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  1. #1
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default I had no idea what \'alpha male\' meant until now

    Now that you people mention it, ever since I\'ve used pheros I really haven\'t been thought of as \'gay\' even once, everybody knew very well I\'m into girls without even any hint of it. I\'m not very aggressive looking at all, in fact I\'m very skinny lol. The big thing is I\'ve been a huge \'leader of the pack\' and its really erased my shyness. It\'s amazing how much it\'s become. I\'ve become like the class clown, like the entertainer. Also though, it\'s true that some shyer people have had trouble approaching me which I found kinda weird.

    All I usually wear is about half a pack of SOE gel and 2 dabs of NPA. Think that\'s enough to get this effect? What amount of WAGG do you think will make me more approachable?

  2. #2
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    Default Re: I had no idea what \'alpha male\' meant until now

    based on everything that i have read about wagg, yes it will give you a more approachable feel, like a clint eastwood effect.

  3. #3
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Default Re: I had no idea what \'alpha male\' meant until now

    oh yea, Clint Eastwood, real approachable guy

  4. #4
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: I had no idea what \'alpha male\' meant until now


  5. #5
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    Default Re: I had no idea what \'alpha male\' meant until now

    Yeah I am producing an overwhelming amount of jokes in my classes and its much easier when I am packing on some nol and suprisingly none also. When you are making jokes they come off much funnier to those around and seems to iron you out to be a great guy.

  6. #6
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: I had no idea what \'alpha male\' meant until now

    Have you noticed that like EVERYBODY laughs too? It\'s really amazing. I\'ve heard from some people that I\'m a little intimidating though.

  7. #7
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: I had no idea what \'alpha male\' meant until now

    What do you mean by \'iron you out\' though.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: I had no idea what \'alpha male\' meant until now

    Kind of like I have some sort of power and said \"Everyone laugh now\" and they do. I have told some pretty damn funny jokes in my opinion mostly based on common observation and stuff. I have also tried making some crappy jokes and still get laughs maybe I shouldn\'t.

    People often are nicer to those they view as being all around great/better, but when it comes to the ease of getting someone\'s attention the ease of making them laugh its why I love my SoE and the effects of TE.

    Inmidation factor I can see why someone would be, its like talking to the most popular girl you wonder if your social skills can interact with hers you probably get this from alot of shy/social inept people.

    Iron out to make you overall seem like a kick ass guy, even any defects you may have in your personality are all iron out or disappear you can say more risque stuff also...sorry I use some strange lingo sometimes.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: I had no idea what \'alpha male\' meant until now

    Wow what they do to me is exactly the same as what they do to you. Now that\'s somethin. Yeah I see what you mean, hopefully WAGG can make us more approachable.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: I had no idea what \'alpha male\' meant until now

    Crap, I just realized something. This is the magic potion that makes you popular. SOE and NPA/The Edge. Haha those poor souls that don\'t know about this. Trying so hard to be popular their whole life, while it truly only takes like $100.

  11. #11
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    Default Re: I had no idea what \'alpha male\' meant until now

    Very true bsxs,

    They can either try to spend a fortune on so called cool clothes, kiss major ass to all the preppies or sport players, try desperatly to get that girl that is \"out of their league\" and do stuff for her. Take crap from people. Like I have said before I am the only guy wearing phero\'s in my school and work my charm (atleast I like to think so) and its a knock out hit. Some popular girl comes up to me its like yeah whatever type of atitude \"Bitch you\'re not a movie star, so stop thinking it\" gets you farther then the whole \"wow hi how are you\" I can put on SOE/TE and be myself of course I seem alot cooler then I would but I am not bending backwards etc....

    P.S. Have you also noticed people calling you by your name more often even those you barely know? (alpha male like response.)

  12. #12
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: I had no idea what \'alpha male\' meant until now

    I haven\'t really noticed the name thing, but I know exactly where you\'re coming from. Another thing I\'ve noticed, I\'m like NEVER turned down anymore! It\'s remarkable! Well except for my ex of course lol. On Valentines Day, I went around with a sheet of paper at lunch asking girls \'will you be my valentine\' and well.. I got a few rejections, but I got like over 50 signatures. I used to be the quietest kid in school, it\'s remarkable.

