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  1. #1
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    Default 6 Sprays, 24 inches

    I did six small sprays of te and andro 4.2 (3 of each) in a bit of moisterizing lotion in the palm of my hand. They were not full sprays, but not half sprays either. Rubbed lotion along my chest.

    Then put on two lines of soe running down each side of my chest and boxed it with horizontal lines.

    Used axe, which i never use, to cover it. Had on an undershirt and t shirt.

    the results were looks from women, respect from males. Whati found interesting was that at 6 hours, when i thought it would be broken down, female interest peaked sharply. perhaps this was the ideal amount to be wearing, i don\'t know.

    i did not get negative reactions a. i was sitting close to my friend alot and people choose to sit near me on subways. however, i don\'t think i put on enough axew, i could smell the none stank between hours 1 and 2.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: 6 Sprays, 24 inches

    Your hits can intensify later on the day when you are not producing a feeling in a room rather a direct vibe of yourself \"Tallmacky Pheromone OD Indifference Theory\". Guys don\'t generally care especially the not so alpha hot headed ones maybe subconciously they feel more protected or like they may make a really good \"hunting\" buddy. Did you have any really solid hits from some POA\'s oh I love details. By the way AXE is pretty weak try some BOD I like BOD: Really Ripped Abs, its got a good smell but lasts a long time and can cover TE.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: 6 Sprays, 24 inches

    well i was just going to coney island, and there were very few attractive women, espceially at my age level.

    but on the subway i was getting the looks, a girl who wouldn\'t stopp thanking for giving directions, a guy a few years younger then me who absolutely would not jump on to the subway before i got on it (which does not happen in this city). i turned to him to actually let him go and he was giving me a look like \"i dare not oh great god\". At the seven hour mark, i actually was in a bar of guys and one went out of his way to ask me if the bathroom was right in front of me (duh) and then thanked me when he came out. Another guy started talking bball with me -- but that can\'t necasarily be attributed to mones. Then i went to the grocery after and got looks from the girls my age, but especially this one girl, who when i turned feeling someone looking at me she got caught sort of speak, smiled and looked down.

    then on the way back walking to my apartment i was getting a lot of looks from both sexes. One good looking guy even kept looking at me. I think 9 and 10 guys probably feel the most threatened, because all of a sudden their identity gets threatened big-time. When i was walking to the grocery this similar type of guy kept watching me walk from afar.

    Okay, there are your details. Sorry i couldn\'t talk about the females more, but the environments were just not conduscive to really having more interaction with them.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: 6 Sprays, 24 inches

    It\'s the city its go go go and it seems no one has time to sit back and talk or to meet someone new, hell its probably a bit dangerous as well. You may notice that either the better looking or the bigger tuffer guys, or the guys that think they are, will be a bit mean or hesitant but still stare, its the little guys or the normal guys that seem to respect you and adore you like a man he\'s got to be my friend, or even a bit more fearful in a positive way for you. Then again the stares never really seem that I want to kill you just like hey what\'s going on with this guy. I can\'t help but to think that some of these stares really come off as gay. I am not sure if they are even remotely that but no one really discuss\'s this in detail on here.

    Thanks for the details you can always say no if you don\'t want to give them I know it sucks typing alot etc... Hey atleast I got to use that lube I bought just for your post thanks man.

    I think you see more of the looks from guys using -nol etc.. but I believe I have spotted it on a TE only day.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: 6 Sprays, 24 inches


    its not a problem giving details. I enjoy hearing them as well. to me a lot of the fun of phermones is seeing how people react.

    The other day i got a fried chicekn stick at this asian place. anyway, it was in the fridge. I go to buy it, sit down and start to eaat. this customer (who was a guy) absoultely insisted on having it heated up for me, etc, telling me it was better, long convcersatio. i didn\'t know what he was saying at first because of his accent.

    but it was no doubt the mones, i had on four npa dabs and then soe on both sides. Another guy started talking to me before that.

    I willa gree with you, it is kinda gay, but you really can\' t label it as homesexual at all. its just one of those things as to how males interact. In the end, the goal is always pu-sy, even for these guys. evlotuion probably has taught them, hang out with a alpha male, better respect for yourself, mating opportunities.

    And yea, the look is not angry, it is more WTF is going on with this guy (but even they do not know why they are looking). i have never been afraid, but i think with males around alcohol, you got to watch yourself, because i have gotten snootiness, so it brings the fear/agression out. Plus, i occaisionly wind up hitting on someone\'s girl, a few wives. To date it has been all good, every male was fine with it (i do tell them they are lucky or something) but i have never worn the amount of none i was wearing today.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: 6 Sprays, 24 inches

    I bet it could get aggressive, its all dependent on the guy surprisingly most guys don\'t have a problem are are somewhat submissive but its those few, overly egotistical tourette like I have to be the best guys, that feel very annoyed. This can also be negative in other situations like when dealing with cops and the list goes on.

    Yeah I know what you mean about the WTF/curious stare, sometimes its people you know, maybe they are just getting the feeling of you being greater then they thought,

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