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  1. #91
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    Default Re: How do I know, If I am a -nol or -none person?

    Don\'t have any doubt it\'s you who have to do it.

    That\'s why I was teasing at these guys that say that girls everywhere fall on to them desperate for sex when they wear mones.

  2. #92
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    Default Re: How do I know, If I am a -nol or -none person?

    Thanks, Manolo!
    Thank You for good words and good advise! I will test it again soon, If I woult not find my \"mix\". Beside, I just making first steps in changing myself, so may-be this is too early to know how it will work. Actually, today I was found something interesting in 1PI/m:3AE + 7\"SOE. We will see.

    PS. to sad, bjf or cuddlebear did not saw my last posts..

  3. #93
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Default Re: How do I know, If I am a -nol or -none person?

    I read it. We are all very proud of your performance!

  4. #94
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    Default Re: How do I know, If I am a -nol or -none person?

    Forget a PLAN! SCREW A PLAN!!! Just be casual about it.

    What I mean, SPONTANIOUS!

    Ask a girl out only because you want to.

    Here is an exercise to be spontanious. You may think ADD people are retarded. Which, they may be, but they are fun, and above all SPONTAIOUS!

    Example... Just be sitting there...And for NO REASON AT ALL say something you normally wouldn\'t say, ask someone something, do something.

    Do a 180 or something. And usual the person will be like, huh, what the f***? Where did that come from?

    I\'ll give you an example: Some kid I know...Probably got ADD or something, I don\'t know....He\'ll end up getting more girls. Why? Because, he flirts. Not only that. He\'ll end up having more physical contact than most people, because this person makes the women feel \"comfortable\" about it.

    No joke, dude got pansed in gym...He\'s like, so, I don\'t care....And just was walking around the gym in boxers...Or, will act gay in class to a substitute...Or, mess with a girl (flirting) and f** grab her ass or something, he\'s like, what, it\'s just an ass.

    Not saying you should do that. Just, it\'s more of a spontanious thing.

    I mean, don\'t make a plan to ask a girl out, or just talk to people, just do it spontaniously.


  5. #95
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    Default Re: How do I know, If I am a -nol or -none person?

    Thanks again, Bart!
    Thou in Sweden people more calmed, more chill, it can be consider as \"too much\", but I will think about this, yea.
    You are very clever.

    Of course, asking girl is spontaneous and casual, going somewhere is casual too. Plan is about how to implement this in bigger time slot. If I say \" try SOE, move to SOE+AE\", that is\'nt two days, that is more, actually, this is a time I will get adequate result. You, f.e. would not stop go to gym just because You dont see any results in a first few days? So, this PLAN is not about to get girl, PLAN is about to study, how to USE myself with pherromones.

    Oh, well, what a h**k, I will listen to You, You helped me one allredy day..

  6. #96
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    Default Re: How do I know, If I am a -nol or -none person?

    So, in the last, am I person who needs more -nol or -none?

    Thank all of you for such nice conversation.
    Yours, Alexei(Bubu)

  7. #97
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    Default Re: How do I know, If I am a -nol or -none person?

    You need more none and nol than what you are naturally producing, to become more attractive.

    \"How do I know, If I am a -nol or -none person?\"

    Why bother with this question. Use both. They really seem to enhance each other.

    Franki [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  8. #98
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    Default Re: How do I know, If I am a -nol or -none person?

    Thanks, franki!
    As usual, Your answer is the answer, that I am need.

    Now I have ideas and knowlege, so I am ready to \" go in \".

    This particullary month was little crumpy and heavy for me.
    My exGF, that was ex for a year now, was living in the same appartment with me. Sometimes it was depressing. She is a fine person, but still.. Now things is changing. She is moving.
    ........Next week.
    Alexei (Bubu)

  9. #99
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    Default Re: How do I know, If I am a -nol or -none person?

    > You may think ADD people are retarded. Which, they may be...

    This is totally off-topic, but I thought I\'d give you a little friendly advice on this subject.

    My father-in-law has pretty bad ADD, but when he takes his medical boards, he has a 2-0 record for scoring as the #1 M.D. in his state. I wouldn\'t consider the average MD to seem retarded, and certainly not the best MD in the state.

    My wife inherited his ADD. She is a National Merit Scholar with a 140 IQ, the most gifted computer programmer I\'ve ever met (and I\'ve been a computer scientist for 15 years), the sort of person who has never gotten below an \"A\" in calculus, and who usually breaks the grading curve.

    Just thought I\'d point this out, lest one day you make a crack about ADD in front of your boss, or your prof, or something like that, only to find out that they themselves have ADD. Wouldn\'t be fun.

  10. #100
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    Default Re: How do I know, If I am a -nol or -none person?

    I doubt bart was thinking about the total implications. I have too heard these stories and like all statistics or thought of as statistics there are those exceptions that must point to like the two you had given. Those with ADD are not effected at all with intelligence rather getting bored really quick and easily distracted. Hell if you are very intelligent how couldn\'t you get bored.

