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Thread: My ideal mix

  1. #1
    Enlightened One
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    Default My ideal mix

    10% Anone (pref NPA)
    40% Anol
    10% Arone
    20% WAGG
    10% A1
    10% EW (couplins undiluted)

    The reasoning why this should be by far the best pheromone mix out there.

    A small amount of Anone along with the Anol and Arone ratios
    The successful mixes have similar ideas reduce none and increase the anol and arone similar to SOE.
    Thats why DD#1 works and ALter ego and perfect 10 are popular.
    Now WAGG will appear to make u a great guy.
    A1 is unknown except it reduces PMS reactions along with reducing ANone impact with WAGG and EW should increase competition from females and Arone should make u appear dependable also and trustworthy and masculine.

    If anyone tries this out, i think im onto something but lack the $$$$ to try it out, perhaps someone at pherocon 2003 could make up a batch for attendies testing (bruce heres a solid idea for u to try) id think ud have some spare stock around somewhere.

  2. #2
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: My ideal mix

    Bump cant lose this to the non-replyitis to page 2 itis so here it is for comment.

  3. #3
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: My ideal mix

    That\'s a lot of EW isn\'t it? [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  4. #4
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: My ideal mix

    Not really but u could make it 5% EW and 15% rone if you wanted to.

  5. #5
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: My ideal mix


    The reason that your post suffered from \"nonreplyitis\" is because those of us who HAVE done any experimenting with EW read it, shook our heads, laughed, and moved to the next thread.

    It\'s obvious that you haven\'t the slightest idea about the intensity of the scent of EW when you propose to use it in a mix at 10% or even 5%.
    Those concentrations are from several hundred to thousands of times stronger than the majority of those of us who DID experiment with EW found to be usable.

    The concentrations that those of us who don\'t have our head up our ass found to be even TOLERABLE from a point of view of rank stench fell mostly within the .025% to .005% range. A few found success with proportions slightly more concentrated, but far more got their best results at proportions even less concentrated than this range.

    It\'s evident that you propose your mixes out of thin air rather than experience.
    This isn\'t a good thing to do for at least two reasons:
    First you do a disservice to newbies who might read your post and be naive enough to believe that you actually know what you\'re talking about.
    Secondly you insult the forum members who actually DID take the time and effort to work with the beta test product to help make it a viable commercial venture.

    A 5% or 10% concentration of EW in any mix would make it totally worthless as anything other than a stinkbomb.

    Is it that you just like to hear the clicking of the keyboard when you post something as inane as this?
    Or do you really think you\'re contributing something?

    At least do a little research before proposing mixes with ingredients that you know little about.

    Oscar [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/frown.gif[/img]

  6. #6
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: My ideal mix

    \"Is it that you just like to hear the clicking of the keyboard when you post something as inane as this? \"

    Oscar ,
    I think he is turning into one of his beloved creatures :


    only this time its meant literally

    CMon watcher I know u can do better [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  7. #7
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: My ideal mix

    Ok take all the above and make the EW diluted to whatever the forum norms is say 200:1 and then mix it in with the new mix im proposing, im just waiting to see if anyone does it or once i have some spare $$$$ will do it myself, it has the makings of something good.

  8. #8
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: My ideal mix


    200:1 sounds OK if you\'re going with the EW at 5%.

    But 400:1 would be better in the original recipe (10% EW) yielding an eventual Copulin content of .025%.
    This would still be in the high end range Copulin-wise for a product for males.
    (.025% is the concentration of Copulins in PCC, and I think that EW is somewhat stinkier than the Copulin blend used in PCC.)

    That sounds a LOT better than your original proposal. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

    Oscar [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  9. #9
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: My ideal mix

    Ok thanks oscar, i like youre reasoning. Ok folks here goes.

    10% Anone
    40% Anol
    10% Arone
    20% WAGG
    10% A1
    10% EW (Diluted at 400:1)

    Ok so if anyone tries this please let us know how it goes, ive got a feeling that it could be the best mix ever made, but need people with $$$$ to try it out.

  10. #10
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: My ideal mix

    \", ive got a feeling that it could be the best mix ever made\"

    Are u looking for the next non-stop DIHL generator , through vno overloading ?

    Thats lots of different pheros at once maybe you are really on to something.....

    Unfortunatly there are few forum members who have so much money + are willing to spend their supplys on this - so its a \"do it yourself thing\" - good luck

  11. #11
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: My ideal mix

    I still dont buy it.

    No theory at all behind most of it.

