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  1. #1

    Default Questions With The Edge PLZ read!

    I have been browsing this site for a couple of weeks and what I saw was this: A lot of you guys have what I want. You know what it is.
    I just got unscented TE a couple of days ago and it came with that little bottle of musk oil. I have had Realm for about a year and I only used it a few times cuz I didnt see any results, I love the smell too. I just have some Qs for you Phero-Gods.

    1: How much and what type of Phero is in the Musk? I\'m guessing -nol.

    2: Is using all three of those at once a good idea? If it is, then how much of each should I put on and where?

    3: What would the best product be for doing Door-to-Door sales? I work for Kirby (world famous vacuums) and I have to go door to door and try to get into peoples houses so I can show them our newest product.

    4: How much is too much with those three (TE Realm, Musk oil)?

    Thank you guys.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Questions With The Edge PLZ read!


  3. #3
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Questions With The Edge PLZ read!

    I\'ve had great results with TE - if I could have only one product it would be TE or it\'s sister product NPA (a concentrate for adding directly to cologne). I attribute it directly to numerous flirting incidents, and my last sexual encounter.

    Keep it simple at first - then it\'s easier to change a little and notice differences in results. The big warning with TE and other -none products like Andro is there\'s a definite OD limit - if you use too much you\'ll drive targets away with the smell.

    Try this first - for work just one spray of TE (throat area), and use your favorite cologne (Realm or whatever you like) as usual. If you deal mostly with males TE probably won\'t help you much ; a -nol product might be better. For social settings try 2 sprays of TE, one to the throat and one to your hair, etc. Again use your favorite cologne as a cover. See how that works, then begin to experiment.

    Personally I don\'t like the musk - I like cleaner fragrances, but if you like it I suppose you could use it as a cover if it\'s strong enough. I don\'t think it has enough pheros to matter. If you use it with a cologne make sure they don\'t clash - subtlety is the key.

    A good place to test is a bar - you can get away with heavier applications because of the size if the room, smoke, etc. Try different colognes, more/less TE, spraying it in different places (like your collar), etc. Sit next to women and watch for stares, hair flipping, smiles, overt flirting, etc. Pretty soon you\'ll get a feel for what gets good results for you.

    As soon as I notice an unmistakable reaction I introduce myself and begin a conversation - any subject will do. The pheros may open some doors, but it\'s still usually up to you to make a move (although my last encounter I basically did nothing, and let her lead me into the sack - those are rare though). But even if I notice no visible reaction but I find her attractive, I introduce myself anyway. The pheros may or may not have worked, but that\'s not what I rely on. In fact, the best way to use \'em is to find an application that works for you, then use it and forget you have it on. Do what you would normally do when pursuing someone - pheros are an edge, but very rarely a 100% solution.

    These days I use 1 spray TE to the back of my hair, 1 spray Andro or TE to the throat, and my chem. set mix (combo of nol and rone, mixed with cologne) behind ears and on hands, applied with little roller bottle I bought. Covered with splash of cologne to hair and throat (usually Cool Water, Minotaure, etc). After a few hours I replenish with the roller bottle behind ears and esp. hands - you can often move your hand closer to a woman on the bar or tabletop for more effect. I also carry a little diluted cologne (cologne + grain alcohol) in an atomizer if I think the fragrance cover may fade during a long night.

    I still think TE is a major part of the intense reactions I have gotten. A particularly overt proposition came once when using just TE and some Andro, from a woman young enough to be my daughter.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Questions With The Edge PLZ read!

    Thanks Irish very much. Any one else? Please help me out! I havn\'t seen any response at all. I usually use 2 sprays of TE (one in hair & one on my tie or shirt), about 6 drops of the musk oil (in hair, behind ears, & on wrists), and 2 or three sprays of Realm to cover up the TE & Musk oil. Can more people help me? Thanks very much.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Questions With The Edge PLZ read!

    PLEEEEEAAAASSSSEEEEE help me. I dont want to return my purchase, but if I dont know how to use it properly I might have to!

  6. #6
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Questions With The Edge PLZ read!

    Try the pheromone questions area this has been shutoff from general posting for six months all the threads and posts are done through pheromone questions.

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