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  1. #1
    Phero Dude
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    Default How Long Does It Last???

    Ive recently tried adding A1 to my usual phero mix. Ive heard of guys trying it with their girlfriends and seeing a big lift in their mood. I was wondering just how long this rise in mood and mental clarity last in females??What have you guys as well as girls that have tried it seen in terms of duration of pleasant effects??I want to ry it with my girlfriend (havent yet) but I am unsure as just how long the effects last or if it will warp her mind (sorry to sound paranoid) in any way???

  2. #2
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: How Long Does It Last???

    bump for some replies on just how long the effects of A1 last....

  3. #3
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    Default Re: How Long Does It Last???

    I\'ve tried it and haven\'t really come to any clear conclusions. I\'d say the effect was marginal to none. I\'ve had better mood boosting effects with AE alone than with a1.
    Concerning durability, someone posted (sorry I can\'t remember who or where) that the effect of a1 only worked in the short-range space and immediate time frame. I think they said that a girl would notice the difference if the a1 wearer left the room! If that is actually true, I\'d say that\'s precisely the effect you want.

  4. #4
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: How Long Does It Last???

    Concerning durability, someone posted (sorry I can\'t remember who or where) that the effect of a1 only worked in the short-range space and immediate time frame. I think they said that a girl would notice the difference if the a1 wearer left the room! If that is actually true, I\'d say that\'s precisely the effect you want.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\"> this true??Can anybody here verify this just so that were all sure??Id say thats the perfect desired effect...

  5. #5
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    Default Re: How Long Does It Last???

    Thats true for all pheromones, if you wear a amount thats only noticable if the person was sitting right next to you then they will probably link all those nice feelings to you. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif[/img] [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smirk.gif[/img]

  6. #6
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: How Long Does It Last???

    cool...the reason I was curious was because FTR once mentioned that she tried smelling it once when she was on her period and her good feelings and mood improvement went of for like 5 hrs or something...Im curious because of that...have any of you all recorded the duration of mood improvement on your girlfriends and such while wearing A1 around them??Do the pleasant feelings really leave with your presence or do they remain and she wont be able to associate them to your presence???

  7. #7
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    Default Re: How Long Does It Last???

    OH! FTR and Elana (i think) and others stated positive reactions to -none, while they themselves or their gfs were on their period. I testing with...let me remember, hahaha, oh yeah: 2:1:1 AE, NPA, a1, and the results were postive. A lot of touching going on. So despite what the cookbook says, period time may not be a time to stay off none completely. The results were a lot better than having worn 5:3 SOE:a1, a couple days before (within period time too).
    I do think I\'ve had bad reactions with -none during PMS time. I didn\'t actually relate the two at the time, but it could well have been. Of course I was wearing a full 3:1 AE:PI
    (All ratios are in drops)

  8. #8
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    Default Re: How Long Does It Last???

    I think Irish has already covered this ground admirably elsewhere, but...A1 will lift her mood, but if that\'s all there is to build your case on, then it doesn\'t itself it will not make a woman euphoric, it will only make her feel a little better than she usually might. So a little better than she usually might feel sitting on the couch and watching TV will not make you memorable. She will not notice when you leave. A little better than she usually might having a romantic dinner or fun conversation is very memorable. A little beter than she usually might when making out is \"you give the best kisses.\" A little better than she usually might having sex is \"the best sex I\'ve ever had\", or \"I\'ve never had an orgasm that good before.\" That will make you very memorable...and yes, giving a woman a good orgasm will warp her mind, but she\'ll forgive you for that.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: How Long Does It Last???

    Yes, that theory made sense before I tried a1. But thinking about it now...I don\'t think that test is valid. What I mean is that you\'re not testing a1 in a controlled environment. If you provide and original/uplifting experience, then who\'s to say that it\'s not the experience, rather than the a1, that is uplifting the girl\'s mood.
    I think the real attraction of a1 is that it could uplift a girl\'s mood, regardless of the situation (as long as it\'s normal). I mean, try telling someone in a bad mood \"let\'s go have fun at the zoo!@!\".
    Having tested it with one person, I\'ve seen no apparent effects of a1.

