react badly to RM only to be all over me when I wear PI/m the next day and vice verca.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\"> Yea RM sucks balls, PI/m kicks ass [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]!

  16. #16
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    Default Re: Newbie, need help!

    the girl im after is a complete surprise package as well. i wouldnt say that we were friends, more acquintances. she can be a right bi\"£ch at times, and shes totally dominant, which has made her totally big headed + idea of ruling the place, walking around like a head of state or suming.

    she\'s had this massive flip in her hormones or suming all of a sudden, the other day she said that she never wanted to be friends with me ever (bad but good in a sense cos i want pussy [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif[/img]), + she told me to wipe my smile of my face one night + told me to shut up once. SOUNDS LIKE A RIGHT BIATCH RIGHT?, and youd be right too.

    her head needs to be moulded back into shape [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img], ive ignored her for the past 7 weeks now, what pisses me off is she still keeps looking at me from a distance + actively acts weird around me (whicvh she shouldnt do if she doesnt give a crap about me)

    part of my plan of action was to buy mones. ive got ae, soe, npa is in the post. ive heard none will bring such a bitchy attitude down + make her more submissive and change hewr subconscious attitudes towards me, creating a hole in her which i can fill with my personality (and hopefully my dick [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif[/img] [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]) any1 got any suggestions + suggestions for mone applications?

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