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  1. #1
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    Default Partner choise is based on?

    Hi folks!

    So i m back again [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img] [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]

    Just a small thought of small brain [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smirk.gif[/img]

    -> Partner choise is based on? <-

    DON T say know ph. status... oh yeah a little bit but you can t mean that ph\'s can be \"smelld\" 50 meters ago...

    IMO - when you see that girl / guy and you think he / she is the one (or just you like her \"exterior\" ) you go to her an begin a talk...(then ph\'s would do their think.)

    But on a long distance (50 meters,plus - even you can t smell those ph\'s [or or nevertheless ?] ) on which thing is than the partner choise based ?

    *ihopeyouunderstandme* [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crazy.gif[/img] [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]

  2. #2

    Default Re: Partner choise is based on?

    Partner choice is based on so many freakin\' variables that it would take a novel-length book to even begin discussing it ... but pheros are sort of a \"push\" from nature, so that\'s why there\'s hope in this stuff .. but you certainly have to get closer than 50 feet/meters ... unless you REALLY OD [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

  3. #3
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Partner choise is based on?

    My job involves alot of being on the phone & when I\'m wearing mones it definetly makes a noticeable difference in the reactions I get from the parties on the other end. The only thing I can think of is that the mones are also affecting my own behavior e.g. projecting more confident alpha qualities via the tone of my voice, even though I\'m totally unaware of it. I think mones are synergistic in that they affect not only the wearer but also the intended targets. Anyone else notice a difference with people on the phone?

  4. #4
    Phero Enthusiast Enticing's Avatar
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    OK wow. I thought men in other cars were acting differently towards me, staring, what have you. I thought there\'s no way it\'s the mones, they can\'t smell me from there! Maybe they do change the way we act!

    I also think my work relationships have been going much more smoothly, less drama from the women and all the men just keep flirting and being jokey jokey non stop. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] Love it!!

  5. #5
    Enlightened One
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    It affects men and women and the effects on youreself usually make you more alert and smarter more aggressive and therefore more confident.

  6. #6
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Partner choise is based on?

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    But on a long distance (50 meters,plus - even you can t smell those ph\'s [or or nevertheless ?] ) on which thing is than the partner choise based ?

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    The whole principle of pheromones is association, meaning that you would associate the visual input from the sexy lady across the road with another sexy ladies visual form, but you smelt the second ladies pheros.

    Sorry if that makes no sense, im ill! [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img]


  7. #7
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    Default Re: Partner choise is based on?

    Hi Mikey, all

    I think attraction to either sex is based on six variables, with different emphasis on each varying from person to person.

    1 Physical attributes: not just looks and physique, but smell and tone of voice
    2 Inner personality: values, spiritual beliefs
    3 Outer personality: the way you present yourself to the world
    4 Knowledge
    5 Status
    6 Posessions

    There can be overlap between these. Someone driven to achieve financial success, say, will be happier with themself when they achieve this, and so come across as more confident and content. This may be attractive to a potential partner, although the money itself may not be attracting them.

    I can\'t think of circumstances in which these variables, on their own, might put someone off. However, they might if they had an adverse affect on one of the others...A billionaire who thinks, because he is rich, he can treat people like dirt (high on #5 and #6, low on #3) would be repulsive to many, and this might be associated with his money. A good looking woman who thinks her looks allow her to treat people like dirt (high on #1, low on #3) would be just as repulsive.

    Conversely, some attributes might strengthen others. A billionaire who doesn\'t treat people like dirt can afford the luxury of being able to say \"money isn\'t important\" (if he/she never has to worry about where his/her next meal will come from) and so devote more of his or her energy to strengthening his or her spiritual values.

    Many people like to think of themselves as being drawn to more meaningful values (say, #s 2,3 and 4), but be honest. Imagine if you knew a PhD in sub atomic particle physics, who gave up all his posessions to charity, was nice to children and animals, lived under newspapers in the park and couldn\'t even afford a bar of soap, so looked like crap, might you be drawn to them ?

    The ultimate goal I think, like in every part of life, is balance.

  8. #8
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Partner choise is based on?

    Here here...good post badger

  9. #9
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Default Re: Partner choise is based on?

    The role of pheromones in choice is detailed (scientifically) in my Neuroendocrinology Letters article: Human Pheromones: Linking Neuroendocrinology and Ethology, which explains how unconscious affect is more important to behavior than is conscious thought. Key issue: pheromones cause the unconscious affect.

    For a general audience, my book is the best explanation.

