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  1. #1
    Phero Pro
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    Default How to steal the attention from the AW

    I know this has been discussed & ppl have voiced their opinions that men should not give the AW the time of day, now for those that still want to pursue the AW because her confidence, independence & sarcasm just really turns you on, I think I have found the easiest way to turn the tables on them.

    And this works well with all breeds of women (simplest way to put it, flame me if you must).

    Negative Hits - Executive Summary
    A \"neg\" is when you compliment a girl, but have a hook at the end of your line so it is actually a diss. For example, if age comes up, we all know to \"under\" guess her age because if you tell a girl she looks 30 when she\'s only 22 she\'s going to be devastated. What you can do with a girl you surmise to be in her late 20\'s if she asks you, \"How old do you think I am?\" Just aim low & say something like 24. When she gives you that smile & says she\'s actually 29 - since you are not the first guy to go through this song & dance - you smugly, say \"Really, you didn\'t seem that mature, hrm.\" Then BLAMMO she has no idea what just hit her, you just made her pull a 180 & now she is the one that feels insecure & is trying to win your approval.

    Negative Hits - Detail (from ASF)
    \"A 10 is there surrounded by friends. She has put on this BITCH act. Is she REALLY a bitch? Unlikely. All my girlfriends were wonderful human beings - beautiful people have it easier because they are beautiful and often times have better upbringings because of it. BUT - they need to have a standard with which to uphold when all these NOBODY guys approach her. So her values are very honed and understood. When a man walks up and says, \"can I buy you a beer?\" she WILL be annoyed by this. While the guy thinks he\'s doing something nice for her, she gets this ALL the time. She is desensitized to this. You are the 8th guy TODAY! So she is very good at brushing all these guys off. [bad word], she HAS to be... she isn\'t going to sleep with ALL of them! So she may say NO or act annoyed and then the guy thinks she\'s a bitch and walks off pissed and feeling like a failure. And that seems to work. Sometimes when the girl is particularly in a feeling of control (like in a club where she is PREPARED for the barrage of men - it IS after all something that occurs so often that when it is GONE she MISSES it) she will accept the beer and then flake the guy off. Hey, the guys are stupid enough to buy her one, she might as well take it. When they take a beer from you, the girl is saying to you, \"I don\'t know you and I don\'t care about you. You are just another one of those typical guys and since I don\'t respect you, Ill take the beer from you before I snub you.\"

    Since a 10 is so GOOD at snuffing your approach (nothing ever personal either - it is a strategy that is built over years of stupid guys approaches EVERY [bad word] DAY, she will do the same to YOU. That is why SNUFFING THEM is important. You cant INSULT them because they are used to all the hurt guys INSULTING them (\"ahh you are nothing but a bitch!\") so this rolls off their back like water off a muskrats ass. How do you SNUFF them withOUT INSULTING them? Well, let\'s say she has long nails which are most likely fake. Now why do 10s dress so FINE if they don\'t want the attention? Because they LOVE the feeling of control sometimes. They are in a club with friends and they want to be the leader of the circle (social hierarchy in primates) and so she gets all the attention. The guys come and buy drinks for them and she gets off on knocking the guys down. Its all in a days play. Ok, so she is wearing fake nails to look even BETTER! Most guys will say, \"wow you are so beautiful!\" BORING, typical and in her mind by now (after years of the same [bad word]) TRUE. Imagine a guy comes along and says \"nice nails. are they real??\" she will have to concede, \"no. acrylic.\" and he says (like he didn\'t notice it was a put down \"oh. (pause) well I guess they still LOOK good.\" Then he turns his back to her. What does this do to her? Well, he didn\'t treat her like [bad word] and INSULT her. He complimented her but the result was to target her insecurity. She thinks, \"IM HOT IM BEAUTIFUL (especially in that emotional state of control as in the public)... but I didn\'t win this guy over. IM SO GOOD at this. ILL just fix that little smear on my image that he has of me.\" then you continue to show disinterest in her looks as you give her a neutral topic like the Elvis script. During this her intention is to get you to become like all the other guys so she can feel in control and snuff you and you then give her another NEG HIT like this ... \" is that a hair piece? well, its neat... what do you call this hairstyle? The waffle? [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]\" Smile and look at her to show her you are sincerely being funny and not insulting. You are pleasant but disinterested in her beauty. This will intrigue her because she KNOWS guys. And this isn\'t normal. You must have really high taste, or be used to girls or be married or something. These questions make her CURIOUS. So this keeps happening and is known as FLIRTING. She give you little neg hits and these tests are qualifiers. You pass them by neg hitting her back. After all, you aren\'t like the others showing interest. But... why? To get control again she says, \"will you buy me a drink?\" notice how she is trying to get you now! BUT, she only wants to sucker you in enough so she can SNUFF you. That is all she is about - this strategy is all she knows and it\'s not working for you so she is trying to do damage control on the situation. But at the same time she doesn\'t quite understand WHY you don\'t think you are great. After all, her nails ARE fake. You say, \" ahhh, that\'s so funny ... you nose moves when you speak...... (pointing and being cute) look there it goes again ... its so... quaint ... hheeeee look \" [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] She\'ll say, \"ahhh, stoppp!\" [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] *blush*. Now she is self conscious and having her in this state is where you want her. You have with 3 neg hits successfully created INTEREST (curiosity) and removed her from her pedestal (removed her bitch shield.) You were humorous, you had a smile, you dress well, you are confident and everything she would want in a man.

