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  1. #1
    Banned User
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    Default Pheromax Results

    This post is for anyone who is wondering about Pheromax\'s ability.

    I took the 2ml Pheromax bottle filled it 50% with Super Primal Essential oil (musk). After this I bent down and sprayed one
    full spray directly on the top of my head in my hair. I felt it had a very big wet spot so I took a comb to move it around a
    little bit. I then put one spray directly on the front of my shirt. The cover scent I used was a bit of essential oil but
    mostly AXE deodorant spray or BOD body spray.

    Person Information
    Height - 6\'2
    Weight - 200
    Age - 17
    Build - medium-heavy muscular wise
    Ethnicity - a lot of crap primarily Jamaican and Irish some more euro
    stuff too.
    Looks - I rate myself as having pretty good looks but that sounds
    estimate Test level - As I look at my hands, facial structure/hair,
    voice, and ability to add on new muscle I would guess it is in the
    high average.

    The Use

    After I received my Pheromax keychain from Bruce (as a gift for telling him of a website error.) I thought it would be great to get some knowledge out there about Pheromax as it is very rare to read and much less judge if this is a good product. The look of Pheromax is rare it, the product actually appears to be stylish, kick ass,beautiful, and futuristic, you can definitely tell Pheromax put some work in the outward appearance of their product. The only complaint I had which should be a major concern is the design of the Atomizer inside of the pheromax keychain container. As soon as I got it I noticed the great look of the keychain container, not only was it great looking but it felt and seemed to be \"almost indestructible\". I had a rude awakening when I then tried to unscrew the top to get to the atomizer. WOW!!! This thing was hard as hell to open I knew it was a cold day so let it sit for a couple of minutes (maybe it froze). I then went back to it and tried again still no luck I am pretty strong guy and started moaning a bit like a 12 year old girl. I finally got it open and I got a strong whiff of the pheromax very strong product I could tell already, the musk smell was actually not that bad I am not sure if Pheromax is scented or not I almost thought I could smell the -none in this baby. The reason why this thing was so damn hard to open is that a bit more then half of the pheromax content in the atomizer had leaked all over inside. Much of the liquid outside of the bottle had crystallized and acted as glue. To this day I can still open the max keychain and see and smell the crystallized -mones very cool hahahahha. Anyhow I took the bottle out, decided through some random thought to make a 1:1 ratio of the pheromax and some Musk Essential oil I had. I thought this would offer the needed cover scent I needed with little change in the PX formula. PX is pretty
    <a target=\"_blank\" href=>concentrat ed</a> as I could tell when I sprayed it on my shirt (a bit of a white spot for some time etc...)


    I really wanted to see what PX was capable of so I tried it at my High School. I tried to separate myself from the curse of
    the Placebo effect, and notice things that are just plain out of the ordinary. So in the span of only two days PX is pretty
    impressive overall. PX has many of the effects I have noticed with my TE and SOE but heightened in some ways. For my first class which is just a study hall

    Day 1.
    I noticed a lot of looks from girls kind of the pretty interested and not only/really wanting to talk but checking me out. Like the blonde who was sitting right across from me who did not really every show any sides of liking me before. I was not really in a talking mood very very tired and a little pissed. So I sat and did my work. It may have been better for me to be more observant etc... So my next big hit came when I was going to my next class. The girl behind me 6/10 (involved with someone) in my opinion was hit by the MAX all right. I like with my TE effects earlier she was putting her legs closer to mine etc... but today she was starting to do the same thing again a bit. This time she dropped her pencil so I bent down and the top of my head where I put one spray of PX moved down right in front of her so she got a pretty damn good whiff and she didn\'t for like 5 seconds she was just looking straight right at me I thought I did something wrong when I gave her the pen, so I put the pencil directly in her hand and she smiled like she woke up. She then put her foot like touching mine on the side and after awhile I kind of looked at her like what the [bad word]? hahaha and she was like you are in my space and started to act as if she was playfully mad hahahah. sure. The ratio of NONE and NOL in Pheromax is an excellent choice in whoever chooses it. 3 parts NONE and 2 Nol is great. The little more -none has its usually effects as making you seem hot great excellent alpha etc... and The nol seems to let girls loose any inhibitions by getting closer talking more about anything. Most other ratios would not have this good of an effect. Female teachers seem a bit nicer too like the computer lab teacher 5/10 who I have to get a pass from is usually mild mannered not very attentive to most people. I walk in and ask for a pass in a nice way and she has a big smile on her face and even the next day she smiles again kind of like a shy girl who is around someone she likes. Though I do not want to speculate and keep it to confirmed hits.

