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  1. #91
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    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night

    I\'ve gotten beyond the fact that we are Organic Machines (sucks eh).Maybe Infatuation happens during sex and physical contact but I doubt you can love someone after banging them.

  2. #92
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    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night

    You believe in remote viewing, which is essentially an out-of-body experience, yet say that there\'s nothing more to us than chemical reactions?

    Make up your mind, Bart. Chemicals reactions can\'t do remote viewing.

  3. #93

    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night

    \" I doubt you can love someone after banging them. \"

    Explain that to me.

  4. #94
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    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night

    I think sex seals the deal, it strengthens the bond of friendship and love........

    \" I doubt you can love someone after banging them. \" I think thats totally wrong, your probably not experienced in that area enough to understand what goes into it.

  5. #95
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    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night

    > \" I doubt you can love someone after banging them. \"
    > Explain that to me.

    I think the general idea was that sex may lead to infatuation, but that love takes a lot more than that.

  6. #96

    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night

    MadDoc, I dunno. I smell the old double standard. I think we could have a good bit of unenlightened \"good girl/bad girl,\" \"Madonna/Whore\" thing going on.

    If you can teach them not to split, I\'d be glad to sit back and watch. So far, I just get thought of as a bitch for it, or get hissed at as the dread \"feminissssst.\"

  7. #97
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night

    I laugh at double standards.
    Men wish all women were as free about their sexuality as we are, FTR.
    I make no apologies for being the woman that I am.

  8. #98
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night

    <<Men wish all women were as free about their sexuality as we are, FTR.>>

    Amen [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]
    But it\'s sad. It\'s a product of the way girls are brought up. Isn\'t that what FTR said a long time ago. (In Forum Years. LOL)

  9. #99
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night

    I don\'t know Bundy. I read some of the posts here from some of the men. I can see why many young women are made to feel ashamed of their sexuality. If you guys (not you, baby) continue to put labels on women, then don\'t cry when they act like mother Theresa in bed. Let a woman feel like she can be her true self and you will create a tiger.

  10. #100
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night

    <<Let a woman feel like she can be her true self >>

    I;ve actually always been good at that. (I don\'t mean just with sex) It\'s just that there is a lot of baggage to be forgotten usually.

  11. #101
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night

    I believe that about you. It is obvious that you really like women as people. Not just as pretty packages that smell good and have several fun holes. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/tongue.gif[/img]

  12. #102
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    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night

    Several ?!? [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/shocked.gif[/img]

  13. #103
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night

    In \"MY\" opinion.....2
    I won\'t speak for others [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/blush.gif[/img] [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  14. #104
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night

    Actually just thought about this. I have mostly female cousins (pretty too [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] ) . Maybe that\'s why I\'ve always gotten along with females pretty well. Probably better than I do males. Maybe why I\'m a flirt a shocking amount. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/shocked.gif[/img] [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  15. #105
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night

    You are just a gentleman

  16. #106
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night

    Yes indeed, maam. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] *** tilts hat ***

  17. #107
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    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night

    > I think we could have a good bit of unenlightened \"good girl/bad girl,\" \"Madonna/Whore\" thing going on.

    I sure hope not, that is some sick sh!t.

    Let\'s give the original author a chance to explain. I\'d hate to jump on somebody over a misunderstanding.

    Until then, I\'ll just say that the female population isn\'t broken up into \"good girls\" and \"bad girls.\" It\'s broken up into women who are neurotic and guilt-ridden about sex, and those who aren\'t. Believe me, you want the second kind. A good and dirty girl. You\'ll never regret it.

  18. #108
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night

    Are the ones that are good and dirty still single, i thought all the rich men had snapped them up, or all the 20 something males had gotten them pregnant when they were <19 and naive and then left them as single mothers.
    Hey i will root something that isnt real hot, but i hate bitches who just play with men. They cop a pheromone attack if they start with me.

