For many years I have been able to withhold my semen by strongly contracting my PC and anal muscles during orgasm. I didn\'t make this stuff up; I read about it. So I have an orgasm but there is no expulsion of semen. Any man can experience something similar by pushing his fingers up very firmly into his perineum (or having his partner do it) as he is about to ejaculate. (The perineum is between the anus and the scrotum.)

From all I\'ve read, if I prevent ejaculation by squeezing those internal muscles, I should maintain my erection. But in fact, whether I ejaculate or not, after orgasm there is a refractory period where I either lose my erection or become semi-erect.

I don\'t wish to sound as if I am complaining. My wife and I have a satisfying and fulfilling sex life. But I cannot regularly have an orgasm, withhold semen, and keep on banging away.

I know there are a lot of superstuds out here, and lots of others who have studly partners. Have you ever squeezed real hard so that there is orgasm, no ejaculation, and continued strong erection?

[I am exercising great self-discipline by making this a \"Health\" topic. I could make the argument that it has to do with the science of attraction and put it where there is a lot more traffic, but hey, what can I say? I am a disciplined guy.]