    You didn\'t take her [bad word]. OH, and when she asked you for a beer, you said, \" no. I don\'t buy girls drinks. but you can buy ME one\". You are qualifying HER now. If she buys you a beer, this is symbolic of her RESPECT for you.

    If not you say, \"pleasure meeting you\" and turn your back to her again. DONT walk away, just turn your back. You are neg hitting them again just when they thought she was negging YOU. That is teasing each other. That is the first step to flirting. This is all textbook psychology.

    A NEG HIT is a qualifier. The girl is FAILING to meet your high expectations. It\'s not an insult, just a judgment call on your part. The better looking the girl, the more aggressive you must be with using neg hits. A 10 can get 3 neg hits up front, while an 8 only 1 or 2 over a longer time. You CAN go overboard if they think you are BETTER than them You can drop the self-esteem right from under them (just like most 10s do to guys) and this isn\'t good. You have to get as close to the breaking point as you can without crossing the line. Once you have gotten her RIGHT THERE, you can start appreciating things about her (NEVER LOOKS). There is a mutual RESPECT now. Something most guys never get from the girl.

    This is how you remove a bitch shield. 3 neg hits oughta do it within 2 or 3 minutes of neutral chat. Once it is down, you can from a mutual respect place, seduce her.\"

  2. #2
    Phero Pro
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    Default Re: How to steal the attention from the AW

    This is more on neg hits...

    Use negs with 9s and preferably 10s only. Don\'t use a neg on a 7 or 8. The 7s and 8s know what they are - cute, sweet, pretty etc - but not drop-dead beautiful. Their confidence in their own beauty is only fairly high and it could easily be destroyed by a neg. Shaking their confidence too much and making them self-conscious could quite easily make them hate you instead of wanting to be down with you - and that\'s not what you want The 9s and 10s however KNOW they are beautiful - they\'ve been told so all their lives; and then there\'s always the mirror to confirm that So your neg will confuse and intrigue them and maybe even shake their confidence a little bit, but only enough for them to fall from the clouds (which is where many 9s and 10s spend much of their time to the ground (which is where you are waiting for them Compare that to falling from the ground into a deep hole, which could easily happen to a 7 or 8 should you happen to neg her, and you\'ll see, why you should be very discriminative in your use of the neg.
    The neg hit might backfire with a 9 or even a 10, if you use it when she\'s really down - in a self-defeating, self-conscious, \"I\'m probably just a 7 or a even 6\" mood Be sensitive to her mood and if, for whatever reason, she seems to be really suffering, forget the neg. Be the one to bring her out of her darkness, treat her like a 6 or a 7 that she feels she is at the moment, meaning cheer her up and compliment her _without_ any embedded negs, but be careful - the 9 or 10 in her is only in suspended mode and once you re-activate it, unless you change to humorous negging right away, you\'ll end up being another supplicating chump - you get a hug and then she walks away to find herself a MAN.
    When you neg, ALWAYS present it as a compliment - be charming, friendly, positive, earnest and sincere in your \"compliment\" If you present your neg as a deliberate insult you come off as a jerk (which however is a good excuse to \"apologies\" by giving her a hug and a kiss to \"make up\" for your insult. Being a jerk of course could be a turn-on for some girls, but more often than not, it is a turn-off. Which doesn\'t mean that being a nice guy is your goal, in fact that\'s usually an even bigger turn-off. When you fall into the \"nice\" and eventually the \"Let\'s Just Be Friends\" zone, you\'ll wish you would have fallen into the \"jerk\" zone, that way you would at least have had some sort of a chance of doing a comeback. So avoid being a \"jerk\" or a \"nice guy\" - just take the best of both worlds and neg her with a \"compliment\"

