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  1. #1
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    Default Don\'t throw away that \'useless\' apc yet! New stuff

    Ok, I was watching a show called Truth about Myths or something like that on the MTV or something...


    One of them was; is there a love potion?

    So, they started talking about pehromones.

    Had a guy try them.

    He used Athena 10x...(Which is REALLY REALLY REALLY weak compared to the stuff you all are using.)

    Anyway, he mixed it up, I\'m supposing like the direction say with the aftershave or whatever...

    And there were 3 other guys...

    4 girls.

    They met...

    Kiss on cheek, hug, whatever (close to pheromones) with each of them...

    Out of 4 girls.

    3 said they liked the guy using them.

    1 girl said she liked some other guy...The guy she liked was black...That makes sense...Girls like black guys.


    That\'s with Athena 10x...Mixed with aftershave/cologne.


    The stuff you guys are using. Perhaps you are oding? Or, perhaps it\'s not an od, but rather, you\'re not using it to be suttle with it, but rather, that\'s my pheromone signature BAMM.

    As far as I know, Athena is ALL NONE.

    But it has the same strength stuff as that APC.

    Guess what that means?

    Time to put a little dab of the APC ON!

    Which, by the way...I\'ve had good results with APC too. I think it\'s just adding to pheromone signature, rather than trying to hit the girl with DIHL...

    PI for example, would be like getting one of those bass speakers, with like 7,000 watts to it, and putting your ear right to it BAMM! Knocks you back, senseless, and death, lol...That is what that\'s all about, rather than the suttle stuff.

    Anyway, the point is that....Don\'t underestimate the power of the suttle apc, etc.


  2. #2
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Don\'t throw away that \'useless\' apc yet! New stuff

    Yeah, I like APC. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

  3. #3
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default Re: Don\'t throw away that \'useless\' apc yet! New stuff

    I love APC by itself

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Don\'t throw away that \'useless\' apc yet! New stuff


    A couple of things. First, you are making crazy generalizations...\"girls like black guys.\" That makes absoloutly no sense, and while that statement in particular is not one that hinders your argument, you made a couple of other big ones.
    First, Athena 10X DOES NOT CONTAIN -none. In fact, Dr. Cutler seems to feels that -none actually REPELS people in general! She came to this conclusion after a few field tests with -none, and while she may simply just say this in order to discredit other pheromone products, she would not put it in her product.
    Athena 10X does, however, contain DHEA in its sulfate (metabolized) form. She also claims that it contains other pheromones as well, but that her formula is a carefully guarded secret.
    As far as the strength is concerned, no other pheromone product contains DHEA-S so we have nothing to compare it too! It could have a sh*tload of DHEA-S, but we wouldn\'t exactly know how much that is relatively would we? Either way, DHEA-S is not expensive (in comparison to -none, -nol, -dienone, -rone, etc.), so I see no reason why she would hold back.
    As far as APC is concerned, I don\'t really think anyone on this forum has ever considered just \"thowing away\" their APC, literally or metaphorically. Many people use it to mix up JB#1 as well standalone for the fragrance.
    I do agree with you, however, that less is more. If I had a dime for everytime someone on the forum has said this, I\'d be rich. We come up with these mixes in order to compliment our natural pheromone signature, not douse it in -none or any other chemical. We produce well over 200 pheromones naturally, whereas we only have about 6 diff. chemicals here. In order to create a good mix, yes, we need to approach application subtlely.
    So what have we learned? Athena 10X is not comprised of -none, so you cannot even compare it to APC. MTV\'s results with DHEA-S and other chemicals have NOTHING to do with APC. We have also learned that Athena 10X is NOT \"weak\" chemically. In fact, it probably even contains a higher percentage of pheromones than APC. And lastly, that APC, if enough is used, will work just fine as a standalone.
    Sorry...good point though! [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]


    Just out of curiousity, who here ever believed that APC was \"useless?\" Strange...