  10. #10
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Partner choise is based on?

    Good link james, i think having a good phero sig, or wearing synthetics gives some a natural advantage in general life, ie more opportunites come their way because they draw people, get offers of help from them and learn how to utilise people, they get more exposure to people also. A definite benefit of using pheromones in low doses all of the time.

  11. #11
    Phero Enthusiast nonscents's Avatar
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    This is a superb article reviewing the literature! You\'ve obviously embraced sociobiology\'s parental investment theory in a big way.

    I must admit that your arguments for the primacy of chemical over other stimuli are eroding my initial scepticism.

    Darwin has taught us all that we humans have much in common with other life-forms with whom we share a common ancestry. That said, there is much that is specific to human life. Humans have come to control the earth\'s resources, including other biological forms, to a degree unmatched by any other species. As we have domesticated the world we have domesticated ourselves. The \"civilizing\" process involves exercising a kind of self-control that might just change the balance of factors that determine our behavior.

    Just one small example. Kids today are given all kinds of toys, and are exposed to all kinds of media that stimulate and enhance visual acuity. Kids today score significantly higher on IQ tests than they did 50 years ago, probably because children\'s environments are constructed so as to enhance those very traits that IQ tests measure. Likewise, large numbers of people require corrective lenses for proper vision, no doubt because of other demands that contemporary lifestyles impose on us.

    So, it is possible that, although phermones have demonstrated strong effects in insects and even in primates, they have diminished influence in contemporary society.

    I think that JVK\'s article is a very balanced one. The issue that he highlights as crying out most for further research is the relation between chemical sensing and the other senses.

    If we assume that symmetry, for example, has some basic fundamental evolutionary role, we then must tease out the relative contributions of the different sensory pathways. I would expect to see an experiment like the following:

    Rikowski and Grammer’s prior experiments have demonstrated that pheromone signals differentiate symmetric from asymmetric people, with the former’s chemicals rated as more attractive. What is the relative power of chemical versus visual cues? Have male subjects wear a mask with symmetric woman scent and have them rate photos (or videos) of symmetric and asymmetric women. Do the same with a mask with asymmetric woman scent and with placebo scent. Can we demonstrate an effect of the chemicals when they are combined with visual stimuli? My first question would be if we could demonstrate a chemical effect at normal concentrations. Secondarily, I would want to know if an effect could be demonstrated at the kind of superconcentrations employed by Love Scent customers.

  12. #12
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    yeah, as \"primates\" our Pheromone senses were probably a lot better than today\'s, but they still work pretty darn well according to testimonials and posts, not to mention personal experiences. Hmm, I wonder what a caveman must have smelled like? Ewwww

  13. #13
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    The additional research cited in a 2-part paper linked from my site to the Across Species Comparisons in Psychopathology (ASCAP)bulletin helps to cement the link between the primacy of human pheromones and behavior. It\'s one thing to explain heterosexual attraction via the mammalian pheromonal model; explaining homosexual attraction using the same model offers new insight into the biological basis of all physical attraction: pheromonal conditioning of the sexual response cycle. None of the biologically-based behavioral development specialists to whom I have presented have any doubts that the mammalian model has more explanatory power than any other model (there is no other mammalian model). However, my journal articles are not easy reading for non-biologists, so it will take a few more years for attitudes to change within the social sciences. I had hoped that a recent report that homosexuals produce different pheromones than heterosexuals and that homosexuals prefer the pheromones of other homosexuals would generate interest from the mass media, as well as from other researchers. Evidently, folks aren\'t quite ready to take on this kind of info. Sooner or later, however, there will be a complete paradigm shift from the visual approach to physical attraction to the olfactory approach. I can be quite sure of this, since no one has ever proposed a means by which physical attraction develops based on visual input. Partner choice is based on pheromonal conditioning of the sexual response cycle, and the conditioning begins at birth.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Partner choise is based on?

    Until we can figure out exactly how homosexual pheromones are different from heterosexual pheromones, and \"prescribe\" how to enhance your signature with more reliable accuracy, I don\'t know that the knowledge that homosexuals can sense each other by smell has any practical application yet. When we are able to really say something to homosexuals about how to boost their pheromone signature, I bet pheromone sales will go through the roof.

    Right now, I don\'t know that all that many people have the patience to buy products and experiment, buy products and experiment.

    Are there some kinds of knowledge that we carry genetically and don\'t have to be taught? I wonder if the impressions that pheromones make on us aren\'t genetically coded, so that it\'s not so much that it begins at birth, but that that\'s just an inherent part of the way we experience the world.