  13. #13
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: I had no idea what \'alpha male\' meant until now

    The only thing is that I don\'t really ENTER their life, they just know my presence and like that, but they don\'t want to go closer than that.

  14. #14
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    Default Re: I had no idea what \'alpha male\' meant until now

    It\'s funny in the last 3 days I have been able to relate to different parts of different people on this forum. I was very very quiet in school in 8th grade I was almost voted shyiest of course I was not chosen because there was actually a shy kid more popular but I as extremely shy until I hit the age were I said who gives a F^ck its a small part of my life and I probably won\'t see any of these people in 10 years. Thats why I was so happy to get get SOE even despite no seuxal hits and so on.

    \"The only thing is that I don\'t really ENTER their life, they just know my presence and like that, but they don\'t want to go closer than that. \"

    That was a pretty complex thing you said in only a sentence very true depending on how you handle the situation. For me its like I can see these people in school talk to them all day there even if the girl is really hot or someone is cool I don\'t make an effort to see them outside of school so it stays, goes on, and ultimately ends in school. What you explained I can relate to once again but I am not totally sure of the answer though I do have some educated guesses towards it again WAGG may come in handy here but for me I don\'t have a want to hang with too many people from school.I am going to think about that though cause I am still wondering a bit.

  15. #15
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    Default Re: I had no idea what \'alpha male\' meant until now

    Yeah, it\'s kinda weird. You can relate this to a relationship too. They would want 15 minute sex with you rather than a relationship. That is the definite response I\'ve gotten. Nobody really wants to be with me on an emotional level, but they flirt a lot. I wonder though, if WAGG will make them think \'I could get into a relationship with this guy\' as apposed to subconciously \'I totally want to f*** the brains out of this guy.\' The more sexual one is a message that a lot of highschool girls cannot handle, they get intimidated and the first thought that comes to mind is that they don\'t have a chance with you.

  16. #16
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    Default Re: I had no idea what \'alpha male\' meant until now

    Great observations bsxs I was thinking the same thing about -none and how it effects the ladies. If you smell 10-100 times better then the biggest and best guy in school girls equate you to being not trustworty or that you could never truly love them and so on. Then again you are the one they want to mate with at that time (offspring purposes) they will look for the -nol guy (nice guy) to care for them when they are much older etc....

    I have some questions about -nol though. As I know this will go against the grain and thinking of many hear but I sometimes have to question -nol as it is perceived by many.I think wearing -nol heavy products makes woman perceive you as transparent, benign in someways. Think about a girl who likes a guy very much so, she would never discuss her period or sexual choices she has made with you based on just meeting you. I think naturally -nol heavy guys are very unlikely to rack up the amount of girlfriends the -none heavy\'s do. They may have lots of girls who are friends logically of course but in the girls eyes its like if you were their gay friend. Kind of like you are so non-threatening and such that they see no consequence to telling you anything, this can come off as trustworthy and so on. There are a ton of holes in my arguement and I am going of on a tangent a bit.

    Here is something else that I have noticed a bit. It seems when I go heavy on the -nol people often forget I am there or they stand right directly in front of me like to the point of being in my way and don\'t even know it, often people run into in the hallways. Again just a theory of mine that I still have to prove to myself.

    What I have learned that I can be the nice guy/the hot one all in one with using phero\'s which is very nice.
    p.s. good observations bsxs

  17. #17
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: I had no idea what \'alpha male\' meant until now

    Yeah that\'s a very good point. You don\'t have to be a total jerk to get girls. They might perceive you as a jerk though if you wear too much.

  18. #18
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: I had no idea what \'alpha male\' meant until now

    <<It seems when I go heavy on the -none people often forget I am there or they stand right directly in front of me like to the point of being in my way and don\'t even know it>>

    That\'s an observation I\'ve kind of found. Maybe it\'s more of a sub-concious \"shut the competition out\" move. Maybe they are more aware of you then it seems.


  19. #19
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: I had no idea what \'alpha male\' meant until no

    Sounds like maybe you could use a bit less -none and a bit more -rone and/or -dione? Just to nudge you slightly away from Clint Eastwood and closer to (what I suspect is in) WAGG...

  20. #20
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    Default Re: I had no idea what \'alpha male\' meant until no

    sorry guys that was a typo I meant -nol , though it could be attributed to -none on some occassions

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