
Results 1 to 17 of 17
  1. #1

    Default Phero Combos . . The Mixes of Experts

    Hey everyone . . Some of u May remember that I posted a couple of times My results . .

    though , havent posted for quite a while .

    It seems that there are many phero gurus including Jambat , paul , tco , and now idol and some others . .

    I gotta agree Paul is really right about working out . .

    I mean I \' m 17 . . and I\'ve been working out like 4 - 5 times a week . . got a 6 pack an all . . and we all know how highschool girls love that ! . . and with pheroes . . great diff . .

    So working out is great . .

    I \' ve had many experiences with pheroes

    some very good . some good and some bad . . lol .

    bad = MAJOR overdosing . .

    I have currently Perfect 10 . .

    and the normal edge . .

    Though , soon will order many more products from here . . including the now famous Edge Sandalwood and NPA . .

    Now when I mean overdose . . I mean like

    4 - 5 Sprays of Perfect 10 at over 50 % concentrate ! l o l .

    I have to say . . I\'ve never really adapted to Perfect 10 . .

    Hard product to adapt to . .
    I mean there must be a lot of power

    but u absolutely need the RIGHT blend !

    Has Idol found i t ? ?

    I will surely try it soon . once

    I get the new products . .

    Now I have questions for 3 guys

    idol , Jambat and Paul . .

    Now idol . . ur Blend seems quite interesting . .

    # 1 Though . . do u pour it straight into the Atomizer ?

    O R . . Do u pour it in some other bottle than pour it into the atomizer . .

    and How do u measure the exact quantity ?

    # 2 u placed 2 sprays . . where ?

    hair ? chest ?

    # 3 . . what amount of time does it take u to RE CHARGE the sprays ?

    to place another 2 sprays ?

    like how many hours after the 1rst . . or u dont place anymore at a l l ?

    Also . . How many Sprays would u recommend in a club ?

    and does it matter what kind of atomizer u u se Big or small ?

    Thanks idol in advance

    Now to JAMBAT . .

    Jambat . . u seem to place

    2 to 3 sprays of 3 0 % 7 0 NPA APC

    But How many do u place in clubs ?

    and do u recharge . . on ur chest and

    hair or facial hair ? and in what amount

    of time ?

    Thanks Jambat .

    and PAUL . .

    u placed 7 Sprays of the New

    The Edge Sandalwood !

    wasn\' t that totally overdosing . .

    is it still working well ?

    thanks Paul

    and 1 question to all 3 of u guys

    Where can u Buy many atomizers for different combos at cheap prices . .

    Without spending at least 50 $ minimum ?

    like 10 atomizers or s o ?


    M A T T .

  2. #2

    Default Re: Phero Combos . . The Mixes of Experts

    I just found this site the other day. I think it will help all who are interested in
    finding different kinds of new empty bottles, vial samplers , spray atomizers etc.
    in bulk (wholesale) or individual (retail)at what I think are great prices.

    Go to,

  3. #3

    Default Re: Phero Combos . . The Mixes of Experts

    Jeez, I forgot! This site also has roll on bottles, I figure that it would be great application for the oil based products, just roll it on instead.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    I´don´t know I lost my compass,you have to go and check my old profile
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    Default Re: Phero Combos . . The Mixes of Experts

    genus thanks for the link.

    Vial samplers are great if you want just enough for a quick refresh at work or when you go out somewhere in the evening. And because they´re so small you can put them anywhere. Also good for experimenting and working out new combos. Maybe Bruce could sell them at love scent or send them along with, say mail order specials or so , nice thought. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    they ´re pretty cheap but I don´t think anyone will need 50 at once ($6).

  5. #5

    Default Re: Phero Combos . . The Mixes of Experts

    Interesting a major DIHL and one fem followed me around but that was a one off experiment, usually about 3 sprays max, i mix it up different everyday as far as diff products. About working out yeah in the process of working up and already the differences are really noticeable as far as hits, even more interesting times ahead.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Phero Combos . . The Mixes of Experts


    ...I usually used about 5 to 6 dabs of APC alone when I got my major club hit (yep APC alone) although I think three sprays of the mix is enough. If you\'re in a club women are open to mingling, so go talk to them or dance with them, this give them an excuse to get close. Although once when I did use the mix I could swear the woman I was dancing with would\'ve danced with me all night had her friends not pulled her away. In clubs women travel in packs but I guess when one girl catches the mones and the other don\'t then that girl is subject to the whim of the others if that makes sense. So when they go she goes. Oh well. Put the mix in the hair and on your chest (shirt).

  7. #7

    Default Re: Phero Combos . . The Mixes of Experts

    thanks for the posts genus , Jambat and paul .
    the atomizers are very well priced .

    I guess this leaves onli ( idol ) to respond .

    But as far as clubs go . . u gotta approach . . I \" m quite good at that .

    So if ur on dates with the APC / NPA

    Mix . . u should Spray Twice

    1 to the Hair , 1 to the Chest .

    and if in a club 3 sprays . .

    does it matter how big the atomizer i s ?

    Is it o k to spray ( Twice ) on a date

    Hair and chest with 1/3 OZ atomizer ?

    Also , Do u RE charge on ur pheroes ?

    And in what amount of time since

    ( initial application ) ?


  8. #8

    Default Re: Phero Combos . . The Mixes of Experts

    oops My mistake Idol did respond on his own page . .

