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  1. #61
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    Default Re: DrSmellThis is an expert.

    You waive around a degree like a teacher\'s pet waves around a hall pass!

    Dude, it\'s common sense, ok.

    More argining won\'t increase nitric oxide.

    It\'s rather, you need enough arginine.

    If the problem for most people wasn\'t getting enough, they wouldn\'t be able to increase nitric oxide production during working out, etc.

    So, basicaly, taking more arginine will do nothing.

    Common sense. What will a degree do? Nothing.

    All that is is learning stuff, writing it, and passing a test, or a number of tests.

    Learning and testing what you learned.

    It WON\'T GIVE YOU more common sense.


    Or the ability to think of something.

    Rote is what it is. 1 + 1 = 2

    That is learned, rote, there\'s no thinking involved.

    If everything is set in stone Albert Einstein\'s Theories would never have made it into the mainstream culture.

    Many people who went to \"college\" back when, still though the Earth was flat. It isn\'t....That\'s what they are taught.

    That\'s all that is.

    So you can take those degrees and shove them up your a**.


  2. #62
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: DrSmellThis is an expert.

    OK, I guess that wasn\'t my final comment.

    The point of a degree, as you say, is that it requires you to do some reading.

    You haven\'t done your reading, yet you post long-winded incorrect stuff and act as if everyone else is stupid or misinformed. That makes you look pretty silly.

    Why not do some research first?

    In fact, do some research and then refrain from acting as if everyone is stupid anyway.

    Bluster is the hallmark of someone who is compensating for insecurity. It doesn\'t look good on anyone.

    By the way, had you bothered to look, there\'s a lot of research showing that arginine supplementation increases nitric oxide. Here\'s one to get you started:


    Effect of long-term oral L-arginine on the nitric oxide synthase pathway in the urine from patients with interstitial cystitis.

    Wheeler MA, Smith SD, Saito N, Foster HE Jr, Weiss RM.

    Department of Surgery, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut, USA.

    PURPOSE: We attempted to determine whether oral L-arginine, the substrate for nitric oxide synthase, increases nitric oxide synthase activity and cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) levels in the urine from interstitial cystitis patients. Nitric oxide and cGMP are decreased in urine from interstitial cystitis patients and both induce smooth muscle relaxation and immunological responses. Increasing urinary nitric oxide and cGMP may ameliorate interstitial cystitis symptoms. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Eight patients with interstitial cystitis were given L-arginine (1,500 mg. a day) orally for 6 months. Before and during treatment nitric oxide synthase activity and inducible nitric oxide synthase protein, cGMP, nitrate plus nitrite and interleukin 8 (IL-8) levels were measured in urine. RESULTS: After 2 weeks to 1 month of oral L-arginine treatment, urinary levels of nitric oxide synthase related enzymes and products increased significantly, while levels of the cytokine IL-8 were not changed significantly. IL-8 was significantly elevated in interstitial cystitis patients with leukocyte esterase positive urine. CONCLUSIONS: Long-term oral administration of L-arginine increases nitric oxide related enzymes and metabolites in the urine of patients with interstitial cystitis, which is associated with a decrease in interstitial cystitis related symptoms.

  3. #63
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: DrSmellThis is an expert.

    Which on the surface looks like very good advice. I just hope i never suffer from it.

  4. #64
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: DrSmellThis is an expert.


    Well said.

  5. #65
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    Default Re: DrSmellThis is an expert.

    Does L-arginine increase penile erection staying power like viagra does [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/shocked.gif[/img]?

  6. #66
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    Default Re: DrSmellThis is an expert.

    L-Arginine helps your staying power. The best alternative to Viagra is Yohimbe. I have had great personal experience with this herb. It is an alternative to Viagra for prescribing to patients by doctors, if the patient has heart problems then the best alternative would be Yohimbe for impotence problems. I recommend getting a Yohimbe product that has 800-1000mg of the compund. Ultimate Nutrition makes an 800mg tablet that works well(, and \"Aadvanced Yohimbe Plus\" by Erwin Naturals is good for experimenting with dosage( Negative side-effects to Yohimbe are an increased body temperature and heart rate.(burns fat though)...Yohimbe increases hormones that sustain erections,increase blood flow to the genitals, increases nerve sensitivity with out causing you to go quickly. It increases nerve sensitivity by increasing adrenaline to the nerve site. Take a tablet/capsule 800-1000mg at one time 1-2hours before sexual activity. Just make sure you don\'t take it right before you go to bed, because it can cause lucid dreams/hullcinations. This shouldn\'t be a problem though since you will be taking it 1-2hours before activity and probably want go to bed until a minimum of 4hours after you have taken it. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img] <font color=\"brown\"> </font>

  7. #67
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    Default Re: DrSmellThis is an expert. *DELETED*

    Post deleted by Bruce

  8. #68
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: DrSmellThis is an expert.

    I give up.

    I *could* go to medline and find about 50 references that show that l-arginine supplements clearly do increase NO in the body in all kinds of people, diseased and not, but at this point I\'m tired of it.

    BTW, it\'s \"common sense\" that if l-arginine supplements increase NO in patients with an inflammation of their bladders that they\'d work on other people, and this is in fact the case, but hey, have it your way. Be ignorant. It\'s your right. I just wish there was a kill list on here so I wouldn\'t have to read your waste-of-time messages any more!

  9. #69
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    Default Re: DrSmellThis is an expert.


    My point, anyway, was that, like protein eating more won\'t do anything unless you need it. (Actually I HAVE READ studies that show that a LOT of protein increases portein syntheis.

    However, 1,500. That\'s a LOOOOTT of Arginine. Also, how long would the Nitric Oxide spike last? HOW MUCH. And, is it significant COMPARED to what you get by working out?

    I mean, do a set of pushups, v.s. take 1,500 milligrams of this. I mean, if it were constant that woudl be different.

    However, if physer 3 works, than that\'s like 100 mg an hour, that\'s not very much of a spike AT ALL!

    I\'m just saying, results would be mediocre and very much placebo. And it\'s a HELL OF A LOT OF MONEY! You can get steroids cheaper than you can the N02...With like 5 times the results. And, unless steriods are taken to excess they are perfectly safe. Same with Growth Hormone.

    However, like I said before, side effects are more than physical (read DHEA thread) but anyway...


  10. #70
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    Default Re: DrSmellThis is an expert.

    Take it easy on the kid. When I was 17, I knew everything to.
    He\'ll grow out of it.
    (and it\'ll scare the poop out of him to realize how much he doesn\'t know) [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/shocked.gif[/img]

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