    Day 2. I actually had to ride the bus home today very annoying (car problems.) SO I get on the bus like usual or how usual you can get on a bus hahah. There is this blonde girl 8/10 who I sometimes talk to nothing real personal maybe she might have liked me awhile ago not sure doubt it she has a current boyfriend and many in the past I believe. I am very passive these days lol. Anyhow I am sitting on the bus, she is a seat behind me so I go to lift myself up with my arms not using my feet just to stretch kind of like the effect of when you get out of bed. Anyhow when I did this she just reached her arm over and grabbed my bicep and said ohhhhhh wow and something like pretty strong. It was like something she was waiting to do and decided to do it right there not minutes before but 5 seconds or so. I was a bit surprised but just played it cool like of course I am ahha. The others on the bus where kind of quiet and like what are you talking about. It was my stop so I tried to act like a big man and used my hands to press up out of the seat like a push up leaning forward while I was doing this she was looking at me and telling me bye and some other stuff pretty lengthy. I think the ratio again in PX played a big role. The -none for the great alpha male guy almost unattainable and then the -nol comes in which gives girls the signal that its ok to talk and come closer. I noticed earlier that day in school I walked into a morning class and there are no girls there (some dumb ass tech class). I was the last person to walk in and was late. I guess I must have walked in like I own the place shoulders high kind of pissed looking in a rush. I noticed it got pretty quiet most were looking at me and looked like I won\'t mess with this guy even some of the loudest kids just shut up. Until I smiled that went on. I do not think I am over thinking on this one I can remember walking in there before and not getting that kind of respect. The -none in PX is definitely present.

    Other notices

    I noticed other effects though I can\'t say for 100 percent assurance. PX is nice for walking in the halls of school and
    noticing that people assume your position and girls seeming to notice you this effect was felt through-out the 2 days. Another effect was again in gym I had one spray in my head and had to change my shirt I was sweating a little bit and the
    door to the other side of the gym where the girls were was open again. Sort of like my report with SOE it seemed as if the majority of the girls were looking over at me this was like 15 feet away so I can\'t say with certainty. I also did get some
    DIHL (Deer in headlights) from some other girls though not that remembered in my mind. They lasted for around 4-5 seconds.
    Something else since I have been wearing pheromones, and the last two days of PX literarily the strongest guy in our school as of now, likes to hit me on my arm real punches though I can take it pretty good doesn\'t bother me much I think someone may be feeling small hahah.


    I have only used the PX for 2 days which is not fair to judge PX on, but what I have seen PX is a top selection. Anyone who
    is looking for the overall effect of the essential -mones (nol and none) they can\'t go wrong with Pheromax. The ratio is my
    personal favorite it seems to work really well. This would be the perfect item for the newbie set. A pre-mix version of what
    newbies are essentially getting (TE SOE). I am sure if more used PX it could easily become their favorite. I did not go out
    of my way but acted completely normal and was only out to see the effects of PX, so I am sure that PX can have greater effects.

    Pros and cons

    Pros- Great design, nice ratio of formula, works very well for hits and flat out talking, nice musk scent, OD effects a bit

    Cons- The only one I can really complain about is the atomizer but that is temporarily hopefully and is only a problem for
    the 2ml Pheromax and not the full sized 14ml version.

    I would like to thank Bruce for the opportunity to let me try this out! P.S. sorry for any spelling errors

  2. #2
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Pheromax Results

    I\'ll print that out and read it tonight. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/tongue.gif[/img]

    ...but seriously. Good to see a decent report on Pheromax. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  3. #3
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Pheromax Results

    Thanks for a nice report on Pheromax, tallmacky. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  4. #4
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Pheromax Results


    I loooooooooooooove reading hit-stories ! I\'m sure many others do too. I think the way u tested is good , to say the least !

    Why the hell doesn\'t a thread like this get the attention it deserves.
    Cmon people reply some more , either with your own pheromax hit stories or ideas on different dosages.

    We really need to get the pheromax sales going !

    More sales = more people testing = WE actually get a good idea if the stuff is worth the money. No offense tallmacky , but maybe its just u who had major success with pheromax. We need more experienced people to look into this !

    Btw , after reading your post I got interested in pheromax. I looked it up earlier on the retailers website (its a german product I\'m living in Germany so kinda heard of it)

    This time I had a look @ german ebay ! A powerseller dude is selling this stuff like crazy. (same price as original retailer or Love-Scent)

    The thing that scares the [bad word] outta me is : He is getting nothing but good comments on pheromax. I\'m not talking bout his fast shipment or something , its people commenting on \"how great it worked for them\" or how they instantly saw a big difference in other peoples behaviour.

    Why it scares me so much !!!!!??????

    S.h.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.t ! I thought Germany would be the last to get the mones news. I would hate to see my edge over the others lost , because \"now\" everybody uses pheros in clubs.
    Imagine a club crowded with thousand people......even if only 100 of them were wearing pheromax mones they would f.u.c.k. it up for ME / each other / and everybody else.