  19. #109
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    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night

    What I said was a double standard? I wouldn\'t say that the act of sex makes true love at all. I have seen girls in Highschool who start dating a guy they aren\'t exactly head over heels for but after they start doing it, which you can tell (girls generally gain some weight/difference in behavior) the girls are infaturated with their lover, even if the guy treats them like [bad word] on the bottom of their shoe, when this effect happens it is purely evolutionary.

    So FTR you are telling me you can spend an hour with some guy ride the poll and then fall in love?

  20. #110
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    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night

    I can only speak from my own experience, so here goes...

    I met my wife on an online game I was administering seven and a half years ago. I was 38, she had just turned 18. We spent a couple of months together online, and got to really liking each other as people. She was engaged to a guy who was an unappreciative player and I was in my 15th year of a lousy marriage to a woman with sexual hangups, we\'d slept together maybe 4 times in the previous 3 years. And it was really lousy sex.

    When we finally got together (across 1400 miles), we had still never even exchanged pics. Happily for me, she turned out to be beautiful.

    Skipping over a large amount of X-rated material, we ended up living in my car and ultra-cheap motels for the next few months, and cheap hotels for a year or two after that (throwing some possessions in the car and driving away from a marriage is a very costly thing to do). She definitely wasn\'t after my money, I didn\'t have any.

    Why was I so lucky, then? She said that guys her own age were really immature. She said that she\'d never really felt appreciated by a guy before, that the way I touched her and treated her was totally different.

    Hope you younger guys can learn something from this. If you can\'t thoroughly appreciate women as people and treat them like they deserve, someone else will, and you\'ll be getting sent your ring in the mail. Definitely no exception for players, either.

  21. #111

    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night

    Tallmacky, this is what you said:
    \"Maybe Infatuation happens during sex and physical contact but I doubt you can love someone after banging them.\"

    And here is your follow-up question:
    \"So FTR you are telling me you can spend an hour with some guy ride the poll and then fall in love?\"

    Are you saying you don\'t believe in love at first sight, or, first bang, so to speak? Or are you saying sex does not equal love. Or what are you saying.

    I can sure love someone after I\'ve had sex (\'after banging\') them. Banging them doesn\'t ruin it.

  22. #112
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    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night

    Perhaps for a girl that appreciate that...But most of the girls are coming from an evolutionary stance, and don\'t give a d*mn how they are treated, as long as you are hot, or have money, etc.

    And plus, even if they DO LEAVE YOU, it won\'t be before you bang them...

    Oh, and getting married to soemone that doesn\'t give you sex? That must have been the dumbest s*** you could have done....

    Here\'s a good one...

    I remember when I lost my virginity, it was the first time I cheated on my wife...

    Good joke...In case it\'s true, lol...

    Anyway, ahem! Onto remote viewing, telepathy, telekinesis, etc...

    First of all, in order to do plain telekinesis, you have to REALIZE, you don\'t end at your skin.

    You see, the brain, the spactal congntion section, makes you believe you are inside your body, which, is true, you as in the mind the conciouness....If you put this to a computer, it would be a C.P.U...

    The spacial part of the brain is what has you believe this.

    But you don\'t. You can see something without your eyes, of course. Remote viewing, itself, you are still in your body (concious anyway...Where the mind percieves that you are)...However, you are still able to sense things outside the body. You see, you don\'t have to be inside the body to sense something outside of it. Obe, it\'s just the spacial part of the brain making you think that. However, you will be able to see things.

    What does it look like? Basically, I don\'t know how the hell I\'ve done it...But, at certain times (emtions trigger it.....Usually when REALLY CALM.... I\'ll close my eyes, and somehow be seing everything around me, and things far away.

    Yes, we are only chemcials. However, the brain produces the body images of what it perceives is inside the body, however, the spacial part of the brian can convince it you are outside. Or, you are inside, but can sense something else.

    Now, how does remote viewing work? I like to think of the Universe, etc as a Matrix. You see, wheras normally you are looking at something strait on, you would be looking at things across the Matrix...There is a good article that would explain it... I believe I have it somewhere, I\'ll look for it at another time.

    However, the brain is all chemicals that produces feelings, yes, that has nothign to do with it.