    Example 1 of using a neghit
    ASF: \"When you see a HB and she snuffs you ... tell her you think her dress is very nice (something she has heard before) and then tell her you remember seeing her at a club before and she was wearing the same dress. It IS nice though. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] Whether or not you ever saw her before, you can ASSUME she HAS been social before and that she was wearing the dress before. This deflates her INSTANTLY and puts you in control.\"

    Example 2 of using a neghit
    Guy: What do you do?
    Gal: Oh, I\'m a model.
    Guy: Oh yeah, your hair looks kinda nice... / Oh, like a hand model or something?

    Example 3 of using a neghit
    Mystery: \"If you are in a bar and you approach a girl, she basically KNOWS you want to [bad word] her. You have to somehow convey that you didn\'t come for sex but because you are talkative about some even MORE interesting than HER. The only thing from you that can make a 10 NOTICE you is if you show her she doesn\'t matter to you in the slightest... that is a NEG\"

    Update. Negging before kissing. Daniel, ASF: \"I love the little gem by mystery where he said to neg a girl before kissing her, now how devious is that? You make her feel self conscious and then you relieve the very feelings you caused\"

    Update. Examples of negging a beauty. (Only for use with 10s or 9s who simply HAVE to know they ARE beautiful, any less beautiful girls can easily be destroyed by these!) After you\'ve negged her looks in some manner, follow up with:
    \"You are really interesting, or at least you\'re not THAT ugly.\"
    \"No really, I\'ve seen uglier girls\"
    \"Well, at least you should be lucky to have a good body [to compensate for whatever it was you negged]\"

    Update. More neghits
    Dan Scorpio, ASF:
    \"You are nearly as tall as me. I like tall girls (LIFT). Are those heels 4 or 5 inches (DROP)?\"
    Mystery, ASF:
    \"You blink alot\"
    \"Your nose wiggles when you talk\"
    \"Weren\'t you wearing this dress the last time you were here?\"
    \"Excuse me... may I finish my sentence first?\"
    \"Oooh... Sick... You just spit on me!\" (when the girl is talking to you).
    \"Your hair looks kinda nice\"

    Update. Challenge
    Mystery, ASF:
    YOU: \"I don\'t think we should get to know each other.\"
    HER: \"Why?\"
    YOU: \"I think you are just too much of a NICE GIRL for me.\"
    HER: (whatever, it doesn\'t matter because she will try for you now)

  3. #3
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: How to steal the attention from the AW

    AH yes the best NLP/fast seduction tool there is in dealing with and yes i will admit getting the Attention whores interested.
    Very good work biovonic, others should take real close note, insult them but make sure its a nice insult and turn it around later etc etc.
    Another one if she is there flirting with u but if you have other guys making the move and getting brushed off she is just after the attention so if she comes youre way as u said make a move and then turn youre back, but make it a nice neg hit. They are more than likley to try to start a conversation that way,.

  4. #4
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: How to steal the attention from the AW

    Don\'t think u really know those 10\'s after reading this stuff , comprende...

    Some of these negs work really good , I noticed that I pulled of the \"Your nose wiggles when u talk\" neg quite often with really nice girls. Heh , it came naturally though (oh and some noses were really kinda odd wiggling)

    Well what I\'m trying to say is , unless you are charming + full of confidence (de niro style) - those negs never gonna work , because believe it or not - most of the 10\'s are not \"just\" beautiful but also damn smart / intelligent chances are high that they will SEE THROUGH YOU INSTANTLY.......

