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  1. #1
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default The wonders of IGNORING. Effects? Strength?

    My ex-girlfriend IMs me all the time and talks about guys shes interested in (it doesn\'t really look like she\'s trying to make me jealous, but it is making me jealous). I don\'t think shes trying to though. She bothers me though, cause she\'s a bit of a bitch to me. So I decided I\'m not gonna talk to her for a while. Not go online when she usually goes on. She\'s a very dependent and insecure person.

    Women LOVE being ignored. Do it to them more and they\'ll love you for a lifetime. Lol.

  2. #2

    Default Re: The wonders of IGNORING. Effects? Strength?

    Maybe they\'re just relieved to be rid of you. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  3. #3
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    Default Re: The wonders of IGNORING. Effects? Strength?

    You don\'t have to do that, just act like it doesnt bother you if you just bail out she\'ll just think your an assh*le and will probably like you even less, she\'s just probably talking about other guys cause she\'s bored try to strike up a more interesting conversation or when you see it coming just tell her you have to go or have an errand to run.

    You\'ll probably realize that she\'ll start talking about guys when there\'s nothing else to talk about.

  4. #4
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: The wonders of IGNORING. Effects? Strength?

    The thing is she keeps coming back to me even though she\'s not interested in me at all and she\'s a little bitchy to me.

  5. #5

    Default Re: The wonders of IGNORING. Effects? Strength?

    If she\'s not interested in you at all, why does she keep coming back to you?

  6. #6
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    Default Re: The wonders of IGNORING. Effects? Strength?

    \"Women LOVE being ignored. Do it to them more and they\'ll love you for a lifetime. Lol. \"

    Women like to have a challenge, they don\'t like to be ignored. Don\'t make it to easy for them, but don\'t ignore them either. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/tongue.gif[/img]

    Franki [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  7. #7
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    Default Re: The wonders of IGNORING. Effects? Strength?

    Tell her you know this guy that would be perfect for her, & then set her up with some chump.

  8. #8
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: The wonders of IGNORING. Effects? Strength?

    That\'s what I\'m wondering FullTilt. Each time I try to take action on it, she backs off. She seemed to be flirting with me the other week and I eventually asked her if she wanted to hang out the next day, and she said \'no thanks\'. She gets me into it and then she rejects me.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: The wonders of IGNORING. Effects? Strength?

    Oh yea that\'ll make her trust in you alot more than before, she might even ask you out!

  10. #10
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    Default Re: The wonders of IGNORING. Effects? Strength?

    She\'s just a c*ckteaser, excuse my french.

  11. #11
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    Default Re: The wonders of IGNORING. Effects? Strength?

    How old is she??

  12. #12
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    Default Re: The wonders of IGNORING. Effects? Strength?

    \"Air Heads, their out of control!\"

  13. #13
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: The wonders of IGNORING. Effects? Strength?

    16, as am I. She\'s pretty immature emotionally.

  14. #14
    Phero Enthusiast phersurf's Avatar
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    Default Re: The wonders of IGNORING. Effects? Strength?

    Personally, I would go further than just ignoring her. I would tell her to stop bothering you.

  15. #15
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: The wonders of IGNORING. Effects? Strength?

    The thing is though, on one level it doesn\'t bother me. I like talking to her even though it hurts. I don\'t know.

  16. #16

    Default Re: The wonders of IGNORING. Effects? Strength?

    Anything is better than indifference, right?

    I think your instinct to ignore her is correct. Unless the feelings you\'re experiencing as she jerks you around are fascinating enough to you that you want to continue being jerked, just to see what\'s gonna happen next, what will she make you feel next. But I\'d put some kind of time limit on it if I were you. I\'ll do this for three more weeks and then it stops, kind of thing.

  17. #17
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    Default Re: The wonders of IGNORING. Effects? Strength?

    \"16, .... She\'s pretty immature emotionally\"

    You have just answered any questions you may have as to \"WHY?\"

  18. #18
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    Default Re: The wonders of IGNORING. Effects? Strength?

    He probably thinks that she\'s the girl of his dreams which she probably is but she\'s not interested so just don\'t push it and get annoying, just enjoy being her friend and who knows she might be the one who starts falling for you.

  19. #19
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    Default Re: The wonders of IGNORING. Effects? Strength?

    Do you meet her in person? have you tried a Phero Bomb on her? FTR has experience in that field.. but seriously mones might tip the scale, just don\'t look like your desperate, act alpha, practice good hygiene and dress in a way that compliments your body and you might get laid.

  20. #20
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: The wonders of IGNORING. Effects? Strength?

    Make her head spin.

  21. #21
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: The wonders of IGNORING. Effects? Strength?

    The next time she starts to tell you, just say, \"I\'m sorry, is there any particular reason for you telling me this?\". Don\'t say it like your angry. The reasoning behind this is simple, you are calling her on her games, which is exactly what needs to be done. If she isnt playing, then you are just pointing out that you don\'t care to hear about some guy she\'s interested in.

