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  1. #1
    Pheromaniac Sexyredhead's Avatar
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    Default Confusing response

    I went on a road trip with some friends this week for spring break with a guy I like and another good friend. (Yes, he knows I\'m interested in him.) I haven\'t seen the guy in a while, so I thought I\'d try out a variation of the mix I\'ve gotten the biggest responses with: 1 drop TEw, 3 drops PIw, about 4\" PCC on back of neck. (This usually gets really flirty responses from guys younger and older than me, and some from women.)
    Day one: Just the two of us. Talked my ear off, opened doors, treated me to lunch--seemed to be pretty happy to see me. Went to pick up other guy friend that night, and he backed way off in his attention to me--to the point of almost being chilly. Other guy friend almost talked my ear off.
    Day two: Same mix. Guy didn\'t talk much--almost like his testosterone was really high? Actually made me a bit nervous around him. Was nice, but kept minimum 3 feet between us at all times if possible. Other guy friend talked my ear off again for most of the day.
    Day three: Decided to just wear PIw and PCC (2 drops;4\"). Figured he might be averse to TEw, although I couldn\'t smell it, and nobody else seemed to mind it. Testosterone still seemed a bit high (?) since I was still getting the uncomfortable/nervous feeling around him, although not as often. He spent the day competing with our other guy friend in everything from knowledge to the best deals shopping. All with looks to see if I was noticing when he won.
    Day four: Wore just 2 drops PIw. He was much more talkative and friendly, kept doing things merely (he said) to make me happy.
    Day five: Just me and him again driving home for a few hours. I got an uncomfortable/nervous vibe from him for a while, and we didn\'t talk. After a while I told him I wasn\'t sure if I was still interested in him, or if I just missed having him around all the time. He laughed at that, and from then on was really friendly and talkative, even when we went to the movies that night.
    Yesterday: Just two drops PIw and a drop lavender -nol. Friendly all day, apologized for being \"grouchy\" last week--blamed it on male PMS, up for anything I wanted to do. He even decided against going to visit some friends (although I told him I didn\'t mind) and hung out with me instead. Other guy friend came over that night, and he pretty much tuned out again till he left, although he was nice.

    Has anyone else noticed this kind of \"high testosterone\" response from some guys? Or have any of you guys noticed that you respond this way? This is the first time I\'ve noticed this kind of reaction. I can\'t decide if it\'s the TEw, the cops, or just him.

  2. #2
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    <blockquote><font class=\"small\">In reply to:</font><hr>

    I went on a road trip with some friends this week for spring break


  3. #3

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  4. #4
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    Default Re: Confusing response

    [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] Finally someone else has been found [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  5. #5
    Pheromaniac Sexyredhead's Avatar
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    Default Re: Confusing response

    Nope, no pics. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Confusing response

    When I am wearing phero\'s it comes off as more evident that I am being like the guy you described. I do not know why I act this way it is usually around girls I know like me alot. Such as a girl on the bus who i ignore even though I should be talking to her (9/10) and so on. Maybe its part of the pheros or its just him being a grumpy [bad word].

    I think its universal, if I knew a girl wasn\'t really liking me I would not be nervous or anything around her and such, now if a girl does like me I am a bit more nervous about things and try to pull the cool guy macho [bad word] too much. This involves not talking much trying to look cool at every minute and so on.

  7. #7
    Banned User EXIT63's Avatar
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    Default Re: Confusing response

    So you played with his fragile male ego for a week. And you\'re wondering why he\'s grouchy? Did you at least bang him? Blow job? Anything? I bet he can\'t wait to hang out with you and your \"friend\" again.

  8. #8
    Phero Pharaoh
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    &lt;&lt;I think its universal, if I knew a girl wasn\'t really liking me I would not be nervous or anything around her and such, now if a girl does like me I am a bit more nervous about things and try to pull the cool guy macho [bad word] too much. This involves not talking much trying to look cool at every minute and so on. &gt;&gt;

    Oh mann, have I done that before. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/frown.gif[/img]

    I\'ve sent the wrong message many times (that I don\'t like them) by getting like that. And it\'s particularly true when there are other people in the room. If I\'m by myself with a girl I like, I can relax a lot more. If there are others there I will try not to show interest in her. Unless she already knows.

