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  1. #1
    Phero Dude
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    Default Best Pheromone or Mix


    I\'m 33, Male, 5\'7\" and slightly overweight. I\'ve been using PI/m for the last few months with mostly effects from men. What I mean by this is when I talk to my male collegues at work for instance they show a lot of respect to me. On the other hand I only notice smiles, eye contact etc from women 30+ in age.

    Now I\'m naturally a shy man. I\'ve had a total of 2 girlfriends in my life and was never much a don huan with the ladies. I know extra -none makes you more confident and alpha but I find it does little to help with my social abilities. I feel even more antisocial.

    In summary I am shy and display a tough image (I don\'t smile too much nor am I every emotional. Most friends has described me as this kind of zen guy whose constantly calm). Is a product like PI/m simply be wrong for me? I mean getting respect from guys is great but I need more hits from women, and since I don\'t talk to much to women I need something that will not tense me up but make me more social around women. I\'ve recently order Alter Ego, but wonder if there are any better options.

  2. #2
    Banned User
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    Default Re: Best Pheromone or Mix

    Buy SOE and mixup some KR#1.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Best Pheromone or Mix

    SOE makes people talk more .... both the wearer and the sniffer. NOne makes me feel to alhpa, and i get grumpy, use more nol, and put it on your upper lip close to your nose. it could make you chattier. none will probably make anyone more quiet

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Best Pheromone or Mix

    I\'ve actually gone so far as to stick some SOE gel in the inside of my nose a bit, but on one needs to go that far, I think you can just simply put it on your wrists even and get the benefits of SOE you don\'t have to necessarly put it close to your nose, if you did I doubt much of anyone would respond to the phero\'s right? Then again why not, damn it I have to stop ranting

  5. #5
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Best Pheromone or Mix

    I read the SOE reviews and it seems like it makes the wearer and girls more chattly, more relaxed etc. But does it attract them in a SEXUAL way? I mean I\'m not looking just to be \"one of the girls\" in conversation, I\'d like to talk to women to lead to a sexual attraction (date, fling etc) of some sort.

    I\'ve order Alter Ego which apparently also has NOL and also RONE and NONE. So its probably a better bet for me than my existing PI. But I think if you guys and girls would really recommend it, SOE will also be on my lists for experimentation.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Best Pheromone or Mix

    soe is what you want to accompany your none.

    none/rone: this guys is a dominant male

    women like this, but need to feel that those dominant qualities will be used to protect her, etc, and that she feels safe and won\'t be rejected by you.

    none and a good amout of SOE: yes i have great power, but i use it for good purposes.

  7. #7
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Best Pheromone or Mix

    Hey MonesRule:

    Isn\'t SOE only -nol? If this is the case NONE, RONE, and NOL is all in Alter Ego. Wouldn\'t I be getting enough nol in alter ego to just stick to AE, and drop PI completely? I understand that if I use PI and add SOE that would also work.

    But since my PI bottle is almost out I was thinking of AE since it has all three pheromones and has sexual hits as opposed to SOE which just makes you one of the girls.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Best Pheromone or Mix

    SOE has nol and rone.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Best Pheromone or Mix

    i think ae is a 1:1:1 ratio of none:nol;rone

    soe has a nol:rone 4:1 ratio.

    So if you try adding nol through Ae you will just get equal amounts of none and rone. So with soe, you can add nol, get your dose of rone, but will an amount that will not add to the effects of the none \"power aura\".

    you can add a little bit of ae to your mix and use less PI and soe to add a little bit more then a 4:1 ratio of nol to rone that SOE has, which i do not think is ideal ratio.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Best Pheromone or Mix

    No, AE is 4:3:2 NONE NOL RONE

    -none - 0.020%
    -nol - 0.015%
    -rone - 0.010%

    SOE is much more -nol then -rone

    Always try to check the ratios or that mistake may become what people may beleive.

  11. #11
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Best Pheromone or Mix

    Forget PI/m. I am not ordering that again. I have AE/m on order, and wonder how it would do for me, and also I am contemplating ordering SOE . I need some advice, if I take tribulus Terrestris which increases -none and Testosterone-Levels would I have to be even more careful with the -none in AE? I figure at 33 my hormone levels need a boost.

    Also can the experienced please advise on different doses of AE and SOE (separate or combined) for work (business) settings, coffee shop settings, and club settings. I\'m sure the experienced know to alter their ratios depending on where they are going.

  12. #12
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    Default Re: Best Pheromone or Mix

    Here\'s an idea:
    Try to find the time to work out a bit more. You would probably be surprised how easy it is to lose a little weight if you\'re only slightly overweight. You\'ll get a safe, natural boost in testosterone and won\'t have the not so pleasant side-effects of supplements like tribulus (check the health forum).

    You also need to be objective with your products. You say you have problems speaking to women. In that case, you need to stop fixating on none. None gives you a sexy alpha edge if you radiate confidance, but since you\'re not approaching women, it\'s only making you a lone wolf.

    You made a good choice in buying AE, its been the best for me so far, as well as SOE. AE in particular will give you a nice nol boost, especially when mixed with SoE, while keeping the sexual effects of none. I\'ve read that for men your age 2 AE: 1 SOE works well. But you also ought to do more to make yourself more approachable, and nol will do that as well as smiles, confidance, and more positive self-image.

  13. #13
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    Default Re: Best Pheromone or Mix

    \"In summary I am shy and display a tough image...\"

    Seems to me, from all that has been talked about it, WAGG would be a good addition.

  14. #14
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    Default Re: Best Pheromone or Mix

    Would TE be the best next thing to AE because i can\'t afford AE

  15. #15
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    Default Re: Best Pheromone or Mix

    i just checked out the price...jesus, i had no idea i payed that much lol. I guess i just forgot how expensive it is. I would wait and whip up the extra 20 bucks to pay for it. It last a long time, and a few drops is soooo effective. I would save up for AE, but maybe you should try out the newbie pack if youre really eager to get your hands on something.

  16. #16
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    Default Re: Best Pheromone or Mix

    k thx would it get you the same effects as if you were to spray axe on with the edge. I mean could you get the same powerful hits or do you need edge?

  17. #17
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Best Pheromone or Mix

    Thanks for your input (I should also point out that I appreciate all the input from the other users).

    I\'m going to try out AE/m and SOE, both separate and together in the 2:1 mix you recommended. My question is, is the spray for SOE just as good as the gel? Which is better. I\'m thinking of the spray. Also can you recommend different ratios for the following settings: Clubs, Coffee shops, Business (Workplace), Restaurants etc.


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