  22. #22
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: The wonders of IGNORING. Effects? Strength?

    simply tell her you have way too much on your mind to bother talking to an [bad word]. The people on this board will tell you different but it has worked for me throughout my history. Now dont get me not the kind of person that gets off on treating people bad. If you ask anyone that knows me, theyll tell you im a standup guy, but I do believe in only treating girls as good as they treat you. I dont believe in special considerations just because they have a vagina...I believe they should work for my affection. Now let me use this as an example. I have A friend of mine who was always there for his girlfriend thru thick and thin (sent her flowers all the time, bought her diamonds, etc) He was the most comprehensive, sensitive and caring guy you can possibly imagine. But what happened this past semester. She left to another city for college and got interested in another guy and now shes told him that she wants to drop the girlfrind and boyfriend title (in other words she wants to mess around with other new guys but at the same time have him around just in case). I say [bad word] that [bad word]...girls are too immature most of the time to know what they want so the best advice I can give you is this:ALWAYS ACT LIKE YOU ARE THE ONE THAT IS IN CONTROL NOT HER. If you dont want to talk to her ..tell her straight out \"I dont feeli like talking to you right now....maybe some other girls but not you...whenever I feel like talking to you Ill message you and let you know. You have to be the one that calls the shots. Girls talk alot of crap about wanting to be independent and assertive but what they really want is a guy to guide them in the right way and protect them. Its the laws of evolution. NOW i know im probably gonna get alot of [bad word] with the females in this board (love you RED hehe) but I have been doing this all my life and it has yet to fail me once.... take this as MAXIM magazine kind of advice from one guy to another...

  23. #23

    Default Re: The wonders of IGNORING. Effects? Strength?

    Honey, you\'re too young for me to fuss at. You\'ll come around. A girl who goes away to college and decides she wants to be free to date other people ... WOW, that\'s a really bad girl. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

    Say whatever. I\'m not gonna bother you.

  24. #24
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: The wonders of IGNORING. Effects? Strength?

    im not looking to get see Im very convictive of whatever I think and If i feel that I can share my views with a fellow male and hopefully help him out what the hell is wrong with always want to share your female view of everything and make it seem as if we males are the wrong ones all the time...I mean I can just search your posts and find that everytime a guy here says anything that might be remotely sexist you right away jump at them and make them feel bad for doing so...and the worst thing is that every one here always seems to back down from you after you say so...(except Bart but that s a different story all together) well not me honey...Ive done it before and I will surely do it again. whats wrong with me giving this guy proper advice on how to deal with this situation...just what did I mention in my previous post that was so wrong. I know you never like to accept the fact that females can also be I wont even bother making you agree with me on this...I never mentioned that she was a bad girl. Show me just where in my post I said she was a \"bad girl\" as you sarcastically put it?? All I said was that this guy got nothing from being there for his girlfriend all the time...nothing at all. You seem like the kind of person who knows right from wrong...and what this girl did to her boyfriend was Ill just end it here...

  25. #25
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default Re: The wonders of IGNORING. Effects? Strength?

    How dare this girl not know what she wants by 18 years old. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  26. #26
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default Re: The wonders of IGNORING. Effects? Strength?

    People change. College years are the greatest times of our lives. That is where you do tons of experimenting and growing. It is unusual to stay with the same person all 4 years.

  27. #27
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: The wonders of IGNORING. Effects? Strength?

    that is also true elana...I guess all guys search for different types of girls. For me..I just cant be bothered with slutty girls..which is a paradox in itself since they are the ones that always hit on me. If I meet a girl and she tells me she has experimented alot in college before I knew her..then I probably wont end up going out with her..and if I do, I surely will not take her seriously. I dont mean to be crass but I feel I deserve a girl who hasnt been around and hasnt lost that touch of innocence which drives me wild. That is the kind of girl I will marry and support and make happy for the rest of her life. All in all. Im a good guy from a small town who doesnt mess around and I expect the same from a girl...

  28. #28
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default Re: The wonders of IGNORING. Effects? Strength?

    Experimenting does not mean sleeping around. It means meeting/dating different people.

    As much as you don\'t want to hear this, the chances that you and your current girlfriend will be together forever are very slim. You both are going to change into completely different people in the next 10 years and you most probably will not be changing in the same direction. It\'s life and it\'s all good. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  29. #29
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: The wonders of IGNORING. Effects? Strength?

    but you see the thing is that she isnt like other girls. Once again I mention to you we both come from a small town. She is repeatedly asking me to marry her as soon as she finishes (one more year). She wants to start a family and live the married life. She doesnt like going out or partying or even drinking or smoking. She is all in all a good girl in every sense of the word which is why I value her soo much. So yes I see ourselves being together for quite a bit...maybe not all our lives but God willing some very good years

  30. #30
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default Re: The wonders of IGNORING. Effects? Strength?

    Sonny- Is this the same girl you were talking about when you first joined this forum? I remember some pretty major head games were being played. I don\'t recall this being a mature woman that knows what she wants.
    Maybe it is a different girl.

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