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Thread: My ideal mix

  1. #31
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: My ideal mix

    All im proposing is that the total mix amount be 3-5mls at most unless it proves successful, im sure some people have the above ingredients but if anyone wants to take a shot or propose a modification just post up on the thread.

  2. #32
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    Default Re: My ideal mix

    Bump im sure with all this chatter going on that this thread would be lost forever. No updates but i wonder how blah blah went with his altered mix.

  3. #33
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    Default Re: My ideal mix


  4. #34
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: My ideal mix

    I dunno, man... I think for a while I\'m stick with JB-1, DD-1 and \"Lite,\" and the mix with NPA+RM... Oh yeah, and \"Roguenstein\" until I burn it up... [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img]
    Can ya feel the love? [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  5. #35
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    Default Re: My ideal mix

    Lol this is an idea for someone who has all the above ingredients and the $$$$ to try it out, it only needs to be up to 3mls all up which means that less than 1 ml of most individual components. Just to see what sort of responses are gotten so if anyone tries it out please please post youre results.

  6. #36
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    Default Re: My ideal mix

    Have you tried your own mix out, Watcher?

  7. #37
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    Default Re: My ideal mix

    Funny u should say that, i got an order this morning that i put in last week for just this purpose and have just finished mixing it, so i will keep everyone updated, testing starts tomorrow.
    Thats why i started this thread costs me a few hundred bucks though, but it will keep me going for 6-12 months.
    It also smells quite nice, although the EW undiluted is strong so i took oscars recommendation and went 400:1 EW in a basic water diulation.

  8. #38
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    Default Re: My ideal mix

    > First : Calm the [bad word] down , no need to go into attack mode...
    > This is highly exaggerated bull$hit !
    > YES EXACTLY ! I do like my fellow forum members FRESH AND CLEAN , just as myself. Are u living on a farm or
    > something Mr Bruteforce savage ????
    > <<No, I like approximations>> -----> Guess what I DON\'T ! You do realize that this was a dumb thing to
    > say !? Don\'t you ?

    Dude, relax. I wasn\'t attacking you, neither was Franki. Eliminating variables is a good thing, I just disagree with the idea of focusing a lot on ones which may not be the most important. Even if your subjects were blindfolded and wore earplugs, things like time of the month, MHC profiles and birth control pill use could be big factors. Using smell/VNO alone, non-pheromone variables could still screw the study up. You\'d need to do MHC workups on all test subjects and find out which were on the pill (just to cite a couple of examples, not necessarily the best ones) to really learn very much. Under our sort of testing conditions, even if we succeed with our target we are not going to have MHC data, may not know if they\'re on the pill, may not know when their period\'s due. It\'s great to try to eliminate variables in the wearers, but if we still won\'t know much about the successful targets and almost nothing about the failed ones, we\'ll be left somewhat unsure of what the data mean, and it will take a lot more testing to get the same level of certainty about outcome.

    That\'s why most tests have been done with things like pictures, articles of clothing, chairs and so forth. They don\'t change, and if the result is valid, any researcher can repeat the experiment and get similar results (which is the real test of any scientific claim). You can\'t do that with people very easily, they\'re unique, complicated, and go through annoying things like mood changes and hormonal fluctuations.

    I\'m not saying that you\'re wrong about eliminating variables, not at all. I\'m just saying that I don\'t think our field tests can ever be much more than approximations. That\'s why I\'m doing things like testing isolated copulins on myself. One test subject, one procedure, multiple tries with each copulin, it\'s all very controlled. If my results seem to hold true for other test subjects as well, it will be useful data. If not, at least I can be fairly sure that there was no flaw in the method, aside perhaps from my knowing which one is being tested at the moment (since I can easily smell the difference between the copulins). I have no bias towards any of the chemicals involved, so it shouldn\'t be too big of a problem.