  15. #15
    Phero Enthusiast nonscents's Avatar
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    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    However, my journal articles are not easy reading for non-biologists, so it will take a few more years for attitudes to change within the social sciences.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    I thought the article was great. I certainly recommend that people read your book for a lot of basic information. But the article provided an excellent update on the current literature.

  16. #16
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Heterosexual versus homosexual male pheromones appear to vary with the ratio of androsterone (A) to etiocholanolone (E), as first indicated in the early 70\'s. The A/E ratio of heterosexual men is greater than that of women and homosexual men. Accordingly, one could expect to enhance masculine scent appeal by increasing the A/E ratio, which adding androsterone to a fragrance product can be expected to do. Predictably, homosexual women will be found to produce a more masculine scent, since there are many articles that attest to a link between androgens (masculine hormones) and female homosexuality (the androgens are associated with masculine pheromone production).

    There is a genetic component to our perception of pheromones, most notably because genes determine whether we are male or female (e.g., the sry gene), and thus they determine whether or not we are wired to more readily produce and respond to pheromones of the opposite sex. Genes that influence the way males and females differentiate during development, also influence production and responsivity to pheromones. The Kalig-1 gene halts development of the olfactory system as well as development of the reproductive hormone system, resulting in a condition in which reproductive hormones are not produced in sufficient amounts for development of secondary sex characteristics, as well as in the absence of the sense of smell (anosmia).

    A \"gay\" gene predictably could alter sexual differentiation before birth, predisposing the olfactory system to interpret pheromones from the same sex as if they were pheromones from the opposite sex. I\'ve written about this extensively (see the links from my website). There are several mammalian species that allow predictions to be made with accuracy. The recent report of homosexual pheromones followed the logic of such predictions.

    All in all, partner choice is largely dependent upon pheromones, whether we choose a partner of the same or of the opposite sex.

  17. #17
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Default Re: Partner choise is based on?

    Thanks nonscents,
    The book brought info current to June 2002 publication of \"Homosexual Orientation in Males: Human Pheromones and Neuroscience.\" Part two of this article was published in December 2002. Most notable, however, was the reference to to Savic et al., (2001) \"Smelling of odorous sex hormone-like compounds causes sex-differentiated hypothalamic activations in humans.\" This article showed that men and women process chemical signals from the opposite sex in a sex-typical manner. The issue of sexual differentiation is central to the biological basis of sexual orientation. Savic et al, indicates that a relatively small part of the male/female brain could be altered during development, and result in a preference for the pheromones of the same sex. Hopefully, Wysocki and Preti will get funding for further study in this regard, but there are still many people who don\'t want such work to be done. Religious zealots who pass judgement on homosexuality are only one of several groups that do not welcome a biological explanation for sexual orientation, especially when orientation is merely a matter of natural variation. It\'s more difficult to pass judgement on human nature than on human choice. Sexual orientation is obviously based on nature--at least from a biological perspective.

  18. #18
    Phero Enthusiast nonscents's Avatar
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    The NY Times this past week said that AIDS researchers were warned not to use words like \"sex workers\" and \"homosexual\" in their grant proposals if they wanted funding. The Times reported that researchers were stumped trying to figure out how they could research HIV transmission among gays without using \"gay\" in the proposal or in the writeup.

  19. #19
    Enlightened One
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    Heres a way not to use \"gay or homosexual\".
    Indivduals with a sexual oreintation towards members of the same gender.
    Gender same sexual orientation.

    Thats another oen i came up with. Its amazing how the politically correct movement goes overboard.

    It also shows the influence of religious ideals on every aspect of society. I recommened that religion be scraped from human consciousness, as it leads to islamic problems and in fact christain behaviour as well, screws up society, its as bad as any cult and for that reason i say yes it should be banned completly and those that practice it should be jailed for life.

  20. #20
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    Ban religion? Atheist much? considering around 93% of the world population believes in some sort of divine being, I don\'t think that would be a good idea. \"That than which nothing greater can be conceived\" GOD

  21. #21
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    \"...and man created god in his own image and likeness...\"

  22. #22
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Partner choise is based on?

    What Badger\'s all about balance.

    I love men that can think.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Partner choise is based on?

    Lucky, really? When did you ever meet one?

  24. #24
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    Default Re: Partner choise is based on?

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    Lucky, really? When did you ever meet one?

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img] [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
    You go girl!

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