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  1. #1
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    Default Summary: One year of phero usage.

    Summary after almost one year of phero usage:

    Products I have used:
    SOE, AE, APC, NPA, PI(m), PI(w), WAGG.
    From those products I have also made about 30 different combos.

    1.Large amounts of none pisses me off and makes me depressed.
    2.SOE smells really good and sometimes improve my mood.
    3. No product or combo has had any significant effect on other people, that is any effect that is noticeable or beneficial for me in any way.

    Since some people report great results from using the same product or the same combos, I think one of the following is true:
    1. They are lying.
    2. It is placebo.
    3. Something in my body chemistry makes it impossible for mones to work for me. I really doubt that different body chemistries should play that large a role though, especially when you apply the products to cloths.
    4. Maybe you need a minimum level of looks for mones to have effect. But I am not ugly, just below average so I don’t think this is the reason.
    5. Swedish women, contrary to popular belief by those not living in this country, are unusually cold.

    I just find it so strange that the effect could be so very different between different people. I have studied body language so I am familiar with the signs of interest and changes in behaviour I should look for. But the signs are just not there.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Summary: One year of phero usage.

    Have you tried an OD just to see if the pheromones are working for you? You seemed a bit hesitant on your looks out of curiousity do you have a picture or on a scale from 1-10 how do you rate yourself? I guess the placebo effect may effect many newbies but in my experience I have received some very tense hits when using a good amount of -none every time I walk in the room I am noticed by just about everyone in there instantly this never happen before and I could go for awhile but why bother.

    Do you apply a majority of your product to your skin? I cannot see why pheromones would not work for you or why you think your body chemsitry cannot sustain phero\'s now that\'s impossible

  3. #3
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Summary: One year of phero usage.

    Try an OD first.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Summary: One year of phero usage.

    I have tried OD without any effect on anyone but myself. I would rate my looks as 4 or 5 on a 10 scale.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Summary: One year of phero usage.

    I don\'t think your looks would hinder phero\'s like that, What\'s your height and weight?

    If you took that PI/m and did around hmmm 10 drops I am sure you could get some sort of reaction out of someone. go for 20 dabs of NPA(damn that\'s alot.)

    What did you OD on and how much?

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Summary: One year of phero usage.

    I am 1.85 metres and 90kg. I exercise 2-3 times a week. My shape is decent but not great. I have done 2 really big OD tests (and some smaller).

    The first big one was 10\" of RM (I had it a used up SOE bottle). The setting was a party. The other OD test was 8\" of PI(m) and 1 gel pack of SOE. That one was mostly walking around i the mall, doing shopping and stuff. Two hours later I reapplied with 10\" of PI(m) and one SOE gel pack again.

  7. #7
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    What\'s a meter? haha j/k. Sorry its just that it blows my mind very odd, I mean its been awhile for you, I am not sure if I could stand that for a whole year. I am going to leave this open to some of the other forum members, I am just stuck on this one!

    If nothing at all continues to happen I don\'t see a problem with you taking that bottle of NPA and dumping it all over yourself.

  8. #8
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Summary: One year of phero usage.

    Interesting.. You say you\'re familiar with body language, and that you\'ve used a lot of pheros. Over the past year I\'ve been using pheros, I\'ve been the busiest, socially and otherwise, I\'ve ever been in my life, having been with six different ladies. Through that time, I\'ve taken what had already been a keen insight into personality and added body language and cold reading (observational-based insight into MBTI) into the mix, along with a titch of NLP (the soundly grounded stuff, not the misogynistic claptrap).

    Depending on the circumstance, I\'ll go light on all, crank up the -nol to make people more friendly, or the -none to make them more \"friendly\". It all comes down to finding what works for you in what circumstance. Just because JB1 works for others doesn\'t mean it works for me (in fact, it didn\'t) or you. My general combination: two dabs of PI/m, two dabs of PI/w. If I\'m with someone I am around frequently, I\'ll add in a dab of A1. If I want an aura, a dab of CS -rone. If I want to crank up the heat, a dab or two of NPA/m fits the bill. Finish off with a light spraying of a good cologne, and I\'m good to go.