  5. #5
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Don\'t throw away that \'useless\' apc yet! New stuff

    Another proof that mones work! I just do not understand how many dumb guys out there still not using yet mones... pehalps they are affraid of the secondary effects (for me they don\'t exist) [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Don\'t throw away that \'useless\' apc yet! New stuff

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />

    1 girl said she liked some other guy...The guy she liked was black...That makes sense...Girls like black guys.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    Hmmm... I wonder which mones a black guy has at most in his signature - none or nol? And which mones he should use? After reading many posts based in race and mones subject I start to believe more and more that race plays a big roll when to choose a product.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Don\'t throw away that \'useless\' apc yet! New stuff

    I agree completely. I would guess he has more -none, but that is only based on the fact that black dudes are usually bigger and more aggressive. Honestly, I, as skinny little white kid, am more intimidated by the average black guy than the average white guy.
    If I was black, I\'d probably use more -nol (especially if I was trying to attract white girls) to lower the intimidation factor. If I was white and wanted to attract the kinda girls that are into black dudes, probably more -none.
    But I highly doubt all girls like black guys Bart.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Don\'t throw away that \'useless\' apc yet! New stuff

    You better believe it! I am a black guy, and while I was living in Europe I had always problem with my white buddies, not racial problems, but problems based on the fact that everywhere we went the girls were at the first time attracted to me and my other black buddie. Even, we used to joke this \"If you want to see a white guys and a black guy fighting, just put a white girl between them\" [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Don\'t throw away that \'useless\' apc yet! New stuff

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    Honestly, I, as skinny little white kid, am more intimidated by the average black guy than the average white guy.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    That probably has nothing at all to do with mones. It\'s probably because black guys are less familiar to you.

    Personally, I think you guys are putting too much emphasis on race &amp; mones. From an evolutionary standpoint, mones go back to before humans even had different races.

    If different races react to mones differently, it should be because of different perceptions of scents, not the pheros themselves.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Don\'t throw away that \'useless\' apc yet! New stuff

    My saying that Athena has none is a test I saw on pi, and apc, etc...On pheromones...I think it was none...It was pretty low on the scale.

    That is interesting though, I didn\'t know that.

    None only repels people that are repelled by none.

    I am repelled by people that are nol.

    Example...Some skinny dude, who thinks he\'s funny...I don\'t like them. (Want to punch them...)

    I think it\'s just...Whatever people like.

    As far as the black dudes.

    They make it really hard for white dudes.

    I think they produce more none.

    But it\'s more than just that.


    My point is...

    If I would have known that, I would have ordered some d#mn Athena 10x, lol...

    Actually, I was on DHEA 25mg for a long while, and know the results, but anyway.

    Other than that...

    You still have the

    Just figured out

    Vitamin smell... (Yeah, lol, are you healthy.)

    And the, brace yourself...

    I need to investigate this.

    Growth Hormone smell...

    Growth Hormone raises when you don\'t eat...Etc.

    A lot of those poor kids, who are bad or whatever, get girls...But aren\'t that big, and aren\'t funny..I believe may be due to growth hormone smell.

    Or perhaps, something it releases.

    Growth Hormone type of person is someone like the Fanzerelly... He was poor on the show by the way.


  11. #11
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    Default Re: Don\'t throw away that \'useless\' apc yet! New stuff

    I understand where you are coming from givin\' the fact that you were in Europe during the time. As someone who travels to Norwich (UK) every other year or so, I cannot tell you how many girls ask me if I know any black guys. Many Europeans (if they\'ve never left the country) have only seen one or two black folks (in person) in their entire life. In fact, my cousin came over here and had only seen them on TV. Of course European girls are going to be interested.
    As far as my white female friends in the US are concerned, most all of them have expressed never being physically attracted to an African-American. In fact, the one who did is from Italy. Weird coincidence. Most of my white male friends (including myself) are only interested in black females if they are some sort of mix (I have one friend, she\'s half black, half malaysian...sooooooo hooooottt). Most of my black friends (I\'m from ATL) prefer black girls, but said white girls know how to suck a d*ck [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img] (they\'ll always swallow). Crazy bastards! Anyway, maybe it\'s just the girls I know.
    As far as the \"poor\" kids are concerned. I\'m gonna go a little off messing with Bart.

