OK, Couple of times on this forum while ago, and just now, thing was raised,
That pherromones in Sweden, on Sweds, have some interesting responses, more to say, no responses.

I do not think, that pheromones here changing their ability, or smell, or Sweds are some OTHER sort of folks, that resists pherromones.

Therefore, I would like to give my opinion here, so, please , correct me if i am wrong.

1. Pherromones DOES work, just moral and social behaver here is more strict and cold, that prohibits to show in some way, that one are interesting in one.
2. Confrontation in any way between two strangers is strongly NOT reccomended here, even eye contact. (See \"Body Language\", straight eye contact longer than 3-5 seconds is confrontation), so eye contact reduced allmost to zero.
Althou, when stangers are drunk, it will become better..
3. Eye contact, Showing feelings, Showing interest, Flirting may be just and only between two people , that allredy know each other. Well, sometimes, to introduce someone, will do the job.
4. Even if you would OD ten times more than catsand, NOBODY, NOBODY will show it in any way, just will try to ignore you. And ignore you big time.
5. Making friends \"on a fly\" is IMMPOSIBLE in Stockholm, if You are not a tourist.

From here:
1. Less -none mix for not to show Your \"alfa\" too much. Do not confrontate = no -none.
2. Pherromones shows their power between people, that You allredy know (!).
Invite sometarget to cafeeteria, there, quiet and simple, introduce Your mix.
3. Go to pub WITH FRIENDS, when a girl see You arround your friends, and that You are not LoneWolf, than things will roll better.
4. Best use of pherromones is NOT on blind-date.
She must see You arround somehow long enought to feel confortable with You.
5. Again, -nol heavy mix on a first date / first flirtground. Than, -none, if this needed.
6. Your mix initially must have a trace of -none, otherwice, Folk will se You as \"not worth a talk\" , or like a \"waiter person\" .
7. Be individual, have Your own style, but do not overdo it!

Hey, folks from Sweden, Your answer is important here.
PM me if You need!

Yours, Bubu