    Take for example where he says -none. He says preferably NPA. This is garbage as we dont even know exactly how much -none is in NPA, and then an unknown quantity of secret ingredients. Then WAGG, not even tested properly, results not properly identified. There are too many unknown variables for this to be anything other than a guess,

    You never know, it may work, but speculation should be labled as such.

  12. #12
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: My ideal mix

    Exactly the reason I am in no rush to release my WAGG embedded mega mix. :-)

    - Krish

  13. #13

    Default Re: My ideal mix

    I would hope one could get their ideal mix without having to have all those ingredients. Any mix containing WAGG and/or NPA is going to be guesswork, because we don\'t know what or how much in either case. Same goes for Realm. I don\'t know that one person\'s ideal mix would necessarily be another\'s anyway, but I\'ll say one thing for Watcher, he is always after the ultimate Love Potion. And anyone who likes 2 Unlimited can\'t be all bad ... Cuddles [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  14. #14
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: My ideal mix

    Hey its an idea, access to NPA secret ingredients gives u a greater spread of pheromoones. WAGG is meant to give what a great guy, lets take it at face value and incorparate it into this new mix.
    All i require is someone to try it out, perhaps even bruce could mix up a batch and give some at pherocon 2003 and forum members take it home and report the success or failure of this new mix, it just came to me in a brainstorm, i intend to keep pushing it until i get some sort of feedback.

  15. #15
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: My ideal mix

    <<I don\'t know that one person\'s ideal mix would necessarily be another\'s anyway, >>

    This could be done ! We all just need a common application base , we all agree on.

    = Shave your pubes/arm pits/ breast hair + shower then apply on clothing. (*drums* Taadaaa --- no bacteria / hardly any natural phero signature / nothing unique or individual) = You can share what worked for you with others and it will work the same way for them !
    I wish nobody on this board would use skin application at all, just application on clothing , that way we could REALLY share what works and find the ultimate love potion. So far , with everyones unique bacteria (+ phero signature) thrown in the mix u can NEVER know for sure whats happening / whats working....

  16. #16
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: My ideal mix

    I have a few mixes that I should probably share, in fact they are probably already posted (somewhere). But I haven\'t been shouting about them much because I haven\'t tested them enough.

    I even have one for WAGG, but then I ran out of it. I think mine will be different from yours though, going by your previous preferences...

    WAGG will definately bring new variations into play, but its like some people like to jump on things just for the sake of it, so they created it...

    Anyway, looking forward to your new mix!

  17. #17
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    Default Re: My ideal mix

    \"but its like some people like to jump on things just for the sake of it\"

    Sometimes you just have to push something. I remember many months ago Whitehall and I were the only ones pushing the subject of copulins (for men). We kept the discussion alive where others were saying it wasn\'t going to work.

    If it wasn\'t for us, we now probably wouldn\'t have EW!! Only because we pushed it, we generated a demand for it. Because of that Stone Labs decided to give us the famous EW (beta test). Ladies, you have to thank us for pushing it, many months ago. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/tongue.gif[/img]

    Franki [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  18. #18

    Default Re: My ideal mix

    Yeah, Franki, we like it when you push it. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  19. #19
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: My ideal mix

    Good push, well executed


  20. #20

    Default Re: My ideal mix

    Hey, don\'t leave me out, I can push it good too! Everyone is always telling me \"Cuddlebear, you\'re pushing it ... \" [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  21. #21
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: My ideal mix


  22. #22
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: My ideal mix

    > We all just need a common application base... Shave your pubes/arm pits/ breast hair + shower then apply on clothing.

    Remember also to only hang out at nightclubs for the blind, since that 6\'6\", 300 pound weightlifter with the leather jacket and mohawk will always be -none ODed if anyone can see him. Preferably deaf, too, in case he comes on a little strong, or has a gruff-sounding voice. Then all he\'ll have to worry about is that nobody will want to get close to him because his pubes are starting to grow back in & are like a hedgehog.

    While fully appreciative of the non-scientific aspects of our testing methods, I think that it would be very hard to eliminate all the variables, short of coming up with a few hundred sets of identical twins to do our testing. And even then, one set of twins would almost certainly have different results from another. Different targets will respond differently, too. I\'m not keeping 40 blends on hand to appeal to all the different genetics, age groups, etc. out there, even if I could figure out someone\'s genetics on sight. If we were really doing it right, you shouldn\'t know what you\'re wearing, to avoid placebo effect.