    The females who

    are attracted to \"poor\"

    kids or guys from the \"other side of

    the tracks\" are probably not attracted

    because the kids

    don\'t eat well and

    give off a growth hormone.

    It\'s just

    the \"bad guy\"

    image. Ask any girl

    who is into a rock

    star or the \"new guy.\"


    always love the \"badass.\"

    Hehehe....I think I\'m picking up on Bart\'s formatting skills. Now if I could only find some way to rag on his English. Hehehe, I\'m just messin\' with ya dude - much phero-brother love from the skinny guy [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img].


  12. #12
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    Default Re: Don\'t throw away that \'useless\' apc yet! New stuff

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    You better believe it! I am a black guy, and while I was living in Europe I had always problem with my white buddies, not racial problems, but problems based on the fact that everywhere we went the girls were at the first time attracted to me and my other black buddie. Even, we used to joke this \"If you want to see a white guys and a black guy fighting, just put a white girl between them\" [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    I like Tant think too much emphasis on pheromones/race have been placed on this situation. How could the high -none levels effect a girl in sweeden you has probably never seen a black guy? Its also the badass image/rarity/and allure of something different. Europe is also a more open society without the restraint in the states etc...

    Bart bro the growth hormone of poor boys being attractive of girls is going a bit too far hahahaha. You may be poor in America but most people eat well.

    good post observationist, I think alot of western guys also like asian women also (japanese/korean especially)

  13. #13
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    Default Re: Don\'t throw away that \'useless\' apc yet! New stuff

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    As far as my white female friends in the US are concerned, most all of them have expressed never being physically attracted to an African-American.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    You said it right, white girls in the U.S. seems not attracted to African-American. But you missed in one point: African-Americans are way far different from Africans! [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif[/img]. I am not African-American, I am African. It is like you look an Italian-American from N.Y. and you say that the guy was born in Italy - they are completely different [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]
    Dude, me and African buddies over here we don\'t have any problems with white girls! About the African-Americans, I don\'t know their lucky... [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

  14. #14
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    Default Re: Don\'t throw away that \'useless\' apc yet! New stuff

    Yes, and also you are purely African most of the time when you look at any minority in America (especially A-American) you can tell over the years there has been some mixing especially in skin color. All you have to do is look at Africa.

    America is so diverse if you go to sweeden you notice how people look very similar through centuries of a closed society like it seems as if 90 percent of sweeds are blonde and so on. Alquimista out of curiousity what sparked your interest in going to europe and Cali.

  15. #15
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    Default Re: Don\'t throw away that \'useless\' apc yet! New stuff

    I like to travel all around and meet all kind of people. Travel all around is very rich for your mind. You should try it one of those days... [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]

    Another proof that African-Americans are very different from Africans is that we don\'t like each other too much, as well, our physionomy is so different that an Africa-American can recognize an African just by looking to him in 5 seconds and vice-versa. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

  16. #16
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    Default Re: Don\'t throw away that \'useless\' apc yet! New stuff

    Que pasa Aliquimsta in just 5 seconds, are you speaking of the physical differnces when you say that doctor word, my english is not that rich.

  17. #17
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    Default Re: Don\'t throw away that \'useless\' apc yet! New stuff

    Si, estoy hablando de las diferencas fisicas. Creo que es physionomy en ingles. Whatever [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

  18. #18
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    Default Re: Don\'t throw away that \'useless\' apc yet! New stuff

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    Si, estoy hablando de las diferencas fisicas. Creo que es physionomy en ingles. Whatever [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    That\'s correct. You just missed a \'g\' so he couldn\'t look it up. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] physiognomy

  19. #19
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    Default Re: Don\'t throw away that \'useless\' apc yet! New s

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    As someone who travels to Norwich (UK) every other year or so, I cannot tell you how many girls ask me if I know any black guys. Many Europeans (if they\'ve never left the country) have only seen one or two black folks (in person) in their entire life. In fact, my cousin came over here and had only seen them on TV.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    I cannot believe that. Where I live and lived in Holland and even in Germany there is a ton of black people. I am sure there are a lot of black people in the UK too.