    This negging is kinda advanced , u really need to have a good overall GAME already before attempting it, she HAS to like / be interested in something about YOU , prior to your neg attempts . Be it looks or massive confidence....

    I\'m mean , comon its just unrealistic , u can\'t walk up to a 10 in a club and neg her....

    what you CAN do - is practice ! Practice with a (female) friend of your girlfriend , who happens to be a 10 , practice with some goodlooking shop assistants ...till u get the hang of it....

    Oh and btw : All you ever get with this negging game is a one night stand ...maybe little more sex (if you\'re good in bed)

    UNLESS :

    a : You are rich
    b: You yourself happen to be a 10 when it comes to looks !

    If you don\'t look (even nearly) as good as your target girl , there are no chances for long lasting relationships based on love/passion...... totally different if you are rich , or so good in bed that she won\'t wonna leave...

    Anyways , even \"just\" a one night stand with a hottie is worth the trouble - so GO FOR IT ! unless you are the \"relationship kind of guy , who easily gets broken-hearted and moral about everything\"

    Oh and btw the 6 , 7 , 8\'s - negging also work with them BUT REALLY REALLY CARFULL CHARMING \"I put u in the dirt with your face down\" negging as u could pull off with 10\'s.....its more of a little teasing , but basically nothing new 2 those of you who are familiar with \"playing hard 2 get\".

  5. #5
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: How to steal the attention from the AW

    This was the first (and maybe the only) thing I looked at on AS. It struck me as being very usefull, and it is. But it is tempting to look at it and think of it as like a script, I bet many of you are busy memorising those particular negs right now. But that\'s not the point.

    The point is that you should be aiming to create a flexible and adaptive linguistic strategy for attracting women. This CAN ONLY be highly individual, or it just wont work. Yes, using these specific methods may get you laid, but I can assure you that you would get better results if you adaot your own social responces into a format that automatically responds to situations, such as in this case when faced with a bitchy 10.

    Some very good advice none the less.

    I particularly agree with the part about 7\'s or 8\'s. It is often NOT a good idea to beat them down to much, I find that the easiest method in this case is a mildly cocky/funny attitude, alpha, but with some quite visible nice guy showing through aswell.

    Example of personal neg hitting:

    You will probably notice that I dont actually do a typical neg hit, like talking about an aspect about her, etc. In fact, the most important thing in this case is that I *dont* talk about her hardly at all.

    I was out one Friday (maybe saturday...) and met up with some friends in town. \"D\" is an old friend, looks wise you would probably describe him as classicaly good looking, not very alpha, but very funny and cocky. Me and D go to a club, talk to some people (meet some friends who left school etc.), including a 9. Oh and I probably should add that I cant remember what mix I was wearing, but I\'ll guess at my experimental PI/NPA/SOE/AE mix. So we talk to a few girls, nothing special, we have a few drinks with this 9, but then we leave and go mingle some more. We meet with two girls that we met before, at a new year party. I wrote before about Hannah, and how she was all over me in front of my gf [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/blush.gif[/img] (not my fault!!), but then she got the idea and went with D. So we sit and chat with them for a while, dance a bit. Her body language is telling me she isnt really that interested in me or D (another story with her friend though, who I hadn\'t met before), but then she is a bit reserved. Hannah is a 9.5, blonde, tallish, slim figure, nice.....everything really [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img]. So me and D go to the bar, and the girls follow us, and D suggests we buy them a drink at the same time. I wasnt too sure, but i got Hannah something, touched her waist to get her attention and gave it to her (the drink that is), but then I smiled and walked off to dance some more. When we are dancing, I am now catching Hannah looking at me, but I just smile and turn away. This isnt in a cruel way, kind of a \"Hi!\" smile, then getting back to dancing. Some other girls we no (more old friends) come and talk to us, and low and behold hannah and her friend turn up! But she is still not giving me anything, nothing to tell me she likes me really. So we sit down and D starts talking to her friend. Me and hannah are sitting pretty close because there isnt much room, giving the pheros a chance to work their magic [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]. I could see she was starting to respond. The conversation began to wander slightly flirty topics, and I said \"Yeah....So, hows school\", or something equally random. When I felt she was down to a more coy level, I started to turn on the charm a bit, but now not giving away much myself, just having a good time!

