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  1. #1

    Default NPA WITHOUT APC, mixed in cologne...?

    NPA seems to be teh favorite but everyone seems to mix NPA in APC. Would NPA still have especially great results if it was mixed in nonpheremone spiked cologne (like Aqua diGio)? Thanks!

  2. #2

    Default Re: NPA WITHOUT APC, mixed in cologne...?

    I don\'t know. I have reason to believe so but I\'d mix it 60% 40% versus my normal 70% 30%. (That\'s 60% of your cologne and 40% of the NPA). And I\'d try and e-oil or oil based scent just so the smell will stick to you longer. APC is oil based and it so far seem to be the most perfect scent.

  3. #3
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: NPA WITHOUT APC, mixed in cologne...?


    NPA is GREAT stuff, but it\'s very concentrated.It\'s 80% as potent as Primal Instinct,and smells cat-pissy in heavy doses.

    Different colognes vary widely in their intensity so you\'ll need to experiment. Your goal should be to end up with a mix that just smells like cologne but has enough phero kick to do the trick.

    The following bears repeating-Neither you ,nor the women you wish to reach,need to be able to consciously SMELL the pheros for them to be effective.If the pheros can actually be smelled,you\'re probably over-dosing.

    I\'ve had great results mixing cologne with NPA in a 6 to 1 ratio.That\'s 6 parts cologne, to 1 part NPA. I used L\'eau D\'Issey pour l\'homme by Issey Miyake and it works great.The two scents combine beautifully.

    But you don\'t want to have to put on so much of your cologne that you stink of it,so that\'s where you have to experiment to get the right balance.

    Start out mixing a small batch at 6 to 1 .If you don\'t feel you\'re getting enough phero effect when the fragrance dose is right,add another drop or two of the NPA.But as soon as the NPA is actually detectable by smell,back off and add a little more cologne to the mixture.

    The stronger the cologne,the less of it you\'ll have to apply ,so if the cologne is strong you may want to adjust the ratio to 4 to 1 to get enough pheros per application,but I can\'t imagine any scent so strong that I\'d want to go any heavier than 3 to 1.The 60% cologne 40% NPA mix (that would be 3 to 2) sounds a bit heavy to me.

    Whether it be fragrance or phero,often Less is More. [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

    Good Luck,
    Oscar [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  4. #4
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    Default Re: NPA WITHOUT APC, mixed in cologne...?

    Hey, the best thing is always to start with a small dose, try it out then if necessary increase the dosage in small steps until you think you´ve hit the right amount for yourself.

    If your coclogne is very heavy then you can´t wear too much of it, meaning if you need more NPA then the phero amount needs to be higher so you get enough pheros and don´t intoxicate everyone around you with your cologne. IF this happens you won´t attract anyone - more the opposite is likely to happen, pheros or not.
    CJ [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  5. #5

    Default Re: NPA WITHOUT APC, mixed in cologne...?

    Wilde Oscar, everyone seems to compare NPA to
    Primal Instinct. I tried PI awhile ago and had absolutley NO results. I tried everything from very light to very heavy, where a girl was actually turned off by it. I\'m hesitent to purchase NPA because of my experience with PI. Whadda ya think? Thanks, Wilde!

  6. #6

    Default Re: NPA WITHOUT APC, mixed in cologne...?

    Pep, I think you need to try the NPA mix.

  7. #7
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: NPA WITHOUT APC, mixed in cologne...?


    Hypnojunkie may be right.You may be wearing enough of your own NATURAL Androstenone to the point that PI is overkill.Your age could have a lot to do with this.

    There\'s shitloads of conjecture about the content of NPA, but one thing is sure,it has LOADS of Androstenone,..nearly as much as PI (at least according to MY nose!),and reportedly NO Androstenol!

    So why not give AFA from Stone Labs a try! While it does have A-None,it also has nearly as much Androstenol in it(0.020% A-None, 0.019% A-Nol). It\'s formulated to be added to a fragrance,and my experience with the Stone labs stuff would lead me to assume that it\'s probably NOT too stinky.

    I wish I could give you a first-hand endorsement on AFA, but I\'ve only just ordered it.I\'ve also ordered APC, but since your thread is titled \"NPA WITHOUT APC....\" I\'ll not go into that here. [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

    I\'ve always had success with the \"Less is More\" theory in ALL aspects of Phero use.
    Mix SMALL batches,failures won\'t be too costly.
    Use MINIMAL amounts of Phero,you can always add more later.
    Apply SPARINGLY,you want to smell good,not shocking.

    Good Luck! Keep us posted.
    Oscar [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  8. #8

    Default Re: NPA WITHOUT APC, mixed in cologne...?

    Newbie here. First post, ever!

    Oscar, I\'d be really interested if you or Scientist were able to figure out an AFA & APC mix. I think I naturally have a high -none output. I haven\'t noticed anything with 1 spray of TE. (One more spray and I think I smell like a litterbox!) Also, I\'m not too impressed with PF either. So I think I need something with the A-nol in it.

    I\'ll still try working with the PF and TE, cause I\'m not giving up yet! Anybody got some suggestions?

    BTW if you\'re still looking for breakdowns of products PF is 90% alcohol, 2% H2O, 5% fragrance and 3% pheromones.

  9. #9
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: NPA WITHOUT APC, mixed in cologne...?


    Welcome to the board.I\'ll agree that PF isn\'t real potent compared to other stuff available,but it does smell nice and a lot of people swear by it.It probably IS higher on the Androstenol side,as it\'s a Dr. Dodd creation.TE and PF is a good balanced combo.Try dabbing on small quantities of TE with the sprayer tube to lessen the dose,then slap on some PF,for balance.

    As for the content info on PF,I totally ignored it in my product information post because \"3% Pheromones\",taken literally would mean it\'s like 60 times more potent than PI which I seriously doubt(even if ONLY Androstenol.).It\'s probably referring to a 3% content of a phero solution of lesser strength.But Kiotech won\'t fess up so the hell with them.

    As for my soon to arrive APC and AFA,taking into account all the success stories associated with the APC/NPA mix,I plan to employ the now legendary \"Jambat Ratio\" in my initial mixture.The total phero concentration numbers of NPA (0.040%) and AFA (0.039%) are so close that the 70/30 Jambat standard should be right on,or very near the ideal mix.

    I\'ll be on the board with results as soon as available.

    Oscar [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

    [ September 25, 2001: Message edited by: Wilde Oscar ]

  10. #10

    Default Re: NPA WITHOUT APC, mixed in cologne...?

    Thanks for the advice, I\'ll be sure to try your suggestion out.

    Looking forward to hearing about that AFA/APC combo!

    Thanks again.

  11. #11

    Default Re: NPA WITHOUT APC, mixed in cologne...?

    I too would love to know how this APC/AFA mix works out. It sounds good. I may make a bunch of new mixes and try them out. I\'m thinking of trying PF by itself or making a small batch with NPA in it. I may do that first then worry about the mix. Actually I may try it with Edge first before I mix in the NPA if I do it all.

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