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  1. #1
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    Default Smart Drugs: QHI versus the competition

    When I\'ve bought smart drugs, I\'ve gotten them only from, and I\'m very satisfied with their prices, selection, and service, but I\'m kind of wondering how they really stack up against the competition. Perhaps some of you who have acquired nootropics from various sources can chime in. Much appreciated!


  2. #2
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    Default Re: Smart Drugs: QHI versus the competition

    I usually get all my stuff from have\'nt tried anyone else.... which smart drugs do you use?...just curious.

  3. #3
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Smart Drugs: QHI versus the competition

    International Anti-Aging Systems has always done right by me. Biggest selection; QHI is fine too

  4. #4
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default Re: Smart Drugs: QHI versus the competition

    I like QHI the best. I have done business with 3-4 overseas suppliers over quite a few years. IAS screwed me bad once and it has been hard getting over that. I did order from them once since then. It took them a long time to fill the order, but I have been getting interesting newsletters from them. You will get better prices, customer service and quick shipping from QHI, but you might want to order something from IAS just to get on their mailing list. They have a few items that QHI didn\'t have last time I checked too.


  5. #5
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    Default Re: Smart Drugs: QHI versus the competition

    Sorry for the delay... haven\'t kept up on my reading here. Me, I have used the -racetams (piracetam, pramiracetam, aniracetam), hydergine, vinpocetine, nicergoline (Sermion), galantamine (in the form of GalantaMind capsules), DMAE/ Lucidril, Idebenone, Pyritinol, GABA, and a couple of others. I don\'t take any of these regularly, surprisingly enough. Not to get too defensive, but I don\'t want to seem like a walking medicine cabinet... I found several of those medications unsatisfactory--especially Idebenone and Pyritinol, which set me back several dollars and seemed to do absolutely nothing. For my purposes, tiny doses of -racetams work best. I sometimes take little slices of tablets (never whole tablets) with B vitamins. I obviously don\'t exercise enough to get the full benefits, but I find that -racetams are frequently very motivational and that they usually clear away the mental fog, although these results are not entirely consistent. As with pheromones, there\'s no magic pill and YMMV from day to day.

    Nothing I say here or anywhere else may be construed as medical advice. Consult your physician.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Smart Drugs: QHI versus the competition

    Thanks, Bruce! Always good to hear from the man himself. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] I\'ve never heard anything bad about QHI, and I\'ll keep on buying from them. 100% of my orders have gotten through, and even with the declining value of the $ vs. the Euro, their prices are quite reasonable (even though the original price stickers sometimes left on the products suggest that they don\'t cost as much in Europe).

    Thanks for the info about IAS, both positive and negative; their website is by far the most extensive in the business.

    Nothing I say here or anywhere else may be construed as medical advice. Consult your physician.

  7. #7
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Smart Drugs: QHI versus the competition

    Of the smart drugs I\'ve experimented with, they all seem very safe except nicergoline (Sermion). That one seems a bit too much like weak LSD. It\'s basically souped-up hydrergine.

    I\'d save that for someone really foggy, maybe in a nursing home.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Smart Drugs: QHI versus the competition

    DMAE gives me the most vivid and intense sexual dreams I ever had.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Smart Drugs: Sermion versus the competition

    I haven\'t taken Sermion since late last summer, but I like it. A single 5mg dose, once a day, works very well for me; I once tried 2 pills (10 mg) and felt totally foggy for hours. I\'ve never taken LSD or any other hallucinogen, so I can\'t compare (although both drugs certainly are ergot derivatives).

    My experience of Sermion vs. Hydergine is very different from yours: I\'ve found that Hydergine is like souped-up Ginkgo, since it helps me recall stuff, but not to learn anything new. Sermion did for me what smart drug enthusiasts say DMAE and Centrophenoxine (Lucidril) ought to do, but usually don\'t (for me), which is to help with concentration and focus. I\'ve never combined any cerebral vasodilator (such as Hydergine, Ginkgo or Vinpocetine) with Sermion, since I read that you weren\'t supposed to.

    The similarities between pheromones and nootropics are almost eerie: neither is a \"magic bullet,\" but each may give some users an \"edge.\" Both are best used in small quantities, and overdoses can be unpleasant. With each, YMMV--different people often respond very differently. And, each has attracted an \"underground\" following on the Internet.

    BTW, the disclaimer below is directed to anyone who may be reading these posts, not specifically toward the people whose messages I\'m replying to (would seem a little condescending to talk to Bruce that way, wouldn\'t it?) [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] I\'m willing to talk--under the cloak of relative anonymity, of course--about the nootropics I\'ve taken, but I\'m not going to advocate taking the stuff.

    Nothing I say here or anywhere else may be construed as medical advice. Consult your physician.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Smart Drugs: DMAE versus the competition

    I\'m glad you\'ve had good results! I\'m personally not very fond of any type of direct choline supplementation. The only good results I\'ve had with DMAE, Centrophenoxine and so forth have been like those rare moments late at night when you pick up an AM radio station from some other state... and then it fades away. All choline-type stuff gives me a headache! I have filed DMAE and other choline-related supplements in the same category as Pyritinol--not horribly expensive, but (IMHO) a waste of money.

    Nothing I say here or anywhere else may be construed as medical advice. Consult your physician.

  11. #11
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Smart Drugs: DMAE versus the competition

    I\'ll take a pass on DMAE too. It just gives me too much of a wired feeling, worst than too much caffeine.

  12. #12
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    Default Re: Smart Drugs: DMAE versus the competition

    It makes me feel great.

  13. #13
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Smart Drugs: DMAE versus the competition

    another QHI user wih no problems here, as Im located in the UK there even better as it means no problems with customs intercepting and / or charging tax on the order.

    yohimbie can be got elsewhere much cheaper if that floats your boat though. check out places like for that ( although you wont find anything else in the smart drugs line there)

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