    If you want to shave everywhere, more power to you. I\'m not telling you how to test things, do it however you like. If all of us were testing pheromones under conditions which eliminated placebo effect, and we kept standardized daily logs of what happened to us, we could probably get some statistically significant results, even with a group this small. It\'d just take a while. Now, I don\'t really expect anyone here to keep logs, or to be willing to wear \'mones which might be a placebo for months. People expect to get paid for that sort of thing. But I don\'t expect that many are going to shave their head & body hair either.

    Clearer? NOT a personal attack, just some difference of opinion.

  9. #39
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    Default Re: My ideal mix

    All i have to say is im testing out there in the real world and just reporting everything.
    First day of testing this mix, went to a party last night, 100+ people there, quite a few i havent met before.
    Am there 20 seconds before the fun starts, this mix has a life of its own, puts weight to my theory that this widespread and multiple pheromone types leads to a more believeable and better reaction.
    Anyway i put my mix in a old AE bottle and had 4 drops of my new \"expensive\" mix on.
    So anyway i got chatting to this little blonde piece, and she was getting real close and rubbing her boobs up against me like happens quite often and she came right out and suggested we go somewhere quiter. So actually i spent last night at her place - never met her before, id say she is a 9 in terms of looks, she went right off like a rocket once we got going. So ive just gotten home to report my success he he, and i think as she is single and she wants me to call her again i will leave it a day or two and then give her a call to line up another \"session\"

  10. #40
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    Default Re: My ideal mix

    Oh i forgot to repost my mix

    10% Anone
    40% Anol
    10% Arone
    20% WAGG
    10% A1
    10% Diluted EW in a 400:1 water based mix.

  11. #41
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    Default Re: My ideal mix

    El bumpo for those wanting a mix more like DD#1 heres an alteration.
    15% Anone
    35% Anol
    10% Arone
    15 % WAGG
    15% a1
    10% Diluted EW (400:1 with water) or 10% PCC

  12. #42
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: My ideal mix

    Bump ive had luck (anyone else tried it yet)

  13. #43
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    Default Re: My ideal mix

    BUMP!!!!!!! [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/shocked.gif[/img], I think this was Watcher\'s original thread of his \"super duper whatever mix\" DUCK AND COVER!!!! [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img]

  14. #44

    Default Re: My ideal mix

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    Bump ive had luck (anyone else tried it yet)

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    Being unemployed (for the most part) I can\'t afford your mix. Sorry. I can\'t speak for everybody else.

    Hey! I\'ve got an idea! Why don\'t you mix up some free samples and send them out to some members who are willing to do some testing, just like they did with WAGG! Then you can get some feedback! [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

  15. #45

    Default Re: My ideal mix

    That\'s ok. I gotcher \"feedback\" right heeyah...

  16. #46
    Banned User EXIT63's Avatar
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    Default Re: My ideal mix

    What was in that mix again?

  17. #47
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: My ideal mix

    A well thought out and balanced mix, that took me almost a week to think up, then order, then present to the forum, then mix it up, then to test and promote, really this is the best mix ive come up with. Only some people would be able to afford it, but if ANYONE does test it out post youre results right ahead. Ive gotten strong sexual hits leading quite a few times to actual sex. Thats why ive so quite around here, reaching third base is getting tiring, so ive sort of left my old sex buddy and moved on to a nice redhead ive been seeing for a few weeks. Of course ive kept pheromones out of sight and silent, i will keep that little secret to myself, the other benenfit was i recently got a promotion probably due to MIX#1 so im keeping quite.

  18. #48
    Banned User EXIT63's Avatar
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    Default Re: My ideal mix


  19. #49
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: My ideal mix

    Hey Watcher, do I have to use the chem set -none, -nol, and -rone? I don\'t have the chem set, but I\'ve got all the ingredients for the mix (I think). I have NPA/m, PI/m, TE/m (sample size), APC, SOE, PCC, WAGG, and A1. Have you tried it this way?

  20. #50
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    Default Re: My ideal mix

    Nope but you are welcome to try it with anything that has ANone ANol Arone a1 WAGG and couplins, the idea is to incorparate all these base compounds into a new mix.
    I will use MIX#1 and the exact formula i came up with, but you might be able to make a MIX#2 and claim that as somethign different.

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