    Maybe his friend just dominates conversations and he doesn\'t get a chance to converse with you. He eventually gives up and just keeps to himself while the guy is there yapping and flirting with you.

  9. #9
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default Re: Confusing response

    What do you mean by the \"high testosterone\" thing? The image that comes to mind with that phrase for me is agressive or horny, but that doesn\'t seem to have been the problem.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Confusing response

    I usually act competitive and aggressive when trying to impress the Alpha Females. It\'s almost uncontrollable, an instinct from deep inside makes you want to look like your on her level. I guess the Nol intensified that effect (since every time you lowered the dosage he became more friendly and attentive to your needs) and the Nol probably made you look more beautiful and sexy in his eyes that he probably pampered your ass until he got tired of it when he saw it was going nowhere (thats the typical case, when a guy just try\'s too hard to get the girl).

    \"Went to pick up other guy friend that night, and he backed way off in his attention to me--to the point of almost being chilly\"

    Guys usually do that when they\'re around their close friends just because they don\'t want to look like someones bitch, that would of been a good chance to be affectionate and suckup to him for he could get a little boost of that Alpha Male feeling, to make him feel like he was actually getting somewhere with you, relationship wise and for him to show you off to his friend [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]. Guy\'s don\'t like uncertainty, cause they\'ve been burned by too many girls that are there just to pull their tails. When they see no results, they just stop trying all together.

    \"Other guy friend almost talked my ear off.\"

    Since he though his friend was not interested in you or that you were not interested in his friend (since you were probably not showing it visually) he thought that it was a good time to jump in and start flirting to see if he could hit it off with you.

    \" He spent the day competing with our other guy friend in everything from knowledge to the best deals shopping. All with looks to see if I was noticing when he won.\"

    He probably felt threatened that his friend was trying to take his girl from him so he wanted to prove that he was a much better choice than the other guy by showing you that he\'s the Alpha Male and he\'s much better at everything than the other guy.

    Those are just my thoughts on it, I don\'t know if they\'re right or wrong but your the only one that can find that out....... good luck with the boys [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  11. #11

    Default Re: Confusing response

    I\'ve backed way off of -nol when with SDR as a result of having way OD\'d with him and him being a complete and total a$$hole - sullen, argumentative, talking over me, rough ... there were other things going on at the time, but still, he seemed especially inspired in his jerkossity at the time, and it coincided with my wearing a lot of PI/w and burning it along with some EOs in a scent burner.

    The theory was proposed that nol to none conversion was happening, so that you\'re wearing nol but it\'s morphed to none and that\'s what\'s making them act strange.

    But if testosteroney is the problem, then why wouldn\'t it just as easily be the copulins?

    Next time skip the pheromones entirely and see what he does.

    Of course, you won\'t have exactly the same social situation, so ... you\'ll probably never know. You could do it the old fashioned way and just ask him what was going on with him at certain points. If he wouldn\'t see that as a threat, freeze, and wonder what the \"right\" answer is, etc. ...

    SRH, who knows what men are thinking?

  12. #12
    Pheromaniac Sexyredhead's Avatar
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    Default Re: Confusing response

    Let me see if I can answer all the posts in one.

    I think I\'m just going to chalk it up to him not being interested in me as more than a friend. It\'s possible he is just reacting that way because he knows I like him.

    He knows he\'s not competing with the other guy for me, and yes, the other guy CAN dominate a conversation. We\'re all good friends and have been for a while.

    I did ask him what was up, and although he blamed it on male PMS, he apparently thought about it for a while, because out of the blue last night he started telling me about how he must have eaten something bad one of the days, because he just didn\'t feel great.

    By high testosterone I mean that he seemed aggressive/edgy, but very controlled about it. Almost like he was in the mood for a fight, but there wasn\'t anybody around to have a go at. Does that make sense?

    As for wanting all of my attention, he does that a lot. Even if he\'s doing something with someone else, he gives me a look every time he does something funny or makes a good point to make sure I was paying attention.

    FTR, I think I will skip the -mones altogether next time I see him. He\'s coming up again week after next to spend another week with me. I think it might just be the PCC though. I wore a bit of Saturnalia, TEw, and PIw today, and he couldn\'t have been sweeter. I tell ya, I think the EW works better than the PCC.