  9. #9

    Default Re: Phero Combos . . The Mixes of Experts

    Hey matt, what happened when you OD?? and tell us stories of good stuff. I am also a young user and will start using mones in about a week or less.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Phero Combos . . The Mixes of Experts

    Hello . . Before I start . . jambat I have a few more questions for u

    sept 1 9 2 2 : 02

    Now I \'ve had many good experiences with pheromones until now

    the only time that I had a NEGATIVE

    Night was when I sprayed

    5 sprays of Perfect 10 ! !

    Yes thats right 5 sprays of P 10

    at 5o to 60 % PURE concentrate . .

    and on top of it . . it was on a RESIDUAL shirt . .

    that I sprayed like 4 times previously on

    So in total it could be 7 sprays . .

    I did it to experiement if it affects girls ( negative ) or positive .

    Now , Just a little backround . .

    Whenever I go to clubs . .

    I get girls . . and dance with many

    every time . . and most of the time

    I end up getting 2 , 3 numbers from

    very hot girls with or without pheroes

    BUT this time ! !

    I only danced with 1 girl ! ! !

    thats it all night 1 girl . .

    I mean it was pretty full contact

    But I felt it was sort of a COLD dance

    and other girls seemed revolted . .

    I was amazed . . it was a pretty kool

    experience . . u can affect ppl in

    different ways with pheroes . .

    But wow . . what reactions .. lol .

    And other times when I sprayed 2 or 3

    sprays on a fresh shirt . . I got good results . .

    but this was just a crazy experiment .

    l o l .

    there u go filo . . if u want to attract girls dont SUPER OD . .

    but if u want to disgust them than go ahead . . l o l .

    by the way jambat .. the questions are above the

    Post where I said ( oops )

  11. #11

    Default Re: Phero Combos . . The Mixes of Experts

    Cheap atomizers and all kinds of bottles at

    [ September 21, 2001: Message edited by: dude ]

  12. #12

    Default Re: Phero Combos . . The Mixes of Experts

    does it matter how big the atomizer i s ?

    Not particularly. Don\'t use a huge one.

    Is it o k to spray ( Twice ) on a date

    I wouldn\'t do it. If you go on a date and you have to spray twice your date is not going well. The pheromone is the hook but you got to reel her in. Spray once about five to ten minutes or so before you meet the person

    Hair and chest with 1/3 OZ atomizer ?

    Yep. The kind you get from department stores. Pour that crap they\'re sampling out and put your raw dogg mix in there.

    Also , Do u RE charge on ur pheroes ?

    Yes but after several hours and not often. Maybe if you\'re at work and then your going dancing later and you spray some more on but even then the refresher shouldn\'t be to much because you still have pheros on from that morning.

    And in what amount of time since
    ( initial application ) ?

    You have to play it by ear. You don\'t need chick clamoring to you all day anyway, you only care about the major hits and additional strength they add to your \"aura\" for lack of better word. If you only put one spray on that morning maybe in the afternoon go for another spray.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Phero Combos . . The Mixes of Experts

    Hi thanks for the reply

    u said to spray once with a 1 / 3 oz

    Atomize r . .

    isn\'t that 2 o r 3 times . .

    u always say to spray 2 or 3 times .

    would it be better to spray 2 shots

    10 minutes before meeting the girls ?

    1 to the chest 1 to the hair . .

    instead of only 1 ? ?

    and maybe after a few hours a 3rd . .

    cause u said u use usually 2 - 3 sprays

    M A T T l

  14. #14

    Default Re: Phero Combos . . The Mixes of Experts

    Well off to the clubs ( saturdays Rule ) he he . .

  15. #15

    Default Re: Phero Combos . . The Mixes of Experts

    u said to spray once with a 1 / 3 oz

    Atomize r . .

    isn\'t that 2 o r 3 times . .

    u always say to spray 2 or 3 times .

    When I say that I mean in one sitting you want to spray it on your chest and in your hair and maybe your gotte if you have one. This equals 2 sprays (three with the gottee). After that you should be fine for awhile. You don\'t want to OD on this mix.
    And when I say a 1.3 atomizer I\'m talking about the size of the atomizer. Those are the small ones they give you samples in.

    would it be better to spray 2 shots

    10 minutes before meeting the girls ?

    1 to the chest 1 to the hair . .

    instead of only 1 ? ?

    and maybe after a few hours a 3rd . .

    cause u said u use usually 2 - 3 sprays

    I\'ve never done it this way but you can try it and read what I said above about the 2 - 3 spray thing.

    [ September 22, 2001: Message edited by: jambat ]

  16. #16

    Default Re: Phero Combos . . The Mixes of Experts

    u said to spray once with a 1 / 3 oz

    Atomize r . .

    isn\'t that 2 o r 3 times . .

    u always say to spray 2 or 3 times .

    When I say that I mean in one sitting you want to spray it on your chest and in your hair and maybe your gotte if you have one. This equals 2 sprays (three with the gottee). After that you should be fine for awhile. You don\'t want to OD on this mix.
    And when I say a 1.3 atomizer I\'m talking about the size of the atomizer. Those are the small ones they give you samples in.

    would it be better to spray 2 shots

    10 minutes before meeting the girls ?

    1 to the chest 1 to the hair . .

    instead of only 1 ? ?

    and maybe after a few hours a 3rd . .

    cause u said u use usually 2 - 3 sprays [/b]

    I\'ve never done it this way but you can try it and read what I said above about the 2 - 3 spray thing.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Phero Combos . . The Mixes of Experts

    Hi so how \' s the Combo going lately ?

    I \' ll soon be ordering New

    pheroes so I \'ll test out new combos

    at , gym , dates , school and ofcourse

    clubs . .

    Will be interesting to check out the

    results . .

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