  20. #20
    Banned User EXIT63's Avatar
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    Default Re: Don\'t throw away that \'useless\' apc yet! New s

    Yeah...that\'s a load.

  21. #21
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    Default Re: Don\'t throw away that \'useless\' apc yet! New s

    Sorry, I realize that was a crazy-ass generalization (most Europeans...that\'s nuts). Man, I need start posting earlier in the day before I start drinking [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]. Let me clarify, my cousin is from Metamorphasis, Greece. That\'s probably why he had never seen a black person in real life.
    I can\'t recall seeing any in Norwich, and girls do ask about black people in Atlanta. Although, I guess compared to any city (US and abroad), ATL is going to have a higher ratio of black:whites. Different kinds too. Kind of like how they seem more interested in white Americans than white Brits. It also seems where there are more blacks, less interest is raised by white females. And also between American and British blacks, they are completely different (like white Americans and white Brits). Just compare Snoop Dogg to the guy in S-Club 7 j/k. Anyway, Alquimista is African, and I understand what he is saying. How many \"true\" Africans are in the US or in Europe? Definetely will get attention by males and females alike. Work it properly, and well...there ya go.

  22. #22
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    Default Re: Don\'t throw away that \'useless\' apc yet! New stuff

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />

    That probably has nothing at all to do with mones. It\'s probably because black guys are less familiar to you.

    Personally, I think you guys are putting too much emphasis on race &amp; mones. From an evolutionary standpoint, mones go back to before humans even had different races.

    If different races react to mones differently, it should be because of different perceptions of scents, not the pheros themselves.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">
    I agree, and even if black guys produced more Anone, then that would men white girls would be attracted to white guys and black girls more receptive to the black guy\'s higher Anone.

  23. #23
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Don\'t throw away that \'useless\' apc yet! New stuff

    Actually, it\'s not confirmed that Athena 10x has DHEA-S. It was suggested at one point that it might, but was never confirmed.

  24. #24
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    Default Re: Don\'t throw away that \'useless\' apc yet! New stuff

    Actually, a while back I made a post linking to an email James Kohl had written stating that Dr. Cutler was marketing DHEA or DHEA-S (its sulphur form) as a pheromone.

    From: (Jim Kohl)
    Subject: DHEA facts
    Date: 30 Aug 1995 07:55:57 GMT
    DHEA is the most abundant adrenal steroid we produce. It is not considered a sex steroid hormone, but the body can convert it to sex steroid hormones. Two byproducts of DHEA metabolism: androsterone and etiocholanolone are produced in different ratios in men/women; older men/younger men, and some evidence suggests that this is also true in homosexual/heterosexual men. In any case, DHEA is the only steroid hormone that declines lineraly with age. So, if you thought estrogen and testosterone were more important to maintain--you may be wrong. Though many researchers were concerned with John Nestler\'s use of 1600mg/day (4 doses of 400mg/ea, in a study of DHEA\'s effects on obesity in obese males, he reported no side effects. Remarkable were the effects on body fat loss, with no weight loss. These findings were not replicated in males of normal weight, who showed no significant effects of the DHEA as I recall. Perhaps more remarkable is that William Regelson has done research both on DHEA and on Melatonin. He has a book out about Melatonin, and as I recall, he wrote one on DHEA several years ago. If you have access to the Medline database, you may want to run a search for review articles &amp; DHEA (or Prasterone as it is sometimes referred to). There are several studies, including some on humans that date back into the early 80\'s. In Europe, DHEA has been used to treat psoriasis (an autoimmune disorder) since the early 70\'s. If you can read German, this would provide a clue to the dosage in at least one condition. Okay, so how did I come by all this info? I\'ve been involved in linking steroid biochemistry to olfaction and human sexuality. Surprising stuff, this. And among it\'s other proposed uses (see U.S. Patent # 5,407,684: Use of DHEA as a Medicinal--Inventors Roger M. Loria &amp; William Regelson), Winnifred Cutler is using DHEA (or its sulfate) as a fragrance additive marketed as a human pheromone