  11. #101
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: How do I know, If I am a -nol or -none person?

    Forget Anol and ANone go with ARONE and a1.

  12. #102
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    Default Re: How do I know, If I am a -nol or -none person?

    Thanks, Wacher, I will try this one too.

  13. #103
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    Default Re: How do I know, If I am a -nol or -none person?

    forget anol and anone? hahah yeah right! As of now anol and anone work pretty good though I hope to make another purchase soon and will be more then happy to test RONE which seems to be the sleeper hit. Watcher have you played with high RONE yet?

  14. #104
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    Default Re: How do I know, If I am a -nol or -none person?

    Ive played with straight Arone and it came across as me coming off in eyes of others as more dependable and musculine. Similar to WAGG.

  15. #105
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: How do I know, If I am a -nol or -none person?

    How do you find high -rone in clubs? Does it get attention from the ladies??

  16. #106
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    Default Re: How do I know, If I am a -nol or -none person?

    High rone = someone who smokes.

    The rone comes on in the clothes from the cigarettes containing the androsterone.

    But, if it is true that androsterone will cause you to calm, than a-rone people would seem to be the sweet talkers.

    These would be the guy that gets in the face of another girl and sweet talks her, and ends up f*** her later that night. That is a-rone.

    A-none is the dude that smaks the girl on the ass and fingers her right there, they end up f**** later that night.

    A-nol is the guy that is cracking jokes and laughing, and uses his humor about a women\'s sexuality to end up getting her in the end also.

    A-dienone would be the one that all the ladies feel comfortbable around. Not sexual, not even leadership. They feel comfortable around them. They just end up f*** anyways. There is no conversation, rather seems to just be, yeah, let\'s f***.

    I think that covers it.

    Your own phermones, especially, if you have more testosteorone would include a bit of all that. But from what others have said, it makes you appear to be more protective, bigger, pretty much just a really good combination of all the other pheros.


  17. #107
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    Default Re: How do I know, If I am a -nol or -none person?

    good post bart had me laughing a bit

  18. #108
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: How do I know, If I am a -nol or -none person?

    Very interesting and informative post marv14yag. I never knew this about -rone. SOE is a very interesting phero product actually - never had any DIHL, and sometimes I think it is having no effect when the strangest hits will happen with women going all dreamy and mushy around me - even this one lady at work who is known as the office sourpuss - always frowning/bitching about something gets all weird around me ever since I started wearing SOE and actually came onto me last week which was very suprising since most days before this she could barely muster the energy to answer hello to me when I said \"hi\" to her.

  19. #109
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    Default Re: How do I know, If I am a -nol or -none person?

    Yeah proteus I have worn SOE by itself and it seems to have weird effects on the queen bitches, you know the girl that is always bitching whining and rude etc... Maybe it is just more noticible in them who knows. A girl who sits behind me who is pretty bitchy and rude likes to hit my chair and take my pen etc... not really flirty either. The day I was wearing SOE see was laughing at my scummy $hity jokes, trying to get my attention she must have said my name like 4 times in all for no real reason but for me to pay attention to her and asking me questions that no one cares about like if so and so is doing this.

  20. #110
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: How do I know, If I am a -nol or -none person?

    <<A girl who sits behind me who is pretty bitchy and rude likes to hit my chair and take my pen etc... not really flirty either.>>

    I\'m confused. Are you saying that isn\'t a hit?? Pheromones or not. Bitchy, but it seems you have pushed buttons there somehow.

  21. #111
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    Default Re: How do I know, If I am a -nol or -none person?

    Oh I was that that before I was wearing SOE this is how she acted but that is how she acted around just about anyone with the kind of apathey behavior like pushing my chair just for fun not really talking etc... When I was wearing the SOE I noticed alot of change in her behavior

  22. #112
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: How do I know, If I am a -nol or -none person?

    Before SoE or after SoE, i was just wondering why you hadn\'t made a move already anyway. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  23. #113
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    Default Re: How do I know, If I am a -nol or -none person?

    Ohh I got ya, as of now she has a boyfriend as it is not exactly top quality this guy looks like a very ugly cartoon ahahha. Anyhow she used to be kind of tom boyish and do not find her very attractive maybe a bj if she is lucky.

  24. #114
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: How do I know, If I am a -nol or -none person?

    Make friends, she probably has some cute friends. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/tongue.gif[/img]

    I hear ya anyway. She\'s probably hot in bed. The tomboy-ish ones tend to be. It seems to me.

  25. #115
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    Default Re: How do I know, If I am a -nol or -none person?

    ditto on that bundy, in fact she does never really thought about that.

  26. #116
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: How do I know, If I am a -nol or -none person?

    Thats some damn good advise, especially from Bart, good work guys.

  27. #117
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    Default Re: How do I know, If I am a -nol or -none person?

    Yea, I think so too. But, life is not just f***ng (ref. Bart), or maybe I am wrong?

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