    I\'ll settle for brute force, mass trials. There must be some sort of statistical best soution, probably more than one, but I see no perfect way of determining what that/those are. Plus, I like my pubes and chest hair as-is, thank you!

    -- MD

    PS -- If we *did* use your method, then the results would only be valid for those who were all freshly shaven, showered, sweat-free people, right? How many folks would want to shave their pubes every few days just to make sure their pheromones were all just right? Or go to a lab to get their natural pheromone levels tested, then have to adjust what they wear over the course of the day as their sweat level changes? The poor women would have to wear different blends based on time of month, too, and no amount of shaving or clothing application would help that.

    No, I like approximations. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  23. #23
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: My ideal mix

    We mostly agree on how to maximise any potential pheromone application via shaving etc. Now if someone would begin testing my new idea, you might find it works.
    The chem set + A1 + EW + WAGG would come in under $300 i think, someone will eventually try my above mix, it is just utilising the main phero products via mostly base compounds. Anyone with all the above products could do it, only a 5 ml mix would do, you would still have heaps left to try on individual products, but use some for my mix.
    Feel free to post results.

  24. #24
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: My ideal mix

    First : Calm the [bad word] down , no need to go into attack mode...

    Second : <<\"since that 6\'6\", 300 pound weightlifter with the leather jacket and mohawk will always be -none ODed if anyone can see him\">>

    This is highly exaggerated bull$hit ! (Not even funny) I\'m very sure that there is not one forum member walking around like that. Its simply common sense , and people generelly try to dress up sexy + they are very well aware of effects certain clothing / hairstyle / language can have.

    <<While fully appreciative of the non-scientific aspects of our testing methods, I think that it would be very hard to eliminate all the variables>>

    Oh really ??? Look what I did , I eliminated 2 variables already(bacteria + most of natural phero signature) Isn\'t that good ? Isn\'t that better than \"bacteria-gambling-for-hits\" ????

    <<I\'m not keeping 40 blends on hand to appeal to all the different genetics, age groups, etc. out there, even if I could figure out someone\'s genetics on sight. If we were really doing it right, you shouldn\'t know what you\'re wearing, to avoid placebo effect>>

    Aha , so you mentioned more variables I tell you what - they don\'t even play any major role. \"different genetics, age groups, etc\" = Looks. If a womens VNO gets hit by the \"right\" pheros she will be attracted to you no matter what you look like , no matter where you from...

    <<There must be some sort of statistical best soution, probably more than one, but I see no perfect way of determining what that/those are>>

    There is no best solution , and there never will be one. what you CAN try to do is : Eliminate as many variables as possible (or as I like to call them : THE ENEMYS )

    Bacteria is unique to every person - THATS FACT - You never know what happens to the pheros u just put on skin.

    Phero signature is unique to every person - THATS FACT - Still you can try to keep it to a minimum by using antibacterial soap on groin + pits / shaving these areas ( LOL Don\'t make it sound like it is sooo hard to do ...The hair just needs to be trimmed or shaved every other week - not completely bald - long pube hair will disperse the pheros better than short hair - thats the idea behind it)

    <<If we *did* use your method, then the results would only be valid for those who were all freshly shaven, showered, sweat-free people, right? How many folks would want to shave their pubes every few days just to make sure their pheromones were all just right? >>

    YES EXACTLY ! I do like my fellow forum members FRESH AND CLEAN , just as myself. Are u living on a farm or something Mr Bruteforce savage ????

    <<? Or go to a lab to get their natural pheromone levels tested, then have to adjust what they wear over the course of the day as their sweat level changes? >>

    EXCELLENT ! I had the same idea 2 days after I joined this Forum. This would be the best ultimate solution for everybody. This way u could REALLY add pheros 2 your signature and not fight against it. I haven\'t mentioned it before , because I do realize its not possible for everyone 2 make a test like this + it would cost an awful amount of money to do that !

    You mentioned Sweat ! People Sweat - THATS A FACT - So what , just another variable you can easily avoid. Use DEO , try not 2 sweat by dancing like mad if you are in a club , SO your \"FREASH AND CLEAN + LOVE-SCENT PHERO AURA\" doesn\'t get fucke.d up by extra pheros from your sweat !

    <<The poor women would have to wear different blends based on time of month, too, and no amount of shaving or clothing application would help that. >>

    TRUE + You already answered your \"not so clever argument\" yourself !
    A womens \"time of the month\" is just another variable , they have 2 be aware of , + use different blends on different days ...