    I figure Kohl knows what he is talking about. (For those of you who don\'t, James Kohl created one of Love-scent\'s best selling products, Scent of Eros/SOE. He also wrote a book that is for sale on the main page). As well as using DHEA, she has confirmed herself that she is not using -nol or -none. In fact, if you email her, she\'ll tell you straight up.

    Go ahead...try it... [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]

  25. #25
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    Default Re: Don\'t throw away that \'useless\' apc yet! New stuff

    I live in AMERICA! lol

    In my school, there is as many black guys as there is white guys.

    Last time I checked, the white guys were down a few points on the getting the girls scale...Mexicans are in #2...White guys are like #10...

    And, you know, I know this one girl, who has NEVER gone out with anyone that didn\'t look foreign... Interesting...Only quesion is...When she says, I love you, that\'s not really meaning it than is it? PIsses me off....For, ahem, other reasons, won\'t get into...


    Black guys, I think do produce more anone

    But, if DHEA isn\'t a phermone.....

    What is attracting?

    And, could it be, perhaps, a smell?

    And, I think all pheromones could just be smells, that the body has another orgam to pick up these PARTICULAR types...

    Ie, a separate speaker in your car, just for bass, or just for treble, etc...


  26. #26
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    Default Re: Don\'t throw away that \'useless\' apc yet! New stuff

    Have you ever fallen for a particular girl that either turned you down for a particular black guy or turned you down because she only dated black guys? These girls that seem to only go for black guys have you actually tried to get?

    I agree that some white girls seem to ONLY want black guys (and some of those that I have met seem to ONLY want to date a black guy, but will [bad word] a white guy on the side, which is just fine IMO) like them probably because of 1 of the following or some combination of-

    1)The one postive(well postive for a particular guy if it is true, I feel sorry for him if it ain\'t) sterotype about black guys:being well hung. Maybe a particular girl was curious and had sex with A (singular) black guy and took the sterotype as truth.

    2)Something different. I believe humans in general want to spread their DNA as far as they can (having offspring is the closest we can get to being immortal) as far as they can. Plus having a child with someone with different genetics (ie different race, because there really are no different races per se, just different pheno groups within the human species) is more likely to lead to a healthier offpsring (if I remember basic genetics correctly). I for one am incredidly attracted to brown skin spsnish chicks. I know that a lot of japenesse guys like blonds. And I think that sadam has a thing for blonds also. My older brother dates blacks chicks exclusively. I know several white guys who ONLY go for black chicks. Hell I have even seen some racists rednecks watch a good looking black chick and say they would sleep with her.

    3)All the white male bashing going on in our society.

  27. #27
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    Default Re: Don\'t throw away that \'useless\' apc yet! New stuff

    I guess this will reinforce your last statement. I am a black dude, but my weakness point is italian girls. Dude, I can see a girl 1 mile far away from me but I can recognize if she is italian or not! [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] For me doesn\'t matter if she is brunnete or blonde, I just like too much italian chicks.

    Because of that, on the last few years I had a deep interaction with italian fellows: I made a lot of italian girl friend italians, I was in Italy for a while and there I learn italian in a small amount of time, just by try to speak with people on the streets - I even speak with the accent from Genoa-Liguria. And then comes the funniest part: many people here in California when they talk to me for a while they think that I am italian [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img] After I explain to them that in Italy there is no blacks at all, everything goes back to his place. However I never understood this \"italian phenomenum\".