    Thanks everybody for your help and comments. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  13. #13

    Default Re: Confusing response

    I\'m beginning to think I agree with you. EW seems to me to be extremely insinuating. It penetrates their consciousness or something way under the level of their thought process - I mean, that\'s what all pheromones do, but it does seem like EW is VERY effective at it - and sometimes they act funny on it - it reminds me of the first time I put on PCC and got the rush of it and didn\'t understand what was happening to my body all at once completely out of my control and I got alarmed, got a headache, could easily have become grouchy if forced to deal with people at the time. I\'m not sure what you\'re wearing is good for social occasions. Just a hypothesis. What you had on is a really potent sex mix, I mean, I think of it as for a time when the guy can be alone with you and be as intense as he needs to be, in private with a trusted partner. If you\'re working him on a level like that and he\'s in a social situation, it\'s too much for him, I think. I think.

    Saturnalia is hot, there\'s no question. It makes for memorable sex, I\'ve heard from the other women having sex with it, too. So you\'re really playing quite a tune on this guy all at once.

    It\'s so weird how different men react differently. If you wore Saturnalia and TE and PI/w in a sexual situation, you\'d be writing about it in your journal so you\'d never forget it in your life. It makes this guy \"sweet.\" [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] Go figure.

  14. #14
    Pheromaniac Sexyredhead's Avatar
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    I think if a guy\'s just not attracted to you, no matter how many -mones you wear, he won\'t start being attracted to you.

    If he is attracted, then you\'re right, it may have been too much for him. This is Bible School Boy, remember? I doubt he\'d know what to do with himself in that kind of situation anyway, unfortunately. Then again, that might explain why he was so nice today but wore his raincoat (closed) even when he didn\'t need it anymore and didn\'t give me a hug (like he usually does) before he left. But that\'s just speculation.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Confusing response

    No, I agree. I think Bible School Boy gets all dickish exactly because he doesn\'t know what to do with himself and if he\'s really just not attracted to you, that makes it worse/more confusing, because his body\'s telling him something that disturbs him and causes him cognitive dissonance, y\'know? So ... why wouldn\'t he be tense and edgy. He probably thinks he\'s losing his mind.

  16. #16
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Confusing response

    Yeah, I bet he is sexually attracted to you and ashamed of thinking of you in that way. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    Excuse me here, but this guy really needs a good f***ing [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/tongue.gif[/img]

  17. #17

    Default Re: Confusing response

    Bundy, high five, dude.

    Except it sounds like he could get all squirrely on you the next day and what not. OMG, what have i done, etc. If it weren\'t for that, I\'d say get him drunk and take advantage of him.

  18. #18
    Pheromaniac Sexyredhead's Avatar
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    Default Re: Confusing response

    Bundy, I\'ve been of that exact opinion for quite some And I\'d willingly volunteer for the job of corrupting him further. So far I\'m the source of all his other corruption. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    But yes, it took forever to get him to drink, then he went overboard and got drunk, so he\'s leery about drinking too much now. He\'s not always good in situations where he doesn\'t have a lot of experience, which is to be expected. On the other hand, when he goes overboard, he really goes overboard.... *sigh*

    Yep, \"squirrelly\" is the perfect word. When I look at him that old tootsie pop commercial comes into my mind. If only he didn\'t consider head as a type of sex. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/frown.gif[/img] He\'d feel so much better afterwards.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Confusing response

    Then you\'ve really got a dilemna - on the one hand, it\'s obvious he needs a good f*cking; on the other hand, if you lead him to that water and he does drink, he\'ll forever associate you with guilt and wrong almost the second he\'s come and things would probably never be right between you again.

    Them Bible School Boys ... give me a bad boy any day. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    SRH, don\'t tell me you\'re blowing that boy. Stop giving him head and make him f*ck you, or definitely put head/f*cking on a quid pro quo basis and he owes you one. To hell with that. Good head is praise for good f*cking. I\'d make him earn it.

  20. #20
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    Default Re: Confusing response

    Yep, that raincoat and lack of hug may well be due to a raging boner. Remember, testosterone leaves many of us guys with puny, sickly little speech centers useful for little more than grunting. Throw in a whopping dose of Bible school inhibitions, and he could sit there and be grumpy for a week because (a) the copulins and Saturnalia were doing *exactly* what they were supposed to, but (b) he may think it would be wrong to jump your bones and (c) can\'t really articulate what\'s going on with him anyway. That\'d make anybody grumpy... like being a 2-year old who desperately wanted something but didn\'t know the right words for it.