    That being said, there have been A LOT of changes other than pheros, including the psych stuff, a (self-driven) change to a much more formal (and much more unique) style of dress, which while more formal still has enough personality and fun to it to be casual in its own way. I\'ve made tremendous strides in my shyness. I\'m still cautious in whom I approach, but I now have a better insight that lets me be more effective with greater odds from a smaller pool. I\'ve learned how to dance, which has been directly responsible for three of those hookups, and continue learning more and more.

    Pheros are no magic bullet. They will not make you utterly irresistable. They will, however, give you a leg up. The pheros unlock the door, and the body language helps you see which doors are unlocked. It\'s still up to you to go knocking on the door though. It won\'t (usually) open up all by itself.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Summary: One year of phero usage.

    Pheros definitely DO WORK. So people aren\'t lying. It\'s true that it can give someone more confidence, but that\'s certainly not all they do. I can state both these things from personal experience. Pheros made me ex jump me 3 times. Before that, she\'d always give looks like she wanted to jump me, but never acted upon it. These results weren\'t based on me being more confident. I don\'t think the mones made me neither more or less confident. What they did do is distract me. Basically when I\'m with my ex I space out a lot, trying to gage the effect of the pheros. That distraction makes me a little less fun to be with. Even with that in mind, the results were clear and consistent.
    One thing I haven\'t really been able to measure is the effect the pheros have on other people apart from my ex. I only wear them when I see her, and although we\'ve been with other people I haven\'t noticed much of a difference. But that doesn\'t really mean much. People are naturally friendly towards me, because I have a really friendly face and nice smile (don\'t consider this a quasi-arrogant comment. that\'s just how i came out, i don\'t consider it to be a merit on my part). I haven\'t noticed increased interest from other girls, but then again I doubt I\'d notice anyway, cus I only focus on my ex.
    So I guess what I\'m trying to say is two things:
    1. Yes, they work, but only a clear result will make you understand this.
    2. There are a ton of other factors at work:
    Yourself: you could put pheros on your dog, but that doesn\'t mean ladies are gonna want to get it on with him. You yourself need to be attractive as a person [i\'m talking personality. looks aren\'t that important as it seems]

    Others: What kind of environments are you meeting these people. That mall reference of yours sounds very speed-seduction-esq. Women aren\'t going to jump on you at the mall.

    Your relation to them: If your interested in someone, you\'re going to have to do some work yourself. They might help unlock the door, but ya gotta get to the damn door [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif[/img]

    Are you sure you haven\'t seen a different reaction from your friends. You know those people well and how they act around you. Any changes? More touchy? Girls talking like cucu-crazy?

    Of course, the solution to all your problems could be Watcher\'s Mix #1 :PPPPPPPP

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Summary: One year of phero usage.

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    I have tried OD without any effect on anyone but myself. I would rate my looks as 4 or 5 on a 10 scale.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\"> 4 or 5?, my hairless poodle is more attractive than you [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/shocked.gif[/img]. I think the problem is that your just BUTT ugly. I recommend you go watch the movie \"Shallow Hal\" and go for the UGLY chicks [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smirk.gif[/img]. (EXIT, you can lick my balls! [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif[/img])

    Just kidding [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif[/img], forgive my sadistic sense of humor. I\'ve seen BUTT, and I mean BUTT UGLY and YES! i\'m referring to the guy with the 8 inch mole hanging from his lip get girls that were 8 or 9\'s . You just have to act like you got something they don\'t, act Alpha even if it gets you killed! (note: I rather be dead than not being able to taste the sweet nectar of a womens boosm for a whole YEAR!) or you can always get one of those blowup dolls.....

  11. #11
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Summary: One year of phero usage.

    Well, hard to say, I am from Sweden too, and experience4 the same problems.But I\'d discovered, that there is rapport to fherromones from opposite sex, reactions are just very light, and very hard to see. I know now, that more -nol and wery little of -none helped me a quiet. Also, pherromones seems to work when You are \"face to face\" conversating, and will sitt in quiet place , than \"party chat\".

    Ironration, contact me!

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