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  1. #1
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    Default What would you consider this...

    While ago...Probalby 3 or so weeks ago....Some girls or whanot in the gym were doing whatever the hell they were doing...

    One girl went up to some dude (skinny, Sophmore or something) dude, and kissed him on the cheek...

    Some girl went up to me, and smacked me in the ass.

    Laster, probably 5 minutes from than I got pantsed by the same girl....Except half my boxers went with it also...

    The only thing I was wearing at that time was just taking 25 mg dhea and being 17 and pushups and working out and stuff.

    Now...I am not suprised....Getting smacked in the ass...Is this something girls see in me? Because I have gotten comments on it before....

    Anyway...Also, today, I\'m running...And the same girl...Is, behind me, telling herself, I\'m not looking, I\'m not looking, I\'m not looking....

    Wouldn\'t that be considered a struggle between instincts and higher brain function? OBVIOUSLY the insincts won out the first time, lol....

    But, anyone else gotten (hits?) (non-hits?) whatever it is, with DHEA....Basically, just my phero signature, except EXTREMELY heightened.....Because I am working out in gym (sweating) and I take DHEA, and I work out more than most people in my age category.

    I believe the description between this sturggle was described in another post, however only got like 2 replies.

    Only thing though...You know....Either give in, or ignore your impulses, why try to be all inbetween and crap like that..

    But seriously, even in the 7th grade...I remember some girl, with her 2 friends, yelled at me from awar, like, nice ass, etc....

    Now, I do believe I have a large hip bone = good in squatting, etc...Also, I am able to jump from high distnaces, which I usually do do at home, because of it....Most guys havel ike 1:1 I have like 1:1.8 ratio or something....

    I don\'t know....

    Just, never gotten those TYPES of hits while on pheromones, only on DHEA or when I start working out do I get that

    Oh yeah, another thing, I have stopped wearing deodorants, etc. that cover up pheromones or take htem out completely, and started using that axe. A lot of the guys say it stinks, however I have gotten NO complaints, if not copliments from the ladies. But rather, yes, I believe this happened soon after switching to AXE....Perhpas working out + I\'ve grown my hair out (holds in pheros), still taking dhea, and no deodorant (but smell nice...If anything the alcohol in axe makes the pheros evaporate more quickly....Most of the time you got enough underarm sweat, all it does it turn to none, and I think Rone is better anyway.It\'s more volume than anything else.


    Any comments on all that?


  2. #2
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: What would you consider this...

    25mgs Will do it everytime marg. So will horny goatweed and tribulus (boost test levels) the one i just added is by far 10 times more interestingly as it gives you a case of hot dick.
    Which if you are having sex women remember it for many years to come. Some women ive bonked off have made a case of saying its something they havent had happen before. I get called magic dick for just that reason. They also reach orgasim 99% of the time. AND THEY LINE UP FOR MORE.

  3. #3
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: What would you consider this...

    I know this isn\'t answering your question, but what kind of DHEA did you get? I\'m interested. Sublingual or whatever? Where did you get it?

  4. #4
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: What would you consider this...

    Dehydroandrosterone in tablet form. Available from health food stores and helps raise test levels - zinc does the same thing.

  5. #5
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  6. #6
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    Default Re: What would you consider this...

    Stuff from Eckerds, DHEA takes a LONG ASS TIME to start working, get absorbed, probably from 3-5 weeks before you can smell it in your sweat or you get them boosts...Meaning, you\'ll be working out...Get like blood in your nose, almost feel ike a high almost, makes you feel strong, I LOVEI IT! You get the same thing on caffeine, however the longer you are on caffeine the less you get, including non pumps, etc... Caffeine is more of a use when really needed thing.

    Let\'s see here...

    Regular oral, swallow it stuff.....dehidroepiandrosterone pure in with dicalcium phosphate, cellulose....Pure from inside the calcium based tablet. I know some tablets are big, but yet have the same, I think those are not absobed as well because they have to go through digestion and calcium doesn\'t absorb well, fairly small tablets.

    Not saying you should get something, I\'m juts trying to figure it OUT!


  7. #7
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    Default Re: What would you consider this...

    That\'s awesome. I\'ll tell you what though sure has hell is MUCH DIFFERENT than pheromones...

    And I feel like it\'s my signature, their hits our more focused, they are towards ME not my pheros.

    And, the only time I have a problem with the fleeting penis is on caffeine....

    I\'m not joking, sure, you get it up...But it\'s only at like 10%!!! The should up a damned label on the caffeine bottles!!

    I went from 6 around, to 5.4 around while on caffeine, and am now just starting to recover....


  8. #8
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    Default Re: What would you consider this...

    I\'m a little \'ehhh\' on this. From what I read its made for old people, and it\'s a steroid. Those are two negatives.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: What would you consider this... you can get it there much cheaper, i\'ve ordered from them before and had a good experience.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: What would you consider this...

    Yep. I think those tablets are a bit bigger, because I have them kind too (they didn\'t have the yourlife stuff all) and I don\'t know...seem to not absorb as well...

    But, I got a bottle of 300 doses for 20$

    Well, I do know how this got turned into this dhea stuff...

