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Thread: NPA for Women

  1. #1

    Default NPA for Women

    Does anyone know the phero content of the women\'s NPA?

    Because of Wilde Oscar\'s research, we\'ve got the phero content of the men\'s NPA but not the woman\'s product. I\'m wondering if it is high in the Nol phero.

  2. #2
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: NPA for Women


    The only information I had at the time when I posted product info came straight from Bruce,and that was only definitive as regards total phero content per bottle (guaranteed 2.0mg. in NPA and 2.4mg. in TE).

    \"Androstenone and other phero components\", was as close as we got to an ingredient breakdown.It has been hinted on the customer questions side of the board,(see \"Question about the oil\" post) that neither NPA nor TE have ANY Androstenol. But then, maybe that only refererred to the men\'s formula.

    While researching LaCroy,AFTER the info post, I ran across ,La Croy\'s own website.It has a link to Love-Scent and this Forum,and even mentions Bruce .Interestingly they list TE as having 2.5 mg./bottle.There was a \"Contact Us\" link and,as they hadn\'t listed NPA\'s guaranteed phero content ,I asked. They replied that NPA contains 2.4 mg./bottle!This puts it 20% higher than what we\'ve been told!So compared to PI\'s 0.050% concentration,NPA is 0.048% !
    I\'m sure Bruce only relayed to us what he had been told,I\'m certainly NOT questioning his creditability! HIS numbers may be the right ones!(They too show a 20ml. bottle listed as 24ml.)

    I realize that none of this helps you figure out what\'s in the women\'s NPA or TE,but I thought you\'d find it interesting.

    It would appear that you\'re on an Androstenol quest.Have you tried AFA or Lure? I personally think that Lure is pretty intense (VERY MUSKY!),and it lists Androstenol as its ONLY phero ingredient.

    Oscar [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  3. #3

    Default Re: NPA for Women

    on the lure question
    i also use it no more then 5 dabs and for me it works quite well a lot of takitive females and hair twirling and now and then for of stares
    works well when i use 1 spray of attraction

  4. #4

    Default Re: NPA for Women

    hello Oscar,

    I just received my TES today...and it said 24 ml on the bottle. SO is it only 20ml or 24 ml?

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    I´don´t know I lost my compass,you have to go and check my old profile
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    Default Re: NPA for Women

    Attraction has a lot of androstenol in it and due to the fragrance it will cover up other products if you want to add more -none.

  6. #6

    Default Re: NPA for Women

    Wilde Oscar,

    Yep, I am on a Androstenol quest, and as I was looking for a Androstenol-only product, I was seriously thinking about purchasing Lure for Him. However, just the other day (and I also just now checked), I noticed that the love-scent web site no longer shows the Lure for Him product - only the Lure for Her and Yes! for men. I guess Bruce is out of stock... [img]images/icons/frown.gif[/img]

    And CJ, I just did order Attraction, and I am expecting it any day now. This was my second choice as Lure for Him does not seem to be available.

    The reason for the Androstenol quest is because it appears that I am already high in None, and since I\'ve got an investment in None products (PI, NPA, TES), I am looking for Nol-only products to mix with the None and kinda balance shift things toward the Nol side. My preference would be PI, NPA, and TE for women IF they contain only the Nol phero - no copulins for me! [img]images/icons/shocked.gif[/img]

  7. #7

    Default Re: NPA for Women

    Hey Lex, I think I\'m in the same boat you are. I\'m working with TE and PF and I have yet to see any DIHLs or any other signs. So let me know how the Attraction works out for you. I was thinking about Lure too, but I guess I\'ll have to wait.

    I think DonJuan just got Attraction \'cause PI wasn\'t working for him. Hey Don (if your reading), how has Attraction worked for you?

  8. #8

    Default Re: NPA for Women

    Update on Lure for Him. Even though it disappeared from the URL:

    It does appear when you click on the \"order Lure for Her\" link. Go figure...

    [ September 28, 2001: Message edited by: Lex ]

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