  10. #10
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: How Long Does It Last???

    yes I forgot to look over some of Irish\'s past posts on this. I think he mentioned that the girl would associate her good feelings with your presence. I mean think about it if anytime you saw one particular person or everytime you all spent sometime together for some reason everything looks brighter and you feel upbeat then wouldnt you want to repeat this process again and feel those good feelings that you felt with that person???I mean its only natural that we like to do things thta make us feel good...If sex wasnt so pleasurable then we probably wouldnt do it. Its a pleasurable act and pleasurable acts are usually repeated...Oh and I hate to contradict your point Jeeves, but there is more than enough documented evidence out there that says that some of the effects that women feel when nexposed to A1 are more pronounced than the way you want to make them seem.The effects arent \"she feels a LITTLE better than usual\" as you put it...the effects have even been called slightly euphoric....if that isnt a pleasant experience that looks to be repeated then i dont know what is..

  11. #11
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    Default Re: How Long Does It Last???

    elvido: you may very well, be right, but you\'ve tested it on one person. I\'ve been field testing mones for a year, and A1 for 8 months. While I will agree that the condition are far from controlled, I have gained a fair amount of practical experience that tells me:

    -by themselves, mones will not change a woman\'s mood 180 degrees
    - by themselves, mones will not get you laid
    - by themselves, mones will not cement you indelibly in a woman\'s memory
    - by themselves, mones will not bind a woman to you.


    Mones will do all of these things in combination with wit, charm, and good sexual technique. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]

    human beings can be influenced by pheromones, but humans are so complex that there are many other factors that must contribute to a positive impression. Smelling like a memorable guy and acting like a schlub, for example, doesn\'t make you memorable, it only makes you confusing....

  12. #12
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    Default Re: How Long Does It Last???

    sonnyblack: I\'m willing to be contradicted by the experts [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] Can you post some links? I\'d love to read up on the stuff I\'m using...

  13. #13
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: How Long Does It Last???

    cool...let me look for the link and Ill pm it to you...

  14. #14
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: How Long Does It Last???

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    sonnyblack: I\'m willing to be contradicted by the experts [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] Can you post some links? I\'d love to read up on the stuff I\'m using...

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    and hey dont sell yourself short sounds like you have some experience with mones as well...sorry to bother you but do you know if you could post some of your experiences using A1??Like what effects you got and what behavioral changes you saw in your SO.And I cant help but contradict you again on the issue of mones not changing a girls mood around 180...I mean just 1 month ago, me and my girl hadnt seen ourselves for one whole week. The last time we spoke we decided that we were doing nothing but fighting and were even talking about taking a brether from each other. She was pretty pissed and agitated. Well we decided to see each other one last time to discuss this. Well let me tell you, when she got to my house , as soon as she opened the door, and she got next to me, I saw her face light up completely. She then gave me a big kiss and a hug. She said she was sorry for being a b-i-t-c-h (she actually said that!!)HSe then proceeded to be very loving and when I asked her about our taking some time off...she said that she was wrong to say that and didnt wanna leave or for me to leave her... I mean if thats not an example of mones changing a girls mood 180 percent then I dont know what is..I mean really..some of the things Ive seen from mone usage is nothing short of spectacular...for example I have a friend of mine. Weve been friends since we were young kids and stuck together thru high school. About a year ago he broke up with his high schoo sweetheart and he went into a depression. He gained alot of weight out of that depression...around 40 or 50 pounds I think. After the weight gain his depression seemed to escalate and he hardly got out.Anyways after seeing just what an impact mones have had on myself...I decided to beging persuading him to try the mones. Well since he did, he has gotten good results out of it. He says he never ever used to date this much or get this much attention from girls before. HE says that he freaks out that girls actually flirt with him now when before he was just ignored alot of the time.Now this is coming froma guy who gained 50 pds in the course of a couple of months (and hasnt dropped it yet)and lost his swimmer\'s physiche that he used to have...That is just one the many many examples Ive seen about mones working and it goes to show just what an important role mones play in how we judge a could even go as far to say that in this case they override the users appearance...

  15. #15
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    Default Re: How Long Does It Last???

    yes, it makes them really confused, Sometimes I don\'t feel like going out of my way especially in class to be mister charming and [bad word], and it does confuse them they may be like why is this guy hot but acts like a total ass and so on. Most of the puzzles have to fall in line for a girl to get involved in a \"relationship\" with, women do this by of course judging all the aspects, some meaningful some stupid and so on. Now if a girl goes to a club, or a girl just wants a f#ck guy then pheromones take it to another level.

  16. #16
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: How Long Does It Last???

    yes and that is why Im so interested in A1 effects and how long they last on a female and if she can associate her good feelings with the guy (the wearer). It is supposed to be different from other pheromones in the way that it only works with repeated exposure...therefore it is supposed to be a bonding pheromone..I remember someone calling it that in an article. It is said to be useful in relationships...that is why im interested in it...since im in a relationship at the moment and not looking to mess around with other girls and rather maximize the one im in...

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