    Truth is : I don\'t want other people (people from my city) to (know about pheros) profit from pheros. Sure , It egoistic , but makes sense and I\'m sure most will agree.

    I hope it will last a few years until the \"dumb masses\" get the news and screw it up for everyone of us.

    As james Kohl said in one of his posts , scientists + psychologists + biologists will not be able to remain ignorant to the science of pheros for too long.

    Damn , Imagine pheros on tele-shopping !!!!! I feel the irresistable urge to puke ! Sorry + excuse my french [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Pheromax Results

    Thanks alot TBIRD,

    Its ok I checked the who\'s online a few times and saw alot of anonyamous users \"newbies\" checking this post which made me pretty happy. I would have never purchased PX if I did not get this offer, basically because I looked over the forums and opinions of others and there was just flat out no proof or information on it. Many would prefer to stick to what is more popular/talked about understandable. To say the least I was pleasently surprised and should happily test it a bit longer.
    I feel exactly like you, I can\'t imagine -mones being mainstream, I wouldn\'t mind puking either. I think a person is smart put people are dumb. I am sure alot of people would use it in arrogrance and ignorance. What is helping us for now is people find it \"weird\" and don\'t care to even know unless they see it on \"MTV\" ahhah that is how fickle some are.

    It all depends on where you live. If I was in New York City as of now I would be a bit worried but I am more upstate and can safely say I am the only guy wearing -mones in my school. In the near future like many things that were underground it has the chances of being ruin a bit. Sort of like Anime, punk music,hip hop, hackers, and so many others I cannot think of or list at this time. I just basically tell no one but my family who aren\'t interested and don\'t care, I see it as why spread it unneedily and I doubt I will ever see most if any people in my high school again so why not hit the -mones its a great time I am around temporary people.. Keep your head up TBIRD I am sure you got some time before it goes down, but when it does it will suck ahhah.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Pheromax Results

    Today (Friday) I decided to do a bit of an OD with the remaining amount I had.

    I applied one spray directly on top of my hair I then put one dab on each eye brow, one drop behind each ear, one dab/line on the back of my neck, a dab on the bottom of my shirt a dab on both legs, I then put 3-4 dabs in my hair. and one dab on my wrists. Thats around 8-9 dabs and one full spray, plus I had alot on my fingers. That was the last of the PX I had. I had the best overall effects today in the morning.

    This was a really cool effect and I was a bit surprise. Ok after doing all this drove to school and, it was one of these weird days where it seems cold outside (snow etc..) but its really warm, especially in the school. So I get to my locker take of my coat and I am really hot I am hot to the point were I am just about to sweat I can feel the heat coming off of me (perfect conditions). So I had to look for someone all over the school to give them back their calculator. Now there are easily over 1,000 kids in our school and we have long crowded hallways around 20 feet in width. I went upstairs and started walking through the first hallway and I was wondering why is everyone looking at me like (some great aura) I thought I had something on my face it was a bit uncomfortable so I looked down a bit. I know this was not a placebo effect one it never has happen and two when it was happening I didn\'t even equate it to the phero\'s until later. The girls were looking pretty intense at me but in the end everyone noticed me I was also walking close to the end of the hallway and going down the stairs but 10 feet ahead of me before the stairs I noticed a group of like 4 girls and 1 guy. It seemed they all turned in my direction looking at me expecting me to go over and talk to them or atleast seeming like they wanted me to even though I do not know any of them. I think another highschool guy who may have OD\'d may be able to relate to some of these effects.
    I am going to go without phero\'s one day just to make sure of this as I don\'t want to spread anything but the truth.

    All in all today I also got more looks lasting longer from girls. I noticed that in two class\'s things were a little out of control kind of annoying. In spanish we had a test to take and even during the test everyone kept on asking questions about the test and whinning and talking about it. Though my teacher didn\'t seem to get mad about it, everyone seemed giddy about it but me I had to stay after later to finish. In English my teacher and some of the kids would not stop talking about dumb useless [bad word], this was during an assignment usually she would just say shut up guys etc... Lots of laughter thats what I noticed more off. Though again I am not so sure about this and would like to stay away from the placebo effect.

    I used the open top of the PX keychain atomizer so dabs are expected to be much smaller and it was at 50% concentration. I could have been more observant but it was a busy day. The best way I could relate to the effects I experienced in the hallway was like the hottest girl (not most popular just best looking) in the highschool walking down the hall.
    Oh yeah I forgot the OD was not bad at all mainly because of the 50 50 mix and the 3:2 ratio just had to add that in there.

    bye bye for now PX all gone!

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