Sorry about stupid question, but how should I know my type?
If there is some signs of been -nol?
I am pretty small(158 cm, dark hear, Europoid,low perspirative, 65 kg, ave. body build..), quiet and shy person. Like \"concervative-provocative style\", consider myself as good taste. Usually, does not get any \"hits\" with or without pherromones.
Does it seems like -nol person type?
In which direction should I move (-none?)?
How should I move, 2drops of PI/m does not seems have any reactions at all ether on me, ether on peoples arround me.
Same vith NPA.
I would, and I will continue searching \"my\" notch in pherro contens, I know, it works, but how should I work it up?
I am 30 y.o., but looks at 23-25. People see me as a nice, shy, respectfull person, but \"childish\".
There is so much written about this on forum, so if You bored to answer, do not do it. Althou, I would very appreciate any responce..
Yours, Bubu.