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  1. #1
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    Default Questions about my cocktail

    Hey everyone,

    I went supplement shopping tonight and I think that I\'m gonna be taking this:

    20-30 mg vinpocetine from
    puritan\'s once daily multivitamin

    I also am going to get my hands on some ZMA and maybe an amino-acid supplement.

    How does this all sound. Should I be concerned if I am also taking 25 mg Adderall XR? I think this is all pretty safe for an 18 yr old, but my only concerns now are the interactions with Adderall.

    PS. Ummm... I\'ll take that back. How safe is ZMA for an 18 yr. old? I am weight training, nothing serious, but just want a bit of an edge/boost in results without taking any true steroids.


    PPS I strongly reccommend you all check out They seem very legit, and their prices are cheap as hell. I got my vinpocetine at $5.40 for 90 10 mg tablets!

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Questions about my cocktail

    I can\'t comment on the other things you\'re taking but ZMA is safe for any age.

  3. #3
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Questions about my cocktail

    I\'ve got a whole bunch of stuff from Puritan - their quality is fine but I question the economics.

    Vinpocetine is a mild \"smart drug\" but you can take too much and it will potentiate other smart drugs. Taking 10 mg once or twice a day is fine but taking 30 mg in one shot is asking for headaches - literally. I do like and it\'s one of my favorites.

    Don\'t know about Adderal - what is it?

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Questions about my cocktail

    Thanks for feedback Whitehall, I have seen your posts in other nootropics topics and you seem to be pretty well informed.

    And yes, i was not planning on taking 20-30 mg all at once. I was planning on most likely a 10 mg at around 6:30 AM, and another around 7 PM, maybe earlier.

    And what\'s to question about the economics? From what you and others say, their quality is quite good and from the sale site, I got 90 10mg vinpocetine and 180 multivitamins for about 14 bucks, with free shipping. Not bad, considering most vinpocetine supplements alone would cost more than 14.00 without shipping!

    Adderall is probably the second most perscribed ADD/ADHD medication after ridalin. Its an amphetamine, so it definately has more of an energizing focus element to it. I am perscribed 25 mg XR in the morning, which is a 12 hour dose, and sometimes take a separate 10mg in the evening normal release.

    From what i have read so far, piracetam is good stuff, but heightens the affects of amphetamines, which i don\'t want at all. Vinpocetine, I\'m hoping, will bring down the hyper element of Adderall, adding a mentally stimulating effect that will only help my adderal do its thang.

    know any other smart drugs that are safe for 17 (almost 18) yr olds? I\'m thinking about getting my hands on hydergine, but im still unsure about its interactions as well.

    Oh, and one more question, any opinion on amino acid supplements? For someone like me who is not interested in any steroids, I was thinking that aminos would be a testosterone-free way of boosting natural protein production.

    Your help (and tantalus\'s too) is greatly appreciated!!

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Questions about my cocktail

    DMAE will surely will level you out, it will lessen the stimulant effect of Adderal and will boost your memory 3 fold. get it for cheap at ( ).

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Questions about my cocktail

    Cool, ill check it out. Should i be at all concerned about testosterone boost from ZMA since i am still technically maturing? I am pretty physically mature for my age (plenty of facial hair and adult muscle physiology, voice is still a bit on the high side) and my growth plates are for all intents and purposes, completely done growing. I just don\'t wanna screw up a perfectly healthy puberty...

  7. #7
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Questions about my cocktail

    If you\'re going to take amphetamines on a chronic basis, then I assume you\'ve been talking with a doctor. He should know about everything ELSE you plan on taking to check for complicated interactions.

    Amphetamines release a lot of dopamine and can deplete one\'s stores of it. After a run of amphetamine or cocaine, the terrible feelings one gets is sign of dopamine depletion.

    I\'d try adding some l-phenylanaline on an empty stomach - this is the precursor to dopamine. However, I don\'t mess with amphetamines so really can\'t speak with any authority based on personal experimentation.

    Vinpocetine does have a very mild stimulatory effect but it is not at all like amphetamines or even caffeine. It\'s \"healthier\" and more natural and is more a restoration of mental energy than an adder.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Questions about my cocktail

    great, thats really why i decided to stick with vinpocetine.

    Oh, and I think i forgot to mention that 25 XR is a pretty mild dose. I have been tweaking my dosage, and usually take that or even 20 mg. Some serious ADD people I think take upwords of 50+ mg, especially if they aren\'t taking it in an extended release form, so I doubt that the amphetamine high i get is anything comprable to a cocaine or meth effect.

    I\'ve also heard of phenylanaline, and that along with tyrosene was one of the reasons i was considering taking an amino acid supplement.

    Oh, and one question. Isnt phenylanaline the stuff they use to sweeten diet coke? Maybe thats phenylalanine, but im unsure...

  9. #9
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default My misspelling

    I misspelled it. The correct spelling is l-phenylalanine for the amino acid.

    The artificial sweetener is similar but different.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Questions about my cocktail

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    Cool, ill check it out. Should i be at all concerned about testosterone boost from ZMA since i am still technically maturing? I am pretty physically mature for my age (plenty of facial hair and adult muscle physiology, voice is still a bit on the high side) and my growth plates are for all intents and purposes, completely done growing. I just don\'t wanna screw up a perfectly healthy puberty...

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    ZMA doesn\'t actually raise testosterone levels above what they would normally be if you have a healthy diet with ample amounts of vitamins &amp; minerals. What it does is make sure you don\'t have a deficiency which would cause your body to produce less testosterone. That\'s why age doesn\'t really matter when it comes to ZMA supplementation.

    As for your question about aminos for muscle building. It would be more effective (and cost-effective) to just add a whey protien supplement to your diet if you want more protien. If you\'re working out hard, shoot for about 1 gram of protien per lb of bodyweight. And make sure you get enough sleep -- that\'s a very common mistake.

    I doubt you need to worry about burnout from amphetamine (controlled doses from a doc is alot different than tweekers using it to stay up for days), but if you are, l-tyrosine on an empty stomach might also be a good idea. But you probably don\'t need to worry about that.

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