Ok here\'s my sales pitch, we can call it BBB just think of a DIHL trying to say the words, \"Bring me home & f*** my brains out this second!\" & the words just will not come out of her mouth, or you can think of like XXX but since it\'s my mix it\'s over-the-top of XXX which would be BBB.

<ul type=\"square\">[*]4\" PCC on back of neck[*]a drop of A1 on each shoulder blade (tops) applied on shirt[*]3\" SOE applied on face; 1\" SOE shared between wrists [*]1.5 drops of PI/m applied on pulse points behind ears[*]a 1 ounce Cucumber/Melon body spray : 1 drop of EW mix sprayed on crotch &amp; ass of jeans[*] 3 dabs of NPA applied on neck &amp; jaw line spread all around[*] cover with Angel/m[/list]

Is it expensive? HELL yeah, but if you want to be in the BBB class you got shell out some presidents. After I get my samples of Amouage beware the price may skyrocket with a replacement of the Angel/m!