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  1. #1

    Default Newbie girl questions

    I\'m 20, moderately active and looking to attract a particular man... any suggestions about what would be good to wow him, or the other guys at the gym?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Newbie girl questions

    I\'m new to this too, however, I am a man. I have tried Lure for men. I went to a club and I swear it attracted damn near every woman who passed by.
    I would suggest that you try Lure for women and maybe you can get the same results. If it attacts as many men as mine did women, I sure you can pick one out of the bunch.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Newbie girl questions

    I\'m new to this too, however, I am a man. I have tried Lure for men. I went to a club and I swear it attracted damn near every woman who passed by.
    I would suggest that you try Lure for women and maybe you can get the same results. If it attacts as many men as mine did women, I sure you can pick one out of the bunch.

  4. #4
    Phero Dude
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    Jun 2001
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    Default Re: Newbie girl questions

    Lure is reputed to be one of the \"weaker\" ones... How much did you use? What does it smell like? How long does the scent last?


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    I´don´t know I lost my compass,you have to go and check my old profile
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    Default Re: Newbie girl questions

    A lot of other women swear by the xcite wipes and also NPA or PPA. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    Personally I am not too fond of the wipes simply because I´m not keen on the scent, but most women seem to like it. I doesn´t suit me that´s all, really but they are said to be pretty effective. You can use them like other wipes to `freshen up´.

    If you have a certain fragrance you wear then I don´t recommend buying the colognes just yet because you might not like them - unless your budget allows you to experiment of course.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Newbie girl questions

    I have read comments that not many women post to the forum - so I will take this opportunity to reply to one of the few ladies who has ventured out into this unknown territory.

    As a female, I like Seduce aerosol and Passion Copulin Concentrate. I have shoulder length, curly hair, and I put 2-3 sprays of Seduce onto my hair before I go out. The vial of Passion goes into my purse, fanny pack, or a pocket, and is used for touchups.

    I notice more smiles coming my way nowaydays - and a female clerk at Wal Mart even commented one day on how much she liked the Seduce fragrance. The clerk was standing about 5 feet away, and I wasn\'t even aware that the Seduce fragrance was still active at that point (as it had been several hours since application).

    An advantage of applying to hair, especially curly hair, is that the fragrance reactivates whenever the wind catches it - or if your temperature goes up a degree because you have been embarrassed or excited by something.

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