    Later on me and D leave the club, I\'m not sure what time it was. Some MORE people call us and tell us to meet them in Mc D\'s, so we go there and sit (lol stylish!). We start talking to these new people, me to some girls (oh I forgot to say Hannah and her friend turned up with some more friends, and D was talking to them). So we are sat and talking to different people the girl I\'m talking to likes me. I\'m not paying any attention to hannah, apart from to join in some of D\'s jokes with them. She says she is going for a drink, and i jokily say, \"get me one while your there! Mine\'ll be a sprite [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img]!\" To my surprise she comes back with a sprite and fries for me! [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/shocked.gif[/img] She I said thank you very much and took them! Nothing else was said between us accept when she went to hug me when we left, when she said I hope I\'ll see you soon, or something.

    That\'s it really, remember this girl is very hot, and she was wearing some very flattering clothing [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]. I even saw other guys go and talk to her, but I didn\'t pay much attention, and she came back. Something that I found out later, which would have given the game away a bit if I had heard it (like I think I was meant to). When we were sitting in Mc D\'s talking, she said she was very attracted to me, but like i said I didn\'t hear!

    Wow sorry about the epic, got a bit carried away!

  6. #6
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: How to steal the attention from the AW

    Yeah dude , that was very very good came naturally and was very suitable for the given situation (mc donalds sprite neg) But the most important thing is : You showed some big time confidence....You haven\'t been confused by her beauty at all and u managed to talk to her like she was a regular girl - nothing more nothing less.

    HAHA ! She knows she is a hottie , and now She wonders , Damn THIS gUY musta have the biggest nutz around to treat me like that , he is definetly way up on the dating ladder ---> I want him !!!!

    Good job man ! Keep it up... But hey don\'t overdo it , at some point u gotta open up a bit and show , that u have some interest , but definetly keep the dominant part....first time she wants u to do something sumbissive , by her drinks , invite her 2 something / paying for her....u give her the cold shoulder ! Not with me baby , I\'m the man with the dance !!!

    AND :

    \"The point is that you should be aiming to create a flexible and adaptive linguistic strategy for attracting women. This CAN ONLY be highly individual, or it just wont work\"

    THIS IS SO VERY TRUE , IT SHOULD BE ON TOP OF EVERY SEDUCTION SITE !!!!! It also implies the kinda sad truth : You only get better if u jump in the cold water , and try to experience and learn as much frm girls/women as u can.

    Reading and memorizing the whole speedseduction/gunwitch stuff won\'t do a thing if u don\'t try it all the time u see a nice girl u feel attracted to.......But once the ice is broken , u will get better and better in the dating/attracting game...and u have funny little helper to aid u ( pheros) so its not to difficult...the speedseduction things are only good for a basic idea on what 2 do and what not 2 do ( if u are a totally clueless savage / but usually u know and use most of that stuff naturally cos its common sense) then you are on your own and only imprve through as much social contact with women as possible.......

    Btw , in my oipnion : this first step , where u walk up to a girl and say Hi is the most difficult of them all for starters and shy people ! 90% fail there and never even manage to apply the speedseduction knowledge they have....

    To overcome this.....get a job where u have to work with women / talk to the most beatifull shop assistants in a clothing store , its her job so its nothing personal and she will not dismiss u + u ease up alot + practice negging or anything u learned on her no big deal / OR SIMPLY GET THE \"I DON\'T GIVE A F.UCK ATTITDE\" you are special , you are al pacino and robert de niro combined , women who don\'t treasure your presence are not worth your presence , brush the haters off and enjoy yourself , remember u try to get a girl for u and not for you friends , so dont give a damn bout what others may think bout a girl if u like her.........just go for it.....
    jumping in the cold water is what ? ...cold ! but only the first 10 seconds....

  7. #7
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: How to steal the attention from the AW

    I was getting into some kino when we were both sitting down. But by the end of the night she wanted more! If I saw her again I would go for the quick close, depending on the initial reaction of course.

    I like what you said about cold water. It\'s true, that\'s often the hardest part, I know i get worried sometimes. But then you just think, so what if she doesnt like me? Her loss, her bad taste etc. Because if you approach women you will get good responces, proving to you that you are worth it. Having girls see you talk and flirt with other guys is very helpfull aswell, it builds you a reputation.

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