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  1. #1
    Enlightened One
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    Default New sexual revolution - Lust syndrome

    I came up with a new idea, about guys that dont get laid, but get lots of attention. This is also tied in with attention whore theroy and possibly social circle theroy.

    These women these days (early 20s) put off sex/child bearing, perferring lots of attention from men instead, now they dont get to involved otherwise men might want sex, so they play mind games. Getting the lust feeling that they are attracted to men without anything actually happening, it triggers their inbuilt reward system, but they only sleep with those men that have superior social status, mostly money or power/influcence, and they use some other poor sap for attention and to get that lust no sex feeling, it gives them a feeling of power they can attract men without giving anything biologically speaking back.

    This is sort of disjointed theroy at the current time, but im sure everyone is welcoem to respond, by the way MIX#1 removes the above effect and also reduces considerably the social circle hookup effect, as the women outright reject inferior men even if they cant [bad word] me.

  2. #2
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: New sexual revolution - Lust syndrome

    Can you write again the Mix#1??? Sounds interesting to get rid of the social cyrcle hook-up theory... [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

  3. #3
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: New sexual revolution - Lust syndrome

    social status, money, an intellectual level, have always been flattering for a woman - now or 3 centuries ago... as well as a beautiful woman is always flattering for a guy. Nothing new here.
    What is new is that women sometimes don\'t hesitate to play, even \"dangerous\" games... there are some rules in seduction games (and it\'s really nice for everyone) but now it seems it\'s only about sex or mind games, nothing in the middle.
    As a woman, and as a lesbian, I notice the same thing as you : women about 35yo behave like that, just as if they feel it\'s time to play as long as they can, till they\'re too \"old\" (in their heads) to play. They have the feeling they simply exist and want to control everything in the relationship.

    my 2 cents

  4. #4
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    Default Re: New sexual revolution - Lust syndrome

    what ive definetely learnt from my time at hogh achool is never to give women too much power or dominance over youie look up to them, say too many nice things about them, cos it just goes to their heads and they get big headed totally, sometimes actually ordering you arond,. after that you just have to be mean in a way really, puts their heads back in shape! [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img] what i can deduce from that is women in our society today are after wealth,power money etc

  5. #5
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    Default Re: New sexual revolution - Lust syndrome

    yes they are and they are more loving of power, not only the power of getting up higher through education, or the power that her lover may have (social status), but power by being the dominate one in a relationship, its kind of sick to me, how some guys are ordered around and look like such pathetic puppets because some average looking chick is on a power trip and over values herself. Many of the girls at my school are on these immensly disgusting powertrips its a definite change from the past (maybe). Such as many of them come to class very late say the worst things you can imagine screw with people badly walk around like they are the only ok looking girl in the world, and they are never punished by this some try to use their flirting abilities even with teachers on occassion to never be disciplined. So if a society allows its girls to act that way without any punishment what do we expect? I think your statements are pretty accurate watcher.

  6. #6
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: New sexual revolution - Lust syndrome

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    yes they are and they are more loving of power, not only the power of getting up higher through education, or the power that her lover may have (social status), but power by being the dominate one in a relationship, its kind of sick to me, how some guys are ordered around and look like such pathetic puppets because some average looking chick is on a power trip and over values herself. Many of the girls at my school are on these immensly disgusting powertrips its a definite change from the past (maybe). Such as many of them come to class very late say the worst things you can imagine screw with people badly walk around like they are the only ok looking girl in the world, and they are never punished by this some try to use their flirting abilities even with teachers on occassion to never be disciplined. So if a society allows its girls to act that way without any punishment what do we expect? I think your statements are pretty accurate watcher.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    ditto to everything you said...I guess its all part of the many advantages that females have over men...they can flirt their way out of things and some girls wont even bother to develop a good personality since they know that they can get by and get anything they want with just their looks. I usually laugh when females say that this world treats women unfairly...I mean cmon...just look at all the advantages women have over us...

    PS: I also personnally dont give women too much power in past relationships...I treat them fair and loving but it doesnt matter how good a partner you are, if you give a women too much power shell just walk all over you and then leave you for a guy who\'s more of a challenge...let this be a warning to all you guys who get taken advantage by you SO\'s.. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crazy.gif[/img]

  7. #7
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: New sexual revolution - Lust syndrome

    Ditto on all of the above, the only thing is to withdrawl attention or just to avoid these types. But most men play along for the sake of sex, so i guess oh well.
    ANy suggestions on potential on non-violent punishments a guy can use?

  8. #8
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    Default Re: New sexual revolution - Lust syndrome

    I have seen many men play along and its quite sad, just like the classic attention whores, such as at school girls try to command the guys around and it mostly works, such as telling them to go get them their pencil or drive to their house during school and pick this up for me or do my work and shut up type of thing these guys who do this should know that they are not going to get anything and the girls inturn will just be turned off.

    I see relationships where guys throw parties for their girlfriends, overly compliment them to a sickening point, carry and lug their books around, then some guy who is like \"girl shut up and do it\" instantly is a prize of himself. I see nice guys who turn bad and all of a sudden they are \"great\", women are more sensitive and effected by their enviroment and childhood (and some of it is natural) and most of the time its negatively.

    I think women are so worried about how they are preceived by people as a whole and especially looks wise by men. I think a lover/boyfriend/guy/ can use a the technique of knocking one down and then building them up. Or subtle insults to let a girl know how it is really rollin\'

    Sonnyblack your point on a girl leaving the easy nice guy and looking for more of a challenge is a great point. I see it all the time.

  9. #9
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: New sexual revolution - Lust syndrome

    As far as retrieving objects or doing lots of stuff for them, they get to do it themselves. As far as non-violent building up and then bringing them down, well it seems to keep them in check, but it can be emotionally damaging to family situations with kids or when friends become involved. Its either youre sex life or youre social life that suffers.
    So lets so women like to be treated like dirt by bad boys before they will sleep with a guy.

  10. #10
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: New sexual revolution - Lust syndrome

    From my perspective if I get even a hint that a lady is flaky I walk, and will never take her seriously from that point no matter what attention-getting stunt she pulls.

    I think there are enough women out there who don\'t play these games/who are tired of all the games themselves and these are the women I give my time too - finding ways to \"non-violently punish\" them is an exercise in futility - once a flake/attention whore, always one is what I\'ve found.

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