    All that we are as people is whatever has adapted to live in a certain environment. The only thing that can is physical matter.


  23. #113
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    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night

    I don\'t really think sex has anything to do with it. Because if you wanted to just bang the girl, you would have had those feelings before banging her.

    HOWEVER, I have been told by people that after you get a bj for the first time, it\'s not \"special\" etc, which, may be true, however that wouldn\'t have to do witht he love chemicals in the brain towards someone else. Or, perhaps, you had those chemicals there to help you to want to get laid, and now that you have gotten laid, you don\'t feel for this person, because you have already gotten laid.

    As for a purely scientific view...

    I am not sure if wanting to f*** a girl produces the love chemicals, it is possible that someone technically \"loves\'\" a person if they just want to f*** them, however it would depend on the person,etc.

    So, it could, but it depends on your feelings toward them to begin with, and why.


  24. #114
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night

    \"...someone technically \"loves\'\" a person if they just want to f*** them...\"
    You confuse \"love\" and \"lust\".

  25. #115
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    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night

    Wrong, it is VERY POSSIBLE for someone to have love chemicals active in the brain while having lust.

    I know people like that all the time. Those peopel that THINK they love someone.

    Mainly girls...They have the love chemicals going on when they really lust somoeone at the same time...Love is pretty close to lust..


  26. #116

    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night

    Bart, what\'s the difference between loving someone and THINKING you love someone?

  27. #117
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    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night

    In both cases, the love chemicals are there, however they are also acting out of lust. Or, the love chemicals are BEING PRODUCED


    of lust, or society/poplularity.

    You see, in a relationship, there is more than just the chemicals, their is using that part of your brain (the one that also lets you lie.) Even if you are producing the love chemicals, if that part of the barin is active you are not doing it for the right reason, and so you would be \"thinking\" you love osmeone when you don\'t...

    Chemcials/hormones are there, the MIND isn\'t...


  28. #118

    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night

    I\'m glad you\'ve got it figured out. The sh!t continues to mystify me.

  29. #119
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    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night

    I have more FIGURED OUT, than most, and yet, I have less of the actual experience....


  30. #120
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    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night

    > Perhaps for a girl that appreciate that...But most of the girls are coming from an evolutionary stance, and don\'t give a d*mn how they are treated...

    Live and learn, Bart.
    Here\'s a question for the female readers: Do you give a damn how you are treated?

    > Oh, and getting married to soemone that doesn\'t give you sex? That must have been the dumbest s*** you could have done....

    I never did that. I got laid plenty for a year or two, that\'s true of most marriages. It just drops to zero in about half of marriages within 2 years.

    As for remote viewing, no need to fill me in. My brother was trained at the Monroe Institute, and has spent time with at least one of the guys who worked on the secret government stuff. I\'m reasonably well filled in on the topic. I can\'t say that I accept any of the theory behind it, either his version or your very different version, although I\'ve seen some pretty amazing and unexplainable phenomena before, some under controlled standards which made fudging impossible. Like a guy who went and hung out in noncorporeal form by the sun, and accurately said when and where sunspots were forming, minutes before the light would get to Earth (this was not a remote viewer, some other discipline). I myself beat odds pretty convincingly as a subject for research done at the University of California in the late \'70s. And last year my brother emailed me to let me know that there was a very dangerous situation in my immediate vicinity, that someone I knew had become extremely unstable and to look out. He was totally right. A few days later the person concerned became completely suicidal & had to be institutionalized. Pretty good guesswork from someone 100 miles away who knows very little about my daily life. But there\'s nothing beyond empirical observations, people who do these things have very different stories to tell about how they do them. The electromagnetic fields of the human body are many orders of magnitude too weak to survive somewhere like the solar corona. I don\'t think we really have a clue how these things happen, so I neither discount theories or believe them. It fits in nicely with my agnosticism -- I can\'t prove either the existence of deities or the lack of them, so I just shut up on the subject.

    Of course you\'re free to believe whatever you like. Just don\'t expect people to readily accept it as scientific fact, any more than they\'d accept my random philosophizing as fact.

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