    But seriously, is it all due to the dhea, and the probably not using deodorant?

    From anyone\'s standards....To have some girl smack you in the ass, and pull your pants off, and stare at you....That\'s crazy sh**, all the while she\'s trying not to...


  11. #11
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    Default Re: What would you consider this...

    Suggested Use:
    As a dietary supplement, take one capsule daily or as recommended by your physician. Not recommended for pregnant or lactating women, women under age 35, or men under age 18.

    \"men under age 18.\"
    That\'s me.

  12. #12
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    Default Re: What would you consider this...

    I\'ll say it again, I\'m not advocating that it\'s DHEA.....I\'m just tryhing to include everything I have done...

    Yeah, but unlike other steroids dhea will not RAISE LEVELS PAST LEVEL! Meaning, it will take them to the max your body is SUPPOSED to produced, after that, the dhea is stored in the body (that\'s why steroids work for a few weeks AFTER cycling off, they also TAKE a few weeks to start, I believe dhea is one of the most stalled).

    Testosterone enthantates, INCREASE normal testosterone past highest....DHEA does not...In fact, with all the stuff you do, you probably may NEVER HAVE REACHED your full potential.....If you are all the way high on testosterone than, when you work out, or are stressed out, the DHEA keeps them high. It will not take them past your normal. It keeps it in BALANCE too, because it turns into what your body NEEDS, not just testosterone, you get estrogen, all that...It is produced in your body\'s ratios and only if you are not at maximum testosterone, which...STAYING AT MAX rather than UPPING PAST MAX gives you results better, quicker, without making your balls shrink, get gyno, and etc.


    But, perhaps it is not the DHEA?

    From what people have been saying, I suppose they just say it\'s the dhea...I\'ve been taking it for a LONG ASS TIME though, except, however now I\'m not wearing deodorant, and the alcohol in axe puts out pheromones more....That and being in gym = sweating = REALLY USING THE PHEROMONES!

  13. #13
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: What would you consider this...

    Watcher , have u noticed any hairloss because of the high testo levels ?

    too much testo is not good for people with sensitive hair roots[folikel] testo works as a precursor to some other androgene [DHT i think-not sure though] that leads to male patern baldness in like 30 percent of males here in germany.

    To counter these effects oestrogen potions were developed to be used directly on the hair to stop the hairloss.

    I think tribulus is pretty safe though , cos it doesnt raise the testo levels too high , it just levels them out so u always have a good testo level for bulking or getting those hard-ons.

  14. #14
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: What would you consider this...

    Nope wouldnt notice any as is because i use a product called hair no more to remove all my body hair and as far as the top of the head well i keep it short but no i havent noticed any hair loss on the amount i have anyway just the opposite.
    I follow the recommendations with the tribulus horny goatweed, and DHEA which says 6 weeks taking and then 1 1/2 weeks off the stuff. This resets the bodies levels to normal and makes sure those extremes dont take hold.

    As far as the female response heck it happens when u bulk/apply pheromones/ raise test levels through natural compounds. Protein powder has a similar effect.

  15. #15
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    Default Re: What would you consider this...

    Perhaps, however, if you are sensitive, you will lose your hair ANYWAY! Bsaicaly, you can take all the t you want....If you are sensitive, it will just lose faster..And wehn you go off the treatment, it will go back to what it was.....

    But, DHEA only raises your levels to max, not above.

    Anyway...Enough with that.

    Got other [bad word] to f** report....

    Notthing but Axe, DHEA and I am still working out as usual.

    Same class...(Gym....Figures, I sweat)

    Actually, I have noticd though I\'ve gained some seroius muscle in the past week (I\'m 17 [bad word]...I can gain and lose 5-10 pounds of muscle in as little as 1 -2 weeks.

    Anyway...Same class....We play gaterball...Excetp from my own agressioin, I have some girl tripping me every damn time I go by that area....Normally, I\'d shake that off, except, she\'s only doing it to me. And, plus, other sh** I\'ll tell in a second.

    Now...Other than that...I kept stealing the ball....I pushed a Mexican flat on his face...And almost got a referral for talking to the teacher (d***aouthority, hate that [bad word]!)

    But, anyway, back to the glass.....So, I have the ball, and the same girl that keeps tripping me, all of the f****** gets all priman and sh** on my ass. I\'m not joking the bi*** f****** grabs onto me. nearly gashed my eyes out, yeah, she f**** covered my eyes so I couldn\'t see and sh**. I\'m talking about verocity here!

    Anyway....Taht seesm about the same as getting smacked in the ass! No joke right!

    I\'d even shake that off....Except, now I got....Getting pantsed, smacked in the ass, and f*** thrown around by some girl (which, by the way I\'d skake that off, but she only messed with one person = me.)

    Well....We\'ll see what goes down tomorrow...

    SH** It\'s like you do a few pushups and girls just f** start riding your ass!


  16. #16
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    Default Re: What would you consider this...

    But you know, I also noticed I was a bit depressed. I have read steroid users stuff and they say that\'s how they feel when they first start taking them. Hmm. Oh, and DHEA, I\'ve been on that forever though, like probably 6 or 7 months now.


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