  21. #21
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    Default Re: Confusing response

    I get the feeling that you have to make it serious with him fast or leave him alone, because this is not bringing you anywhere ....
    I know, that is what everyone thinks, but I was just going to throw in my 2 cents ... [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/tongue.gif[/img]

    Franki [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  22. #22
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Confusing response

    Jump on top of him. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/tongue.gif[/img] ...he\'s hopeless.

    I\'m serious! Try and chose a time when he can be sure no-one will walk in. Pretend you are just wrestling him or something. lol ** Thumbs up **

  23. #23
    Pheromaniac Sexyredhead's Avatar
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    Default Re: Confusing response

    Nope, I\'m not giving him head. I\'d dearly love to though. lol And several other things while I\'m at it. He\'s never had anybody but himself.

    Can\'t and won\'t jump his bones. He wouldn\'t take it in the nature it was intended. I\'m going on the premise that he\'s not interested. If he is, or decides sometime in the near future that he is, well, he\'ll have to convince me of it. In the meantime, he\'ll just stay one of my good friends.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Confusing response

    Good, well, now that\'s decided, let\'s see if we can find you a guy with at least one hair on his a$$ to start with. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

    You must be feeling the need yourself.

  25. #25
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Confusing response

    This isn\'t a general judgment, but sometimes I wonder dude, wether your sexual interest in him is all about breaking him in. Are you sure? (???)

    Your right about staying friends.
    It\'s hard to know without knowing him personally, but I\'d love to observe you two hanging together one time and judge better. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    I reckon you should do something to get him steamed up and judge even more. i.e. flirt with him more teasingly or something. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] ...Sh!t I don\'t know. I\'m not religious. I think the key is how honest he is to himself about staying a virgin until he\'s married or whatever. Maybe???? [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/tongue.gif[/img]

  26. #26
    Pheromaniac Sexyredhead's Avatar
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    Default Re: Confusing response

    Actually, I think things would be a lot easier with him if he was already broken in. He\'s extremely serious about staying virgin til he\'s married, and I respect that. Problem is, he hasn\'t been broken in, and I\'m not really happy about thinking of anyone else having sex with him--not because he\'s virgin, but because I consider him MINE.
    Besides, he\'s the first guy I\'ve been interested in in a long time. Give a girl a chance to lust. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

    A friend of mine told me a while back, when she found out I was interested in him, that when she\'d first seen us together, she thought we had more natural chemistry between us than she\'d seen in a long time, and she wondered whether either one of us realized it.

    I think I\'m just gonna let this one go as is. I\'d rather keep the friendship than push him.

  27. #27

    Default Re: Confusing response

    ARGGGGG, an altogether frustrating as all get out situation. Have you mentioned to him that it would be advantageous for your health? You could show him the studies about the health benefits to women of male sweat and semen. How could he not want you to be healthy?

  28. #28
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Confusing response

    &lt;&lt;A friend of mine told me a while back, when she found out I was interested in him, that when she\'d first seen us together, she thought we had more natural chemistry between us than she\'d seen in a long time, and she wondered whether either one of us realized it. &gt;&gt;

    Truth be told. Even after what I\'ve been saying in this thread, that type of relationship is the rarest of friendships.
    NOTHING is worth f***ing that up.

    If anything else is going to happen there, it\'ll happen. Just whatever you do make sure you don\'t EVER give false signals that would confuse him.

  29. #29
    Pheromaniac Sexyredhead's Avatar
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    Default Re: Confusing response

    You\'re right. Thanks, y\'all. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  30. #30
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    Default Re: Confusing response

    Hi FullTiltRedHead, SexyRedHead, all,

    I\'ve had the flip side of this all too often about the \"goody goody girls\" FALLING for me and then
    feeling guilty. They all have a \"naughty\" side of them, yet sometimes it is NOT worth bringing that part out to play.

    The more mind blowing blissful the sex is, the
    worse the guilt [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/frown.gif[/img]

    SexyRedHead, Is this Bible Boy stable? If not he probably won\'t be able to handle it and will blame you ( just like
    FTR said )

    Best to you in figuring out what is best

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