    Well, one of this days I was in Portugal reading some news papers, and then I got the answer for this phenomenum. The Univerity of Porto from Portugal had been doing a research to see if there exists really different races. Well after they compare DNA from several races, they found for example that two white brothers Nordics, their DNA is slightly different and the closest DNA in the world to one of the brothers was from an Black dude from Central Africa. This led them to conclude that there is no races at all, and this is a theory to explain why many white dudes from southern europe like too much African culture, or would like to live in Africa: it is in their DNA. After all, I got the explanation to the \"italian phenomenum\"... [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

  28. #28
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    Default Re: Don\'t throw away that \'useless\' apc yet! New stuff

    I never said that DHEA wasn\'t a pheromone. According to Dr. Cutler\'s studies, it is. Remember, there are over 200 human pheromones out there. DHEA just hasn\'t had as much supportive evidence behind it.

    As far as the black/white issue, I found something that kinda supports Druid\'s argument. Check out
    Keep in mind, however, that this is a highly contraversial subject. The white guys have reportedly \"won the game\" with Japanese females and other asian females. Also, polls which gauge the reactions of females lean towards the attraction to black guys argument, where census points that white girls are more attracted to white guys. I think time and population content also has a lot to do with acceptence of certain facts. For a while, Ward\'s 4 theories of interracial coupling stated that white females were not interested in minorities, where as white males were interested in minorities as long as they had the white females by default. Why was this sociologist\'s ideas so accepted during his time? Because it was during the white supremecy movement\'s peak. Of course it would state this bullsh*t. Anyway, believe me, there is also many published theories that black males wish to couple with white females because they want to be white. Other\'s say that black males feel intrusion upon their manhood when white males are with black females. All probably true in a few cases, but there is NO WAY this information could be accepted widely.

    Location, obviously, also has a big part in it. I hate to say it, as some of my best friend\'s are Mexicans (in fact, I\'ve worked with many Banda bands in my day), but in my area (middle to upper class Atlanta), most of the white females I know view Mexicans very poorly due to the immigration during the Olympics because of the construction jobs. They view all Mexicans as \"dirty\" and \"illegal\" (which is bs). In fact, a few of these girls have slept with my Mexican friends!

    I don\'t think anyone can come to any sort of general consensus regarding this stuff. I\'m sure in your area, Alquimista, that you are right about the interest in African males. But if people with Phd\'s in sociology can\'t make a generalization, I don\'t think we can. And obviously, statistics based on marriages favor white-white and black-black we can\'t go on that either. Honestly, I don\'t really think it matters. Not in America anyway...too much diversity to care!


  29. #29
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Don\'t throw away that \'useless\' apc yet! New stuff

    Here\'s what JVK\'s statement is based on:

    \"Cutler said on a national TV show that she was using DHEA (or its sulfate-I can\'t recall), then subsequently clammed up about any active ingredient. (I videotaped the show, and still have a copy somewhere, as well as the transcript.\";Board=UBB4&amp;Number=16502& amp;Forum=All_Forums&amp;Words=sulfate&amp;Match=E ntire%20Phrase&amp;Searchpage=1&amp;Limit=25&amp;O ld=allposts&amp;Main=16498&amp;Search=true#Post165 02

    That\'s all the evidence he has, and he isn\'t sure if it\'s DHEA or DHEA-S that she said was in it... maybe if he\'d dig up the tape... [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

    My point at the time was, and still is:

    \"I think this is unlikely because DHEA sulfate is unstable and requires refrigeration. The Athena people specifically state that 10X will last over a year with no refrigeration.\"

  30. #30
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Don\'t throw away that \'useless\' apc yet! New stuff

    I think that some of the appeal of black guys to white girls is because they are a little different, maybe therefor more exciting. Maybe a form of rebellion.

    And regarding black guys in the UK, they are places where you dont see a black guy all your life, i didnt untill i was about 9 because of where i grew up, then we moved.

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