    <<No, I like approximations>> -----> Guess what I DON\'T ! You do realize that this was a dumb thing to say !? Don\'t you ? I like to improve myself + help others.

    To be honest : I couldn\'t care less bout the stuff you said. (Pheros works for me no matter where I put them...Be it skin/ clothing / a strap around my wrist / hair / piece of cloth in a pocket - you name it ! )

    I\'m making a point here for the newbies and the people who are not so lucky and don\'t know why its not working for them !

    That is why I will always keep on telling people to try clothing appliction (+ the shaving part) if skin application hasn\'t worked for them !!! DOn\'t even get me started on the benefits of clothing ( stable dispersion / no conversion whatsoever / last sooooooo much longer than on skin)

    Oh well \"anger managed\" by now [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    Try to see my point dude , I\'m not hating against you + no need for a war. You simply have to agree , that everybody chances are higher , if less enemys are on the field !

  25. #25
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    Default Re: My ideal mix

    \"First : Calm the [bad word] down , no need to go into attack
    mode... \"

    \"Try to see my point dude , I\'m not hating against you + no need for a war. You simply have to agree , that everybody chances are higher , if less enemys are on the field ! \"


    You are a bit of a drama queen ... [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/tongue.gif[/img] [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] Maddoctor is not attacking you, he just tries to have a discussion with you, so please don\'t act like a hurt diva.

    Franki [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  26. #26
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    Default Re: My ideal mix

    OK, I\'m willing to try this mix. I think I have all the ingredients.

    Here\'s what I have:

    SOE (gel samples + roll on)

    Here\'s what I was planning to mix in an atomizer (or empty roll-top bottle if you guys think that will be better). The drops I will be using will be from the A1 dropper top as thats the best thing I have.

    8 drops SOE
    2 drops NPA
    2 drops PI
    2 drops WAGG
    1 drop A1
    1 drop PCC

    I dont feel like doing all the math to find out the exact ratios that would give but if anyone wants to figure it out that would be good. Also if watcher or anyone else thinks they have a better ratio than the one I\'ve put above, let me know. I\'m just taking a shot in the dark but I agree that all the products together should equal more than the sum of its parts. It\'s probably better I got PCC instead of EW for this mix because its much more managable. One final note, I cant seem to smell mones at all so I want to make sure I wont be ODing. I plan on using 2 sprays from the atomizer. I use AXE Voodoo as well so they may help with the SOE as cover.

  27. #27
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: My ideal mix

    Nobody asked for your opinion - chances are nobody ever will.

    Add also : Your involvement isn\'t needed / appriciated / welcome / helpful.

    + All you did (again btw) was to personally attack me (drama queen / hurt diva) If you have some weird urge/need to insult people maybe you should go and see the doctor.

    Skip the maybe ! GO AND SEE THE DOCTOR !

    Then come back, read what I wrote again , maybe then you will understand the way it was meant !

  28. #28
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    Default Re: My ideal mix

    TBird, you would be amazed to see that someone immediately wrote me because he/she thought the same thing as me and said I made a good post. (it wasn\'t MadDoctor) (if you don\'t believe I can give you more details)

    So, obviously I am not the only one. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/tongue.gif[/img]

    Franki [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  29. #29
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: My ideal mix

    Funny enough to say the same happened to me after your post + the last fight you started.... You have dissapointed many people here - not just me....

    + I couldn\'t care less bout your details

    + I really wish you would stop to reply to my posts or interfere when I try to have a constructive discussion with others....FOREVER !!!!!

    Whenever you start posting something in reply to me it is just hatred ! WEE ALL KNOW BY NOW ! OK ?


    + If you wasn\'t such an attention whore u would have just posted , whatever u had to say via pm - but NO ...more satisfaction for you if you see that others read your insults.....

    SAve your time - feel free to ignore me - I will do the same....

    No wait ! I am ignoring all the time , u just had to pop in today and start flaming again.....

  30. #30
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: My ideal mix

    Blah Blah let us know how it goes, i was thinking more along the lines of working with base ingredients but good work, just make a small mix and let us know how it goes.

    For those wanting to try the original idea BACK ON TOPIC EVERYONE TBIRD PLEASE GO FIND AN OPEN DISCUSSION THREAD. Nothing personal just want this thread to stay \"clean\"

    10% Anone
    40% Anol
    10% Arone
    20% WAGG
    10% A1
    10% Diluted EW (400:1) in water or whatever else is best used (Thanks oscar for showing me the error of full strength EW)

    And if anyone gives it a go and gets any results (neg or pos) then let us forum members know.

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